January 8, 2025
Posted by in Magic and the Occult, Paranormal | 8.15am
In Yogyakarta, I visited Hospital Nur Hidayah where not too long ago, a young woman caused quite a stir. When the woman in question, Supiyati, arrived at the hospital, she was barely conscious.
Her legs were badly infected and a number of foreign objects were found lodged in her feet, shins and heels. The doctor in charge, Dr Sagiran, immediately performed a surgical procedure to remove all foreign matter, which consisted of needles, nails and pins, from her body.
Two days after Supiyati’s operation, something very strange happened. Doctors discovered that the foreign objects had reappeared in her body! This puzzled the doctors to no end as they could not figure out how it was possible. They concluded that the only explanation for Supiyati’s condition was black magic or a curse.
To understand more about the relationship between science and spiritual diseases, I met with Professor Dr Sharifah Roohi, a hand surgeon and medical lecturer, who told me that cases which could not be explained medically would usually be passed on to a traditional or spiritual healer. Professor Dr Sharifah went on to say that medical science would not be able to explain Supiyati’s strange condition.
This was indeed a baffling case but what I found heart-warming was how a team of medical experts at Hospital Nur Hidayah were willing to blur the lines between science and spirituality to help out a fellow human being.
The highlight of my trip to Yogyakarta, however, was meeting with Supiyati herself. It was an honour to speak to a woman who had fought for her life with so much strength and tenacity.

Having a heart-to-heart conversation with Supiyati. She is an incredibly strong woman and I have the greatest respect and admiration for her
Three months after her wedding, Supiyati began noticing strange objects like nails, pins and hair coming out of her body. She immediately had a suspicion that her then husband, whom she had married three years prior out of fear, had placed her under a dark spell.
Her suspicions were confirmed when her husband refused to take her to the doctor to seek treatment even though she was ill and in great pain. He only took her to a witch doctor and told Supiyati that if she did not listen to his instructions, the witch doctor would put more spells on her.
Supiyati was terrified. Her family took her to other healers but nothing worked until her uncle from Yogyakarta intervened and brought her to Hospital Nur Hidayah. It was evident that the medical doctors were reluctant to take on Supiyati’s case as they deemed it to be of paranormal origin but fortunately, Dr Sagiran and his team were up for the challenge. Naturally, he received brickbats from the medical community for helping Supiyati out because her case was classified as a mystical and not a scientific one.
I couldn’t help but wonder how many medical doctors would be willing to cross the line between science and spirituality. And why did Dr Sagiran take the risk in this instance?
So, I decided to speak to him to find out for myself. Dr Sagiran told me that the way in which the foreign objects were inserted into Supiyati’s body was unnatural and that they had the ability to appear and disappear in a matter of moments. He concluded that it was definitely an intervention by dark magic or unseen forces.
He also told me that there were two things we needed to know about the sorcery – when the objects were sent by the witch doctor, and that the objects had powers and could move around the body even after they had been physically removed.
Dr Sagiran added that to nullify the power, he would need to perform prayers. One of these was the Ruqyah, which is based on the Quran. Supiyati was surprised when Dr Sagiran brought in Ustadz Fadhlan, a spiritual healer, to teach her spiritual healing methods to protect herself. He asked Supiyati to perform the prayers and once she did, the objects became powerless and could now be surgically removed from her body without any repercussions. A total of 2,399 nails were removed from Supiyati’s body within a span of two years.

An x-ray image showing foreign objects lodged in Supiyati’s legs
During one of the spiritual healing sessions, Supiyati spat out a five-inch nail but Dr Sagiran said that the nail did not cut her mouth or injure her in any way. He believed that the nail was inserted into her body to frighten her as well as those around her to stop helping her.
The attacks finally stopped nine months after Supiyati was discharged from the hospital and when she started practising the Ruqyah on her own. Two years later, a nail and two needles appeared in her right leg. She also felt a strange burning sensation in her fingers. This time, however, Supiyati was stronger and well-prepared to face this.
During my conversation with her, Supiyati began to look unwell and I encouraged her to go to the hospital. At the hospital, the doctor revealed that there were some fibres coming out of her skin. As I watched these unnatural objects being removed, I couldn’t help but wonder why the spiritual treatment did not heal her completely.
To learn more about why Supiyati was still not fully healed, I met up with Ustadz Fahdlan. He told me that after the first six sessions of Ruqyah, Supiyati was healed as she could carry out her daily activities. He further explained that Ruqyah doesn’t send the spell back to the sender but rather cancels the sorcery and makes the patient strong again.

Uztadz Fadhlan telling me more about the Ruqyah and how it helped Supiyati
Ustadz Fadhlan went on to say that he was of the belief that medical science and spiritual healing were interdependent because in Supiyati’s case, she needed help from medical doctors to extract the foreign objects from her body. He added that this was not a procedure that he could perform.
When Supiyati showed me the scars on her body, I was angry and disgusted with the person who had done this to her. But even though she had gone through so much pain and torture, Supiyati never once contemplated revenge. And this made me respect her even more.
I was very saddened by the anguish that this poor woman had to endure. It is clear from Supiyati’s story that black magic does exist although I firmly believe it should not. How a person would have the heart to inflict such torture on another person is simply beyond me.
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Interesting account of the investigation of Supiyati an Indonesian woman’s body filled with needles, nails, and wires.
After many efforts to find a cure in their hometown never found any success, Dark Magic is an incredibly powerful form of witchcraft that draws on malevolent powers.Black magic is a belief system that is not supported by scientific evidence. However, psychologists and neuroscientists have studied magic to understand how it affects people’s perceptions and beliefs. Regardless of the path forward, the study and understanding of black magic will undoubtedly remain a subject of enduring fascination and scholarly inquiry.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Hi why did u remove the video about the Indonesian woman who got black magic with nails..on here and you tube? I wanted to show my friend
Thank you Li Kim for sharing with us this story about black magic. The interviews with the victim and the spiritual doctor are very convincing. Sometimes we don’t know if we have accidentally offend someone and as a result the black magic is cast on us.
To cast the magic or spell, they only need a photo or hair or nail or the birth date of the person. The Paranormal Zone hostess, Li Kim shared the story of Supiyati with us, how Supiyati was affected by the black magic. There were many foreign objects appearing in Supiyati’s body such as nails, pin and hair. Supiyati went to see a spiritual doctor and was healed, but at the same time the spiritual doctor also advised Supiyati to go and seek proper medical treatment to extract the foreign object out of her body.
It might seem impossible, but there was evidence showing the existence of foreign objects in Supiyati’s body. There are many things we are not able to see but they do exist. Some black magic may be a bluff, but some are for real. What is not proven by the scientists does not mean it is not valid, there are many things scientists still cannot figure out.
Thank you Rinpoche and Phng Li Kim for sharing this article. I think this is very scary and horrible, can you imagine there are pins, needles and nails in your body? It would be very painful, very painful! Supiyati’s ex husband is very horrible, he casted the spell on Supiyati, he creates many bad karma, he make a people in pain. I feel that Supiyati is a very strong women, because she can take the painfulness, and didn’t even take revenge on her ex husband, this is a very good moral to learn.
When I was young I heard about this kind of spell that putting in foreign objects such as nails and pins into a person’s body, but never seen it personally; and this article by Li Kim interviewed with the spiritual doctor and the victim with the footage of operation confirmed this.
This story is inspiring with the medical doctor Dr Sagiran who is open and compassion, he is professional as a medical doctor and compassion as well. I salute him. Ustadz Fadhlan is a good healer who out to help who need his help. Most importantly they are open to have medical science and spiritual healing work hand in hand as long as it helps the patients. They are operating out of the norms where many doctors refuse to accept the paranormal incident happened to their patients and might label them as “mental problem” and refuse to help.
I would think that as long as Supiyati has no more fear towards her ex husband, she will be less and less frequent to be casted with black magic by her ex-husband. However she is someone who believe in kindness and never think of taking revenge to her ex-husband.
It’s sad to see the sufferings of Supiyati physically and mentally. I pray that she will stay strong and fight all the way to the dark spell cast on her, and submit herself to someone out to bully her.
This is a very scary case. I just don’t understand why would a person did such thing on another when Supiyati is supposed to be his wife. I hope she continue to stay strong to fight her situation. Though she needs to endure so much pain but she never once thought of taking revenge. A very good value that we should learn.
Appreciate the doctors and medical team from Hospital Nur Hidayah who have the courage to help Supiyati when other doctors have gave up due to the paranormal situation.
May she gets right help to break this black magic so she can live a normal life.
Dear friends,
This meme is powerful. Who you hang around with and the types of attitude they have is who you will be influenced by many times and who you will become in the future. Look at your friends and the people that always surround you to know who you will become.
Tsem Rinpoche
It is really heart wrenching seeing her suffer so much pain in her body due to cursed by her ex-husband. Imagine, having thousands over nails in your body for 2 years is really agony. I have never heard of it being used as a curse against an enemy to generate nails magically within the flesh of an enemy. It seems that black magic is very common in South East Asia yet it is so scary. Thank you very much Li kim for this very interesting article. A great write up! ???
Black magic such as it is described here is so scary. I don’t know why people can be so cruel to others and give them so much pain. For sure they do not know about karma and that all will come back to the sender and even worse.
To have such evidence through this courageous doctor and hospital is rare and it shows the open mind of the doctor to have Supiyati also healed spiritually. I guess this allowed her to not want to inflict the pain back but accept it.
It seems that black magic is very common in South East Asia yet it is so scary. Through our discussion yesterday I heard about many cases and the spirits, which can possess people, can prevent the person from getting help and even cause them so commit suicide.
We are very fortunate to know about Dharma and to be able to have very effective and protective blessed items such as the ruel. You can invite a ruel and more Dharma items here: https://www.vajrasecrets.com/tibetan-ruel-promo
Supiyati is indeed a brave and kind hearted angel.
How many people can accept the pain, sufferings and at the same time to be such forgiving and calm without a sense of anger and thought of revenge? Such an inspiring example of how we should deal with hatred and prevent even more sufferings and fights.
I’m glad that she received helps from spiritual side which cured her and serving as a protection for her from negative energies, I hope she could continue her practice without fail to not need to confront with the same issue again.
It ready shocking people in this time are still practicing black magic to harm others. How could people done that crime scence through their heatred and jealousy.
I had withness friends who suffer from black magic attack. It break a family apart and life threatening. I never forget that story. I was quit touch by Supiyati story how strong her mind to fright with black magic endure such painful from her body cause her ex husband send her the magic and she did not have revange or heatred toward to him. It make me think if we have compassion, it able to protect us free from the harm by black magic.
It heart wrenching seeing her suffer so much pain in her body due to cursed by her ex-husband. Imagine, having thousands over nails in your body for 2 years is really agony. I really salute to Supiyati for being so merciful and her kindness is the best example for us to cultivate.
Apart from this unrelated, there is another mystical magic quite well known in local Malay culture, “susuk” which is still on practice till this day. The procedure is prayer conducted by medium (bomoh) before insert needles into the body to enhance beauty and success. There are few taboos on this charm. One of the taboos I heard was needles must be removed from the death body for it means disrespect to their religion. ?
It is commonly we can hear all these black magic stories in the Asia countries. Many of them science still cannot explaining. However, we can see that all these happened were because of the person’s jealousy, ego and anger towards someone or trying to use it to control someone. It is good that to encourage your family and friend to have religious practice to protect themselves. As for Buddhist, we can have a yidam practice to protect us such as Protector Dorje Shugden practice.
How scary to have nails, needles and pins in the body which mentioned in this article and this cannot be explained by Science. She was lucky to meet a kind doctor, but yet still many peoples in this world may suffer from all this black magic and have no solution for it.
Thank you to Li Kim to share the story and information.
I have heard many stories of how people use black magic to cause harm for others and how people use this art for the other side of it. One with negative motivation will create so much suffering and it’s really sad to see what Supiyati has gone through. It’s very fortunate for Supiyati to meet a doctor that would seek for another option in this case the spirituality to help her after realising that it’s beyond what they can do. What I admire here is the motivation of the doctor that want to help.
Tonight we had Phng Li Kim the Host of the popular TV show, “The Paranormal Zone” to share with us the in depth of the story on how much Supiyati suffered and how she help people with what she had learn to heal from the curse of this wicked art. Supiyati is truly inspiring as she doesn’t seek for revenge and able to forgive the person who did this the black magic on her. Compassion is the real cure for everything we face.
From my very young age, i has heard a lot of stories are regarding of Black Magic. And especially in Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. In the video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIcbslGoTtQ ) it’s showed very clearly, Supiyati went for a surgery to take out all the nails and the needles in her body, after several of days the nails and the needles are all going back in to her body again. In a scientific view, i don’t think the Doctors and Scientists can make an explanation on it.
Only Mystical Magic or by using Spiritual point of view can explain it clearly regarding of Supiyati case. At last Supiyati action and her thought really touched my heart deeply, that’s she had gone through so much pain and torture, Supiyati never once contemplated revenge.
I wish her well and keep continue to help more peoples
My heart goes to her for the type of pain and stress she has to go through bearing the pressure and trauma one can imagine. I believe the sort of pain inflicted to her will be returned to the ex husband many times over due to the law of karma. Stories like this of Supiyati are real and common, probably that has made the doctor able to accept and welcome an Ustaz to come and recite prayers during him treating Supiyati. Kudos to Dr Sharifah for allowing this and being so open to it. My prayers go to Supiyati and may she be free from this sort of suffering from now on. Ever after.
This is really scary, imagine that nails grows inside your body, we always claim that spirits are scary or dangerous, but in this case, it clearly shows that human are really scary, due to greed, hatred and all sorts of attachments, human can do dangerous harm to the person that is once so close to them and the one they love so much before hatred arise.
In this case, I started to respect Supiyati and Dr Sagiran, first of all, Supiyati has been through so much sufferings, going in and out from the operation theatre numerous times, enduring so much pain while the nails in her body, despite with this, she did not hate her ex-husband, nor planning for revenge, in fact, she is forgiving him for what he has done. Secondly, Dr Sagiran, he took in the case when many other doctors dare not accept, due to fear of the black magic, but Dr Sagiran took on the challenge, he even combine the power of science and spirituality to heal the patient, with his position and with such wisdom, he can really benefit a lot of people. They are really great. Thank you Li Kim for the sharing tonight, there are so much for us to learn from them.
Stories of people dabbling in black magic are quite common in most South East Asian countries, Malaysia included. I have heard of such stories since young, and Malaysians in general do not freak out upon hearing of such accounts. Neither would Malaysians call others looney bins when they hear others narrate their own experiences or share stories of such practices and incidences.
Tonight in Kechara Forest Retreat, we had the company of Phng Li Kim, the hostess of The Paranormal Zone, who shared with us in person her experiences while filming this video. It was a lively group discussion and we shared about what we have heard or have witnessed first hand of similar cases.??
Nobody should ever be tortured like this. Very inhumane! All of it just to feed the ego without any feelings for the other person.
Even when one is pricked on the finger by a needle, it’s painful, imagine all those things inside her. But S he is ‘lucky’ to have such a kind doctor and also a spiritual person to help her.
The confusion, the anger, the pain, mentally and physically could actually make someone go crazy, seek revenge or even commit suicide but she went through it and became a kinder and stronger person instead. So much courage and understanding!
During blog discussion with Li Kim and a group of us in KFR earlier, Li Kim mentioned that Supiyati is going around helping those who are also affected by black magic. Amazing! Such an inspiring woman!
Thank you Li Kim for sharing such an eye opening post!
Wow!!!! This is the first time I hear such black magic happen on a human. The person who did this has very evil intention and wants the other person suffer and in this case Supiyati. I cannot believe the amount of foreign material in her body which after operation still reappears again. Luckily spiritual and medical method were able to help her to recover. I really admire her for being such a strong lady with no anger in her although she is in great pain and she knows who did it to her.
With folded palms,
Actually, the instances of nails are very common in Malay folk occult magic called Susuk. I believe this form of occult magic is usually used as a means to retain youth and beauty but at the expense of a very painful death.
I have never heard of it being used as a curse against an enemy to generate nails magically within the flesh of an enemy. Susuk on the other hand is a to physically insert tiny needles in occult rituals to maintain the person’s youth. Nonetheless, this is very interesting. There’s many things that are beyond medical science and this episode proves that.
What is shocking is that, this was done by Supiyati’s ex husband, and he did magic to her on the day of the marriage. I don’t know why people have such warp ideas, why marry somebody that you want to harm?
It is good that the doctors are open minded enough to seek spiritual help for Supiyati, if spiritual help did not arrive in time, I feel Supiyati would not have made it this far. Magic does exists in the world, we would be unwise to think it does not exist if we cannot repeat the same occurrence under an experiment.
Thank you Li Kim and team for investigating and sharing with us the story about Supiyati. I
feel sorry for the pain and suffering Supiyati has to endure with. Black Magic can be very powerful and it will only end when the person being cast with the spell die then only the spell end. No one can help or can stop it. May she has faith with her spiritual practice and be healed.
Thank you Li Kim for this most interesting account of your investigation into a paranormal case.
I am most impressed by two people in this account -Supiyati, the victim of black magic, and Dr Sagiran.
Supiyati had lived three years in terror, having unfortunately fallen into the clutches of an evil man, who had forced her into marrying him and then controlling her using such a vile method as forcing over 2000 nails into her body, using black magic! For three years, she had to endure the pain of these sharp items in her body!
Fortunately, she was referred to Hospital Nur Hidayah, where she met Dr. Sagiran and his medical team. Dr Sagiran, is, in my opinion ,a far-sighted, deep thinker, who saw beyond science’s limitations especially when it came to healing people afflicted by afflictions that went beyond the pale of logic and scientific explanations. He is also a compassionate doctor. As a doctor, his job is to relieve pain that are physically caused. He did that for Supiyati – he and his team removed the 2,399 nails in her body. Only, when the nails resurfaced after being removed was he forced to advise spiritual healing.
What prompted him to cross the bounds of science and to handle the surgery to remove substances that were implanted mystically was his compassion.He risked all the brickbats thrown at him for daring to handle Supiyati’s case. He could not bear to see Supiyati suffer. As he said, “If my wearing this coat(doctor’s white coat)prevents me from saving lives or relieving others suffering, I will take off this coat.”
Then , when needles started to re-appear,he referred Supiyati to a spiritual healer, as her affliction was a paranormal one. The method, used on Supiyati by the spiritual healer, is the Ruqyah practice, which is based on the Quran. The Ruqyah method did help but did not completely heal her, as nails still appear. Nonetheless, it is to Supiyati’s credit that she has regained her self confidence to say that she can take on the challenge of self-healing . She is not afraid anymore. Thus we see a remarkable transformation in Supiyati, who is now in full control of her situation.
The best part of her is her refusal to exact revenge by giving back her evil husband in his own coin!
Medical science must not bury its head in the sand. Much can be learnt from Supiyati’s case that a holistic approach -combining the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual approach. – is necessary, especially when it comes to cases like Supiyati’s.
What an extraordinary documentary about Black Magic at work, causing anguish to a poor victim. It is definitely beyond science how the nails and “foreign objects” appeared on Supiyati’s body, which amounted to 2,399 items over a span of two years. I cannot imagine how one can deal with this type of unnatural anguish and pain and suffering if not for relying on the strength and faith in the higher being / divine power.
As a Buddhist, I do believe that Karma is some way at play at this scenario. But I also wonder what is the repurcussion of someone who actively use black magic to cause pain and sufferings onto others. With true knowledge of using black magic for selfish gain, it is hope that people will be deterred from doing it totally.
Good sharing, Li Kim.
Dear LiKim,
Thank you for so much effort being put into researching, interviewing and witnessing for yourself this one unique case of supernatural and science being skillfully used for treatment.
Samsara is such an evil place with so much ego, anger, hatred, attachments, delusions, etc. that we need the compassionate love, protection and wisdom from our Guru and Dorje Shugden and Setrap.
May the world be blessed by Dharma and may all beings be protected always.
Thank you
Lum Kok Luen
Besides the normal sufferings that we endure due to our wrong views and perceptions, samsara is truly an evil place.
The mistake of a bad marriage had landed Supiyati into unimaginable pain. But mistakes are often made and consequences of suffering never ends.
Thank you Likim for investigating this story and in order to protect ourselves, let us have trust and believe in the divine. In my case the protection of my Guru and Protector, Dorje Shugden.
May the world be a better place with Dharma.
Well done, Li Kim and team ….managed to get more details stories first hand from spirtual healer Ustadz Fadhlan, the surgeon Dr Sagiran and the patient Supiyati.Infact i have read about these stories of these poor lady having thousands of nails removed from her body.To me i am definately sure it is cause by Black Magic as i have heard of such cases before. I have had working in surgical department before i could not imagine the pain Supiyati had suffered..Some of the patients suffered so much just a single foreign object been removed. Now this strong lady did it with faith and trust ,leaving in the hands of the surgeon and spiritual healer. Feeling sorry for her, how much pain,suffering and torturing she had gone through not only a day but months. Wish her well and strong to face all the black magic been done .
Black magic does exist ,which i do believed and medical science and spiritual healing were interdependent .The case of Supiyati is one good example , hopefully it works and does not appear again. It has proven that spiritual therapy can be used to treat patients whose illnesses cannot be diagnosed and cannot be explained.
Thank you Li Kim, for sharing this mystical true story .