The Beast of Bray Road is an American mystery creature or cryptid (from the Greek word ‘crypto’, meaning ‘hidden’) which, according to sighting reports, has the appearance of a large wolf, dog, or bear with the ability to stand upright on its hind legs like a biped. Often referred to as the American werewolf or Bigfoot as a result, the Beast of Bray Road hails from Elkhorn, Wisconsin.
Named after a rural road where the beast was first sighted, it has been described as a hulking hairy creature with the head of a wolf. Its height is purportedly 2–4 feet when on all fours and 7 feet when standing up, weighing between 400 to 700 pounds with brown gray fur. In other words, the creature is canine-lupine which displays human-like bearing and intelligence.

A portrayal of the Beast of Bray Road in a 2005 movie with the same name
The identification of the Beast of Bray Road as a werewolf reflects the modern day understanding of the term. However, this is perhaps inaccurate because a werewolf has the ability to turn into a human being, something no one has seen the Beast of Bray Road do.
The werewolf itself is an ancient concept in human history. Mythologist Robert Graves wrote that werewolves were representatives of the priests of an Arcadian tribe in Greece whose totem animal was the wolf. An initiated priest would be selected and sent to live with the wolves to persuade them against attacking human settlements.

A popular depiction of the Beast of Bray Road resembling a werewolf
Known Sightings
1936 – A man named Mark Schackelman claimed to have seen a “talking half wolf, half man” creature east of Jefferson, Wisconsin along Highway 18. He was driving down the road when he spotted something in the act of digging at an old Indian mound. The creature was covered in hair all over, over six feet tall when standing upright, with a muzzled face and features combining those of a dog and an ape. He described the creature’s hands as having a twisted thumb and only three fingers. On top of that, he also said that the beast oozed a stench similar to decomposed meat. He claimed that he returned the following day and found the creature still there. To his amazement, it uttered a three syllable word which sounded like “gadara” with emphasis on the second syllable.
1964 – A man called Dennis Fewless had an encounter with a beast corresponding to Shackelman’s description but in Harvard, Illinois. Around midnight, while driving home from his job at Admiral Television Corporation, Fewless had turned into Highway 89 from Highway 14 when his headlights illuminated a strange creature running across the road. He described it as being dark brown in colour and judging from its size, probably weighing around 400 to 500 pounds with a height of seven or eight feet. During the incident, the beast ran across the road and jumped a barbed wire fence before disappearing into the night. When he later returned to the site during the day, he did not find much except a disturbed section of vegetation.
1972 – A woman called the police to report an attempted break-in. When interviewed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources during the ensuing investigation, she claimed that the intruder had been a large, unknown animal. It had attempted to gain entry into the house through a door. Later on she said the beast had returned to her home after the first incident and injured a farm animal, inflicting a deep wound that extended from one shoulder to the other. Her description of the creature bore similarities to that of the Beast of Bray Road. The only evidence left behind was a footprint, which measured over twelve inches in length.
1989 to 1999 – A number of people reported sightings during this period. However, most only came forward after a widely reported incident involving Doristine Gipson in 1999. Until then, they had kept the stories to themselves out of fear of being ridiculed.
- 1999 – On 31st October, 18-year-old Doristine Gipson was driving on Bray Road near Delavan, Wisconsin. As her vehicle approached the intersection with Hospital Road, her right tire was jolted off the ground as though she had rolled over a large object. She stopped and got out of the car to see what she had hit. As she peered into the darkness, she noticed a large, hairy figure moving quickly towards her. Scared, she rushed back into her car and as she pulled away, the beast leapt onto her trunk. Unable to get a hold on the wet car exterior, it slid off. She returned later that evening while trick or treating with another girl and saw a hulking figure along the road.
- A dairy farmer named Scott Bray claimed to have seen a “strange looking dog” in his pasture near Bray Road in September or October 1989. He described the creature as gray or black-furred, larger and taller than a German Shepherd, with pointed ears. Its front was prominent, showing a strong chest. Bray tried to trail the creature, and was led to a large pile of rocks after which he lost sight of it. He later found huge footprints in the area where the beast had trod.
- A man called Russell Gest also reported another sighting around the time Scott Bray had seen the creature. He was standing near an overgrown bush near Bray Road when he heard a rustle from behind the bush. Then a beast emerged, standing on its hind legs. Shocked and scared, Gest ran away, looking over his shoulder to see if he was being followed. He noted that the beast had gone down on all fours but was not chasing him. It eventually made its way towards Bray Road. Gest described the creature as being covered in black and gray fur and larger than a German Shepherd. He estimated its upright height as around five feet, with an oversized dog or wolf head, wide neck and shoulders. He believed it to be some kind of dog and wolf hybrid.
- In 1989, a bar manager named Lori Endrizzi was driving along Bray Road. As she came around a bend, she saw what she initially thought was a kneeling or hunched person on the side of the road. She slowed down to take a closer look through the passenger side window for about 45 seconds. She was roughly six feet away and described it as a muscular beast with gray-brown fur, fangs, pointed ears, glowing yellow eyes and a long face with a snout like a wolf. The beast appeared to be holding food with its palms up. It was at this point that she noticed its fingers were similar to a human’s, only covered in hair.
- An 11-year-old girl Heather Bowey said she had seen the beast around Christmas 1990. She claimed to have had no prior knowledge of Gipson’s story until the two were discussing it on the school bus. Bowey’s story was passed on by the bus driver, Pat Lester, who was also Lori Endrizzi’s mother. Lester told author Linda Godfrey what she had overheard and Bowey later elaborated when asked about the incident. Bowey’s sighting occurred around 4.30 pm near Loveland Road, which is about a mile and a half south east of the intersection of Hospital Road and Bray Road. She was with some friends there and they spotted what looked like a large dog walking along a creek in a cornfield. Thinking it was a dog, the children called to it. Hearing the call, the creature looked at them and then stood up on its hind legs. It took four wobbly steps in their direction, appearing unaccustomed to walking on hind legs. It then dropped down on all fours and charged at the children who immediately ran away. The beast followed them about halfway to Bowey’s home, which was about 250 yards from where they had spotted it, before disappearing.
- Another dairy farmer, Mike Etten, reported a sighting which he claimed occurred in March 1990. Although he had been drinking around the time of the incident, Etten was convinced he had seen a dog-like beast near the Bray Road – Hospital Road intersection, though much larger than the average dog. He described it as “sitting like a raccoon”, using its front paws to hold on to something it was eating. As he passed by, the beast looked at him and he saw a thick, wide snout shorter than a dog’s muzzle. Its legs were thick and covered in dark hair.

Some media coverage of the Beast of Bray Road
Is it Real?
It is difficult to say whether the Beast of Bray Road truly exists, despite numerous sightings. Linda Godfrey, author of the book The Beast of Bray Road: Tailing Wisconsin’s Werewolf, was initially skeptical when she began her investigations into the 1990s sightings on behalf of the Walworth County Week.
However, by the end of her assignment, she was convinced that the eyewitnesses had not made up their stories. The question remains as to what it was they had all seen and why their descriptions appeared to validate each other’s.
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My name is Vernon and I’m from Florida. I am big into paranormal stuff like Vampires ,Werewolves , Demons, Angels ETC. i have been doing some digging and watching videos and reading stories about The Beast of Bray Road . they bring up how devil worshipers are doing evil scarifies and summing demons. So maybe the Beast is there to protect the humans from the evil demons and devils that get summon by the devil folks. Maybe he scratched there cars and chased them of to protect them. Maybe the Beast is there to fight off the evil and chases humans off to protect them. Think about he has not attacked or killed any humans he just scratches their cars and chase the off. There is a unseen battle going on between good and evil that us humans don’t see.
Interesting read of a wolf-like creature reported to have been witnessed in or near Elkhorn, Walworth County, Wisconsin. The creature has become a part of Wisconsin folklore since discovery. It has been the subject of multiple books, documentaries, and even horror film. Though Beast was likely inspired by just story and it is not based on the real-life events. Well the first reported sighting of these creature had the people name as the Beast of Bray Road. Sightings became prevalent in those days and it had particularly centralized around Elkhorn. The first sighting was in 1930’s interesting with some claiming it looks wolf like creatures. Whether the Beast of Bray Road truly exists, despite numerous sightings. No one can say but one brave investigator after investigating said its true it do exist.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
There are a lot of unexplained incidences and sighted of various cryptids over the ages including Nessie of Loch Ness and the Yeti’s of the Himalayans. Bit sure what ti make of them. They seem so real from the accounts of the witnesses but then again why were thee no remains found? Or why there were no solid evidences found of these beings.
Strange and scary. Are they mere imaginations or real beings living , maybe in the 6th dimension or parallel universe?
I suppose the upside to this tale is that no one got harmed by it yet.
Not familiar with the Beast of Bray Road and thank you for this informative article. Interesting how this hairy beast is pretty much one of the most famous of modern American werewolves and even inspired a movie production about it (albeit a low budget one) but has no other greater or more concrete form of evidence other than testimonies from various eye-witnesses. It is actually rather remarkable that all other traces/evidence remains out of people’s grasp (especially the cryptid enthusiasts who intentionally set out hunting for them) from its first sighting to date. Considering the timeline, one wonders about the lifespan of such beast and the possibility of there being more than one Beast of Bray Road in existence.
What an interesting article. Although the Beast of Bray Road had been seen in his “wolf” form and it seems mostly in the night, one could wonder if there is a possibility of it being a Werewolf. And from the different accounts of eye witness, it seemed as though there may be a few as one seemed young and to be still training to walk whilst others were fast on their feet. I wonder of the creature’s existence before 1936 and how did it suddenly appear around Bray Road? The latest account was in 1990 which is 27 years ago, leaving one to wonder if it went further into the wild or it had passed into extinction. This world is still full of undiscovered living beings and as such the Beast of Bray Road is very believable. From all the accounts given, the creature does not attack humans, except for the one that leapt on the trunk of Doristine Gipson. But then, she mentioned that her car went over something and maybe the Beast was just trying to get to the roadkill and felt Doristine a threat. Thank you for sharing and introducing us to one of the many living beings that we otherwise would not have heard or read about.
I can’t help but think of the beast of Beauty and the Beast while reading this, what with all the unfortunate controversy during this particular time in our country. Maybe they drew inspiration from this particular beast.
When encountering a being that is not within our likeness, there is always fear. Fear of the unknown and fear of being harmed. I believe these creatures also feel the same when they encounter the human species.
The feeling of fear and lack of security would keep any species elusive when they are in the midst of another species. In any case, we are all in the same boat aren’t we? We are all suffering in samsara.
According to the story by the early eyewitness, the Beast of Bray Road had been around for almost a century. It must be quite old by now. It has to be Wisconsin’s best-kept secret because, besides the eyewitnesses, there’res no trail or concrete evidence of the beast. Could it be that the beast a a shape-shifter who shift between the beast and something less conspicuous in most time?
This article is interesting, now i know how the werewolf history started. Werewolf has been made into numerous hollywood movies, and it was quite convincing and realistic. However, until today, there is no one can exactly locate this creatures physically. Just like the bigfoot, there are many eye witness, but none of them has a clear picture of these creature, and no one has physically locate them. I would like to think that these are mystic creatures, who probably lives in a different dimension, and possess certain ability to protect themselves from human. I do believe in mystic creatures and different dimension existed in this world.
The Beast of Bray Road is a cryptid, or cryptozoological creature first reported in 1936 on a rural road outside of Elkhorn, Wisconsin named after the road. whether the Beast of Bray Road truly exists, despite numerous sightings.,no one for sure can supported with evidence. Its only through their descriptions and stories about it.There was a number of sighting from 1836 to 1999 ,each of them with a different stories and the descriptions of the beast oappeared to validate each other’s.. What and which was true ,no one can tell. But the last investigation in 1990;s the eyewitnesses had not made up their stories,but no one can tell how it exactly how the beasts look like. Thatis interesting.
Thank you for sharing .I do enjed reading it.