Below are photos from the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal. This museum explains all about the 14 highest mountains in the world…all of them are at least 8,000 meters in height! Those interested in mountaineering would come to Pokhara as most of the trekking routes start from there.
Out of the top 14 mountains, 8 are within Nepal! Since 1920 (when mountaineering was still new to the world) many researchers would come to this beautiful country to do research on things like how the mountains were formed…what the exact height of the mountain is…what minerals can be found there etc.
The Museum Hall building covers a total floor area of 4242 sq. meters of the total 12.5 acres of the land owned by the Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) for the IMM Project. There are 2 main exhibition halls: Hall of the Great Himalaya and Hall of World Mountains.
These halls exhibited mannequins of famous climbers, the original gear and equipment that they had used (of many of the first Himalayan ascents!), graphical posters of the top 14 mountains and geological findings amongst many others. It is a big building and it covers quite an extensive range of things inc. the different ethnic groups of Nepal and a showroom of what a Tibetan monastery prayer hall looks like.
In one of the sections of the Museum Hall is a small exhibition on Yetis!
Yeti sightings were so common amongst mountaineers that the NMA decided to collect all the information on Yetis from Himalayan mountaineers and compile them into a short display. The display tells stories about the thoughts and beliefs of famous researchers and writers, and the remarks of the local people who had encountered Yetis. I am not interested in mountain climbing at all, but I like this part of the Museum tremendously. Would love to check it out.
There are individual photos of each wall display. Do take a look!
Tsem Rinpoche

Ang Dawa, Gyalzen Norbu, and Peter Byrne found a set of deep Yeti footprints at about 10,000 feet during the 1957 Slick Yeti Reconnaissance. Click on image to enlarge

Tom Slick discovered this Nepalese Yeti footprint measuring ten by seven inches in the mud during the 1957. Click on image to enlarge

Sir E. Hillary showed the sketch of Yeti based on eyewitness account. The sketch was adapted from one of Heuvelmans’ One the Track of Unknown Animals. Click on image to enlarge

Bryan Byrne examines Yeti tracks found at 10,000 feet in the Arun Valley of the Himalayas in March during 1959. Click on image to enlarge

Shipton’s party found fresh tracks providing evidence of the existence of the Yeti. Click on image to enlarge

Nanda Devi, 1934 at Satopanth Glacier. They saw one bear close-to, and the Sherpa’s were terrified, thinking it was a Yeti. Click on image to enlarge

Everest from the South, 1951. They found the creature’s foot in the Menlung Glacier. Click on image to enlarge

Footprints of Yeti, found in 1951 on Menlung Glacier, West of Everest by E. Shipton. Click on image to enlarge

A stamp of the Kingdom of Bhutan, depicting the Yeti as a kind of Himalayan King Kong. Click on image to enlarge
I certainly do not agree with their conclusions. But it’s ok. Even my assistant Monlam spotted a Yeti when he was in Tibet he told me. It is very common to sight them in Tibet. Tibetans do not make a big deal of it as they KNOW YETIS exist.
Note: The photos were taken by one of my students who went there recently. I mean no infringements. I have posted this here strictly for non-commercial reasons, but to share with my friends.
For more interesting information:
- Nepal Pilgrimage full videos
- Photo Album: Sacred Sites in Nepal
- Nepal is the land of spirtuality, beauty and Mystery
- It’s in the scriptures they exist…
- Yeti Exhibition in Pokhara, Nepal
- Japanese Mountain Climbers Say They Found Yeti Footprints
- Sasquatch (Bigfoot)!!!
- Quick Photos from Nepal Trip
- Philip describes his recent trip to Nepal!!
- Look at this picture!!!
- Great Articles in GOING PLACES on Kathmandu
- Aerial view of Bodha Stupa
- Puja at Naropa’s Cave, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Jan’s a Hero~Saving beings~Kathmandu Nepal!
- Making Nepali Momos
- My Dream House in Nepal Mountains
- The birth palace of Gautam Buddha
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I believe Yeti is exist but not everyone can see them, its like the philosophy of alien. Every sources include art works are symbols from universe, human don’t create it, but we present what we “see”.
Wow, there is even a Yeti museum in Nepal. There have been many sightings of Yeti in the Himalayan region, it is part of their culture. The sightings of a similar creature were also reported in North America and China. Besides, there are also mention of Yeti in some Buddhist scriptures. Therefore, there is a high possibility that Yeti does exist.
While Yeti (one of the many names used) has not been sufficiently documented to prove they exist undeniably, many people from all over the world swear by the existence of these elusive beings. Especially in Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan, where legends have it that Yeti were attracted to learned lama, sometimes serving as their guardian or footman. Perhaps it is wise to not acknowledge the existence of Yeti as a way to preserve them, let them do what they do best for a long time to come; instead of trying to prove they exist as it could open doors for unscrupulous businessmen to hunt them down. Thank you for this sharing.
Curious about the legendary Yeti? Not sure what to believe? Here is an article that explores a range of sources, from folktales to newspaper reports, detailing sightings and encounters with the elusive creature, who has been a part of the very fabric of various Himalayan communities for thousands of years. Read about religious beliefs, myths, fables and stories by scholars and travellers alike, and realise that there is more to the Yeti than you previously thought.
Very interesting having a Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal. Wow….. great this museum explains all about the 14 highest mountains in the world and a having Yeti exhibition display too. There were many reported cases of Yeti sighting amongst mountaineers many years . Mountaineer and researchers have had discovered Nepalese Yeti footprints before . With much evidence Yetis definitely do exist. Its good having Yeti exhibition for everyone to see and having a better knowledge of the Yeti world. Especially to the younger generations , at least to understand the existing of it in general for educational purposes. I am glad to come across this post , able to see those rare pictures of the Yeti.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
This is a real awesome documentary on bigfoot. One of the best –
In 1967, Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson stumbled across an incredible sight whilst out in Bluff Creek, in the California wilderness. At a creek which had been freshly washed-out by recent floods, they witnessed a female Bigfoot swiftly traverse the rugged landscape. Since their filmed encounter with the Bigfoot, who has since been nicknamed Patty, many have disputed the authenticity of their recording but no one has been able to successfully prove that it is a fake.
Credits for this video goes to entirely to windvale for the original footage. ?
These are very interesting evidences of Yeti. Throughout the ages, no one has found remains of Yetis or Bigfoot or Sasquatch. But, these early evidences are very compelling.
Rinpoche’s interest on them must be very deep as Rinpoche has consistently posted about these beings. Even Rinpoche’s lates blog article on “Dermal Ridge” is another take on the hunt for the Yeti.
Buddhist believe in the 6 realms of existence and the Yeti may yet be another sentient being within the 6 realms. It’s like ghosts. Not many have encounters with them but tend to believe anyway.
Sometimes, I wonder if it will be better off for them not to be found. Look around us and you can see that Man has destroyed almost everything even though there are some who are trying to save the environment. Many species of animals have gone extinct so how can we be sure that we will not destroy them, if found.
But, all the same, I do love reading about Yetis, Bigfoot and Sasquatch.
Thank you, Rinpoche for sharing your love and interest in Yeti with us.
I believe in a lot more things as my faith grows in the simple practices of Dharma. I did not believe in ghosts before.
watching simple things I read in Dharma books come true, I have faith that 6 realms exist because I now believe the Dharma is perfect.
Still, I know, It’s just ridiculous to know the Dharma is perfect and not put much effort into it, like I do sometimes. I need a good slap or something I guess… POOR ME =)
Too bad Monlam didn’t have his video camera with him at that time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monlam now has his own video-blog: