January 8, 2024
Valak – The Conjuring 2 Demon?


Dear friends,

Recently, there has been a huge craze about a horror movie called The Conjuring 2. Yes! I am a self-professed horror junkie although I am also really scared of such movies. In this new movie, a few paranormal entities are featured including Bill Wilkins, The Crooked Man, The Nun and Valak.

In the movie, we first came across Valak when Lorraine Warren scribbled the name in her Bible after she came across the entity in one of her visions. It was much later in the movie that she referred back to her scribbling and realised that Valak was the name of the entity that appeared as a nun.

Watching this movie piqued my interest in this entity. It got me wondering why the producers would depict Valak as a nun who wears a crucifix on her chest and yet was not affected by it. On the other hand, in another scene, why was it necessary for all the crucifixes in Janet Hodgson’s room to flip upside down, turning them into symbols of the anti-Christ, before Bill Wilkins could enter the room, since he is just Valak’s underling? I know this is just a movie but apparently the movie was based on a true account. Therefore there must be some basis to it. Having these thoughts in mind, I decided to research more about this demonic entity called Valak and share my findings with all of you.

I will like to thank Pastor David, Pastor Niral and Pastor Adeline for their help to make this article available for all of you to read here.



Depictions of Valak

Depictions of Valak


What are demons?

In ancient Greek mythology ‘demons’ (also spelt ‘daemons’ in old English) denotes a spirit, divinity or power. The word came from the Greek verb diaesthai meaning ‘to divide and distribute’ but it has since come to mean a supernatural entity with an evil or malevolent nature.

As opposed to spirits, demons were actually nature spirits to begin with. That means that they were never ordinary mortals that walked the face of this earth. They are one of the first types of entities that roamed the earth like other ancient elemental spirits. Although demons are nature spirits that are less than the higher beings (such as the gods), people still made idols of them and worshipped them as deities. Sometimes however, they are considered to be supernatural beasts or just simply as pure evil.


What are demons capable of?

Artist impression of demonic possession

Artist impression of demonic possession

When we encounter a demon problem, they will do whatever is in their power to stop us from engaging in any form of religious practice. They will do things or create situations to stop our practice, as it is our practice that helps us break free from their influence. There are some symptoms of being under the influence or possession of demons such as Valak. These include:

  • Strange and uncharacteristic behaviour
  • Sudden depression
  • Suicidal thoughts or that you have lost hope for life
  • Thoughts of self-harming
  • Sudden and extreme emotional changes with unusual amounts of rage and anger
  • Pets acting differently around you
  • Family and friends starting to question the way you think and your behaviour
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Split personalities
  • Not being able to make rational decisions
  • Wanting to engage in negative actions and thoughts
  • Hearing voices telling you what to do
  • Constant feelings of being threatened or attacked
  • Having a difficult time being involved in religious practice such as praying or being near holy images
  • Unexplainable anxiety attacks
  • Sudden cravings for and eating ‘foods’ that are unusual, for example dirt, nails, hair, raw meat, insects, etc.
  • Having a sudden addiction to things like alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, etc.
  • Scribbling or writing languages that people do not understand
  • Unexplained health problems


Who is Valak?

Valak, also known as Valac, Ualac, Valax, Valu, Valic or Volac, is said to be the Mighty Grand President of Hell, with 30 legions of demons under his command.

Valak’s Sigil

Valak’s Sigil

Compared to the movie The Conjuring 2, the real-life Valak is depicted very differently from what was portrayed in the movie. Valak is described as the 62nd of the 72 demons of the Goetia, a ceremonial practice of invoking upon various angels or demons to fulfill certain functions. His depiction can be found in various grimoires (spell books). In the grimoire entitled The Lemegeton (or Lesser Key of Solomon) from the 17th Century, which is a spell book for invoking demons, he is depicted as a naked boy with angel’s wings, riding on a two-headed dragon. This depiction of Valak can be traced back to an ancient Greek deity called Hermes, who was called Mercury by the Romans. This god wields what is known as the Caduceus, a staff around which are two entwined snakes, symbolising the balance of all energies. In modern society, this symbol is used to denote the medical profession. The Caduceus is mirrored as the two-headed dragon in the description of Valak.

It is said that Valak reveals hidden treasures to people who invoke him. He can lead people to gain good jobs and reveal lucky numbers for them to win the lottery. Mirroring his origins as Hermes, he moves fast. Thus it is said that he can fulfill the requests of Goetia practitioners very quickly. He is associated with the element of air and is said to depart by flying through the ceiling of the room in which he was invoked. He is considered a Night Demon, meaning he is most active during the night.

Quote about Valak from a Grimore

Quote about Valak from a Grimore

There are said to be only two categories of demons which are recognised by angels or higher beings. The first category is the class of younger and weaker demons known as the Nekudaimones, commonly shortened to Nekus. They are known as demons of the dead. The second category are the Apokomistai or Apokomistis (singular), who are the older and stronger class of demons. Valak is categorised as an Apokomistis demon. As a powerful Apokomistis, Valak is capable of taking any corporeal and non-corporeal form that he wishes to take. In other words, he can manifest in any form he wants and can also take possession of other beings, like humans and even objects.

Despite the fact he is so old and strong, he still answers to a handful of other Apokomistai. What makes him different from the other powerful demons is that he generally keeps to himself and is not accompanied by an entourage of Nekus. When he is invoked, he uses his innocent child-like appearance to lure victims to their doom. By the time the unsuspecting victims realise what is really going on, it is too late.

Despite the inherent danger of dealing with demons, many people still summon these entities in order to use them for their power to fulfill wishes. Some people engage in these sorts of rituals because they do not realise the full extent of danger they face when invoking these beings.

Demon summoning

Demon summoning


Summoning Demons

Due to the large number of existing grimoires and the Internet, it is very easy to learn how to summon demons. However what most people do not realise is that these sources do not state the extent of the dangers involved when invoking demons such as Valak. Demons are beings with their own minds and temperaments, and therefore there is no telling what they will do. What is interesting to note is that there are actually a lot of stories recounting how Valak helped them to secure their careers and so forth. However, there are also many stories recounting how Valak has caused many problems. These actually seem to be from a long time ago.

A traditional grimoire

A traditional grimoire

As mentioned earlier, summoning a demon is a very easy process. The people who summon demonic entities like Valak have to treat them with great care. One should never carelessly command, demand or exploit the demons in any way. This is very similar to practices in which practitioners handle spirits.

It is said that when one attempts to summon a demon, one should already have a demon in mind to ensure you invoke the correct entity. Many online sources say that all Geotic demons are friendly towards humans and cite personal experiences with these entities as proof. This should be taken with a pinch of salt because if they are indeed as friendly towards humans as some claim, then why is it that Valak, as a Geotic demon, deceives his victims using his innocent appearance as a child? This goes to show that Valak is in fact deceptive and can be harmful to the one that summons him.

Sigil of other demons

Sigil of other demons

The person that summons a demon usually has a specific reason. When invoking a demon, you have to offer something in return. When a deal is made with a demon, it is important that the person only agrees to what they know they are able to follow through with. They should never make deals with demons for things that they are not able to fulfill as their end of the bargain, otherwise it is guaranteed that there will be dire consequences for the person.



So how do we know when Valak is trying to speak to us? Valak speaks to his victims through their thoughts although, during initial contact, it will be difficult for his victims to pick up anything that he says. However, in a short space of time, when Valak gets a stronger hold over them, his victim will be able to see his apparitions and hear his voice more clearly.

Communicating with demons

Communicating with demons

The way Valak communicates with the one that summons him is slightly different from the way he communicates with his victims. When being summoned, those who are psychically inclined will be able to see him directly. For those who are not as ‘sensitive’, they will only be able to speak and see Valak when summoned through a scrying mirror, incense smoke, crystal ball or other methods. With the use of scrying, those who are psychically sensitive will even be able to feel the touch of Valak, if he chooses to allow this. Valak or any other demon when summoned will sometimes move items in the room to signal their presence.

Scrying through mirrors

Scrying through mirrors


Protecting Ourselves From Entities Like Valak

When one is faced with an entity such as the Valak or similar demons that one may have summoned out of curiosity and will like to end the connections, there are spiritual practices that we can resort to, to help. One of the most powerful practice that I will recommend is the ever powerful prayer/ ritual of the wrathful Manjushri in the form of Trakze. Trakze has been proven to be efficacious to break the hold the Valak and other spirits may have had on you, but this requires consistent practice.

Although the connection that the demon have established with you may be stubborn and cannot be severed immediately, it can be broken over time. When you start the Trakze practice, you may encounter some obstacles manifesting as more disturbances or you may have more mishaps. However, I will like to request you to not stop the practice and to persist because symptoms such as these are common. The Valak or other demons will resist whatever remedial practices you may have begun and so they create more problems to discourage your practice. But this is also a sign that they fear practices such as Trakze because they sense the power. Of course, the best thing is not to even engage in the summoning of demons or any such activities to begin with.

Another thing measure I will recommend is for you to look for a qualified spiritual guide or teacher who will guide you in taking refuge with the Three Jewels (the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha). In Buddhism, taking refuge in the Three Jewels is the most simple, powerful and instant remedy there is, however depending on the state of our karma, simply taking refuge in the Three Jewels may be inadequate.

However, when we have a teacher, or Guru, we will be able to get appropriate advice on the correct and necessary steps to take. Please follow strictly all remedial practices the Guru may prescribe. At that time, your teacher prescribes to you another practice, you should follow the advice that is given to you. Please follow strictly all remedial practices the Guru may prescribe and if at any time the teacher decides that another practice is better, you should follow the new instructions given to you. In any case, please persist in the practice and have faith that they will work as they have done for millennia.

I cannot stress enough the importance of doing the practice daily without fail even when we are in face with more disturbances. Through the consistency, it will only benefit us.



In conclusion, Valak or any other similar demonic entity is not to be summoned arbitrarily. Demons are dangerous beings that can lead us on to a very dark road when we invoke them. When they are propitiated, they are allowed into a person’s life; propitiation is when we give them permission to become a part of our lives. It does not matter if they are Apokomistai or Nekudaimones demons, they are all dangerous entities because their motivations cannot be trusted. Although the story of their origins may differ according to tradition, the general consensus is that these are malevolent beings and when they are allowed into a person’s life, it is not very easy to break this connection.

Entities of this nature should never be invoked. If people rely on such entities, we must remember that they are unenlightened beings and no matter how strong and powerful they are, their clairvoyance is limited. Their ability to see into the future is limited and hence their ability to offer help which is beneficial and free from long-term negative consequences is also limited. It is important to remember that soliciting powerful entities like Valak will require us to pay a ‘price’ where we have to offer something in return for our request. When we do not honour our end of the bargain, we will have to face their wrath.

Another depiction of Valak

Another depiction of Valak

Thus, Valak is not just a scary nun as portrayed in the movie The Conjuring 2. In reality, Valak and other demons are something that is far more malevolent then we could ever imagine and we should never treat these beings as creations for purely entertainment’s sake, or as a laughing matter.

For more interesting information:

Note: All articles published on the blog are conceptualised, approved and edited by H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche. For further assistance and any urgent enquiries, please write in to

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  1. Area on Sep 8, 2024 at 1:16 am

    Has anyone ever summoned a demon? If yes can they share their experience.

  2. Samfoonheei on Mar 4, 2024 at 5:30 pm

    Demons are disembodied spirits, supernatural being or spirit and unseen beings. We know they do exist and I believe they do. They have no physical form to them whatsoever. Demons do definitely exist. They are intelligent beings who are evil malicious spirits and are all dangerous entities. Valak is not to be summoned capriciously by anyone as they are dangerous beings when we invoke them having to face a heavy consequence. There are spiritual practices that we can ask for help a ritual of the wrathful Manjushri in the form of Trakze. Having a doing the practice daily without fail, consistently, as this Trakze practice has been proven to be efficacious to break the hold the Valak and other spirits. All thanks to our Guru bringing this practice to Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong Malaysia.
    Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful sharing for us to understand better.

  3. Meghna on Jun 19, 2018 at 8:26 pm

    Lol, I SO can’t wait to see this movie in September. XD

    Cool information, even I was interested to know about the ‘NUN’ since her first appearance.
    (Have watched all the Insidious/Annabelle series.)

    Totally agree about the material out there which helps summon negative entities…especially stuff like the Lesser Key of Solomon etc etc. And people have NO idea what it actually entails if you summon anything without the proper knowlege (which again, is still a bad, bad idea)

    Its interesting to see the difference in context of the supernatural in the east and west. In Eastern cultures, be it Chinese, Indian and others, the supernatural evils is much more easily accepted.

    As, when people move into new houses, there are strict ritual scleansing ceremonies done – to drive away ill luck/spirits etc…

    …and as we saw in the Conjuring, most people in the West do not do the same as it’s not very popular. I say blessings work – or are very necessary.

    The dangers of messing about with spirits can be very severe… ;-

    Though, any thoughts about the CW series Supernatural?

    Its pretty amazing – even after 13 seasons…

  4. Terri Cheramie on Jun 9, 2018 at 11:06 pm

    I vived with valac in my home. He never caused any haem, in fact i had punished him in a corner for 2 days. He told and showed me things. It was very interesting, he comes and goes now. He even calls me mom….Terri Cheramie

  5. Adam on Oct 3, 2017 at 10:37 am

    Hi, I have a few questions regarding Valak but I think you may need to know my story.
    A few months ago my nan passed away, we were very close so I have had a lot of negative energy lately, this is combined with my struggle for finding full time work which has been relentlessly unsuccessful.
    For a few weeks now I’ve felt freezing 24/7 even though my skin is warm, whenever I stay still I start to feel as if something is biting/clawing at my skin but no physical marks appear, and have been hearing worrying noises (scratching at the window at night, cat footsteps when the cat is asleep next to me, etc.) I thought nothing of this until this week when trying to sleep I’ve been getting feelings of panic, as if my life were in danger and I start to enter a panic attack before I snap myself out of it, and then I started having dreams. Every night I dream the the demon Valak (as depicted in the conjuring) is walking towards me, I struggle to break free but eventually I wake up, but each night it gets closer. I thought nothing of it because I haven’t seen the conjuring 2 since it first came out in cinemas so it’s not been on my mind at all and only knew of it what was shown in the movie. But I’ve been adding the signs together and it worries me so knowing that the demons name is Valak, I did some digging which led me to here. It would make sense to me that Valak would target me to ‘guide me to treasures’ but truthfully I know nothing of demonology.
    So my questions are:
    -Can you accidentally summon a demon?
    -Can a demon Target me without being summoned?
    -Can a demon appear as a manifestation based on my idea of what it looks like? (I understand that Valak is not a demon nun)
    -Could these be signs of possession?
    -or am I just going crazy?

    Please reply as soon as you can.

    • Pastor Elena Khong Jean Ai on Oct 3, 2017 at 12:32 pm

      Hi Adam,

      We consulted Rinpoche with your questions and received the following answers and advice below:

      (1) Can you accidentally summon a demon?

      Yes, a demon can be accidentally summoned. A demon or spirit can also be sent to us, or can already be in a place where we abide. They could have been dormant there and woke up due to certain disturbances.

      They could have accidentally been brought by a friend who was being followed by this entity, and they remained behind after the friend left.

      Or we could have visited a town, a city, a country or an area where an entity was abiding (like a tree, cemetery, bus stop, crossroads or an old area) and the demon or spirit could have followed us back home.

      The point is that there are countless ways in which a spirit or an evil being can follow us back to disturb us, and they do not necessarily have to be summoned.

      (2) Can a demon target me without being summoned?

      A demon or spirit can target anyone without being summoned because they’re attracted to us, because they think we are someone else, or because they are just angry beings who want to harm anybody that comes their way. Because they want to harm, they can latch on to an unsuspecting person in any way, shape or form without being summoned.

      These are all very common occurrences which can happen to anyone so please do not be discouraged or feel like it is limited to you, or that you were targeted specifically.

      (3) Can a demon appear as a manifestation based on my idea of what it looks like?

      A malevolent spirit can initially appear to us as something we are comfortable with, and then become malevolent over time. because they can read our minds very clearly, they can immediately show us something we are familiar with.

      Conversely, they can immediately appear to us as something we are afraid of.

      So they can either take the time for us to trust them before they start changing their appearance, or they can immediately show us something that we are afraid of. Basically, because a spirit or demon is formless, they can take any form they like in order to disturb us.

      (4) Could these be signs of possession or am I just going crazy?

      People can definitely become possessed, and it does not mean that they are going crazy or that they are unwell. Anyone can become possessed, damaged or hurt.


      So regarding your experience specifically, below is what you have been strongly advised to immediately engage in, in order to stop the disturbances.


      At this time, the most important thing for you to immediately do is to read up on the Trakze post ( and engage in the practice.

      Print out as big as possible an image of Trakze from the downloads section of this blog (, and have it framed and place it on your altar. Engage in the practice of Trakze consistently and daily.

      You should also start reciting the mantra of Trakze (OM BENZA WIKI BITANA RAKYA RAKYA HUNG). After reciting the mantra 21 times, blow the mantra on some water and sprinkle this water throughout the house. Do this on a daily basis.

      It is important to engage in this advice. Trakze’s practice will be a very powerful method for you to deal with the disturbances you are currently experiencing. If you continue with the practice consistently, it will keep whatever it is that’s disturbing you at bay. When we engage in Trakze’s practice, sometimes the spirit goes away permanently and sometimes they are kept at bay. Whatever it is, the result we want is for them to stop disturbing us, and Trakze’s practice will be very effective for this.

  6. Lian Chen Huat on Sep 8, 2017 at 1:52 pm

    OM NAMA SHIVA YA HUM….. “MAY LORD SHIVA PROTECT MYSELF N FELLOW READERS HEREBY AGAINST ALL HARM AND DIRECT US TO THE PATH OF LIGHT”. Thanks for sharing. What u share is absolutely right. 1. The accessibility of the grimoire, through the advance of information technology access. U can download entire Goetic n Evil practice. I had been read a grimoire just out of my curiosity n fascinated by the ability to do miracles. But after that I close it. So scary… Imagine just by flipping the existing path of light spiritual practice n u can easily encounter them, it is extremely easy to do. I used to perform kundalini meditations n can u imagine just by make use of the practice by guru n easily flipping the “positive deities” from certain chakras by easily invoke n just inject negative “thoughts”. Those entities may “guide” u to invoke them even u have a sense of curiosity. Lots of ppl who gained faster results, magicians, and the influence were so strong. Makes their power elevated. After read your post, truly bless n happy to share my thoughts here. OM NAMA SHIVA YA HUM.

  7. Wan Wai Meng on Nov 24, 2016 at 2:40 am

    I knew about Valak via the Conjuring Movie which just had its 2nd installments. I also discovered the director for the Conjuring 1 & 2 is James Wan is A Malaysian born director based in Australia, he also directed the last movie of Fast And Furious series.

  8. Lucas Roth on Sep 12, 2016 at 9:05 pm

    Very interesting article, I truly like to believe that there is so much more to know about this world and the realm (so to say) that we live in. I think that there is a lot more to know but at the same time, take things with a pinch of salt so I am not all in saying that there is definitely demons or there is no such thing.

    It is quite a spooky thing, reading this article, honestly I was creeped out. I also watch the actual conjuring movie later the same night so haha I guess.

    This was an article that made me think about my mum too, because you know, “What We See May Not Be Real, But What Is Real We May Not See”. 🙂 Thank you for sharing this information and the details and origin of the demons appearance in the conjuring movie.

    I also was extremely interested and scared because I was reading about what demons can do so I may have gotten a bit frightened.

  9. Wah Ying on Sep 11, 2016 at 10:29 pm

    Thank you for research and writting on valak. The practice of summoning demons like valak or others, not only exist in some countries or culture, in does exist in Western and Oriental culture. In Southeast Asia and some Asia countries, we do have practice of summoning some spirits and other entities. I remembered when I was in school we did play games like the Dish Spirit or the Europe and America called Ouija board; without knowing the serious consequence might be happened to the participants. Fortunately, nothing bad ever happen to those playing the games ignorantly.

    After I learnt dharma from H.E. Tsem Rinpoche, and reading posts from his blog, I know beter about paranormal things such as demons, spirits and etc. Most importantly, we do not take refuge in entity other than Three Jewels. Do not let our greed to rule, have faith in karma; and summonning spirits or demons to further our interests, without knowing we might be difficult to end the connection and befall with negative consequence.

    Of course, how we can protect ourselves from harm as such when encounter with, by doing Sengdongma or Trakze practice. Of course the highest protection is harm no one, treat all with compassion, follow the teachings of the Buddha including believing in karma.

  10. Liang Jing on Sep 11, 2016 at 10:10 pm

    I do believe in the existence of demons. In first place we should not summon or making connection with them. We should do more dharma work and do our daily sadhana. When encounter with demons problem, we should do the Trakze for protection.

  11. sonny tan on Aug 26, 2016 at 9:23 am

    Thank you Rinpoche for this review on the film, I have not seen this film but would love to see it in the near future.
    I have always followed this motto ‘Do not trouble troubles till trouble troubles you’ and I must admit I have not been too successful at times well it depends on circumstances and situations. I have had my fair share of this frightening yet puzzling phenomena’s of existence within the confines of these entities.
    When I was involved in the healing stream of possessed individuals some many years ago we were supposedly called or nicknamed as ‘ghost busters’ it was during one of the many adventures and many episodes that still stay fresh in my mind was during one of the hot night about 11.00pm we were asked to drive out the possessed individual at the person’s house somewhere in KL and after the preliminaries were done driving out this entity we were asked to go outside by the seniors. This senior guy who is gifted with some divine eyes and were able to see or feel these entities requested us to follow him outside the house. In front of the house were many rows of banana trees and we started chanting and praying and in the stillness of the night the banana tress started to sway moving left to right and right to left continuously. I remembered that it was a hot and non-windy night. Immediately I felt goosebumps, very frightened yet continued and finished our job.
    All of us were volunteers in that outfit and if I am asked today to perform again like I was doing before I would not even think of it. It was too frightening of an experience for me to dabble in such activities again.

  12. Wei Theng on Aug 15, 2016 at 8:09 pm

    Thank you for sharing with us different types of demon or spirits that we will have more knowledge about them and be away as far as we can from them.

    The more I read, the more I feel sad that there are still many people that due to greed or anger, will summon demon for material gains or to get what they want or to harm their ‘enemy’. Demon may appeared innocence when we first meet them and give us what we want but at the end, we will be controlled or harm by them. Karma is always very fair, if we do negative action or thoughts, we will get it back at the end of it.

    Luckily I have some Dharma knowledge now and know we can do certain practice to avoid the harm from demon such as doing Dorje Shugden and Trakze especially.

  13. Pastor Elena Khong Jean Ai on Aug 15, 2016 at 2:34 am

    That first picture in the post, it sure caught my attention -_-

    Thanks for this fascinating post. I particularly enjoyed reading about the different types of demons because it’s not something I’ve researched before. I didn’t realise there are even categories because Western horror films and stories don’t highlight this.

    Considering how malevolent they are, it’s incredible how some people still propitiate them, thinking they will be able to gain some kind of benefit from interacting with demons. I mean, it’s not as though some demons are benevolent while others are not; rather, they are ALL classified as demons due to their pervasive malevolent nature.

    Since their nature is pervasively malevolent, they cannot be changed. They cannot be persuaded to be good, they cannot be taught to benefit others. By nature, everything they do will bring harm and damage to others. And knowing this, people still interact with them. In some cases, as I’ve read elsewhere online, people have to be CONVINCED that demons are evil, negative creatures. It is a very clear example of how wrong view can be damaging…

  14. samfoonheei on Aug 14, 2016 at 2:46 pm

    Thanks for sharing this post. This help us to have better understanding of spirits when we have such encounter.I do believe they do exist and its better not to get involve with them .Interesting article about Valak..scary…i do like to watch scary movie when i was young.Demons are dangerous beings when we invoke them and one will pay a heavy price.We are fortunate to have Rinpoche to guide us in away and the importance of doing the practice daily for our protection.
    Thank you Rinpoche and Vinne again.

  15. Joy on Aug 12, 2016 at 11:09 pm

    Thanks for this article. Would never have thought this Valak entity was a young little boy instead of Hollywood’s nun scary transgender drag nun, but then again how would we know for sure, since Valak can take on any form right.

    It is amazing that we humans can be so ignorant and desperate to get ahead in life to actually invoke upon unenlightened beings, and worst still to dabble in black magic and demons, just for that temporary fame and fortune we are will to sell our soul to the devil. And in the end we end up in hell with them. I never understood why humans can be so silly, but I guess when we are that desperate, we are already possessed by our own demons of greed, ego, and desire so much so it pushes us to seek more problem for ourselves. I think in the end we should really try to tame our own inner demons.

    People should never ever try to dabble or create a connection with these entities… if they really are helpful… they will not be a demon/ghost in the first place. So instead of relying on a unenlightened, negative entity to help us, why not rely on Dorje Shugden who is not a demon but Manjushri in wrathful form, wouldn’t that be smarter? Here’s real Help from a Dharma Protector that does not request for a token in return for his help especially if you are sincere person… these are true stories, real life miracles and no you don’t need to seel your soul to the devil for this ….

  16. shelly tai on Aug 11, 2016 at 1:53 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for this informative post on demons. I personally think these demons do exits in actual fact they are every way that we cannot see them , anything that we cannot see it does not means they do not exits, otherwise why there is a movie about all these demon, so we as a normal human being the best is do not create any connection with them because we has limited power to control them like what is said they are not enlighten so they are like us who have all the selfish intention that will harm us so why invoke them.

  17. Eric kksiow on Aug 11, 2016 at 11:27 am

    At KP outlets, i am trying all my best to convincing peoples ( Customers ) to pray to Buddhas. Because still have some customers want something ( Wealth ) fast and easy to look for in life, they ( Customers ) told me they using spirits, demon and even black magic to help them looking for fast money, and they’re happy to told me too.

    And i always told them ( Customers ) that’s an option, if you need money and anything that you want in life, use your effort to work on it and that’s no shortcut. Trust Buddhas and not sitting there with doing nothing.

    Always lead all of the customers pray to all Buddhas.

    Thank You for this article
    Erick _/\_

    • Pastor Shin Tan on Aug 11, 2016 at 1:34 pm

      Dear Eric,
      Thanks for sharing. In life, there are many shortcuts for fast money – stealing, robbing, fraud and many more. We all know what the consequences are for committing those crime related to money. However, when it comes to money gained through supernatural help/ power, people are ignorant of the karma they are creating and who they are associating with.

      Perhaps a closer to day to day live example of using spirits, demons or black magic to get money is likened to dealing with gangsters, you may get your money and profit, but you do not know when or how the gangsters will turn against you. Rather than risk our lives with these entities/ methods, why not use hard work and effort to gain financial rewards the proper way, then we will have a clear conscience.

    • Lew on Aug 12, 2016 at 2:32 pm

      This is quite sad to see people rely on these demons to fulfil their desires. It is even sad to know that these information is easily accessible from the internet. Like you said, I am sure there are many people who would try all kinds of “shortcut” way to achieve the wealth, relationship etc that they want, instead of working hard for it. Eventually, all these demons will grow out of hand, and start to haunt the people who summon them.

      On the other hand, it is good to hear that there practices which can help to revert the situation. Erick, I thank you for persistently educating your customer and persuade them to do Trakze practice daily to “release” the demon. I know it is not easy, because the demons are getting their desires fulfilled.

  18. Pastor Chia on Aug 11, 2016 at 10:21 am

    In general demons and spirits are all dangerous entities because their motivations cannot be trusted. Therefore those are seeking help from spirits or demons are in trouble when they connecting with you in the real life.Simply because demons want something for your when you requesting help from them. When they interferer in our life,they will take control over you physically and emotionally. This is to let those want to have quick fix to solve problem fast people know don’t engaging such practice by summoned the demons help.

  19. Albert on Aug 11, 2016 at 7:57 am

    Many people wanted a quick fix to their problems and to fulfill their wish in a very short period without much effort applied to it, so Demon practice became popular because when you make a deal with them, they will grant you whatever wish you wanted to fulfill, but they do not realized that by practicing demon, it actually bring them more harm than benefit, worse still, in a long term, the demon will harm our families or friends who come near us like what it shows in the movie, whatever we wished for and whatever we gained will be gone, so is it really worth it?

    People thought they can control the demon and continue to use the demon to fulfill their desire, but they do not realized that it is the demon that fool us into thinking we can control them, it is the demon that pretend to be controlled by us so we can continue to worship them.

    Nothing in this world can stop their harming except from the enlightened beings, the beings that are already escaped from the samsara, but by undertaking spiritual practice, it takes a lot of effort and a long time to dispel the harm from the demon, because Buddha are not into helping us for a quick fixed, he is there to guide us and lead us to purifies off our negative karma that we created from our selfish desire, Buddha’s practice is to benefit us for long term unlike the demon that brings us the deceptive short term benefit.

  20. June Kang on Aug 11, 2016 at 1:39 am

    I have personally witnessed that how my friend invoked demons to help him. In the initial stage the demons help his financial and his business too and things go well. However when everything goes well the demons wanted his wife. When my friend rejected, the demon has made the whole family suffer, this is very scary.

    Therefore, never initiate the connection with these beings, they may cause harm to us and even the people around us.

  21. Mingwen on Aug 10, 2016 at 11:57 pm

    The consequences of invoking the demons are unbearable. We should work hard to obtain what we want and wish to achieve. Instead of, taking the risky shortcuts without much consideration of the consequences.

    It’s interesting to know about the demons, so we will not involve in unnecessary troubles.

  22. Julia Tan on Aug 10, 2016 at 11:45 pm

    I believe demons or Valak are every where. I even believe they are constantly waiting for their next target or next victim. They are powerful for sure hence they can easily control our minds. Killing is their nature. Why do we want to create a chance for them to come near us, to even connected with us? At the end they will want our lives for the last deal no matter we willing or not because we have no power over them.

    We are very blessed to know that Trakze can help whoever that are being harmed by demons. Always keep up with our spiritual practice and having a pure guru samaya which will be the biggest protection we could ever had from any harms.

  23. Pastor Antoinette on Aug 10, 2016 at 11:16 pm

    I must admit that when I see a scary movie, I tend to close my eyes. But by looking such movies we actually learn something. Many people I know, don’t believe in ghosts or other realms than ours. Yet I have learnt through H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche’s blog and videos that these realms and beings exist and we should learn how to behave and what to avoid so that we don’t get into trouble.

    Thank you for this interesting article and thank You Rinpoche for creating such an interesting blog for us to learn and improve our lives in a beneficial way for ourselves and for others.

    I hope that many learn about these other realms and learn to stay away from them as we have no idea with who we are in contact with and that we may put ourselves and others into huge danger.

    Here is another link to explore and learn more about the Paranormal :

  24. Pastor Moh Mei on Aug 10, 2016 at 10:29 pm

    It is interesting to watch horror movies that are based on demons and ancient/nature spirits. The origins and stories of these “spirits” can be quite fascinating and intriguing.

    They often elicit fear, I guess due to their unknown nature and in some cases their power. Why do we fear them though if not for self perseverance. Our fear of being harm, of not having power over the unknown is really a manifestation of our fear of death.

    People with deep compassion for all beings (including spirits) and those who do not fear death probably do not fear any of these entities either. On the other hand there are also those of us who do not fear them but out of ignorance.

    This reminds me of the quote from the movie “The Usual Suspect” – “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled iwas convincing the world he did not exist”.

    I think these demons and spirits for sure do exist and it is prudent of us to think we can simply summon and control them without consequences.

  25. Jace Chong on Aug 10, 2016 at 10:29 pm

    Thanks Rinpoche and all writers for the articles.

    This is the first time I read about Valak as I am not a fan of horror movie. It seems like there is a long list of demons and each has their “specialty”. From the article, the word demon means ‘to divide and distribute’, and for one to summon demon, the person has to has a demon inside. From these I understand that it only requires one negative thought that it can invite more negativity, and once it enhances and it’s like a almost never ending circle dwelling into more negativity.

    Having knowledge and right view is very important to live a good life, not chasing after fame and gain that will put us into endless chasing and sufferings. May more people understand the consequences of invoking demons and not to involve in the negativity.

    Thank you.

  26. pammie yap on Aug 10, 2016 at 10:26 pm

    This is an interesting read about the different type of demons. The scary part is when they appear as someone innocent to con the person into believing. And it’s always too late by the time they realize. Summoning is easy but to send them away is the hard part.

    One thing that we should never do, is invite any of these spirits, demons or whatever negative entity. This is because they have been around for many many years therefore they have the power to hurt us. If we think that we can control or make them our slaves, we are so wrong.

    If someone indeed dabbled in it and got into trouble, they are lucky that they can still be helped.
    There are mantras and prayers that can help as mentioned above. However, best to get help from a spiritual guide or qualified people. We will never know what obstacles will appear or make matters worse.

  27. Khoo Hou Haw on Aug 10, 2016 at 10:22 pm

    Thank you for this interesting article about Valak. It is true that we should not depends on demonic beings. We deserved for what we’ve worked for. To request for what we are not deserve for through super natural power of a demonic being requires us to pay back equivelent price. In the end, if we want something, then we must work hard for it. There is no shortcut to success.

  28. Pastor Henry Ooi on Aug 10, 2016 at 10:16 pm

    Demonic practices are still alive today and will continue to into the future. As mentioned here, people propitiate demons for their personal gains and fame. I watched a documentary where it was investigated that some magicians work with demons/devils to help them in their performances. But at a price.

    The Dorje Shugden controversy where people labelled Him as a demon is not logical because His practice was given by Tibetan high lamas to the sangha and lay people for over 350 years. Can those high lamas be wrong? If so, then whatever other Buddhist practices they gave and are giving to the sangha and lay people would also be wrong. This includes HH The Dalai Lama.

  29. nicholas on Aug 10, 2016 at 10:05 pm

    Interesting article. Personally for me it’s best not to engage in any of such activity as dealing with unenlightened being will always have a risk. Why we look for short term solution where it will harm us in long term. It’s not worth at all and if we really looking for some help there is also enlightened being that we can ask for help. One should always check and find out the background of the entity we are seeking for help and it should always be an enlightened being where their act is out of compassion.

  30. Carsden on Aug 10, 2016 at 7:00 pm

    Thanks for writing this interesting article and sharing it with us.

    I believe that a person who summons spirit or demon is because of his/her avarice and ignorance. Demon is definitely not that compassion and selfless to help out but not asking something in return. Therefore it is indeed dangerous to deal with demon and spirit because we may not have the ability to pay for the “price”.

  31. Wylfred Ng on Aug 10, 2016 at 6:29 pm


    我个人非常喜欢The Conjuring 系列的电影。 它除了是真人真事改编之外, 在表达戏中人物对于灵异事件的手法也很写实、不夸张。 也让我们看电影的人要对世间万物都要心存敬意。

    不少电影都有说到关于人类通过特别仪式来招请邪灵或亡魂以得到一些益处。 华人所熟悉的就是钱仙、插青竹之类的。 这些方法在佛教中都不被鼓励。 邪灵或亡魂或许会有少许神通, 短期内或许可以让我们得到少许横财, 不过长时间对于我们是有白害而无一利。

    就像文章所说的, Valak 以一个小男孩想示人就是要让我们以为他们是没有威胁性。 然后得到我们的信任, 到最后才露出狐狸尾巴向我们得到益处。

    如果已经不幸被恶灵干扰, 我们可以通过皈依佛、法、僧、 三宝寻求保护。 如果更严重的可以修持多杰雄登—扎泽法门, 或狮面空行母

    最重要的就是对三宝有信心, 才可以完全让我们脱离被邪灵干扰的问题。


  32. KarenC on Aug 10, 2016 at 6:12 pm

    This post is very informative and educating using Valak, one of the most spoken role in Conjuring 2 as example to bait people to read and get a deeper understanding of how we deal with such beings when we encounter them.

    The rule of thumb is never initiate the connection with these beings, be it with good intention or bad, as they are not enlightened beings and are still carrying human being’s characters that may be malevolent and cause harm to us and even the people around us. Never open a portal for these beings to enter our world, if we do not or cannot handle them well, our life will be disastrous.

    Sometimes due to people’s greed and attachment for money, fame, positions, relationship, etc, when they are desperate, they may summon beings like these to assist them in getting what they want, for example, Kuman-Tong in Thailand and when it is not handled correctly or carefully, the consequences can be unimaginable.

    Thanks for writing this post, blog posts like this help us to have better understanding of spirits/non human beings and the do’s and don’ts when we have such encounter.

  33. Beatrix Ooi on Aug 9, 2016 at 8:29 am

    Valak is like the new trending, most of the people who come across this name definitely know that it’s from the Conjuring. I actually thought that Valak looks something like the nun that was portrayed in the movie, and to be honest she’s pretty scary. After reading through the article, I have realised that Valak is extremely powerful, he is definitely not something any one of us could simple invoke upon and communicate with; not that we can’t establish the connection, it’s because he’s way too powerful to ‘deal with’.

    We have to be very careful to not simply establish a connection with the unseen, simply because we do not have the ability to know what they intentions are and whether if they are malicious or not.

  34. Pastor KH Ng on Aug 8, 2016 at 12:34 pm

    Thank You for this informative article on Valak and at this time because of the movie “Conjuring 2”, this is relevant for those who watched the movie.

    As Rinpoche has stressed many times, we should not seek refuge in and ask for the help of lesser beings than enlightened beings because no matter what we think their motivations are, the clairvoyance are limited and at best any help is limited and any “good fortune” we may enjoy may result in using up our good karma unnecessarily, leading to manifestation of negative karma later. At worst, these beings have evil intentions that may cause harm to us and the consequences are very dire.

    Only refuge in the Guru and the 3 Jewels assured us of positive results.

  35. Echeah on Aug 8, 2016 at 1:46 am

    Thanks, very informative article. When faced with a difficult life situation, some people may choose to turn to the occult or dark forces as they may think it is a quick fix to try to get their heart’s desire. But they do not see the danger and consequences, or maybe they know no better.

    Taking refuge in enlightened beings is definitely a safer option as they will never harm us and they don’t demand pay back. However not everyone has the merit and karma to encounter the dharma or a guru during this short life. It is so rare, how extremely fortunate we are! We must not waste this opportunity. It is through this dharma that we learn the secret of how to get out of the predicament. It’s not a quick fix, but the results are everlasting.

  36. Stella Cheang on Aug 8, 2016 at 1:03 am

    Thank you for this article about Valak, who “appeared” in Conjuring 2. Negative spirits are never an object for us to take refuge in and ask favor from. There is a price to pay in the end for whatever favor they do for us in the worldly context. It is very foolish to satisfy our desire for this short lifetime, and give up to these malevolent beings access to our life or our soul, for eternity.

  37. Uncle Eddie on Aug 7, 2016 at 9:58 pm

    As were known to all, spirits/demons were never ordinary beings, that walk the earth. Of these entities, similiarily was Valak, who was said to be the mighty grand president of Hell with 30 legions of demons under his command as shown in this movie. As night demon, he is said to be most active during the time, and capable of taking any corporeal or non-corporeal form he wishes to manifest into, or take possession of in particular of the said being, human or even objects! Despite the inherent danger of dealing with demons, many people still prefer to summon these entities for the purpose of using them for their poweress or to fulfill their wishes. As said, summoning a demon is easy, but one should never make deals with demons if one cannot fulfill its demands as at the end of the bargain. It would cause one severe consequences and endless troubles should such result arise, as from many other people’s experiences, even death if one’s karma arises. As a pacifying source, it is gratifying to learn that there is an ever powerful mantra known as “The Wrathful Manjushri in the form of Trakze which can be efficaciously practiced to break the powerful hold of the Valak and other spirits. But it must be consistently and seriously done without fail. So best advice is not to use any of them if no there is necessity.

  38. HelenaC on Aug 7, 2016 at 8:24 pm

    Wow…this is very interesting and scary hehehe… Is best to not connect any of these beings as it is dangerous. We don’t know what we are dealing with!

  39. Fong on Aug 7, 2016 at 7:07 pm

    Thank you for this article in this month of Ullanbana. I have always feared the dark and all that is associated with it. But, it was interesting reading your research. It was comprehensive and gives me a clue as to what someone may be doing or going through if and when I come across it.

    I love that you did give us an immediate remedy before we have the time to consult our Guru. I guess, I must get to know Trakze’s mantra besides Sengdongma mantra!

  40. JP on Aug 7, 2016 at 11:09 am

    Thank you for this interesting article of Valaks. I’ve never heard of them before. Rinpoche said that there are many types of spirits beyond what we imagine. When we connect to the spirit realm for whatever reasons, we open the portal to their world. This is very dangerous because it’s like opening the main entrance of our house. If evil spirits enter, we’ll be in trouble and we will not have the knowledge to defend ourselves.

    Powerful mantras such as Trakze are very effective in protecting ourselves from being harmed by spirits. I have recited the mantra on several occasions when spirits tried to harm me. They instantly repel and disappear when I blew Trakze on them to bless them.

    It’s best not to contact any spirits or so called ascended masters in the new age practices. New age practices are not proven methods that will help practitioners become enlightened. We are not equipped to decipher whether the ascended masters we’re contacting are enlightened or spirits in disguise of the enlightened beings. To be safe, it’s better to stay away.

  41. Sofi on Aug 7, 2016 at 12:59 am

    Thank you for sharing this article on Valak – The Conjuring 2 Demon. Although I love horror stories, I still couldn’t put myself through this movie which was based on a real life story. It gives me chills even by looking at the picture of the Nun. It is interesting that Valak is usually propitiated for wealth and career advancement and I guess many would be tempted to try thinking its harmless if you do it once or twice. However, usually once you experience the “reward”, you would want the bigger “jackpot” and then you are caught in the web of this demon which you will have to pay a very heavy price in return.

    However if one has allowed himself to be snared into the trap, then as recommended, quickly engage in Trakze puja. I love this powerful and wrathful form of Buddha Dorje Shugen riding on a Garuda which has a serpent caught in its beak. Seeking the help from an attained Guru would definitely be a good way to cleanse oneself of this problem. As mentioned, one will have to diligently engage in what the Guru have instructed until the problem clears or the demon may gain strength if we stop due to more obstacles arising. Inviting a demon is like having cancer, it keeps growing until you are overwhelmed by it. By having cancer treatment like chemotherapy, it kills off the cancer but if you stop the treatment half way, the cancer start growing again, stronger and more aggressive this time.

    In Tibetan Buddhism we have Gyenze, the Buddha of Increase who could grant us the “wealth” too. Since he is a Buddha, he has the clairvoyance to actually see into the far future to know how to benefit us. And most of all, he does not extract any heavy payment in return. So I would suggest to propitiate Lord Gyenze if one is seeking for “increase”.

    Thanks again and look forward to your next article.

  42. Chris Chong on Aug 7, 2016 at 12:19 am

    Thank you for sharing this interesting information about this Demon Valak with us. What you advised is really true. It is not advisable to establish any connection with other beings or entity other than the enlightened ones. Some of those unseen beings are really powerful and because they are unenlightened, their motive and temperament is unknown. They can deceive and harm us. Seeking a quick fix or escape by asking a favour from these beings are stupid and not advisable.

    Buddha is the only beings that we can trust and fully rely on.

  43. Jill Yam on Aug 6, 2016 at 4:21 pm

    Thank you for the above sharing.
    As this month is also the month of the’ghost’ where they are supposed to roam around for a month, your sharing is also timely for all who do not believe in ghosts or spirits.
    I do agree with you that we should not pray or ask anything from these unenlightened being cos they will always want something in return from you. It is therefore very dangerous to be propitiating to them.
    We are fortunate to have our Guru to guide us along our path and a Buddha never ask for anything in return and a Buddha is never wrong.
    Hopefully by watching horror movies and reading this article can shed some realisation to those who dare to venture into the unknown.
    Be careful what you wish for.

    Jill Yam

  44. Lum Kok Luen on Aug 6, 2016 at 11:46 am

    Thank you very much for the sharing through your laborious research. All these is not possible without our Guru’s blessings and his compassion for us to learn more of the Dharma.

    I will bear all these teachings in mind and share with my family and friends under the right circumstances.

    Thank you.
    Lum Kok Luen

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Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

My name is Tsem Rinpoche and I am a Buddhist monk and teacher. I have a wide range of interests just like anyone else. Ever since I was a young child growing up in America, I have had a huge interest in the paranormal. I have always loved this subject. I love all things magical and mysterious – Tibet, Bigfoot, Loch Ness, Findhorn, UFO, Nazca lines, Spirits, Salem, Easter Island, Dowsing, Greek Gods, Hindu Gods, Yogis, Himalayas, Shambala, Aura, Divinations, Delphic Oracles, Tibetan Oracles, Nature Spirits, Pan, Shamans and more.

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Valak – The Conjuring 2 Demon?

by Admin | Jan 8, 2024

Dear friends, Recently, there has been a huge craze about a horror movie called The Conjuring 2. Yes! I am a self-professed horror junkie although I am also really...

Paranormal Protection

by Pastor David Lai | Nov 8, 2023

Dear everyone, I have chosen to write about this topic for Rinpoche’s blog because it fascinates me and it is something that many people are drawn to. Generally, people are...

Boo! Why Do We Love The Things That Scare Us?

by Shakila Rajendra | Oct 25, 2023

Despite their keeping us up at night, we all love a good ghost story. We are constantly fascinated by tales of ghouls, demonic possessions and those spirits that cannot...

Mystical Magic and Medical Science

by Phng Li Kim | Jan 8, 2025

In Yogyakarta, I visited Hospital Nur Hidayah where not too long ago, a young woman caused quite a stir. When the woman in question, Supiyati, arrived at the hospital,...

10 Creepy Mysteries You Haven’t Heard Of

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 25, 2020

Mysteries are always interesting to read about. Not only does it make our day a little less mundane, but it also help us to open our mind and contemplate...

The Burning Times

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2020

The 6-part film below is called “The Burning Times”. It explains what went on during the period from 1450 to 1700. That period of time in history is actually...


by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 25, 2019

Below are videos that I have found on witches. They are very very good and very informative… interesting and you would enjoy watching. Also learn a lot about bias,...

Malaysian Ghosts: Orang Minyak

by Cindy Hew | May 12, 2018

Of the many types of Malaysian ghost, one of the most perplexing is the Orang Minyak, literally translated as ‘Oily Man’. However, the exact nature of the Orang Minyak...

The Power of Sak Yant

by Phng Li Kim | Dec 19, 2017

For this episode, I flew to Bangkok to discover the mystery behind the Sak Yant (spiritual tattoo). My mission was to learn more about the purpose of the sak...

Valak – The Conjuring 2 Demon?

by Admin | Jan 8, 2024

Dear friends, Recently, there has been a huge craze about a horror movie called The Conjuring 2. Yes! I am a self-professed horror junkie although I am also really...

Must Watch: The Paranormal Zone on NTV7

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 8, 2023

The Paranormal Zone official launch!! Congrats to Celebrity Host Ms. Li Kim!!   Last night, The Paranormal Zone had their official launch party! It was an invitation-only event, held at...

The Mysterious Monsters – narrated by Peter Graves

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2023

Dear Everyone, Another favorite video of mine narrated by Peter Graves. He does a good job as he seems convinced in what he is narrating. I wish I can...

Psychic Kids (4)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 8, 2019

Another episode of Psychic Kids I thought my friends would enjoy. Notice how the senior psychics train up the younger ones. Reminds me of the Monastery where senior monks...

Celebrity Ghost Stories (7)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2019

Here’s another wonderful selection of supernatural encounters by celebrities. I find these neat as they show that people from all walks of life have experiences. Have a watch, learn...

Celebrities Ghost Stories (4) and Psychic Kids (2)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2019

Another dosage of great accounts of the supernatural that gives you a break and also helps you to ponder deeper on mysteries not visible to everyone yet exists. DO...

Celebrities Ghost Stories 2 & 3

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 26, 2018

Hello, This is your latest dose of Celebrity Ghosts. I hope you enjoy. Tsem Rinpoche   Part 2   Part 3   Note: All articles published on the blog...

The Mysterious Dark Watchers

by Tsem Rinpoche | Feb 8, 2025

Dear friends around the world, As most of you will know, I have always been attracted to tales of supernatural creatures and cryptids like Bigfoot, faeries, aliens, trolls, little...

The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle

by Cindy Hew | Nov 24, 2024

Mind boggling disappearances of ships and aircrafts – this is what immediately comes to mind at the mere mention of the Bermuda Triangle. Its reputation is so notorious that...

Werewolves: The Shapeshifters

by Cindy Hew | Oct 8, 2024

Commonly associated with the full moon and silver bullets, lycanthropes or werewolves are said to be humans with a mysterious ability to morph into actual wolves or wolf-like creatures...

The Balan-Balan

by Phng Li Kim | Sep 8, 2024

My adventures in Sabah are kept alive in Kota Belud – a place where the natives are firm believers of paganism and the practice of dark magic since hundreds...

Kuchisake Onna

by Admin | Feb 23, 2024

Dear friends, From a young age, I have always been intrigued by Kuchisake Onna, the Slit-Mouthed Woman from Japanese folklore. Originally I didn’t know her name or that she...

Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

Reincarnation Videos YOU MUST WATCH!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2023

Nov 28, 2012 (By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends, I wanted to share this videos with you for the longest time and happy I can do so now. Learn, ponder...

Can you believe in this?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 8, 2023

I have always had an interest in mythology and folklore... about mysterious occurrences or beings that were described in books, or from stories shared by our family and friends...

Atlantis: The Richat Structure

by Wei Tan | Nov 30, 2021

Could the legendary Atlantis be real? These videos suggest that it can be located with relative ease in the modern day. The main sources of evidence draws from Plato’s...

Are angels ancient aliens??

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2021

Many of us believe in angels. 70% of Americans, believe in the existence of angels… 55% of Americans believe in guardian angels. It is said that every day, one...

Ancient Aliens: The Return

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2021

“The Return” is the last episode of Season 1 of the Ancient Aliens series. In the 20th century there was evidence that we were still being visited by alien...

Ancient Aliens: The Mission (episode 4)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 24, 2021

If we can make expeditions in search of resources to sustain our culture, wouldn't any other life form who needs resources to survive do the exact same thing by...

The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle

by Cindy Hew | Nov 24, 2024

Mind boggling disappearances of ships and aircrafts – this is what immediately comes to mind at the mere mention of the Bermuda Triangle. Its reputation is so notorious that...

Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

Reincarnation Videos YOU MUST WATCH!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2023

Nov 28, 2012 (By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends, I wanted to share this videos with you for the longest time and happy I can do so now. Learn, ponder...

Thursday Paranormal Tales

by Admin | Nov 30, 2022

Many people like myself, are curious about paranormal experiences. It is a whole new world that most of us have yet to completely explore and understand. Some people have...

Nazca Lines – Another Sign of Paranormal Activity?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 8, 2021

Have you ever wondered how the Nazca Lines are made? Are they man made or is there something else behind its creation that we might not know of...

Atlantis: The Richat Structure

by Wei Tan | Nov 30, 2021

Could the legendary Atlantis be real? These videos suggest that it can be located with relative ease in the modern day. The main sources of evidence draws from Plato’s...


by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2021

On March 19th… You may be surprised by what you will see or have seen… For the first time in 18 years, the moon will swing around Earth very...

Just What Are Sailing Stones?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2020

Look at these pictures and let your imagination try to figure out how this came to pass. Stones in the middle of nowhere that leave trails behind them, yet...

Psychic Kids (4)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 8, 2019

Another episode of Psychic Kids I thought my friends would enjoy. Notice how the senior psychics train up the younger ones. Reminds me of the Monastery where senior monks...

Kid Painter is Mini Monet

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 8, 2019

Kid geniuses are people who were good in something in another life and they from a young age without or with very little training can do something beyond your belief system...

Celebrities Ghost Stories (4) and Psychic Kids (2)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2019

Another dosage of great accounts of the supernatural that gives you a break and also helps you to ponder deeper on mysteries not visible to everyone yet exists. DO...

Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 25, 2024

I have always been interested in ancient civilisations such as China, Egypt and Mesopotamia as they reflect the sophistication and advancements of the people at that time. Although people...

Sleep Paralysis – Medical or Paranormal?

by Admin | Mar 8, 2024

Sleep paralysis or more commonly known in Chinese as ‘鬼压床’ is one of the most common paranormal encounters. Hence, most people would have experienced some form of sleep paralysis...

Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

China builds world’s largest radio telescope to hunt for aliens

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 25, 2023

Dear friends around the world, It is interesting that China is looking for extraterrestrial communications. China is really catching up on all fields of interest. Take a read. Tsem...

Einstein on Buddhism

by Tsem Rinpoche | Sep 8, 2023

Dear friends around the world, I came across this interesting article recently and thought that it’d be nice to share it on my blog. People would often pick science...

Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 25, 2023

Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results 5 February, 2014 – 13:47 by April Holloway Paracas is a desert peninsula located within the Pisco...

Guess what was found!!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Nov 8, 2022

I have interests in many subjects. I just don’t have enough time in the day to get deeper into many of the subjects that captures my mind. One of...

Top 10 Space Mysteries

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2020

In something as big as the universe, there are bound to be unexplainable phenomena... and things we truly can’t grasp. The universe shows us how small we really are...

Resurrecting Mammoths

by Tsem Rinpoche | Nov 24, 2019

Researchers aim to resurrect mammoth in five years By Agence France-Presse | Updated: 1/17/2011 Japanese researchers will launch a project this year to resurrect the long-extinct mammoth by using...

A Planet discovered that could have life…..

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 8, 2019

Imagine there are 40 BILLION planets out there that can support life in our universe… Wow… There has to be other life forms. The mathematical chances is beyond doubt...

Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking – Time Travel

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2019

Watch enlightening documentaries online! Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking – Time Travel (2010).The promise of time travel has long been one of the worlds favorite scientific what-ifs? Hawking...

Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking – The Story Of Everything

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2019

Watch enlightening documentaries online! Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking – The Story Of Everything (2010) In two mind-blowing hours, Hawking reveals the wonders of the cosmos to a...

Paranormal Experiences Occur Everywhere – Part 2!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 8, 2022

In the late 80’s, I was a university student in Essex, England. I was living in a student hostel at the university ground. The hostel was a high-rise building...

Paranormal Experiences Occur Everywhere – Part 1!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Sep 8, 2022

I like Steven Wong's stories very much as it shows that spirits and unseen beings are actually not restricted to specific areas like cemeteries or abandoned houses. Instead, they...

Bukit Antarabangsa Hauntings

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 25, 2022

Remember the Bukit Antarabangsa Landslide in 2008? What about the Highland Towers apartment building which collapsed in 1993? I am sure that you know many died during those two...

The Shadow On My Bed

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 8, 2022

More and more people are sharing their paranormal experiences with us, and I thank Mr. Michael Moore for sharing with us a very kind and sincere story... can you...

A Relieving Experience

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2022

Some people encounter with spirits directly and have disturbing experiences with the unseen whilst there are others who experience it very differently, where they feel that the incident has...

A swirl at the foot of my bed

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 24, 2022

  Perhaps Paranormal: Two night ago in the middle of the night in my hotel room, I woke up and noticed a dark swirling ‘entity’ that was not exactly...

The Lady in Red

by Admin | Sep 8, 2021

The two men disappeared into the woods and came out on the other side. They walked very fast without saying a word to one another. Finally, they stopped at...

The Headless Nun: A Canadian Ghost Story

by Guest | May 6, 2019

In the mid 1700s, The French Fort Cove, the place of the happenings concerning our tale, was a military fortification on the banks of the Miramichi River, between what...

The Paranormal Zone: Ghost Marriages

by Phng Li Kim | Dec 25, 2024

For this episode, I travelled to Taiwan to visit a temple dedicated to unmarried women who had passed on. I could not understand why a temple needed to be...

The Balan-Balan

by Phng Li Kim | Sep 8, 2024

My adventures in Sabah are kept alive in Kota Belud – a place where the natives are firm believers of paganism and the practice of dark magic since hundreds...

Jean Ai

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 8, 2022

Thailand is known for their terrifying horror movies and you know what people say...where there is smoke, there is fire so when Jean Ai went to Bangkok to work...

Thursday Paranormal Tales

by Admin | Nov 30, 2022

Many people like myself, are curious about paranormal experiences. It is a whole new world that most of us have yet to completely explore and understand. Some people have...

JP Revisited

by Tsem Rinpoche | Nov 24, 2022

Whilst the Chinese have practised ancestral worship for centuries, for most people a visit to the graves of their forefathers stops there. A few offerings and some flowers, and...

David Lai

by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 25, 2022

Quiet and unassuming, on first appearance David Lai does not come across as a person who has paranormal experiences. As they say however, looks can be deceiving...


by Tsem Rinpoche | Sep 24, 2022

Facing college life in a new city, JP Thong had no idea what awaited him when he moved thousands of miles away from home to New York, where he...

Till I See Blood

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2022

After sleepless nights in Bangkok, Angel finally fell asleep, only to find herself struggling for her breath as she was rudely awakened by an unseen stranger. Feeling pressed down...


by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 25, 2022

Many of us have heard that some people have the ability to see the dead and many of us have heard of the movie 'The Sixth Sense'. For 16...


by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2022

There are many children around the world who tell their parents that they see dark figures. Most of the time, their parents would brush them off and tell them...

Snake Spirit

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2022

This week, I share with you a story that relates to the time when I was residing in southern Thailand. I stayed there for about a month to do...

Burmese Temple & Floating Heads

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 8, 2022

In this episode, we have exclusive rights to film at one of the most exotic locations in Malaysia at night: The Dhammikarama Burmese Buddhist Temple. Founded on 1st August...

Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

They are Everywhere

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 25, 2022

Whether we believe in aliens or not, it is undeniable that the thought of other beings existing in places unknown to mankind yet is interesting...

Foreign Visitor in the Amazon!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2022

Alien enthusiasts are always eager to find the latest alien discovery or encounters. Over the years, hundreds of media releases turn out to be hoaxes… It’s difficult to figure...

Spotted in a Sandstorm

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 25, 2021

I received an interesting email from Philip Yong, which shows some live CNN footage of a sandstorm also known as a “Haboob”. What’s interesting to note about this live...

A HUGE Collection of UFO Photographs from 1870 to 2011

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2021

  I was sent an email with a link to one of the most interesting websites on UFOs:! This website contains A LOT of information in the form...

Top 10 Space Mysteries

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2020

In something as big as the universe, there are bound to be unexplainable phenomena... and things we truly can’t grasp. The universe shows us how small we really are...

Astronauts & Military Men Speak

by Tsem Rinpoche | Feb 8, 2020

There are 2 videos below that are of UFOs. These are probably 2 of the most convincing videos on UFOs so far. This is mostly because the presenters are...

They’re Sighted Everywhere

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2020

This YouTube video was forwarded to me by Shirley Tan. It is of a UFO sighting on the 18th of January in Moscow, Russia. The video was taken from...

Second UFO sighting baffles China & Malaysia

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2019

Another unidentified flying object (UFO) has been spotted hovering over a part in southwestern China’s Chongqing province after a similar sighting last week caused massive flight delays at a...

More UFO videos from China!!! Very convincing!!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Feb 22, 2019

You have to watch these neat videos. They are very convincing. I copy and pasted the information below just so you have more to go on and understand. Enjoy...

Unsolved Mysteries – UFO’s & Me…

by Tsem Rinpoche | Sep 14, 2018

Since I was very young, I was naturally drawn to phenomena that was not accepted by ‘mainstream’ public. That didn’t bother me. I was always the type of person...

Flatwoods Monster: Close Encounter of the Third Kind?

by Cindy Hew | Nov 25, 2017

If you were in Flatwoods in Braxton Country, West Virginia around September 1952, chances are you would have been caught up in the hype surrounding the first sighting of...

Reincarnation Videos YOU MUST WATCH!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2023

Nov 28, 2012 (By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends, I wanted to share this videos with you for the longest time and happy I can do so now. Learn, ponder...

Pastor Chia on Wah Lai Toi!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 24, 2023

Pastor Chia, a long time student of mine appeared on TV recently. He was interviewed by a Paranormal Program on Astro Wah Lai Toi. It is so exciting to...

Inhuman Entity caught on film

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 25, 2023

See this episode. It is very good. Very interesting! Look at 5:01 and see an inhuman entity caught on film. Very interesting how these beings can be caught on...

Bigfoot Proven?? Must Watch!!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Feb 8, 2023

American Paranormal is a one year old series on the National Geographic channel. They kicked-off their new series in 2010 with a documentary on Bigfoot!! This documentary uses thorough...

The Mysterious Monsters – narrated by Peter Graves

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2023

Dear Everyone, Another favorite video of mine narrated by Peter Graves. He does a good job as he seems convinced in what he is narrating. I wish I can...

Thursday Paranormal Tales

by Admin | Nov 30, 2022

Many people like myself, are curious about paranormal experiences. It is a whole new world that most of us have yet to completely explore and understand. Some people have...

Foreign Visitor in the Amazon!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2022

Alien enthusiasts are always eager to find the latest alien discovery or encounters. Over the years, hundreds of media releases turn out to be hoaxes… It’s difficult to figure...

Ancient Aliens – Season 1 to Season 3

by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 25, 2021

Ancient Aliens is a series that launched their first episode on 20 April 2010. The series proposes various evidence around the theory that sometime within the existence of human civilization,...

League of Gentlemen visit ‘haunted’ Gloucestershire pub

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 8, 2021

Below is an article that my student, Shirley Tan, sent me. It is about a popular group of British comedians who decided to brave potential scares in a haunted...

Who are the Freemasons?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 8, 2021

The Freemasons are known to be very secretive and according to some people, almost cult-like. Cult is a very subjective word of course. Although I do not know much....

Are angels ancient aliens??

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2021

Many of us believe in angels. 70% of Americans, believe in the existence of angels… 55% of Americans believe in guardian angels. It is said that every day, one...

Ancient Aliens: The Return

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2021

“The Return” is the last episode of Season 1 of the Ancient Aliens series. In the 20th century there was evidence that we were still being visited by alien...


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