May 12, 2018
Posted by in Ghosts and Hauntings, Magic and the Occult, Mythology and Mysteries, Paranormal | 9.02am
(by Tsem Rinpoche and Cindy Hew)
Of the many types of Malaysian ghost, one of the most perplexing is the Orang Minyak, literally translated as ‘Oily Man’. Interestingly, Michael Newton in his “Encyclopedia of Cryptozology: A Global Guide” (McFarland and Co., 2005) defines the Orang Minyak as
“An aggressive unknown hominid or primate reported from peninsular Malaysia.”
He further states that,
“Natives of the region claim that this large biped attacks rural villages by night and carries off young women.”
However, the exact nature of the Orang Minyak is unknown and local opinions remain divided as to whether it is actually a ghost or a man consumed by black magic.
The differing opinions stem from two popular theories as to the origins of the Orang Minyak. According to one school of thought, the Orang Minyak gave up his humanity to the devil by bartering his soul in exchange for either supernatural powers or to win back a loved one. In this regard, not only is there a lifetime commitment to enslave oneself to the devil, but this devilish pact also obligates the Orang Minyak to rape 21 virgin women within seven days of his initiation, failing which he will not receive his promised rewards.

It is common knowledge that the Orang Minyak has to rape virgin girls in order to receive or retain his dark supernatural powers
The other theory maintains that the Orang Minyak is a selfish and deluded human who sought out the dark mystical powers of black magic to satisfy his worldly desires. According to an Islamic faith healer from Kasturi Syifa, the top common wishes of Orang Minyak are to be good looking, to have the ability to sweet-talk and charm young women, to have the ability to be invisible, and also the ability to vanish into thin air.
Similar to the first theory, the black magic hypothesis also comes with the requirement to rape virgin women but differs in terms of the quota. Depending on which sources one subscribes to, it can be 21, 44 or 99, with no specific prescribed timelines. It is further believed that these rapes serve to boost as well as seal the dark supernatural powers of the Orang Minyak.
The existence of differing theories can be attributed to the vagueness of the legend of the first Orang Minyak found in Malay folklore. Passed down verbally over generations, it is one of the primary sources of information about the Orang Minyak.
The Legend of the First Orang Minyak
Legend has it that the first Orang Minyak was an orphan born with really ugly features including a disfigured face, a prominent hunchback and huge visible boils all over his body. He lived in a small village in Malaysia but was always bullied due to his less than desirable physique and obvious limping gait.
Apart from cruel taunts, the unfortunate fellow was subjected to violent beatings from some of the villagers for no apparent reason. It is also said that children and women avoided him like the plague.
This early Malaysian equivalent of “The Hunchback of Notre-Dame” subsequently fell in love with a girl in his village but knew that his love would never be requited. Consumed by anger and frustration, he either chanced upon or sought out the devil who gave him the black magic practice of Orang Minyak. In return, the devil demanded his full subservience and also the rape of 21 virgin women within seven days, failing which the dark powers would not come to be.
In 1958, this particular legend was adapted into an award-winning movie, ‘Sumpah Orang Minyak’ by the late P. Ramlee, Malaysia’s most celebrated filmmaker. His portrayal of the villain in the movie typifies the Orang Minyak of the 50s and 60s. The following video highlights selected clips of P. Ramlee’s artistic interpretation of the Orang Minyak’s pact with the devil.
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Appearance and Characteristics
The strong emphasis on the requirement of rape in both prevailing origin theories has led to a general consensus that the Orang Minyak is exclusively male. His trademark state of undress, coated only in slippery black oil or grease, fits in well with his standard modus operandi of breaking and entering at night with the primary intention of rape or the secondary objective of theft.

An artistic depiction of the Orang Minyak
The Orang Minyak is also said to have red eyes which are hauntingly hollow yet penetrative. Some victims have claimed to be arrested by his gaze, leaving them physically helpless in the face of the Orang Minyak. Others have testified to being stuck in a nightmarish state of paralysis while the Orang Minyak was having his way with them. Apart from a trail of greasy residue, the Orang Minyak is said to always leave a signature black grease mark on his victim’s forehead.
According to Malay folklore, the scattering of either banana blossom petals (kelopak jantung pisang) or a specific type of yam leaves (daun keladi bira) across the bedroom floor of any young maiden can serve to ward off uninvited visits from the Orang Minyak.

Malay folklore recommends batik cloth as the weapon of choice against the Orang Minyak. Photo Credit: Karyaneka
Malay folklore also reveals that the Orang Minyak is weakened by batik cloth, but no further explanation is given. Nonetheless, batik cloth remains the traditional weapon of choice in any attempt to capture an Orang Minyak. The same prescription goes on to state that the Orang Minyak can be exterminated by biting or chopping off his big toes whilst he is trapped in batik cloth.
Recent Sightings

The 1958 award-winning movie, ‘Sumpah Orang Minyak’, acted, directed and produced by the late P. Ramlee, Malaysia’s most celebrated filmmaker, typifies the Orang Minyak of the 50s and 60s.
Whether it is a result of fact, fantasy or otherwise, real-life attacks and sightings of the Orang Minyak are abundant throughout Malaysia.
The Orang Minyak phenomenon reached its height in the 1960s when reports of Orang Minyak attacks and disturbances became prevalent across several villages and a few major Malaysian towns. It resulted in many unmarried women, typically those living in student dormitories, borrowing sweaty clothes to mislead the Orang Minyak into thinking that they were with a man.
From that time until the 2000s, reported Orang Minyak sightings have reduced steadily in frequency. However, to date, there are still occasional reports of Orang Minyak appearances with the latest being reported on 1st April 2018, where a 17-year-old teenager was allegedly attacked as she was hanging laundry in the backyard of her family home in the village of Pengkalan Demit, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan.

Nik Anis Ashira Kamarulzaman (centre) was found in a dishevelled state after an alleged encounter with an Orang Minyak. Photo Credit: NSTP
According to the news report, the victim, Nik Anis Ashira Kamarulzaman, claimed that she was grabbed from behind and forcibly brought into the living room where she was strangled and her hands, feet and waist were bound. Grease marks were also visible on her neck and feet.
I felt as if I was under a spell; I didn’t know who this person was. I only realised what was happening when I felt the person’s hands clutched around my neck. My hands, feet and waist were also tied up. I couldn’t breathe due to the rope knotted tightly around my waist. I could only cry and scream for help before the person fled through the kitchen window. – Nik Anis Ashira Kamarulzaman

Traces of what appeared to be grease were found on the victim’s legs. Photo Credit: NSTP
A few months prior to this incident, around December 2017, an alleged Orang Minyak was caught on CCTV committing a burglary in the residential neighbourhood of Lorong Dewan Simpang 3, Gombak, Selangor. The CCTV footage revealed a naked greasy humanoid figure escaping with a bag on his shoulder and was uploaded to the victim’s Facebook account.

The victim’s Facebook posting about the robbery allegedly committed by an Orang Minyak.
The 17-second-long CCTV footage received over 300,000 views. The then Gombak Police Chief, Assistant Commissioner Ali Ahmad, also confirmed that a police report had been lodged and, in fact, the police had located the bag in question which was abandoned a short distance from the crime scene.

A still shot of the alleged Orang Minyak from the CCTV footage
In 2016, a year before the Gombak incident, a Malay woman was nearly raped by an Orang Minyak at a petrol station washroom in Bandar Batu Rawang, Selangor. According to the report in the local daily Berita Harian, the woman narrowly escaped after putting up a fight and escaping, screaming at the top of her lungs for help. The alleged Orang Minyak perpetrator escaped in the midst of the chaos. These facts were also confirmed by Assistant Commissioner Ali Ahmad.
However, despite many newspaper reports seemingly lending credence to paranormal tales of the Orang Minyak, there are also many reports debunking it. A notable example is the capture of an alleged Orang Minyak during the Chinese New Year holidays in 2014 through the collective efforts of the community around Dataran Pahlawan in Melaka. According to the report in the local daily China Press, the so-called Orang Minyak was caught whilst attempting to harass young women in the area and had a bottle of unidentified dark oil with him. He has since been handed over to the police.

Alleged capture of an Orang Minyak at Dataran Pahlawan Melaka in 2014 through the collective efforts of the community.
Although debates, contradictions and uncertainties are aplenty when it comes to determining the existence of as well as the true nature of the Orang Minyak, the legend of the Orang Minyak is definitely here to stay. As long as Orang Minyak sightings continue to be reported, public fascination with the phenomenon will continue to persist.
Sources / References:
For more interesting information:
- The Intriguing Green Children of Woolpit
- The Duality of Doppelgangers
- Flatwoods Monster: Close Encounter of the Third Kind?
- The Eerie Enigma of the Mothman
- The Mysterious Dark Watchers
- Creepy Tales of the Lizard Man
- The Hidden Nature of Trolls
- The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle
- The Devil
- Toyols: The Child-Spirits
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Yay I can;t slep now :)))
I heard about Orang Minyak from my high school friends, we were in a discussion if Orang Minyak are ghost or human. Orang Minyak often only appear in kampung, the stories I heard about are not so scary like the others ghost rumours, it felt like human being. It is interesting to know from malay folklore that the Orang Minyak is weakened by batik cloth.
I used to hear about orang minyak story since I was very young. I was told orang minyak will come out at night to catch girls. But when I grown up I knew it’s not anything like ghost or spirits but thieves that painted themselves with black colour old for them to get away easily whenever they get caught steeling things or molesting women. Today, minyak doesn’t work anymore. LOL.
I believe that orang minyak is only 1 of the many beings out there who stir the peace on earth. It’s common to hear stories & see materials that are related to the black magic world.
People who choose this path because they have strong desires etc., power to control, wealth, immorality, love & many more. Many would not able to fulfill such desires in a regular method like some lucky people do. Hence, they source for alternative ways to achieve their goals. These dark methods, for sure can achieve many goals, but it’s definetely for short term & it’ll bound back strongly which will harm oneself & the others who are around because it involve harming another being for the sake of to achieve one’s goals. It’s the cause & effect.
I’m not trying to promote Dharma, but it’s the only way to achieve goals in life in a right way. Things in life have changed for many committed buddhist. Of course, if we compare with black magic, the result from practicing Dharma would be slower but it has no negative side effects for sure.
The orang minyak at one time was very famous during my childhood. At that time, my parents use to threaten us to sleep early otherwise orang minyak will came and take us away. However at that time, as a child we already knew that orang minyak is a human not a ghost but was a bad person. Some others said they are actually human who put on oil on his whole body so that people cant caught him so easily. After sometime this just gone and no more heard about that.
Since i was a young child, my mother ofter told me about orang minyak particular at the night if i not closing a window or door before sleep. I still remember clearly my mother use to said orang minyak like to steal thing and caught woman. It create fear for many people in 70s. I think theif this day not using orang minyak way to steal thing because housing area in city have good alam system, not easy to steal thing.It onĺy work at the village .
I think Orang Minyak is a creation by the local people of committing crimes. In order to achieve their personal desire, these people will went into practicing black magic and attack victims in hypnotic situation. Applying oil/ grease onto body, might be to boost up the desire or own fulfillment and likewise easy access of crimes.
I heard stories of orang minyak in the 60s and 70s, not that that are supernatural beings but thieves and burglars who sometimes molest women. The grease/oil applied onto their body allows the thieves and burglars easy access to places like gates, fences, ceiling holes. Also the grease/oil is slippery and prevents them from being easily apprehended when caught.
This “Orang Minyak” may be some sex maniac trying to rape virgin girls and trying to cover up their faces. Hence they put on grease so that the victim will not be able to recognize them. Same goes for the burglary case.
I believe that orang minyak is just a man who put oil all over his body to do stuff and easily get away with due to the slippery oil. Moreover, with oil covering the whole body, nobody can recognize how he look like especially in the dark. It’s just someone was smarter in covering their crimes. Anyway, thieves got smarter and found ways to deceive many.
In the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, there are many folklore, about Orang Minyak, Pontianak, Hantu Susu etc. But until now, there’s no firm evidence proving the existence of such beings. In this particular case, I think those who so called orang minyak are thieves that stole and pervert that like to disturb young female. They pirlosely disguise like that so that people can’t recognise them and not easily catch them. As time passed, nowadays harder to notice people disguise like that, as the modern society have modern security device that easily prevent them to enter a premise and even to catch a female. In modern days, there are less and less people believe in these folklore.
Orang Minyak is no stranger to anyone from Malaysia. I used to be heading and watching stories from Malay folklore about the doings of Orang Minyak. As to why they have to rape virgin females in order to maintain their power is something I am unaware of and rather bemusing as to why specifically virgins? I have heard of such claims whereby some potions are mixed with urine belonging to virgins in order to fend off spirits. So there might be something got to do with virginity.
This is a very interesting and yet informative article on Orang Minyak that cover the aspect that the orang minyak could be normal human being who wanted to do bad things or a ghost or beings.
I remember when I was young, we are very cautious on this story as the orang minyak is known to rape young girl, thus, during nite time, we are forbidden to open window when we slept.
One things I notice on how the orang minyak came about, it is because of desire and also the attachment. When came to strong desire and attachment, it really can drive people crazy and do not hesitate to do anything just to get what they want. No matter what methods they can use, thus, I realise if the person have dharma, at least, they could try to use the dharma methods to purify their bad karma and gain merits. Perhaps their wish could be fulfilled and less bad karma could be accumulate.
Thank you Cindy for good article
Thank you for sharing this article on Orang Minyak. I have heard of Orang Minyak when I was younger but didn’t really know what it was. I thought it was some black magic used for people to steal money. It is scary to think that Orang Minyak abducts girls and rapes them. I wonder if in other places there are also being like Orang Minyak in Malaysia.
Even though I have not seen an Orang Minyak before but I believe in their existence. There are many things we cannot see but it does not mean they don’t exist. For example, we cannot see gravity but how come we can believe there is gravity? Our world is bigger than what we think it is.
Nice short video of a new LED signage reminding us of who we can go to for blessings in case of need:
Listening to the chanting of sacred words, melodies, mantras, sutras and prayers has a very powerful healing effect on our outer and inner environments. It clears the chakras, spiritual toxins, the paths where our ‘chi’ travels within our bodies for health as well as for clearing the mind. It is soothing and relaxing but at the same time invigorates us with positive energy. The sacred sounds invite positive beings to inhabit our environment, expels negative beings and brings the sound of growth to the land, animals, water and plants. Sacred chants bless all living beings on our land as well as inanimate objects. Do download and play while in traffic to relax, when you are about to sleep, during meditation, during stress or just anytime. Great to play for animals and children. Share with friends the blessing of a full Dorje Shugden puja performed at Kechara Forest Retreat by our puja department for the benefit of others. Tsem Rinpoche
Listen here:
My idea of the orang minyak is a person who is trying to have an edge over others, by putting oil all over their body it is hoped they will not be easily caught.
I wasn’t aware that there is a version of Orang Minyak brought about via supernatural means. I suppose want to have super powers to do as they like and wish and get away with it.
Thank you Cindy for such an interesting story. When I was young we had a scare when an “Orang Minyak” was on the rampant in town. The police tried to catch him but he somehow manage to slip through their cordons. However this was a naked man who smothered himself in grease to gain easy access through metal grills and to escape. He was just too greasy to be caught by hands. After a while the news died when he stopped his activities. I did not know that Orang Minyak was some amorous being that uses this form to take advantage of the females. Its great that has so many articles for us to learn from. Thank you Rinpoche.
This is a very interesting article. I think those who put on black oil on their body as Orang Minyak is very bad because they destroy people’s house and stealing people’s belonging. They are using the fear factor of people to steal which is not good to do. So we should not do things like stealing and hurting people.
Thank you Cindy for sharing.
Believed that some trying to be orang minyak to hide their identity so that they can continue to do evil things like rape, robbery ,killing and etc.
It happened to my neighbour in my hometown where a man trying to intrude the house by pretending to be orang minyak. He had a gun with him. The neighbourhood was terrified for months after the incident.
Very interesting write up and background about Orang Minyak which I grew up hearing and watching P. Ramlee movies. Really scary for me when during that time when i was young. Don’t really fancy ghost stories. ..hehehe ?. Thank you Rinpoche and Cindy for sharing ?
I have long been fascinated by supernatural beings, enjoyed hearing and watching films. Heard of the stories of ‘oliy Man” orang minyak as it was called by many. There was many stories related , whether it’s a urban legend or supposedly supernatural as well as black magic. There were countless stories of the orang minyak. Legend has it that the orang minyak is a greasy figure with black underpants, which creeps into a room through an open window of homes. All these claims has such cause unnecessary anxiety and panic among villagers. Well , nobody knows the exact nature of the Orang Minyak . During 50’s and 60’s , stories of the oily man seem common especially in smaller village then. Well due to the popularity of these legends it has appeared in a number of films .
Thank you Rinpoche and Cindy Hew for this interesting write-up.
We used to get spooked by stories about Orang Minyak as kids. At the height of the “Orang Minyak rampage”ladies dare not go out after dark for fear of getting caught by Orang Minyak. One of the stories that I remember is the Orang Minyak is actually a rapist who poured oil all over his body so that when he is caught, his greasy body made it easy for him to escape. Whether he was a man or a ghost, it was enough to terrify us.
Thank you, Rinpoche and Cindy for this interesting write-up on Orang Minyak.
Thank you Cindy for sharing this interesting article about orang minyak. I remember my grandma keep talking about them when I was very young. I always thought they are thief who puts oil on their body so people can’t catch them. Never thought that it actually relates to dark mystical power and they need to rape certain number of girls in order to stay or sustain their power. Really scary. All sorts of things that people do when they have bad intention.