Area 51 is a popular name for the secret military base located in southern Nevada at 37°14′06″N, 115°48′40″W. It is owned by the United States government and operated by the United States Air Force. Its existence was for a long time denied by the US government until the 2013 disclosure of documents relating to it under the Freedom of Information Act.
The base is also referred to under different names, such as Groom Lake (the dry Groom Lake is northeast of the site), Homey Airport, Dreamland, Paradise Ranch, Watertown and Home Base. For most pilots familiar with the area, it is known as Restricted Area 4808 North (R-4808N), because the airspace above the base is off limits for any airplane without clearance.
Situated in Lincoln County in the state of Nevada, 83 miles north-northwest of Las Vegas, Area 51 is officially a detachment of Edwards Air Force Base located in California in the Antelope Valley, perched at the elevation of 4,462 feet. The integral and perhaps most important part of Area 51 is a large airfield and the alleged purpose for the base is to test and develop experimental weapons and aircraft for use by the United States military.
It is also located within the Nevada Test and Training Range where atomic bomb tests and training for some of the most advanced airplanes operated by the US Air Force have taken place.
The Nevada Test and Training Range is now called the Nevada National Security Site and covers 1,360 square miles that are reserved by the United States Department of Energy for testing. The site began operation in 1951 and was acquired by the government for the testing of nuclear weapons. In total, 928 nuclear tests have been performed by the United States Department of Energy and of those, 739 were conducted at the Nevada site.
Although sharing its borders with the Nevada Test Site, Area 51 itself started to be used by the US Air Force in 1955, primarily for the flight testing of the Lockheed U-2 aircraft. Originally, it was a rectangular base of 6 by 10 miles (9.7 by 16.1 km) but over time it was expanded to become the “Groom Box” as it is currently named, a rectangular area measuring 23 by 25 miles (37 by 40 km).
However, Area 51 cannot be found on most maps, at least not those accessible to the public simply because officially, at least before 2013, its existence was denied by the US government. Aviation charts mark the territory of Area 51 as being restricted airspace in order to notify pilots not to fly overhead. Other maps list the area as Groom Lake, the Groom Mine or simply “federal land” but none of these maps depict the base or the existence of specific buildings on the site.

Map highlighting Area 51
The secrecy surrounding the existence and purpose of Area 51 has been the main reason why it has become associated with many conspiracy theories and the claim that it is where the US government develops new technology by cannibalizing extraterrestrial spaceships kept at the base. Some sources have even maintained that there are aliens living in compounds there working with the US government in adapting alien technology for military purposes.

Heavy surveillance and tight security are prevalent at Area 51
It does not help quell rumors that security is extra tight in Area 51. Its perimeter is patrolled by subcontracted security guards, armed with M16s. They conduct regular patrols in a variety of vehicles including SUVs, Humvees and pickup trucks. Security guards for the Area 51 perimeter have not been recorded to use excessive force with civilians but they are authorized to do so in the event of a civilian attempting to breach a protected area despite repeated warnings. Notices put around the perimeter warn that the use of deadly force to protect the security of the base is not ruled out.
In a typical scenario, any civilian approaching the perimeter will find themselves followed by a security guard who then notifies the Lincoln County Sherriff to take action. The most common penalty for breaching or attempting to breach Area 51 is a fine of around $600. Those carrying cameras or those who appear to be reporters sometimes receive visits from agents of the FBI following payment of their fine. Cameras are also confiscated to prevent sharing of any protected information about the area. With such security measures, it is no wonder that life within Area 51 can only be glimpsed now and then through testimonies from those who have worked there.
Theories Abound

Some of the many warning signs put up all over Area 51
Among other things, Area 51 is claimed to be the center for the one world government movement, the storage site of and reverse engineering of alien UFOs and the examination of living and dead extraterrestrials recovered from crashed UFOs. The predominance of extraterrestrial theories is no coincidence. Apart from the secrecy surrounding the base and the almost blanket ban on its publicity by the government, it is also the strange and wonderful lights that appear around and above it at night that continue to encourage people to speculate on what takes place in Area 51.
Many believe the strange lights emanate from aircrafts built by aliens, often because the lights are said to move in a fashion that defies today’s known aerodynamic laws, such as zigzagging at high velocity or vertical take offs.
Bob Lazar

Bob Lazar
In November 1989, Area 51 was catapulted to international fame when Robert Scott “Bob” Lazar claimed on the Las Vegas KLAS TV that he had worked on aircrafts of extraterrestrial origin at S4, a facility located within Area 51. Lazar told KLAS investigative reporter George Knapp that he had worked as a scientist inside the secret base charged with a mission by the US government to reverse engineer the alien flying discs for military purposes.
When examining the interior of one of the flying saucers, he noted that the chairs seemed to have been designed for persons of smaller stature than human beings, about one-fourth or one-third of the average human size, and that there were no sharp corners anywhere. The saucer’s propulsion system was, Lazar claimed, based on the atomic element 115 which served as the fuel. The mass of the element aboard each craft was said to be approximately two kilograms and was enough to last for several years before requiring replenishment.
On a separate occasion in a testimony to the former CIA pilot John Lear, Lazar spoke of having seen through a window opening two laboratory scientists talking to a short extraterrestrial with a bulbous head and almond-shaped eyes. These aliens, he said, were the grays who originate from the first and second planets within the Zeta Reticuli star system, some 40 light years away from earth.
John Lear was also an eye witness in a recorded video tape of Lazar being able to tell when the test flights at Area 51 were scheduled. In the recording, we can see strange lights making maneuvers impossible for known conventional human aircrafts to perform. Being a former pilot, Lear was able to verify this.

Artistic depiction of the spacecraft as described by Bob Lazar
With his extraordinary claims, it is no wonder that Lazar made headlines. Yet he was not without his detractors. Physicist Dr. David L. Morgan claimed that he was able to scientifically refute most of the ideas that Lazar had put forth in his description of the alien spacecraft, particularly its propulsion system and the “Element 115”.
Morgan said, “After reading an account by Bob Lazar of the ‘physics’ of his Area 51 UFO propulsion system, my conclusion is this: Mr. Lazar presents a scenario which, if it is correct, violates a whole handful of currently accepted physical theories. The presentation of the scenario by Lazar is troubling from a scientific standpoint. Mr. Lazar on many occasions demonstrates an obvious lack of understanding of current physical theories.”
There was and still is some mystery surrounding Lazar’s background. The investigative reporter George Knapp, for example, when doing his story on Lazar, had attempted to carry out a background check on his subject. While it was impossible to verify Lazar’s employment status at a secret base such as Area 51, Knapp decided to investigate his other claims.
Lazar claimed he had worked for a time at the Los Alamos National Laboratory facility “in the Meson Physics facility” and to have been “involved with experiments using the 1/2 mile long Linear Particle Accelerator.” To Knapp’s astonishment, there was no official record kept at Los Alamos about an employee named Robert Lazar. Nor was he able to verify Lazar’s academic history. It was as if the man had never existed. Knapp, however, was able to find Lazar’s former colleagues at Los Alamos who remembered having worked with him.

Stanton Friedman
The renowned Ufologist Stanton Friedman also attempted to suss out Lazar’s background. Friedman concluded that Lazar had lied about attending MIT and “cannot even remember the year he obtained his masters.” No professors at MIT remember Bob Lazar or have any photos of him, nor are there records of him attending the prestigious university. However, Lazar’s stint at Los Alamos may have had some truth as Friedman found that Lazar had at least worked for Kirk Meyer, a sub-contractor of Los Alamos.
Despite the doubts about his background and competency, Lazar’s story became the catalyst for the growth of the legend of Area 51 and the continuing interest in the site by the general public. The publicity also kicked off the beginning of “extraterrestrial” tourism in the area, particularly in the nearby tiny town of Rachel.
Nevertheless, in a 2014 interview, Bob Lazar sounded less sure about what he had experienced back in the 1980s. Whimsically, he even suggested that he could have been duped by the US government into becoming an agent of propaganda. He reasoned that he could have been deliberately shown all these things so that information could get out in the bid to gradually prepare human beings for the eventual disclosure of facts about our contact with alien races.
Another notable “whistleblower” on Area 51 is known by the pseudonym of Victor, who first made his appearance in the documentary “Area 51: The Alien Interview” (1997). While the real identity of Victor remains shrouded in mystery, he presented us with a “leaked” video recording of a gray alien being interviewed allegedly at Area 51.
Many skeptics have expressed doubts on the authenticity of the video but many others also believe it is genuine. The interview supposedly took place in 1989, coinciding with a reported downing of a UFO in the Kalahari Desert by South African military personnel.
Another thing which Victor interestingly revealed is that he had no idea where the being had come from or whether it was extraterrestrial, even hinting that it could have come from “another dimension” of reality. When shown to survivors of alien abductions, many confirmed the authenticity of the alien’s gestures and peculiarities.
Or view the video on the server at:
Open-Ended Question
Even after decades of revelations and investigative reporting, Area 51 remains a mystery. A recent documentary using state-of-the-art cameras and surveillance equipment provided more glimpses into the secret base but nothing more. It was revealed that a new titanic hangar is operational and that the base is as active as ever with employees being flown in everyday from Las Vagas on the JANET flights.
Nighttime cameras also captured strange lights travelling at great speeds over the area. Security around the base remains as vigilant and stringent as ever. If anyone ever questions the shroud of secrecy surrounding Area 51, a perusal of a letter from President Bill Clinton to the Senate may disabuse them of any doubt.
“Presidential Determination No. 98-36 exempted the United States Air Force’s operating location near Groom Lake, Nevada, from any Federal, State, interstate, or local hazardous or solid waste laws that might require the disclosure of classified information concerning that operating location to unauthorized persons. Information concerning activities at the operating location near Groom Lake has been properly determined to be classified, and its disclosure would be harmful to national security. Continued protection of this information is, therefore, in the paramount interest of the United States.”
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Area 51 is a U.S. military base that has become synonymous all this while. There’s a possibility recording to many could be a government cover-ups and potentially a place of testing alien. Its always a secret behind this Nevada base also known as Area 51 and is often the subject of alien conspiracy theories. The facility is next to two other restricted military areas, what goes on inside and around is extremely secret. No one are allowed to visit and are kept away by warning signs, electronic surveillance and armed guards. According to the US military, the intense secrecy area is the training range for US nuclear weapons. It has never been declared a secret base and under 24-hour surveillance. Many people have reported seeing unidentified flying objects in or near Area 51. That’s interesting. And the popular image of the place is a secret site for extra-terrestrial research.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing .
Interesting Area 51 is not the only exclusive places in the world that we know little about but yet it is one of the top controversial places around the world that are closed to the general public or are virtually impossible for the general public to visit. The existence of a large super-secret and tightly guarded military airfield and the heavy secrecy shrouding it fuel the imagination of many especially the conspiracy theorists and ufologists. The fact that the US government tried to cover and deny its existence until the forced reveal in 2013 doesn’t really help clear the air about the enigma of Area 51.
If you actually ponder upon it, there must be something extraordinarily significant in Area 51 that for decades, the US government actively hid the base remained hidden from almost everyone to the point that even satellite imagery of the area was routinely deleted from government databases.
It is also bordering disturbing that information about Area 51 can be kept so tightly secured despite so many employees. Even those who do leak information out are always embroiled in controversy. Take for example Lazar, granted his reveal of alien spaceship etc would be shockingly bold to some but does it really warrant the intense questioning of his characters (bordering character assassination) played out rampantly in the media during that period? In particular, conspiracy theorists claim that the government messed with his credentials in order to discredit him, while others say Lazar is an attention seeking fake who failed to keep his story straight especially about his education. Adding more spin to this, it appears other similar reveals (of alien spacecraft etc) taking place at other places does not trigger as much media coverage (as when linked to Area 51) which has the effect of drowning out the details (of Lazar’s story).
I have heard about this secret Area 51 many times from documentary Its clear that the US government has been up to something in Area 51 for decades, and it turns out there is a of truth they have been hiding. Now, after years of silence Area 51 inside people telling the secrets and what’s actually been going on inside the most secretive place on earth. Area 51 such a sensitive topic in US government , US government are hiding the aliens technology to the rest of the world, US doesn’t want to information be share with other countries that’s the fact…
Area 51 is referred to a map location and is the popular name for a United States Air Force base. What goes on inside is extremely secret. Members of the public are kept away by warning signs, electronic surveillance and armed guards. The secrecy surrounding the Area 51 has many people saying that there were many conspiracy theories. Some has claimed that the site hosts an alien spacecraft ,UFOs and aliens. Others claim to have seen UFOs above or near the site, while some say they have been abducted by aliens. They also claimed that Area 51 is home to the nation’s overhead surveillance program and most likely nothing else. For all the myths and legends, what’s true is that Area 51 no one knows but it is real. Heard of this area years ago , reading this post had me have more information and better understanding .
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing
I have heard about this secret Area 51 many times from documentary Its clear that the US government has been up to something in Area 51 for decades, and it turns out there is a of truth they have been hiding. Now, after years of silence Area 51 inside people telling the secrets and what’s actually been going on inside the most secretive place on earth. Area 51 such a sensitive topic in US government , US government are hiding the aliens technology to the rest of the world, US doesn’t want to information be share with other countries that’s the fact….
Information of the Area 51 can be senstive and if made known to public, might cause unnecessary panic. Many faiths indoctrinate the singular power of the creator, and leave no room to accept the existence, leave alone the presence of another type of beings other than the human race. I cannot imagine the duress and security risk of the extraterrestrial (if it really exist and staying in Area 51) would be facing. So, from a secuity stand point, it is far less risky to keep curious people out of bound compared to keep fanatics out of bound.
What is more interesting is the claim of Bob Lazar, if truthful, on the part where two scientists were seen talking to an alien. It is a groundbreaking news. It means that communication between human and alien had been made possible, seamlessly. It also mean that there is collaboration between mankind and beings beyond this planet. How lovely if the combined intelligence can bring about peaceful and beneficial changes in the ecosystem.
A clear example of how secrecy leads to speculation and what not including imagination gone wild. While I do believe that life exists in many other locations in the Universe based on science and sheer probability, I do think that many of the “sightings” of aliens being slight bodied with large heads and eyes are just projections human beings make based on their recollection of being an embryo or seeing an embryo.
The fact that it is kept a secret, is being protected and information is not available to the public already creates a lot of suspicion. And is a tell tale sign that there is definitely something the US government is doing that is either harmful, dangerous can cause chaos if it is leaked out.
I do not doubt and will not be surprised if the US gov is meddling with alien life forces and start experimenting on them. I do not for once believe that NASA claims that they cannot confirmed if there are aliens or other life force out there. Of course there are for sure, if there a “ghosts” from other realms and beings from other dimensions, why not aliens from other planets?
Whatever the case is I think it would foolish and ignorant of us to disregard the fact that extraterrestrials do exist and the governments know of this and acknowledges this otherwise why would governments spend so much in tracking them, e.g. China builds world’s largest radio telescope to hunt for aliens:
Hear about Area 51 at America and watch some of documentary has make. Unfortunately Area 51 become more mysterious because America military try to cover the news about Aliens and alien ship has found crash at this area.
America are hiding the fact of alien to the world with their own reason and not share the information with other countries at in the world. Many conspiracy theories has claimed that Us military are developing alien technology and trying make powerful weapon so USA can continue remaind powerful military in the worldwide. All this are not sure until one day USA review the truth and motivation behind.
I never knew about this area 51 and I wonder why information is not available for the public. I believe that aliens and UFO’s exist and if they could help humanity to fight diseases with a better technology, help in developing spaceships and much more it would be a wonderful and beneficial cooperation. But the video we see looks quite distressing and if it is real the alien is in trouble.
It would be wonderful to welcome them and make friends instead of seeing them as a thread, hiding them and using them for your own purpose. We may never know what is happening in area 51 but it is good to know that such places exist and that there is may be much more than we get to know.
Thank you for the research and information on the area 51.
What exactly goes on inside of Area 51 has led to decades of wild speculation. However it was finally revealed by the CIA in 2013, and technology is amazing, with the magic of Google Maps we now know there is something behind those barbed wire fences.
I always believe there will be others being outside this planet and therefore I believe aliens do exist. The Buddha once explaining the world system said, ” Monks, as far as sun and moon revolve and illuminate all directions by their radiance, so far does the thousand-fold world system extend. And in that thousand-fold world system, there are thousand moons, a thousand suns, inhabited planets…. This thousand-fold world system is called culanikā-loka-dhātu or Minor World-System, which is the smallest unit in the universe (But all these change takes place, transformation takes place. When seeing this the instructed noble disciple is disenchanted, dispassion..)
The aliens may look at us as alien too, so there is nothing to be surprise. Therefore hope US government will provide more information of this as well as other country who has met the aliens.
If Area 51 is a real place and doing all experiments and testing that have been mentioned above. I wish it could completely stop, the same goes to every POWER countries.
People around the world have been suffering for no reason, but their own leaders’ selfish and unethical decisions that they have make mainly to strive for power and control.
Nothing last forever, why hold on so much?
I believe in aliens but i do not think they are what we see in the movies, they are horrible, terrified, killing people and destroy human if not area 51 will not remain until today. I wonder how they look like. Do they have a body like us? How true is it from the news that leaked out from area 51? but why is everything being kept in high secretive? What have they done to the aliens that being caught? Are they doing some cruel science tests to the aliens that trying to find out or use the special power or ability of the aliens? what is going on inside Area 51 is remained secret to the public.
Area 51, I heard it many years ago, but I was not interested to find out more info about that. After reading the article today, it seems that Area 51 has been a mystery for a reason.
For the Alien part, seriously I really don’t know if it is true, because it look exactly the same as shown in the movies, so whether is this taken from the movies or the movies got the idea from this place? I really don’t know if this is true, although I do believe we are not the only ‘species’ in this universe, there are much much more beings exist that we have not discover yet. Wish one day we can have more solid information about aliens… my all time curiosity on this 🙂
This is an interesting article about existing aliens and the place called Area 51. Frankly, I have little knowledge about aliens which are mainly from movies, tv and cartoons. Many alien movies been produced are believe from tales research scientists. Others may, from illusion. Well, we human beings mind imagination definitely wide and deep, unlimited. Perhaps, someday there will be more interesting news of alien existing as proof evidence and not hoax.
Have no idea why US government hiding the info of Area 51? Humans can’t accept UFO?
Video from YouTube :
For an unknown reason the driver accelerates his car past the signs and towards the security vehicle, according to the filmmaker.
Subtitles on the video state: “The guards quickly cut them off and come out guns drawn.”
The driver’s car is next seen stopped about 20 metres in front of the jeep, with the occupants exiting.
The man is then made to walk backwards to the guards while the others had to stay near the car with hands held high.
One of the security men shouts: “Face that way. Do not move.”
The video soon cuts out once the driver reaches the guards.
The interesting part is that throughout the years, only Bob and Victor came out and spoke of it in public. It is so secretive that there aren’t other people who are disclosing information about Area 51. Victor’s video, it does look like fake. Its like someone wearing a suit and its just a home made movie. Although I do believe that aliens exist, I think they exist in many different forms and not just like the ones we always see in the movies. After watching movies like Star Wars, I do wonder if in the future, humans and other lifeforms will coexist with each other.
Lets hope that one day, the USA government and other countries who do have information of those aliens, release the information and let the public know. That would be super interesting!
I personally believe the existent of aliens. There are others planets out which make me believe in other living form too. Area 51 has been known to UFO conspiracy for the longest time and until today they still keep everything underground. I don’t understand why they want to keep it so secrecy unless it for some selfish reason.
It’s said that there are many top secret military aircrafts and stealth aircraft being tested at Area 51 which claimed by the US Air Force to cover the unexplained sighting at that area. Hope one day they will disclose the fact and share with the world.
Whether or not it’s fact or fiction about this area the fact is that it has drawn a big tourism to this place. In 1996 the state of Nevada renamed Route 375 as the “Extraterrestrial Highway,” and destinations such as the Alien Research Center and the Little A’Le’Inn (in the town of Rachel with a population around 54) dot the road.
Also, remember the government doesn’t really want you peering into Area 51. Both Merlin and Pocock confirmed that they have been closely observed or even intimidated by guards and security (including an F-16 fly-by). Do not trespass under any circumstances or arrests and heavy fines await you.
Surely there must be other such Area 51 that exist in other countries which the respective government is hiding from the public. It cannot be that extraterrestrials only flew across USA and some crash landed. The government and military of each country would have their own reasons to keep such information from each other as it would deem a national security threat if a country leaked this out. It could be they are investigating and rebuilding crashed aircrafts/spaceships. It could be there were survivors from the crashed aircrafts/spaceships that somehow were coaxed to work with scientists. There are lots of “could-be’s” but one thing is for sure, no one is admitting.
America’s much mythicized top secret military base Area 51,what is there is just interesting What exactly goes on inside of Area 51 has led to decades of wild speculation. to many.Even after decades of investigative and speculation reporting yet, Area 51 still remains a mystery..with the sighting of UFO and strange lighting appear around and above. the area.
For all the myths and legends, Area 51 is real and still very one knows.The forbidden aspect of Area 51 is what makes people want to know more what’s inside there out of curosity..That is human nature.Area 51 may be nothing more than imaginative fiction.,Many conspiracy theories has claimed that the US government develops new alien technology for military purposes.,no one know for security measures was so strictly with no visible at all .
Thank you for sharing these interesting article.
Interesting Area 51 is not the only exclusive places in the world that we know little about but yet it is one of the top controversial places around the world that are closed to the general public or are virtually impossible for the general public to visit. The existence of a large super-secret and tightly guarded military airfield and the heavy secrecy shrouding it fuel the imagination of many especially the conspiracy theorists and ufologists. The fact that the US government tried to cover and deny its existence until the forced reveal in 2013 doesn’t really help clear the air about the enigma of Area 51.
If you actually ponder upon it, there must be something extraordinarily significant in Area 51 that for decades, the US government actively hid the base remained hidden from almost everyone to the point that even satellite imagery of the area was routinely deleted from government databases.
It is also bordering disturbing that information about Area 51 can be kept so tightly secured despite so many employees. Even those who do leak information out are always embroiled in controversy. Take for example Lazar, granted his reveal of alien spaceship etc would be shockingly bold to some but does it really warrant the intense questioning of his characters (bordering character assassination) played out rampantly in the media during that period? In particular, conspiracy theorists claim that the government messed with his credentials in order to discredit him, while others say Lazar is an attention seeking fake who failed to keep his story straight especially about his education. Adding more spin to this, it appears other similar reveals (of alien spacecraft etc) taking place at other places does not trigger as much media coverage (as when linked to Area 51) which has the effect of drowning out the details (of Lazar’s story).
The most famous UFO in history perhaps was the Roswell 1947 incident (
I do believe that area 51 was designated for Alien research, and perhaps further in hosting them. There are frequent witness of UFO, the recent incident was spotted at Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou, China. The airport was to cease operations on July 7, 2016. (
As the universe is so vast, earth is probably one in a billion that existed.
There are already some crazy theory of “Shape Shifting” aliens living among human society circulating on the internet. As for the human kind, the only thing we can do is keeping the progress in space science exploration and advancement. We might be migrating to other space co-exist with the aliens soon.
I’ve always believed that aliens exist because the universe is too big to have humans as the only living being. Area 51 has always been a fasciinating and mysterious place. The conspiracy theories make our imagination run wild.
Perhaps the world is not ready to hear of aliens because how would the various major religions that are monotheistic explain about aliens? Are they also created by God?
Whatever the reasons maybe for the secrecy, I hope the US govt will reveal the answers one day. It would be exciting to hear what they’ve learnt from aliens, if they are in captivity at Area 51.
Aliens and their existence and participation in Human History has fascinated me for the longest time. Perhaps it is my inclination and deep interest about the Aliens subject. I suppose it comes in the territory of my interest in science fiction beginning with Isaac Azimov to sci fi movies, Star Wars, Star Trek and the works.
I thank Rinpoche for giving more knowledge about this secretive region in the US. If there is really nothing to hide at Area 51, then a Public Relations will suffice to settle public views about it.
Area 51 a place that does not officially exist but does. Mysterious as always, it will forever draw people too it. were too curious for our own good. Whether they are working with alien technology or just some homemade human military experiments, I believe we should just be happy, that the military will benefit from it. Eventually such technology will trickle down to general public knowledge in time.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article. I always believe there is area 51. And it really is! It is truly amazing how US government built a place that fully covered by everything. Can’t even be found on the map. I heard about this place before, from movies, where people already believed this place exist. Now it really does. Actually, I think US government did a great job by covering up the whole area. It could be scary, it could be good. Imagine, people then found out about the weapons testing, and even aliens, due to lack of knowledge, they would live in fear and worried. The era now is different, as people always expose to internet, social media, they can get a lot of knowledge and information from the internet. With this, it is at least safer now for the US government to release information about Area 51.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article.I don’t know about Area 51 until Rinpoche posted this article. It is amazing how they can built a secret experimental base without being found on any maps. After reading this article, I still have doubt as to the experiments that they claim with aliens and UFO is true.
With folded palms,
Wow, that must be a scary place to work in, if it is really true. It’s the movies that always portray aliens as menacing, condescending and the enemy. To have them roaming about or even if restrained, can still make one uneasy because of so many unknowns. You don’t know if they can mutate or infect you, lol, too many alien movies, I can’t help it.
We consider them aliens, but I’m sure the aliens consider us aliens too, in their own tongue of course.
No one knows for sure what’s happening or what’s kept in Area 51. It has been a source of interest for a very long time now and is inevitably mentioned in science fiction movies, TV series or documentaries about aliens.
Most people believe that it is the place where aliens that fell to earth are housed. Is there where paranormal meets science? We will never know.
I have heard so much about this secret Area 51 so many times (mostly from movies), but most of the information got from internet is only as good as we guess. Many points the mystery to aliens and using the alien technologies in military.
What amaze me is that there are many people who works in Area 51, but yet there is so few information “leaked out”. How do they keep the information so secret considering now we can share almost anything online.
I’m interested with the alien technology, but I’m more interested to know how aliens work with earthlings. Do they think like us earthlings? Do they have the same emotions as us?
Thank you for this post about the most famous military institution in the world that doesn’t officially exist until 2013. This location is a holy grail for conspiracy theorists, as well as UFOlogists . Those of us who watched X-Files, Independence Day, Stargate SG-1, do believe that the truth is “out there” , or rather in there in Area 51.
New construction and expansions are continuously happening according to Google Earth. Eagle-eyed visitors spot strange lights in the sky moving up and down, no they are not from UFOs but the semi-secret contract commuter airline using the call-sign “Janet” mentioned in the article that transports workers from Las Vegas airport to the base. Till this day, conspiracy theorists still believe that the remains of crashed UFO spacecrafts are stored at Area 51, where government scientists reverse-engineer the aliens’ highly advanced technology, which inspired innovations such as the Stealth fighter and Kevlar. I agree with the article, the fact that the details of Area 51 are classified for purposes of national security can only mean that the military is hiding aliens or alien spacecraft.
I look forward to more interesting paranormal reads on the blog.