November 24, 2024
The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle


Mind boggling disappearances of ships and aircrafts – this is what immediately comes to mind at the mere mention of the Bermuda Triangle. Its reputation is so notorious that people have even tried to link it to the 2014 disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, even though the jet went missing halfway around the world. For decades, speculations have been aplenty about what transpires at this infamous triangular area in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, but none are conclusive.

Interestingly, for a place that is famous (or infamous) globally, the Bermuda Triangle has no official standing. It is not recognised by the United States Board of Geographic Names. Nonetheless, this mysterious triangular area has more than enough monikers to compensate for this. To name but a few, it has been popularly referred to as the Devil’s Triangle, the Twilight Zone, the Magic Rhombus, the Triangle of Death, the Voodoo Sea, the Limbo of the Lost and even the Port of Missing Ships.


Unofficial mapping of the Bermuda Triangle

In addition, it does not have proper boundaries or markers given that it is part of a larger body of water. Thus, the size of the Bermuda Triangle remains a contention. It differs depending on whoever happens to be writing about it. That being said, it is generally accepted to span across a large area of approximately 500,000 square miles from the points of Miami, Florida (United States of America), the island of Bermuda and San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Seaweed patches in the Sargasso Sea

Living up to its reputation, very few facts are known about the Bermuda Triangle, adding to its enigma. Take for example the Bermuda Triangle’s departure from the norm of having two measurements of “North”. Unlike the rest of the world which has to make adjustments to cater to the 20 degree difference between the Magnetic North (i.e. the direction reflected in a compass) and the actual geographical direction i.e. True North, the Bermuda Triangle is one of two spots in the world where both Norths perfectly align.

Further, some quarters closely associate the Bermuda Triangle with the Sargasso Sea which overlaps the Bermuda Triangle at its north-western edge. With its big patch of seaweed jungle and unusually warm waters that constantly swirl clockwise despite a lack of wind, the Sargasso Sea also has its fair share of unexplained incidents. With such close proximity and unnatural oddities, it is inevitable that people would link the two together.


Mysterious Vibes, Vanishing Acts

Christopher Columbus leaving Palos, Spain by Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida

Christopher Columbus leaving Palos, Spain by Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida

The earliest record of the enigma of the Bermuda Triangle goes as far back as Christopher Columbus’ first voyage to the New World. Upon reaching the waters of the Bermuda Triangle in 1492, Columbus reportedly experienced weird compass readings. He hid this from his crew to avoid throwing them into a panic. As they continued on, the atmosphere of uneasiness kept escalating. Three days later, all those onboard spotted strange lights hovering and this spooked the edgy crew. Many wanted to abandon the quest and return to Spain but obviously, Columbus managed to circumvent it. It is speculated that Columbus convinced his crew to forge on by chalking it up as an explainable phenomenon i.e. a fallen star (meteor). Columbus maintained that the lights were remnants of the great flame of fire from the fallen star, which he claimed to have witnessed on an earlier night.

These intriguing shipping log entries by Columbus set in motion the rather mythical bordering on eerie perception of the Bermuda Triangle. Subsequent accounts of incidents at the Bermuda Triangle appear to be heavily laden with mythical influences and even paranormal vibes. In this regard, the story of the Ellen Austin best represents the majority of tales circulated about the Bermuda Triangle by seafarers at that time.

It was supposed to be just another routine journey between London and New York over the Bermuda Triangle zone in the Atlantic Ocean, when the crew of the Ellen Austin (a 210-ft-long American large multi-masted ship weighing over 1800 tonnes) became embroiled in a chilling experience fit for a horror movie plot. In 1881, the Ellen Austin was on the last leg of its journey back to New York when, upon entering the waters of the Bermuda Triangle, it was surrounded by a sudden thick mist which blocked out all visibility. Left with no choice, the crew proceeded slowly and relied heavily on the lookout from the crow’s nest. After a few hours, they spotted another ship. Relieved at the prospect of company in such weird circumstances, the Ellen Austin sailed close to the other ship. The crew waited in anticipation for the fog to clear so they could make contact.

ellen austin

The Ellen Austin

However, when the fog eventually cleared, the other ship was found to be abandoned. Despite searching high and low, the captain’s log and the trail boards could not be found aboard the abandoned ship, rendering identification impossible. Captain Baker of the Ellen Austin made the decision to sail the mysterious ship back to New York and dispatched six of his men to man the second ship. Things were smooth sailing for the next couple of days until they were forced apart by a sudden storm. It is said that the other ship mysteriously vanished but after several hours of searching, the Ellen Austin finally caught up with it.

Eerily, the ship was found to be empty once again with no trace of the six men who were stationed there earlier. The crew was spooked but Captain Baker managed to convince a handful of his men, this time armed with firearms, to sail the other ship in close proximity. Tragically, another heavy fog descended upon them once again and the unknown ship along with the men aboard disappeared for good. It remains an unsolved mystery to this day.

Some claim that the unexplained incidents are a result of the hauntings of those who perished in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle. None are more vocal about this hypothesis than psychiatrist Dr. Kenneth McAll of Brook Lyndhurst, England. He theorised that the mysterious vanishing incidents are consequences of the curse of the many African slaves who had been mercilessly thrown overboard on their voyage to America. This is heavily premised on the prevalence of 18th century insurance scams by British sea captains, who defrauded insurance companies by tossing the slaves into the sea to drown, then cashing in on a claim for them.

With stories like the Ellen Austin and the possibility of thousands of vengeful spirits, it is no surprise that these mystical and paranormal vibes have pervaded to modern times, culminating in theories where aliens are posited as a possible explanation for the numerous accounts of disorientation, navigational problems and even total disappearances within the Bermuda Triangle. Such theories generally revolve around alien abductions and the reasons for this range from scientific curiosity to inter-species breeding.

mary celeste

The Mary Celeste

One of the earliest disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle which is heavily associated with alien abduction is the Mary Celeste. In 1872, Captain Benjamin Briggs, his family and a small, trusted crew set sail from New York to Genoa on a merchant ship called the Mary Celeste. A month later, the ship was found adrift off the coast of Portugal, with not a soul on board. The riddle of the Mary Celeste has intrigued and mystified ever since. The eerily pristine condition of the Mary Celeste and its undisturbed cargo at the time of discovery added fuel to claims of aliens turning up to whisk the crew away. This theory was also used to explain the mysterious disappearance of the USS Cyclops where it is said that aliens beamed the entire ship into their spaceships. However, a lack of convincing evidence and heavy reliance on hearsay continue to cast doubts on the alien theory.

Take for example the USS Cyclops incident, which represents the largest non-combat loss of life in the history of the United States Navy. In 1918, the USS Cyclops was supposed to deliver 10,800 tonnes of manganese ore (to be used in the manufacturing of munitions) from Brazil to Baltimore. The ship never arrived at its destination and no trace of it was ever found despite exhaustive search efforts. Mysteriously, no distress signals were sent prior to the ship’s disappearance, nor did anyone aboard the USS Cyclops respond to the radio calls made by hundreds of other American ships in the vicinity. In addition, the waters were relatively calm with no storms strong enough to cause the USS Cyclops to founder. To date, the lives of the 309 on board remain unaccounted for and to quote Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States of America,

“Only God and the sea know what happened to USS Cyclops.”

USS Cyclops

The USS Cyclops


Mainstream Theories and Explanations

The disappearances within the waters of the Bermuda Triangle all occurred at various spots and each was subjected to different circumstances. Thus, the scientific community maintains that there is no single theory that can explain all the disappearances. The following are some of the mainstream theories that have been put forward as plausible explanations over the years.


The Gulf Stream

The Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current flowing from the Gulf of Mexico around the Florida Straits north-eastward towards Europe. It acts like a saltwater river on the surface of the ocean. As its currents are extremely swift and turbulent, floating objects are easily washed away. The unique features of the Gulf Stream also make it possible for a vessel to encounter disaster at one location and for the wreckage or debris to end up in another.

An example is the disappearance of Daniel Burack on 22 December 1967. He radioed for help from his cabin cruiser “Witchcraft”, reporting engine trouble near the Miami buoy marker one mile from the shore. However, when the Coast Guard arrived at the location 19 minutes after the distress call, the cabin cruiser and its passengers were nowhere to be found. The search party continued for six days, during which some 24,500 square miles were covered, but to no avail.

In the end, the coast guard closed the search effort and the final statement reflects the passengers of the Witchcraft “to be presumed missing, but not lost at sea“.


The Gulf Stream


Underwater Methane Explosions


Infographic about the Methane Gas Theory

When Dr. Ben Clennell of Leeds University, England delivered his lecture about methane gas in Wales in 1998, little did he know his findings would spark an explosion of interest to justify the mysterious vanishings around the Bermuda Triangle.

In short, the theory works on the basis that;

  • Large amounts of methane gas exist below the ocean floor, trapped in the sediment in the form of methane hydrate.
  • Large volumes of methane gas can be released as a result of landslides under the ocean floor. Under such circumstances, the water density in that area and right up to the surface can become so low that a ship could drop like a rock.
  • As methane gas is highly combustible, an eruption can also cause a plane flying above it to catch fire become completely destroyed.


Ever-changing Ocean Bed

The ocean bed of the Bermuda Triangle is strangely volatile. It comprises of deceptively gentle slopes, sudden deep drops and some of the deepest trenches in the world. Thus, it significantly reduces the chances of locating sunken vessels particularly as some of the deeper trenches are virtually inaccessible. In addition, the constant strong current of the Gulf Stream interfacing with reefs and marine trenches rapidly changes the topography of the sea floor. This in turn gives rise to many navigational hazards.


The unusual and ever-changing ocean bed of the Bermuda Triangle

This rapidly changing topography also explains why most rescue efforts and subsequent deep-sea salvage operations turn up nothing at all. The discovery of giant craters (about half a mile wide and 150ft deep) in the Barent Sea off the coast of Norway in March 2016 has also been used to support claims that there are large deep ocean craters on the sea floor of the Bermuda Triangle. The giant craters are attributed to oil leaks or methane gas bursts, trapped at different layers below the sea floor. This also complements the theory that if a ship is wrecked due to a methane blow out or other reason, it may drop into a crater causing the unfortunate vessel to remain hidden forever.


Rogue Waves

This refers to the sudden appearance of gigantic waves capable of taking out a large ship within moments. They can take place during a storm or even in calm seas. These nearly vertical walls of water can easily flip supertankers, sinking them in seconds. They can also utterly immerse and knock down any low-flying airplane or helicopter.

The first rogue wave ever detected by a measuring instrument was the Draupner wave or New Year’s wave. It was recorded on 1 January 1995 on a device placed at the Draupner platform in the North Sea off the coast of Norway.

ocean-ranger-memorial (1)

Ocean Ranger Memorial Sculpture

Other incidents include;

  • The capsize of the Ocean Ranger in 1982. The loss of the then world’s largest offshore platform affected the design and safety features of future oil facilities. It also resulted in much tougher regulations regarding safety equipment and training.
  • In 1982, a wave measuring approximately 157 feet struck Fastnet Lighthouse in Ireland and caused significant damage.

The unpredictability of rogue waves makes them possibly the most terrifying ocean phenomena. It is believed that rogue waves are not caused by any one factor but a culmination of high winds and strong currents which routinely cause waves to merge. The odds of them occurring are still rare, approximately once every 200,000 waves. Nonetheless, they are more prevalent in the Bermuda Triangle given the frequency of hurricanes and the Gulf Stream therein.


Electronic Fog: A Hutchison Effect

This theory corresponds with testimonies about vessels being engulfed in some kind of electronic fog. It is said that the fog is not stagnant and appears to move in parallel with the vessel, causing its electronics to malfunction gradually. Eventually, the vessel is incapacitated and may even vanish without a trace.

This theory is heavily propagated by Vancouver-based scientist John Hutchison. He has conducted numerous experiments to demonstrate how electronic fog can wreak havoc on electronics.


Compass or Electromagnet Anomaly

As mentioned earlier, the Bermuda Triangle is one of two places on Earth where both Norths are the same. However, a normal compass is calibrated to cater for two different Norths. Thus, depending on the mechanism of the compass, it could behave erratically in the Bermuda Triangle, with compass needles intermittently spinning or spiking. This phenomenon has led to theories that compass anomalies could be the cause of mishaps or fatal accidents within the Bermuda Triangle area due to inaccurate reading of directions.


Human Error

Overestimating the capacity of the vessel, not understanding the area’s hazards sufficiently and poor seamanship are the top three human errors associated with disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle. Reports are aplenty of personal pleasure boats and aircrafts radioing for help prior to mysteriously vanishing without a trace. That being said, even the most seasoned sailor or pilot can make mistakes with deadly consequences.

Take for example, Flight 19 which is the Bermuda Triangle’s most famous plane wreck. What was supposed to be a dry bombing practice run over the Florida Keys on 5 December 1945 became a tragic tale of 14 airmen perishing in the open sea. It is believed that the crew, especially the veteran flight leader Lieutenant Charles Taylor who was also a Naval Air Corps flight instructor, somehow became so disoriented that they deviated from their route and flew out over the Bahamas, never to be heard from again.


The crew and plane of Flight 19



Another interesting theory is the link to the lost city of Atlantis. This is largely premised on the discovery of ancient man-made structures submerged in 15 to 20 feet of water, just off the northwest coast of North Bimini Island, about 50 miles east of Miami, Florida. Discovered in 1968 by a scuba diver, these limestone structures, dubbed Bimini Road, are said to be remnants of the sunken Island of Atlantis. Believers allude to the very advanced (possibly alien) technology of the Atlantean empire as the cause of unusual phenomenon at the Bermuda Triangle.


Bimini Road

Evidence cited to support this theory is the testimony of Dr. Ray Brown in 1970, who claimed to have discovered a pyramidal structure with a smooth, glass-like and partially translucent finish. Not only was the pyramid illuminated by some unknown light source, it also appeared to be housing a unique sculpture in the centre, of human hands holding a four-inch crystal sphere, above which was suspended a red gem at the end of a brass rod. The pyramid is said to be about 300 meters in length, 200 meters in height and approximately 100 meters above the sea floor.

crystal pyramid

An illustration of the crystal pyramid found by Dr Ray Brown

The discovery of this pyramid has been used to strengthen another speculation that the Bermuda Triangle and the area where the pyramid was found is some sort of “holy ground” under the protection of the Atlanteans. Thus, whatever crosses over is considered an offering.


Holy ground for Atlanteans?


Is This Notorious Reputation Warranted?

The number of aircraft and sea vessels lost to the Bermuda Triangle is uncertain and largely depends on which source materials are referred to.


Lost at Sea

Some of the notable sea vessels and their crews who sailed into oblivion in the Bermuda Triangle include;

  • 1800: The USS Pickering, on course from Guadeloupe to Delaware, was lost with 90 people on board
  • 1814: The USS Wasp, whose last known position was in the Caribbean, was lost with 140 people on board
  • 1824: The USS Wild Cat, on course from Cuba to Tompkins Island, was lost with 14 people on board
  • 1918: The USS Cyclops left Barbados on March 4 en route to Baltimore, Maryland and was lost with 306 crew and passengers on board
  • 1925: The SS Cotopaxi, having departed Charleston, South Carolina two days earlier bound for Havana, Cuba, radioed a distress call reporting that the ship was sinking. She was officially listed as overdue on 31 December 1925.
  • 1941: The USS Proteus (AC-9) was lost with all 58 persons on board in heavy seas, having departed St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands with a cargo of bauxite on 23 November. The following month, her sister ship the USS Nereus (AC-10) was lost with all 61 persons on board, having also departed St. Thomas with a cargo of bauxite on 10 December. According to research done by Rear Admiral George van Deurs, the acidic coal cargo would have eroded the longitudinal support beams, making these ageing colliers extremely vulnerable to breaking up in heavy seas. Both were sister ships of the USS Cyclops.
  • 1963: The SS Marine Sulphur Queen was lost with 39 crewmen, having departed Beaumont, Texas, on 2 February with a cargo of 15,260 tonnes of sulphur. She was last heard from on 4 February in rough seas with northerly winds of 25-46 knots, and listed as missing two days later. The Coast Guard later determined that the ship was not seaworthy and never should have sailed. The final report suggested four causes of the disaster, all related to poor design and maintenance of the ship.
  • 2015: The SS El Faro sank off the coast of the Bahamas, within the Bermuda triangle, on 1 October 2015. The boat was missing for exactly one month until search crews identified the vessel 15,000 feet beneath the surface.


Vanished into Thin Air

The skies of the Bermuda Triangle are no less treacherous. The notable aircraft who vanished without a trace therein include;

  • 5 December 1945: Flight 19 (five TBF Avengers) was lost with 14 airmen. Later the same day, PBM Mariner BuNo 59225 was lost with 13 airmen while searching for Flight 19.
  • 30 January 1948: Avro Tudor G-AHNP Star Tiger was lost with six crew and 25 passengers, en route from Santa Maria Airport in the Azores to Kindley Field, Bermuda.
  • 28 December 1948: Douglas DC-3 NC16002 was lost with three crew and 36 passengers, en route from San Juan, Puerto Rico to Miami.
  • 17 January 1949: Avro Tudor G-AGRE Star Ariel was lost with seven crew and 13 passengers, en route from Kindley Field, Bermuda to Kingston Airport, Jamaica.
  • 8 January 1962: A USAF KB-50 51-0465 was lost over the Atlantic Ocean between the US East Coast and the Azores
  • 9 June 1965: A USAF C-119 Flying Boxcar of the 440th Troop Carrier Wing went missing between Florida and Grand Turk Island. The last call from the plane came from a point just north of Crooked Island, Bahamas, 177 miles from Grand Turk Island. On 18 July 1965, debris from the plane was found on the beach of Gold Rock Cay, just off the northeastern shore of Acklins Island.
  • 6 December 1965: Private ERCoupe F01 was lost with pilot and one passenger, en route from Ft. Lauderdale to Grand Bahamas Island.
  • 20 June 2005: A Piper-PA-23 disappeared between Treasure Cay Island in the Bahamas and Fort Pierce, Florida. There were three persons on board.
  • 10 April 2007: A Piper PA-46-310P disappeared near Berry Island after flying into a level 6 thunderstorm and losing altitude. Two fatalities were listed.
  • 23 February 2017: Turkish Airlines Flight TK183 (an Airbus A330-200) en route from Havana, Cuba to Washington Dulles airport was forced to change direction after mechanical and electrical problems occurred over the triangle.

Sceptics, on the other hand, rely on statistics to dissuade any postulation to a “Bermuda Triangle effect”. Take for example Lawrence David Kusche who wrote the book, “Bermuda Triangle – Solved”. After extensively researching the issue, Kusche concluded that the number of disappearances occurring within the Bermuda Triangle was no greater than in any other similarly trafficked area of ocean. He also boldly asserted that previous Bermuda Triangle authors didn’t do their research and either knowingly or unintentionally “made it up.”



Unexplained phenomenon and unsolved mysteries always elicit interest, more so when there are undiscovered secrets. Regardless of whether you are a believer or a sceptic, the mysterious Bermuda Triangle is a stark reminder that despite the technological advances made to date, there are still places which remain unexplained by science.




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  1. Samfoonheei on Dec 19, 2024 at 1:34 pm

    Since those days in school , I have heard of these Bermuda Triangle. Will get exicted hearing interesting stories of the mysteries of these area. The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Triangle, is a region between Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico in the North Atlantic Ocean. Over the past several centuries, more than 50 ships and 20 planes have disappeared in the area. Recording to some researchers that a parallel universe exists in the Bermuda Triangle region, causing a time or space warp that sucks the objects around it into a parallel universe. Interesting. The Bermuda Triangle, known for its mysterious disappearances. In recent years there have been several incidents in the Bermuda Triangle that have captured media attention. Interesting,ships and airplanes that seemed to have disappeared without a trace which has earned it the name ‘Devil’s Triangle. Since then nothing extraordinary has happened in the last 60 years. Some had mentioned that there are large deep ocean craters on the sea floor of the Bermuda Triangle. Could it be possible no one knows but there’s also others theory as well. Scientists still cannot solved these mysteries disappearance, were there the existing of aliens or something else.
    Thank you Rinpoche and Cindy Hew for this great sharing.

  2. Samfoonheei on Sep 1, 2022 at 1:40 pm

    Unsolved mysteries has always had a dual nature, I am interested in Bermuda Triangle since my school days. Bermuda Triangle has always been in news because of several paranormal activities. Lives , aircrafts, ships and whatever that passed by that area just disappeared. The wreckage of many those ships and airplanes reported missing in the region has not been recovered. The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle has intrigued millions of people for a very long time. Many of its mysteries are still unsolved and no explanation was given by scientists for its disappearance, and no wreckage was found . What exactly happened no one knows. Could it be weather phenomena or taken by aliens or human error. Interesting read . Hopefully one day scientist could solve this mysteries once for all.
    Thank you Rinpoche and Cindy Hew for this sharing.

  3. Samfoonheei on Aug 17, 2020 at 2:01 pm

    The Bermuda Triangle, known as the Devil’s Triangle is defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. The Bermuda Triangle has been mystified as a deadly patch of ocean where sailors and pilots simply disappear. For centuries it has been mystified as a harrowing patch of ocean, where those who come close the that area are prone to lose contact with the natural world and disappear forever. Its legends have long painted a picture of death, mystery, and fear. Several mysteries of the Triangle, heightening the theory that this stretch of ocean is a treacherous zone described by many .It has always been in news because of several paranormal activities, which loss of lives and ships. Nobody can explained the reason for their disappearance. It has puzzled scientists for years, with dozens of planes and ships going missing in the triangle for decades. Ships and airplanes are said to have mysteriously disappeared , no way to be traced at all. The Bermuda Triangle has become the subject of endless legends, myths, and conspiracies. Till today no one is able to find out what exactly happened to those missing at that area.
    Thank you Rinpoche and Cindy for this interesting sharing.

  4. S.Prathap on Mar 18, 2020 at 5:04 pm

    The Bermuda Triangle is a large area of ocean between Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda. Over centuries,there were dozens of ships and planes have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Many scientists have attempted to theorize what makes the place so dangerous.None came to conclusion.
    I’m sure it will be mind blowing to all of us if one day, these mysterious cases are solved, probably it will bring us to another whole new level of understanding about this world, and I’m waiting for this day to come. Thank you for the wonderful article.

  5. James on Jul 25, 2018 at 8:36 pm

    I really hope to see a good explanation of Bermuda Triangle…

  6. Pastor Chia on Aug 10, 2017 at 8:54 am

    Is Interesting about mysterious bermuda triangle existance until now, people still find out what was happen this exorinadly phenomena cause many planes and ships disappear when pass by this mystery area.
    Sometime thing can’t explain by mankind with the logic may lead the mysterious continue, but they are thing and places from other dimension existance connecting with our world. It make mankind feel fear we are not only being existance . It make mankind to be humble and respect other being exitance living in this world.

  7. June Kang on Aug 10, 2017 at 8:02 am

    Although Christopher Columbus was the first to record Bermuda Triangle existence, however after so many years, it is still a mystery place in the world. It was reported that more than hundreds Boats and planes have been lost within and just outside the triangle. I was wondering is that a possibility there is another dimension of world which we can’t see it. This is because those boats and planes reported lost with no trace of any debris. Hope one day we can know the truth of this place. Thank you Cindy for sharing this interesting article.

  8. Pastor Antoinette on Aug 10, 2017 at 7:13 am

    The Bermuda Triangle is worldwide known but how come that still nobody has found out what is really happening there. It is indeed a mystery and science can not explain it. There are many theories about the Bermuda Triangle as we can see.
    I am curious if this mystery will ever be lifted… Thank you

  9. Justin Cheah on Aug 10, 2017 at 1:58 am

    Interesting article. Thank you Cindy for researching the facts and past incidents. I am somewhat baffled as to why till these days we are not able to find out what really happened? Why nobody has actually tried sending in drones to this area to find out and test what the outcome will be. Researching is important as it affects all of us, just like exploring the space, equally important as to why the world is at its current shape.

  10. Mingwen on Aug 10, 2017 at 1:20 am

    I think human beings should focus back on Earth, do research and explore our mother Earth. We can’t even know all about our own land, why spend money to go outer space? Doesn’t make sense to me, the deep oceans, the mystery forests, how many more are left undiscovered?

  11. Andrea Lai on Aug 10, 2017 at 12:15 am

    I first got to know of Bermuda Triangle when watched the magic of David Copperfield, back in my teens. The Bermuda Triangle indeed a very mysterious region in discovery even though profession found difficulty in solving. Other than that, in the article stated of some Geography issues may link with the disappearance. That is logical statement but what intriguing was the absence of corpses or skeletons were not found when vessels were discovered. Where could have these people been? Probably be plunged into another dimension. Until now, Bermuda Triangle remained as puzzle.

  12. Eric kksiow on Aug 9, 2017 at 11:08 pm

    I knew about The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle from documentary & David Copperfield magic show ( Since my very young age ). Is an very interesting to read more about this article, unsolved mystery and until today Scientists can’t even explain more deep of The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle.

    Thank You Cindy for doing more re-search of this topic.

    David Copperfield magic show –

  13. Datuk May on Aug 9, 2017 at 10:55 pm

    Mysteries and unsolved phenomena are interesting and one has to decide whether to believe or not believe.

    As the Bermuda Triangle a very much used sea lane, I tend to believe that the listed accidents or disappearance may not be that many relative to other areas.

    But records like ships disappearing and reappearing in Portugal without crew nor soul on board but in pristine conditions with cargo intact is something to ponder.

    Nature and her phenomena are hard to comprehend at times and it is important that if there are things unexplained, it is best left to what it is and respect be paid to such places.

  14. Pastor Henry Ooi on Aug 9, 2017 at 10:21 pm

    The Bermuda Triangle has been a much talked about place internationally for decades. Movies have been made revolving around the disappearances of crafts in this area. Yet after so long no one, no scientist or no government body has any proof to the mystery surrounding it. I would have thought that with modern day state-of-the-art equipment someone would venture out to unravel the causes of the disappearances. Maybe no one dares to or maybe there is no profit in it.

  15. pammie yap on Aug 9, 2017 at 10:10 pm

    The part where I find it mysterious is where the crew vanished but the vessel is still intact. Even if it sank, I am sure there will be bodies inside. I have seen documentaries where people find remains inside sunken vessels.

    If would be interesting to know if there are any scientists or research teams that are still researching the actual reasons for those disappearances.

    I love mysteries, because it makes me see and think from different perspective. Perhaps, it’s some special place that leads to another unseen dimension. Just like in the case of Bigfoot, unexplained and intriguing.

  16. nicholas on Aug 9, 2017 at 9:59 pm

    Bermuda Triangle is definitely another mysterious phenomena that still being question. It always give me the thought that anything pass through will be disappeared and I just thought they would go to another dimension and never returned.

    So far, scientists have not come up with clear reasons to explain the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. Even though this area has the most tragic unexplained deaths of all time it can all have natural explanations as mentioned in the article. It should be noted that not much disappearances or deaths have taken place lately in this area as today is more technically advanced. Today the Bermuda Triangle is an area where plenty of ships and aircrafts pass through regularly without any problems. It has also been noted that most of the incidents that are said to have taken place here are not true by some.

    This place will remain as mysterious legend for may people.

  17. Pastor Albert on Aug 9, 2017 at 9:54 pm

    Very interesting article indeed, I’m always very interested with the mysterious cases because there is always unsolved and left it hanging for years, or even decades.

    When things happened in the world, and it appeared to be mysterious, it kinda left some imagination space for all of us, like, is that the work of Alien? or they were sucked into like some dimension? Or they traveled to different timezone of the world? Or they were sent to outer space or other planet by a mysterious force? or any other reason? It sounds really interesting, it will definitely be great if I have the chance to participate in a project like this.

    I would not surprise if there are really third or forth or even more dimensions, because Buddha has said that there are more than 1 universe, probably it is countless universe, so if just this universe we already haven’t explore 100%, what more about other universe, and put the universe aside, even to the planet we are living in for billions of years, we have yet to explore everything, what more we talk about something so huge.

    I’m sure it will be mind blowing to all of us if one day, these mysterious cases are solved, probably it will bring us to another whole new level of understanding about this world, and I’m waiting for this day to come.

  18. Anne Ong on Aug 2, 2017 at 10:26 pm

    i have always read and watched documentaries about Bermuda Triangle and i find them very interesting and very mysterious, Thank you very much Rinpoche,Cindy and blog team for this very interesting article for everyone to read.

  19. Wan Wai Meng on Jul 24, 2017 at 11:34 pm

    The Bermuda Triangle, often conjures the notion that people who enter it may not leave it to tell the tale. Almost like a portal to another dimension, The Bermuda Triangle has intrigued many. I wonder has any research submarines researched that area and check out its depths?

  20. Paul Yap on Jul 24, 2017 at 9:48 pm

    The stories of Bermuda are always mysterious and fascinating. Many believe that the strange encounters in Bermuda Triangle were the act of aliens. I believe that many missing ships and airplane have gone into a difference dimension, which connect our world to others. Otherwise, how could many of the planes and ships go missing without any clues and trace for years?

  21. Edwin Tan on Jul 24, 2017 at 5:11 pm

    Pardon my ignorance, but shouldn’t with the tech advances, send in drones or unmanned ships or submarines to investigate? Or maybe the mystery is already solved?

    I am always a huge fan, and if the mystery is not solved, I do wish to be able to experience it myself by crossing the seas or flying over to see what actually happens.

    This Bermuda Triangle mystery has been on my mind since i was 12! Do hope more lights can be shed on the disappearances.

    If it is alternate realms.. it will be a huge discovery! hehe.. imagine those lost crew due to fog was actually there but not able to be seen by the other due to parallel universe..

    Anyway, just part of my imaginative mind. Thank you for the wonderful article.

  22. Samfoonheei on Jul 19, 2017 at 7:39 am

    Interesting post.I love reading anything regarding these mysterious Bermuda Triangle from books to news.The Bermuda Triangle is a large area of ocean between Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda. Over centuries,there were dozens of ships and planes have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Many scientists have attempted to theorize what makes the place so dangerous.None came to conclusion.The mystery of Bermuda Triangle still remains unsolved and is one of athe world’s greatest mysteries.
    There are many theories and explanations to the disappearance and in the infamous region has repeatedly been blamed on the paranormal.
    Thank you Cindy for sharing these interesting post.

  23. Fong on Jul 18, 2017 at 4:09 pm

    There is no straightforward answer to the disappearance of vessels within the Bermuda Triangle. All the authors have only written about what has been observed but no explanations or substantial theories. Thus, the area remains a mystery with more leaning towards alien theories. This has intrigue me for the last 40 years and the hypothesis and theories have not brought any closer explanations. Still intriguing and mysterious.

  24. Stella Cheang on Jul 17, 2017 at 7:33 pm

    This is a very interesting topic and brings back many memories of discussing this topic with my late dad. We were both fans of unsolved mystery. Our conviction of what happened to the ships and aircrafts at the Bermuda Triangle would alternate between the work of aliens or the work of evil spirit forces. Of course, it largely depends on which case we are looking at. But I think we both lean towards the work of aliens because the scale of things are larger than the normal occurrence of the unseens. I really enjoy reading this write up. Thank you, Cindy.

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Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

My name is Tsem Rinpoche and I am a Buddhist monk and teacher. I have a wide range of interests just like anyone else. Ever since I was a young child growing up in America, I have had a huge interest in the paranormal. I have always loved this subject. I love all things magical and mysterious – Tibet, Bigfoot, Loch Ness, Findhorn, UFO, Nazca lines, Spirits, Salem, Easter Island, Dowsing, Greek Gods, Hindu Gods, Yogis, Himalayas, Shambala, Aura, Divinations, Delphic Oracles, Tibetan Oracles, Nature Spirits, Pan, Shamans and more.

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Foreign Visitor in the Amazon!!

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Ancient Aliens – Season 1 to Season 3

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Are angels ancient aliens??

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2021

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Ancient Aliens: The Mission (episode 4)

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Ancient Aliens: The Evidence (Episode 2)

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Ancient Aliens: The Visitors (Episode 3)

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by Cindy Hew | Jun 24, 2024

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Kuchisake Onna

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The Burning Times

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2020

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by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 25, 2019

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Malaysian Ghosts: Orang Minyak

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Valak – The Conjuring 2 Demon?

by Admin | Jan 8, 2024

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by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2023

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Psychic Kids (4)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 8, 2019

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Celebrity Ghost Stories (7)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2019

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Celebrities Ghost Stories (4) and Psychic Kids (2)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2019

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Celebrities Ghost Stories 2 & 3

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 26, 2018

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The Mysterious Dark Watchers

by Tsem Rinpoche | Feb 8, 2025

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The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle

by Cindy Hew | Nov 24, 2024

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Werewolves: The Shapeshifters

by Cindy Hew | Oct 8, 2024

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The Balan-Balan

by Phng Li Kim | Sep 8, 2024

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Kuchisake Onna

by Admin | Feb 23, 2024

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Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

Reincarnation Videos YOU MUST WATCH!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2023

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Can you believe in this?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 8, 2023

I have always had an interest in mythology and folklore... about mysterious occurrences or beings that were described in books, or from stories shared by our family and friends...

Atlantis: The Richat Structure

by Wei Tan | Nov 30, 2021

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Are angels ancient aliens??

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2021

Many of us believe in angels. 70% of Americans, believe in the existence of angels… 55% of Americans believe in guardian angels. It is said that every day, one...

Ancient Aliens: The Return

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2021

“The Return” is the last episode of Season 1 of the Ancient Aliens series. In the 20th century there was evidence that we were still being visited by alien...

Ancient Aliens: The Mission (episode 4)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 24, 2021

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The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle

by Cindy Hew | Nov 24, 2024

Mind boggling disappearances of ships and aircrafts – this is what immediately comes to mind at the mere mention of the Bermuda Triangle. Its reputation is so notorious that...

Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

Reincarnation Videos YOU MUST WATCH!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2023

Nov 28, 2012 (By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends, I wanted to share this videos with you for the longest time and happy I can do so now. Learn, ponder...

Thursday Paranormal Tales

by Admin | Nov 30, 2022

Many people like myself, are curious about paranormal experiences. It is a whole new world that most of us have yet to completely explore and understand. Some people have...

Nazca Lines – Another Sign of Paranormal Activity?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 8, 2021

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Atlantis: The Richat Structure

by Wei Tan | Nov 30, 2021

Could the legendary Atlantis be real? These videos suggest that it can be located with relative ease in the modern day. The main sources of evidence draws from Plato’s...


by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2021

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Just What Are Sailing Stones?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2020

Look at these pictures and let your imagination try to figure out how this came to pass. Stones in the middle of nowhere that leave trails behind them, yet...

Psychic Kids (4)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 8, 2019

Another episode of Psychic Kids I thought my friends would enjoy. Notice how the senior psychics train up the younger ones. Reminds me of the Monastery where senior monks...

Kid Painter is Mini Monet

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 8, 2019

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Celebrities Ghost Stories (4) and Psychic Kids (2)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2019

Another dosage of great accounts of the supernatural that gives you a break and also helps you to ponder deeper on mysteries not visible to everyone yet exists. DO...

Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 25, 2024

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Sleep Paralysis – Medical or Paranormal?

by Admin | Mar 8, 2024

Sleep paralysis or more commonly known in Chinese as ‘鬼压床’ is one of the most common paranormal encounters. Hence, most people would have experienced some form of sleep paralysis...

Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

China builds world’s largest radio telescope to hunt for aliens

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 25, 2023

Dear friends around the world, It is interesting that China is looking for extraterrestrial communications. China is really catching up on all fields of interest. Take a read. Tsem...

Einstein on Buddhism

by Tsem Rinpoche | Sep 8, 2023

Dear friends around the world, I came across this interesting article recently and thought that it’d be nice to share it on my blog. People would often pick science...

Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 25, 2023

Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results 5 February, 2014 – 13:47 by April Holloway Paracas is a desert peninsula located within the Pisco...

Guess what was found!!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Nov 8, 2022

I have interests in many subjects. I just don’t have enough time in the day to get deeper into many of the subjects that captures my mind. One of...

Top 10 Space Mysteries

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2020

In something as big as the universe, there are bound to be unexplainable phenomena... and things we truly can’t grasp. The universe shows us how small we really are...

Resurrecting Mammoths

by Tsem Rinpoche | Nov 24, 2019

Researchers aim to resurrect mammoth in five years By Agence France-Presse | Updated: 1/17/2011 Japanese researchers will launch a project this year to resurrect the long-extinct mammoth by using...

A Planet discovered that could have life…..

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 8, 2019

Imagine there are 40 BILLION planets out there that can support life in our universe… Wow… There has to be other life forms. The mathematical chances is beyond doubt...

Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking – Time Travel

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2019

Watch enlightening documentaries online! Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking – Time Travel (2010).The promise of time travel has long been one of the worlds favorite scientific what-ifs? Hawking...

Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking – The Story Of Everything

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2019

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Paranormal Experiences Occur Everywhere – Part 2!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 8, 2022

In the late 80’s, I was a university student in Essex, England. I was living in a student hostel at the university ground. The hostel was a high-rise building...

Paranormal Experiences Occur Everywhere – Part 1!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Sep 8, 2022

I like Steven Wong's stories very much as it shows that spirits and unseen beings are actually not restricted to specific areas like cemeteries or abandoned houses. Instead, they...

Bukit Antarabangsa Hauntings

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 25, 2022

Remember the Bukit Antarabangsa Landslide in 2008? What about the Highland Towers apartment building which collapsed in 1993? I am sure that you know many died during those two...

The Shadow On My Bed

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 8, 2022

More and more people are sharing their paranormal experiences with us, and I thank Mr. Michael Moore for sharing with us a very kind and sincere story... can you...

A Relieving Experience

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2022

Some people encounter with spirits directly and have disturbing experiences with the unseen whilst there are others who experience it very differently, where they feel that the incident has...

A swirl at the foot of my bed

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 24, 2022

  Perhaps Paranormal: Two night ago in the middle of the night in my hotel room, I woke up and noticed a dark swirling ‘entity’ that was not exactly...

The Lady in Red

by Admin | Sep 8, 2021

The two men disappeared into the woods and came out on the other side. They walked very fast without saying a word to one another. Finally, they stopped at...

The Headless Nun: A Canadian Ghost Story

by Guest | May 6, 2019

In the mid 1700s, The French Fort Cove, the place of the happenings concerning our tale, was a military fortification on the banks of the Miramichi River, between what...

The Paranormal Zone: Ghost Marriages

by Phng Li Kim | Dec 25, 2024

For this episode, I travelled to Taiwan to visit a temple dedicated to unmarried women who had passed on. I could not understand why a temple needed to be...

The Balan-Balan

by Phng Li Kim | Sep 8, 2024

My adventures in Sabah are kept alive in Kota Belud – a place where the natives are firm believers of paganism and the practice of dark magic since hundreds...

Jean Ai

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 8, 2022

Thailand is known for their terrifying horror movies and you know what people say...where there is smoke, there is fire so when Jean Ai went to Bangkok to work...

Thursday Paranormal Tales

by Admin | Nov 30, 2022

Many people like myself, are curious about paranormal experiences. It is a whole new world that most of us have yet to completely explore and understand. Some people have...

JP Revisited

by Tsem Rinpoche | Nov 24, 2022

Whilst the Chinese have practised ancestral worship for centuries, for most people a visit to the graves of their forefathers stops there. A few offerings and some flowers, and...

David Lai

by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 25, 2022

Quiet and unassuming, on first appearance David Lai does not come across as a person who has paranormal experiences. As they say however, looks can be deceiving...


by Tsem Rinpoche | Sep 24, 2022

Facing college life in a new city, JP Thong had no idea what awaited him when he moved thousands of miles away from home to New York, where he...

Till I See Blood

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2022

After sleepless nights in Bangkok, Angel finally fell asleep, only to find herself struggling for her breath as she was rudely awakened by an unseen stranger. Feeling pressed down...


by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 25, 2022

Many of us have heard that some people have the ability to see the dead and many of us have heard of the movie 'The Sixth Sense'. For 16...


by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2022

There are many children around the world who tell their parents that they see dark figures. Most of the time, their parents would brush them off and tell them...

Snake Spirit

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2022

This week, I share with you a story that relates to the time when I was residing in southern Thailand. I stayed there for about a month to do...

Burmese Temple & Floating Heads

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 8, 2022

In this episode, we have exclusive rights to film at one of the most exotic locations in Malaysia at night: The Dhammikarama Burmese Buddhist Temple. Founded on 1st August...

Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

They are Everywhere

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 25, 2022

Whether we believe in aliens or not, it is undeniable that the thought of other beings existing in places unknown to mankind yet is interesting...

Foreign Visitor in the Amazon!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2022

Alien enthusiasts are always eager to find the latest alien discovery or encounters. Over the years, hundreds of media releases turn out to be hoaxes… It’s difficult to figure...

Spotted in a Sandstorm

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 25, 2021

I received an interesting email from Philip Yong, which shows some live CNN footage of a sandstorm also known as a “Haboob”. What’s interesting to note about this live...

A HUGE Collection of UFO Photographs from 1870 to 2011

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2021

  I was sent an email with a link to one of the most interesting websites on UFOs:! This website contains A LOT of information in the form...

Top 10 Space Mysteries

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2020

In something as big as the universe, there are bound to be unexplainable phenomena... and things we truly can’t grasp. The universe shows us how small we really are...

Astronauts & Military Men Speak

by Tsem Rinpoche | Feb 8, 2020

There are 2 videos below that are of UFOs. These are probably 2 of the most convincing videos on UFOs so far. This is mostly because the presenters are...

They’re Sighted Everywhere

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2020

This YouTube video was forwarded to me by Shirley Tan. It is of a UFO sighting on the 18th of January in Moscow, Russia. The video was taken from...

Second UFO sighting baffles China & Malaysia

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2019

Another unidentified flying object (UFO) has been spotted hovering over a part in southwestern China’s Chongqing province after a similar sighting last week caused massive flight delays at a...

More UFO videos from China!!! Very convincing!!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Feb 22, 2019

You have to watch these neat videos. They are very convincing. I copy and pasted the information below just so you have more to go on and understand. Enjoy...

Unsolved Mysteries – UFO’s & Me…

by Tsem Rinpoche | Sep 14, 2018

Since I was very young, I was naturally drawn to phenomena that was not accepted by ‘mainstream’ public. That didn’t bother me. I was always the type of person...

Flatwoods Monster: Close Encounter of the Third Kind?

by Cindy Hew | Nov 25, 2017

If you were in Flatwoods in Braxton Country, West Virginia around September 1952, chances are you would have been caught up in the hype surrounding the first sighting of...

Reincarnation Videos YOU MUST WATCH!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2023

Nov 28, 2012 (By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends, I wanted to share this videos with you for the longest time and happy I can do so now. Learn, ponder...

Pastor Chia on Wah Lai Toi!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 24, 2023

Pastor Chia, a long time student of mine appeared on TV recently. He was interviewed by a Paranormal Program on Astro Wah Lai Toi. It is so exciting to...

Inhuman Entity caught on film

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 25, 2023

See this episode. It is very good. Very interesting! Look at 5:01 and see an inhuman entity caught on film. Very interesting how these beings can be caught on...

Bigfoot Proven?? Must Watch!!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Feb 8, 2023

American Paranormal is a one year old series on the National Geographic channel. They kicked-off their new series in 2010 with a documentary on Bigfoot!! This documentary uses thorough...

The Mysterious Monsters – narrated by Peter Graves

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2023

Dear Everyone, Another favorite video of mine narrated by Peter Graves. He does a good job as he seems convinced in what he is narrating. I wish I can...

Thursday Paranormal Tales

by Admin | Nov 30, 2022

Many people like myself, are curious about paranormal experiences. It is a whole new world that most of us have yet to completely explore and understand. Some people have...

Foreign Visitor in the Amazon!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2022

Alien enthusiasts are always eager to find the latest alien discovery or encounters. Over the years, hundreds of media releases turn out to be hoaxes… It’s difficult to figure...

Ancient Aliens – Season 1 to Season 3

by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 25, 2021

Ancient Aliens is a series that launched their first episode on 20 April 2010. The series proposes various evidence around the theory that sometime within the existence of human civilization,...

League of Gentlemen visit ‘haunted’ Gloucestershire pub

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 8, 2021

Below is an article that my student, Shirley Tan, sent me. It is about a popular group of British comedians who decided to brave potential scares in a haunted...

Who are the Freemasons?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 8, 2021

The Freemasons are known to be very secretive and according to some people, almost cult-like. Cult is a very subjective word of course. Although I do not know much....

Are angels ancient aliens??

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2021

Many of us believe in angels. 70% of Americans, believe in the existence of angels… 55% of Americans believe in guardian angels. It is said that every day, one...

Ancient Aliens: The Return

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2021

“The Return” is the last episode of Season 1 of the Ancient Aliens series. In the 20th century there was evidence that we were still being visited by alien...


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