Question asked by CGWong
Dear Pastors…Thanks for reading. In Prayer and Serkym to the Dharmapala Setrap, I was wondering whether the syllable: "TZA" in the invocation is the same as the one in the mantra: "TZA HUNG BAM HO" and Lord Setrap's short mantra "OM MAHA YAKCHA TZA SOHA"; or is it different words but the English pronunciation is the same ?
Also in the Lord Setrap Practice what does "Enthronement" means ? Any accompanying visualization to go with the enthronement part of the prayer ?
Thanks very much for for all your help.
Dear CGWong,
Yes, it is the same word in both the invocation and the mantra. Tza means something like “please come forth”. Enthronement means recognizing Lord Setrap as one with the Guru and the Yidam, and we see him as embodying the Three Jewels, (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha). This means that as he is fully enlightened, we can take refuge in him. As for the visualization, you can visualize Lord Setrap as one with the Guru who represents the Three Jewels.