March 8, 2024
Sleep Paralysis – Medical or Paranormal?


Sleep paralysis or more commonly known in Chinese as ‘鬼压床’ is one of the most common paranormal encounters. Hence, most people would have experienced some form of sleep paralysis without really knowing what it is. In fact, you might already experienced one or two of these ‘attacks’.

When we are going through sleep paralysis, the experience can be very scary and we might feel very vulnerable. In some instances, we might even see scary faces or images of supernatural beings that are pressing us down. With a little bit of research, I hope to shed light on this paranormal experience and perhaps bring relief to those suffering from it.

I will like to take this opportunity to thank Pastor David Lai, Valentina and Pastor Jean Ai for their help with this article.

Vinnie Tan





What is Sleep Paralysis?

Sleep paralysis usually occurs when one is about to fall asleep or when one is about to wake up, during the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep. During a sleep paralysis attack, one will experience temporary paralysis during which one is unable to move or speak. The paralysis may last between a few seconds up to a few minutes.

While one is paralysed, the individual might also perceive terrifying hallucinations that are made worse with the inability to move or speak. Some sufferers report hallucinations of a black figure standing next to the bed. One of the most common figures to appear is a witch or an old hag who sits on the chest and reaches out with long bony fingers and long black nails in order to strangle their victim. Upon waking up, some will see fingermarks indicating a tussle. Some sufferers might even have an out-of-body experience or other forms of paranormal experiences that are similar in nature.



Sleep Paralysis – Medical Explanation

According to science, sleep paralysis is something that occurs when we fall asleep and our body is slowly relaxing. Normally, we become less aware as we slowly drift off to sleep. However, we may remain aware or may suddenly become aware while our bodies fall asleep. We will then experience the symptoms of sleep paralysis whereby we are unable to move or speak.

Sleep paralysis does not cause any harm to the body although it can be very frightening for those who experience it. For some, they will only experience sleep paralysis once or twice in their lifetime. For others, they will continue to experience it on a regular basis; it may recur a few times a month or more. While people of all ages and genders experience sleep paralysis, statistics show that it is more common in teenagers and young adults.

Because sleep paralysis occurs when the muscles continue to relax even after waking up, the following habits increase our risks of getting sleep paralysis based on medical research:

  • Sleep deprivation
  • Irregular sleeping patterns
  • Age (it is more common in teenagers and young adults)
  • Mental condition
  • Sleeping on the back
  • Substance abuse
  • Usage of certain drugs
The effects of sleep deprivation

The effects of sleep deprivation

When we sleep, our body will alternate between different stages of sleep called REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. One cycle of REM and NREM sleep will typically last for around 90 minutes but NREM sleep alone takes up to around 75% of our overall sleep time. During NREM sleep, our body relaxes and rejuvenates itself. At the end of the NREM sleep session, our sleep will shift to REM. This is when our eyes move rapidly and our brains become active. This also the sleep cycle during which we dream.

During REM sleep however, our body remains relaxed and in an unconscious state. Hence, if we are suddenly awakened before the REM sleep cycle ends, we will experience sleep paralysis whereby we are unable to move or speak for a short period of time before the body adjusts and we come out of the paralysis.

Sleeping stages

Sleeping stages


Sleep Paralysis – Paranormal

Believers of the paranormal explain that the main cause of sleep paralysis is due to attacks of a specific type of spirit. As mentioned before, sleep paralysis happens when we are just falling asleep or when we are about to wake up. It is during this stage when we are half-awake and half-asleep that we will experience these attacks.

This is because at this stage of our sleep, our mind is at its most relaxed and the subconscious mind begins to emerge to the foreground of our mind. As a result, we become highly receptive to psychic energies. During this time however, we are also at our most vulnerable because we are not able to prevent the attacks from happening. It is a time that we are still aware of what is going on and yet, we are unable to do anything.

The following are different types of paranormal beings that are said to cause these attacks.

Lady pressing on a victim during sleep paralysis

Lady pressing on a victim during sleep paralysis


1. The “Night Hag” or Old Hag

This paranormal entity goes by different names around the world. To some, she is called the Old Hag; to others, they know her as the Night Hag or just the Witch. According to eyewitness accounts, this being is described as an old, messy female entity.

She is a malevolent entity that will creep on you during your sleep. She will then sit on your chest to prevent you from moving. This is when you have the experience of sleep paralysis. As she sits on your chest, you will feel that it is very difficult to breathe or even move. You are not able to move or make a sound.

Artist impression on the old hag attacking a ‘victim’

Artist impression of the old hag attacking a ‘victim’

As the entity sits and pins the victim down, she slowly extends her long, scrawny, pale-skinned, and long-nailed hands towards the victim’s neck. She will choke her victim and try to strangle the life out of them. There are reported cases that after the attack, the victim wakes up with hand prints all over their neck. Those who manage to escape from the Old Hag’s attacks are able to do so because they are woken up by another person next to the victim. There are also reported cases of people who pass away during their sleep and they have hand prints around their necks. When these people are investigated as murder victims, the case can never be solved.

The Old Hag only attacks her victims at night. The victims often sense a strong oppressing entity around the time of the first few attacks. It is only after the bond between the Old Hag and the ‘victim’ is made stronger by the frequent sleep paralysis attacks that the entity reaches out for their throats.


2. Shadow People

These entities are beings that lurk in the corners of a room. It is said that we are able to perceive these beings through our peripheral vision, from the corner of our eyes and just out of our direct sight. For those who experience sleep paralysis, it has been said that it was because they had seen these Shadow People and they usually come together with the Old Hags.

Similar to the Old Hags, Shadow People will also sit on the chest and try to strangle their victims. There was a reported case that the victim woke up from an attack of the Shadow Person that was about kill him and he heard, “I almost got you” when he woke up.

Artist impression of a shadow person choking the ‘victim’

Artist impression of a Shadow Person choking the ‘victim’


3. Demons

During the Medieval Period in Europe, night terrors like these often contain sexual overtones. It is believed that the incubus, a lusty male demon would rape women during their sleep. On the other hand, the succubus, a lusty female demon would seduce Medieval European men.

These incubi or succubi enter the sleep of their victims, sit on their chests and lay with them. When the incubus lays with his female victims, he will impregnate them with a horrible abomination. When the succubi lay with their male victims, she will kill them afterwards.Their victims will be held down, paralysed and than raped. The victims will experience the effects of sleep paralysis by not being able to move or speak, hence making them easier to be taken advantage of.



Is it Medical or Paranormal?

Sleep paralysis has been the subject of debate as to whether it is a medical or a supernatural condition. In the course of my research, and in consideration of the evidence, I believe that it is most likely to be a paranormal phenomenon.

The idea of sleep paralysis as a medical condition does little to explain the paranormal experiences of victims around the world who perceive paranormal entities, hear sounds and many even have hand prints as evidence of what they experienced. Therefore, it is only logical to conclude that these experiences are all due to paranormal activity due to compelling evidence and experience of its victims.

Another artist depiction of what happens during sleep paralysis

Another artist depiction of what happens during sleep paralysis

Ultimately, sleep paralysis cannot be conclusively explained by science. So it is not logical to brush off the paranormal explanations that at the moment seem more plausible.


What Should We Do When We Have Sleep Paralysis?

During an attack of sleep paralysis, we can fight it and try to move our fingers to break the paralysis. We can also visualise Dorje Shugden as one with our lama (if we have a lama) and dissolving into us. Then from the crown of our head and our heart, bright light comes forth to shield and protect us within a bubble of bright light. If we are able to, we should also chant OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA (mantra of Dorje Shugden).

An entity about to reach for its ‘victim’s neck

An entity about to reach for its ‘victim’s neck

After we are released from the paralysis, we can burn Dorje Shugden blessed rice together with some incense to purify the space that we are in. This will help to get rid of negative energy present in the area and protect us. Another thing that we can do is to swallow one or two grains of protector rice, and request to be blessed and protected.

We can also engage in the daily practice and mantra of Dukkar, Sengdongma or Dorje Shugden to keep ourselves protected on a daily basis and be free from harm. If the situation degenerates and we need help doing prayers, we can always order pujas to be done in our name so that we will be blessed.

The entity lurking beside a person

The entity lurking beside a person



Lastly, I will say that sleep paralysis attacks are something that is quite common and that is why it is said that it happens to almost everyone at least once or twice in their lifetime. I cannot conclusively say that all sleep paralysis attacks are caused by supernatural beings but then again, science is also unable to provide a conclusive explanation for sleep paralysis. Since the chance of getting psychic attacks by supernatural entities is quite possible, I will therefore not rule out a paranormal explanation for such attacks.

The reason for this conclusion is also reflected in the fact that the afterlife does exist and there is plenty of scriptural and experiential proof for this. If we believe in the afterlife, then it is entirely possible for malevolent entities that want to harm us to be able to do so when we are in the transitional stage of being awake and falling into deep sleep.

Hence, I will conclude by saying that sleep paralysis is a condition that is more likely to be caused by paranormal entities. Their reasons for doing so can be anywhere from wanting to take control of our bodies, to raping us, to slowly killing us, or even just to scare us. These entities do exist and there are many methods to protect ourselves once we accept what is happening.

Please watch interesting documentaries about Sleep Paralysis below:

Or view the video on the server at:


The Entity

Or view the video on the server at:

For more interesting information:


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  1. Samfoonheei on Apr 2, 2024 at 2:04 pm

    Sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but unable to move. It occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep. During these transitions, one may be unable to move or speak for a few seconds up to a few minutes. Some people may also feel pressure or a sense of choking. Sleep paralysis is a temporary inability to move or speak. It’s not harmful and should pass quickly, but at times can be frightening. It can affect anyone but is most common in young adults and they might have hallucination. The scary facts about sleep paralysis is those who suffer from it have said it felt like someone was choking them on their chest so they could not breathe.
    As for me I have not experience as such before as least i know now what i can to do.
    Thank you Vinnie Tan for sharing. Interesting read of these stories related to sleep paralysis.

  2. Phil Lee on Mar 18, 2024 at 7:24 am

    I have had sleep paralysis many times throughout my life, mostly as a child, and would often here someone loudly breathing of speaking next to me.

    More recently, I was asleep in a room that was next to an artificial lake. I felt a large presence next to me and heard a snake-like hissing in my ear. I was viscerally terrified to my core and jumped out of bed screaming. And I am not someone who scares easily.
    I took the time to look around the room very carefully and did not see a snake or any other creature.
    Of course, the mundane explanation is that it was plain sleep paralysis and I had just dreamt it.
    But looking back on it, I think this could have been an upset naga given the location being next to water.
    I was also quite disciplined in my meditation practice and may have been more sensitive to entities on subtler plains existence.
    In any case, thanks for your attention. My thoughts and prayers for Rinpoche’s swift reincarnation. He was a unique teacher and I have greatly benefitted from his insights over the years. For my own part, I am a follower of
    the Very Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche who is effectively H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s vajra brother and they both shared H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche as a guru.

  3. N on Feb 26, 2020 at 9:17 am

    Sleep paralysis induce intentionally trick pls? In sleep paralysis if u do radiate metta, it turns in to jhana. Please let me know how to induce it when ever I want?

  4. Yee Yin on Feb 8, 2019 at 4:33 pm

    I have not experienced sleep paralysis before but I did have a nightmare where I was sleeping and a dark shadow tried to attack me, it was quite frightening. As the dark shadow jumped on me, I immediately woke up from the dream. It felt so real. I don’t even know if it was really a dream or it really did happen. Sometimes our paranormal experience happens in the dreams.

    Even though science can explain the sleep paralysis, but I think it is also a paranormal experience. Otherwise, chanting of mantra will not help to release us from being immobile. I do believe spirits can come into our dreams to communicate with us or harm us. My mother always dreams of the deceased telling her what they wanted. When my mother told the relatives of the deceased, it matched with what she was told in the dream.

    I hope I will not experience sleep paralysis. But if I do, I know what to do now, remember to chant Dorje Shugden mantra to ask for help. In order to train ourselves to automatically chant Dorje Shugden’s mantra when we are in danger, we have to chant his mantra every day. This will help us to chant his mantra spontaneously whenever we are in danger or feel insecure.

  5. CL Hor on Mar 11, 2018 at 3:47 pm

    Sleep paralysis is quite common for me. Mine are non paranormal. Each time when I woke up, I noticed it was my sleeping position. My heart was being pressured by my arm or pillow. When I got up the scenario was different. I am very sure it has nothing to do with paranormal in spite of the experiences seemed very real.

  6. Anne Ong on Feb 8, 2018 at 9:22 pm

    Thank you Vinnie for this interesting and informative write up about sleep paralysis. I don’t remember myself having this experience but it’s a very educational though.

  7. Aldan Chan on Jul 1, 2017 at 5:32 pm

    Interesting article thank you for sharing. I`m kinda confused by is it paranormal or science it could be a mystery. I`ve heard stories of this at standard 1. I`ve always been puzzled by sleep paralysis and what happens but finally i got the answer. Thank you for sharing. _/\_

  8. Samfoonheei on Feb 25, 2017 at 7:37 pm

    Sleep paralysis whether is science or paranormal.From what i read and hear to me its more paranormal as i do believe in unseen beings do exist after all. Sleep paralysis is more likely to be caused by paranormal distinct existence. I have not experience one before but at least i know now what i can do if it happen to me after reading this post.There are many other methods to protect ourselves just in case,like reciting our powerful mantra of Dorje Shugden( OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA ) .
    Thank you Vinnie Tan for sharing this article.

  9. Pastor Antoinette on Feb 25, 2017 at 4:12 pm

    A powerful mantra from Tibet to protect from paranormal disturbances. It invokes upon the powerful angel Dorje Shugden, who rides on a mystical snow lion and rescues all that call upon this supreme awakened one from the land of the snows. His avatar has manifested in our world system to benefit us during the most turbulent of times. Dorje means adamantine energy, and Shugden means immovable and unchanging power.

    This mantra is:
    … excellent for those who do paranormal research and must enter into places that are afflicted with negative energies.
    … powerful to protect psychics and astral travellers. For those who do astral travel, it is good to do this mantra before travelling.
    … indispensable for those who visit cemeteries or places where violent energies are present.
    … excellent to give protection for those who are afflicted with paranormal disturbances, and is highly protective.

    – You can recite this mantra 108 times every day. If you miss a day, it does not matter. Simply continue reciting when you can.
    -Recite the mantra slowly and with concentration during times of distress and fear. Breathe deeply.
    -When you have visitations from spirits, disturbances or negative forces, recite strongly and with full trust. While reciting, request the spirits, disturbances and negative forces to be dispelled into the light. You can include this mantra with any other rituals you may or may not have. There is no conflict.
    -If you have spirits in the house, bodies of water, land, office or where you are residing, wish the spirit well and recite this mantra asking for the light and love to bless the spirit to be on its way.
    -When one is under the influence of hexes/spells and feels abnormally uncomfortable, you can recite this mantra more than 108 times (number up each individual) until you feel the affliction has subsided. It will also help in dispelling bad dreams.
    -If one comes across animal spirits, one can recite this mantra to bless the animal to cross over.
    -It is an overall mantra that energizes the place where we live, work or reside. It is most powerful especially if done every day. It activates and invokes upon the wisdom, compassion, blessings, abundance and protective energies of the ascended and awakened angel Dorje Shugden.

    Meaning of the Mantra
    OM: Refers to the form of Dorje Shugden; as such recitation of this syllable calls upon Dorje Shugden.
    It invokes upon his divine presence to manifest now to bless, help and dispel negative energies.

    BENZA: Represents the awakened mind of Dorje Shudgen, the indestrubtible nature of which is filled with compassion and wisdom inherent in all awakened beings. This increases wisdom within our minds to help us make good decisions to tackle life’s vicissitudes.

    WIKI BITANA: Represents the four energies of peaceful, increasing, controlling and wrathful enlightening activities that are invoked upon depending on the situaion. These are the four energies invoked to subdue, counter, bless and send a spirit on its way.

    SOHA: Represents the exhortation to grant requests. It means bless me with abundance, wisdom, love and fulfilment.
    With this syllable we invoke the blessings of all good things into our lives.


  10. Jeff Weege on Jan 25, 2017 at 9:13 am

    From a buddhist perspective one should question where fear and peace arise from.
    Even if one is in sleep paralysis but at peace one needs to question if one can freely enter in and out of such a state at one’s own will. My point is that it doesn’t need to be paranormal to be frightening. From a dharmic point of few one should be skeptical of even dreams which are most peaceful.

    If one cannot control one’s ability to become peaceful then this should be considered paranormal so to speak also. But paranormal is another term that has arisen due to causes and conditions.

    Perhaps one will say they know this;however, one should keep things clear when on such a pure path so as not to confuse those less knowledgeable about one’s true intentions as a buddhist practioner.

  11. paul yap on Jan 18, 2017 at 11:34 pm

    When i was much younger, i had an experience of sleep paralysis. I was frighten that time and i didn’t know what to do. Even though science has some explanation to this, i do believe that there is some paranormal stuffs going on here. Science has failed to see our world in diffrent dimension beyond theirs microscope and mega telescope.

    With more understanding and teachings from Rinpoche, i have a better solution now if i ever experience it once more.

  12. Wan Wai Meng on Dec 6, 2016 at 1:17 am

    I had the experience of paralysis, when I was in my early teens, then I knew the Amitabha mantra, and i recited it. i could feel the paralysis slipping away as I chanted the Amitabha mantra. Another time i fell asleep on the couch and the front door behind the grill was slightly ajar, and a loud noise I could hear was next to my ear or hearing or my mind. after a few moments of the loud noise it kind of stopped, it was a really unnatural thing I encountered.

  13. TekLee on Oct 16, 2016 at 11:45 pm

    Thank you Vinnie for sharing. Actually I had some experience of sleep paralysis before. One that i can remember very well is, it was my first year college, and like many outstation students, I stayed in a student house in Subang with other housemates. I stayed at ground floor, back room (the one the next to the kitchen) with another 2 guys. Yes, we had 3 guys in one room that time :), but very peaceful. And, I liked to lay straight when sleeping last time (like people laying in the coffin) I felt very relax sleeping like that. So, it was an ordinary night, all of us were at the living room, some doing homework, some reading, some listening to music, and it hit mid night 12 something, I was the one headed to the room to sleep first, where the other two room mates were still at the living room, one was relaxingly half lying on the sofa which was facing the sliding door in the living room.
    Half way sleeping, in between the moment of falling asleep and awake, i suddenly felt something was holding and pressing me tightly. I quickly opened my eyes, breathing heavily, but couldn’t move. Couldn’t move at all, couldn’t sit up, couldn’t even move my arms and legs. During that time I only knew how to chant “Na Mo Amitabha”. So I kept chanting and chanting until I could move, I quickly jumped off from my bed, ran to the living room, the moment I reached the dining room (the one before living room, my room mate(the one half laying on the sofa in living room) rushed to the dining room. I asked him what happened, he said he saw a shadow floating pass the sliding door in living room, and he asked me what happened, I said I felt “something” was “pressing” on me in my bed. We both sat there quietly for a while, wait for the other room mate, all went back to the room together.
    After that, I heard some old people told me, those spirits like to lay or sit on people who sleeps straight. From there onwards, I always sleep on my side, until now. I love to sleep sideways. So now, when I stay in some hotels that I feel uneasy, I always chant Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha, until I fall asleep.
    Thank you again Vinnie for sharing. It’s a really good information. 🙂 _/\_

  14. Valentina Suhendra on Oct 5, 2016 at 11:09 am

    Dear Vinnie

    Thank you for the article. I had experienced something that resemble sleep paralysis as described in the article before like 2-3 times before. I can understand the feeling of helplessness like something sitting on your chest and you cannot move. I thought I was having a heart attack. Fortunately the episodes were brief and far in between. The last time I experienced this paralysis was a few years ago. At the time, I have practiced Dorje Shugden and I quickly recited Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha and since then the attack never happen again.

    I guess whenever we experience paranormal or medical attacks – something that is beyond our control – all we can do is recite Dorje Shugden mantra and request for his divine help as I have done time and time again.


  15. Echeah on Sep 25, 2016 at 8:20 pm

    I believe it is more paranormal than medical. Science tries to explain everything but some things can’t really be explained.
    I’ve heard of sleep paralysis from friends and I’ve even experienced a few myself, mostly in my younger days and more so in foreign hotel rooms. The local Cantonese translation of this is “being crushed by the devil”, lol and they say it’s usually when your spiritual resistance is low. While it can be terrifying, I now have full confidence in my refuge in the Three Jewels, dharma practice and knowledge. At this point when you’re in a state of no control, whether in sleep or death or bardo, what can you do but totally depend on our mind, knowledge and whatever attainments. You can’t call out to your partner, your mother or whoever and you’re totally alone. If we are within the mandala of our Guru, created and maintained the affinity, have learnt some practices, prayers and mantras, that is the only thing we can fall back on during those vulnerable states.
    I am grateful for the dharma knowledge and practices that our Guru has so compassionately taught us. If it happens again, there are mantras and prayers that we have already learnt and we can tap on the compassion of our Guru and lineage masters. When Bodhicitta is generated, whether relative or ultimate, spirits do not harm.

  16. Stella Cheang on Sep 22, 2016 at 3:40 pm

    Research and studies on sleep i.e. patterns, benefits, brain activities, disorder, dreams and etc were conducted because sleep takes up one third of our life, on average. Sleep is important for normal human because it is the time when the body rejuvenates while the mind rest. Everyone experience different level of deep rest from their sleep. Since sleep is something that everyone experiences but the intensity of the experience varies, therefore this article by Vinnie and the sharing of various experience in the comments are eye-opening. It reinforce the saying that we are all unique and we are all the same. Me too, have my fair share of sleep paralysis in the days before I started studying Buddhism from His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche and the pastors, and before I knew about Dorje Shugden and His powerful mantra: Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha. Every encounter of sleep paralysis instilled anxiety and horror in my mind because I do not understand the law of Karma and have no conviction in the Three Jewels. Today, I can be sure to rely on my Guru, the Three Jewels and Dorje Shugden’s mantra if I ever come across sleep paralysis again. Thank you very much Vinnie for this article.

  17. Albert on Sep 22, 2016 at 11:06 am

    It happened once many years ago about sleep Paralysis, when i was asleep and in the middle of the night, suddenly I was awake and realized my body couldn’t move, I tried very hard to sit up but failed to do so, then I started to feel scared as I thought of sleep Paralysis caused by Spirit, I have heard it many times since childhood time, and because it has never happened to me, so all the time I just take it as an interesting story to listen to, but this time it seems to be happened on me for real, then immediately I recite Kuan Yin’s Mantra (Chenrezig in Tibetan) Om Mani Padme Hum, as that time, this is the only mantra I know, after a while of reciting the mantra, suddenly my body can move again and immediately I sit up right and were sweating all over my body.

    Till today I dont know whether my sleep paralysis is caused by Demon or due to the medical explanation in the article. But at least now if it happened to me again, I will recite Dorje Shugden Mantra as I know this Protector is very powerful and he has helped many people to overcome many difficulties and even averting life threatening situation.

  18. Julia Tan on Sep 22, 2016 at 7:02 am

    I believe it’s both medically and paranormally real. I experienced it once many years ago at my house where by I can feel something scratching my arm but I wasn’t sure i was in the dream or awake. I was too tired to wake up. The feeling disappeared when I thought of my Guru H.E. the 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche. Then I woke up. If there’s a being in my room pressing on my or scratching its nail on my arm then it could have come back to me again but it never happened again. But if it’s just a dream why was it disappeared when I focus and thought of my guru? If i wasn’t awake how can I focus on my guru? I can’t explain clearly.

  19. Pastor Chia on Sep 22, 2016 at 3:02 am

    Just like others people,i had experience of sleep paralysis since my childhood time.First time experiencing sleep paralysis is terrifying and scary. i felt lose control of my body can’t move and talk.This problem continue few years back and stop happen to me now. The most serious sleep paralysis is attack by paranormal phenomenon happen until i fall sick after the attack. The Durkar and protector practice i was engaging to counter my problem. By study the dharma, i understand the spirit do existing in the 6 realm.Due to our karmic connection, some people might experiencing the sleep paralysis by the entity.Is important to know, we can realise with the Durkar and Singdongma practice to help this type of problem.Thank you Vinnie Tan for the sharing this article.

  20. June Kang on Sep 22, 2016 at 12:11 am

    你是否相信鬼魂吗?这篇文章和视频都证明了鬼魂存在, 我本身也曾经历过。

    这篇文章也许是让我们去意识到鬼魂的存在,鬼道是佛教里六道轮回之一,鬼道不只是饿鬼,亦有夜叉鬼、罗刹鬼、福德鬼等大能力者。接受鬼魂存在能让我们对他们就没那么的恐惧, 毕竟他们是众生之一,他们也很苦,尽可能把功德也回响他们, 让他们能早日脱离痛苦。

  21. Mingwen on Sep 21, 2016 at 11:30 pm

    I’ve heard about sleep paralysis since I was 10 years old. Luckily, I’ve not experience any yet.

    However, I would like to share something not so relevant to sleep paralysis but associated to sleep and paranormal, maybe?

    I used to have the same dream repeating when I was young, I’m not able to remember my dream vividly but I was running around with some other beings, I did not felt scared during and after the dream but I felt nervous and had pounding heart after the dream. I’ve cried during the same dreams and woke up. I’ve dreamt the same dream for few years on & off.

    Interesting yet creepy..good night!

  22. Eric kksiow on Sep 21, 2016 at 10:39 pm

    Experienced once until today, i still can remembered the feeling consciously awake during sleep paralysis experiences. It is experienced as part of waking consciousness, not as a dream. And also the immediate environment surrounding the bed is clearly perceived. Immediately i recite ( Namo Amitofo – Amithaba mantra ) for many times. Then only i awake from sleep paralysis causes. <- that's my story.

    Thank You Vinnie for this article and letting more people know about the sleep paralysis causes.

  23. Pastor Henry Ooi on Sep 21, 2016 at 10:21 pm

    My wife Angel used to have frequent sleep paralysis many years ago and after each attack she described to me the details, similar to what was described here. I poohed poohed her stories and laughed at her, saying she thinks too much of nonsensical things. Not until I fell victim once.

    It felt like I was awake, I could see Angel sleeping next to me. But I could not move nor call out. I felt a heavy load pressing down on my chest yet I could not see any entity as described here but it was difficult to breathe. In my mind the attack seemed to have lasted for ages and there was nothing I could physically do to stop it. The only thing I could do was to chant, in my mind, the sacred mantra of Dorje Shugden. The moment I started chanting OM BENZA WIKI BITTANA SOHA, I felt the load becoming lighter, and it quickly vanished and I was able to sit up in bed. I could not recall if I woke up Angel but I narrated my scary experience to her later. After that incident I never laughed at Angel’s attacks again or at anybody when they shared their experiences. Angel has stopped having these types of visitation and attack

  24. Pastor Antoinette on Sep 21, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    I have never heard about sleep paralysis but listening to the many experiences in the group it is for sure real. There are many phenomenen that we are not aware of and sleep paralysis seems to be very common.

    We need to pay attention and realise that our actions have effects and that we create good and bad karma constantly.
    To be born in the spirit realm is very scary because we might be trapped there for a very long time.
    We need to remember how precious our human life is because he have the experience of suffering and happiness.

    If we encounter sleep paralysis, we need to chant Dorje Shugden mantra and request his help. There is also the possiblility to order a puja to Dorje Shugden or toTrakye Puja, the wrathful form of Dorje Shugden.

  25. Khoo Hou Haw on Sep 21, 2016 at 10:10 pm

    I personally had experienced sleep paralysis before, but I guess I was the lucky one who didn’t experience anything scary except my body couldn’t move for a few minutes after woke up from a sleep. I did hear from many people who experience it with the phenomenal mentioned in the article. Thank you Vinnie for doing such a good research and provide us with the explanation and the way to overcome it.

  26. pammie yap on Sep 21, 2016 at 10:07 pm

    I have heard of sleep paralysis from friends and colleagues and the really sound scary. Just imagine being awake and not being able to move yourself. I think the worst would be, going through it while having some entity sit on your chest trying to harm you.
    Although it is said in the post, that everyone experience it at least once or twice in their lifetime, but I don’t think I want to experience it.
    But we are fortunate, because we have Dorje Shugden’s mantra to chant when we are in those situations and it can help for sure.

  27. Jace Chong on Sep 21, 2016 at 10:05 pm

    Thanks Rinpoche, Vinnie and the writer team for the article.

    I have a few times of experiencing sleep paralysis as well. The first time happened when I was a teenager. I have no idea what sleep paralysis was and only know it could be something related to ghost. I was so scared and I struggled a lot to scream out, once I screamed, all the tension on the body gone in seconds.

    After I read up about sleep paralysis, I understand that it could be that our body and mental not synchronized at that moment. So I have a few experiences after that and I didn’t relate it to paranormal. I think it must be my body too tired and my mental was too tension.

    Reading on this article gives me more idea what could it be when we experience sleep paralysis. I will try next time to chant Dorje Shugden mantra to see if the body tension subsided without struggling to scream.

    Thanks for the knowledge 🙂

  28. nicholas on Sep 21, 2016 at 9:57 pm

    There are many unexplained phenomena happening around us. I have heard many cases of such sleep paralysis from friends and some able to see the being and some can’t.

    Personally my experienced was that I was laying on a bed. I suddenly smell an oudor and I know I’m awake. At that time I would like to see who is it but my body couldn’t move and my eyes can’t open. I can only smell. This phenomena last quite long until I fall asleep.

    It’s scary to be in such experience but if we believe in karma and after life then such phenomena is possible. What important is we should learn up the method to dispel or help ourselves when it happen to us such as reciting mantra, prayer, burning protector rice and etc.

  29. Sofi on Sep 21, 2016 at 9:38 pm

    My goodness, Vinnie. I don’t know why but your pictures are scary and it took me this long to time it so it is not before sleep time in case I get a case of nightmare or “sleep paralysis”…. It is interesting that the younger ones get this occurance more often. I guess its to do with them being more active and when their bodies sleep, the minds are not ready to sleep yet. I use have this every now and then. Yup it is very scary feeling that something is going to attack. Before Kechara, I would be chanting the Lord’s prayer and if that doesn’t work then Ami tuo foh. Usually it works. Now I know to chant either the Guru’s mantra or Protector Dorje Shugden’s mantra. I must these worked much faster.

    As Joy mentioned in her comment, it is most probably that I had the karma to have these attacks due to my past transgressions. The next time I will know to do the visualisation that you had kindly shared with us and to burn/eat blessed rice to clear the environment. Thanks Vinnie for writing this interesting and informative article. Enjoyed it.

  30. Moh Mei on Sep 21, 2016 at 8:59 pm

    There is still much to be understood on the subject of the human mind. One thing for certain is what we perceive can easily be manipulated. Magicians for one have been using this “weakness” of the human mind to perform tricks. The world of advertising capitalizes on this trait of human mind.

    When we are conscious and so to speak in control of our thoughts and movements, it gives us a sense of security and this made us even more dependant on all our senses and faculties. When we are put in a state in which one or more of these senses and faculties are removed, most of us will be gripped by insecurities which leads to fear and when fear takes hold, the mind can easily loose hold of its usual processing logic and start playing tricks on us. Don’t talk about sleep paralysis, just blind fold a person or leave someone in complete darkness and most would start expereiencing “presence” around them. Is it just a reflection of our insecurities, a trick of our mind or is it paranormal?

    Logically if these other entities exist, they exist during the day as well as at night but we often associate them with night which I think is because for most of us darkness triggers fear but not daylight.

    I am not refuting that other entities and beings co-exist in our world. I believe 100% they do but it doesn’t mean they are responsible for all unexplained phenomena. While they are many who did vividly encountered supernatural beings as mentioned in the article during their sleep paralysis episodes, there are also many who have experienced the symptoms of sleep paralysis without encountering any supernatural beings. The experience of being choked, difficulty in breathing, heaviness on the chest like something pressing one down can easily be a result of fear, similar to when someone expereince a panic attack. Even in our conscious state of mind (not while sleeping), when fear is triggered, some people experienced temporary paralysis in their waking state.

    I don’t think sleep paralysis are caused by supernatural beings per say but I do agree that because of the way the human consciousness works that during sleep there is stage in which it becomes highly receptive to psychic energies. It’s kind of similar to meditation but during sleep we enter this stage unknowingly and without control. In Buddhism, people believe in karma and karmic affinity. It is said one can only be harmed by or experienced supernatural entities if one has the karma to experience it. As such it is also logical to conclude that not everyone who enter this state of sleep paralysis would also encounter supernatural beings of terrifying nature. I do believe that there is a state of consciousness where the human mind can have access to a kind of portal, a wormhole of sort that allows us to bridge between realms, dimensions and spacetime.

    One might argue if the experience is purely mental, psyhcology or physiological, why then do different people across the world perceived to have seen similar supernatural beings in these encounters. Do not underestimate the power of suggestions. Anything we have seen or heard whether consciously or subconsciously remain somewhere within our mind. And if you believe in reincarnation, this would include everything you have seen or heard in all your previous lives too. Are you really sure what you saw is waht you saw and not suggestive memories? Truth is not a solid matter, it is as fluid and as intangible as trying to grasp on to permanence.

    I am curious though why sleep paralysis is more common in teenagers and young adults. It doesn’t seem to make sense for paranormal expereinces to be selective of age. Or perhaps as we grow older we simply learned to adapt, found ways to sidetrack (I wouldn’t say conquer) our fears or perhaps the hassle and bussle of having to make a living simply doesn’t allow time to dwell on these “insignificant” moments.

  31. Paul Yap on Sep 21, 2016 at 8:06 pm

    I totally believes that sleep paralysis most of time is caused by paranormal beings. Sleep paralysis are very common, and it creates lots of disturbance to us. Thanks to Winnie, now i know the different entities who caused the disturbances. With the help of Dorje Shugden, we can recite his mantra to protect ourself effectively..

  32. Edern Tan on Sep 21, 2016 at 4:21 pm

    Hi Vinnie!

    Thank you for the really intriguing article… I too believe that sleep paralysis is more of a paranormal phenomenon… I had a few encounters recently which normally occurs after 15-30 mins into my sleep. During the experience I would sense (I won’t confidently say see) “shadowed beings” at the foot of my bed…

    What I normally would do is to force myself to turn and sit up as soon as possible. After, I would recite the mantra of Dorje Shugden and go back to sleep!

    Reciting the mantra really helps to calm myself down and I can be quite timid sometimes when it comes to these paranormal phenomena

    Once again your articles are really interesting! Thank you 🙂

  33. Joy Kam on Sep 20, 2016 at 12:00 am

    Are all sleep paralysis a paranormal experience? I can’t for sure yes or no but one things is kind of true is that it happens more often when you are young, or when you’re a teenager. I’ve had my share of “pei kwai chak” when I was a kid but thankfully I could not see anything! Phew!

    I just feel I cannot move and I struggle a lot to move. I thought at that time it must be the way I slept and that part of my body’s blood was not circulating well, hence I could not move. Usually I will really try my best and push myself to move, and all this while I am wide awake conscious! Eventually I am able to break free from being paralysed.

    One thing we learn in Buddhism is that if you have karma or karmic connection with these beings, you will then experience them. I am glad Vinnie you shared how to visualise our protector Dorje Shugden and our Guru as one and from there lights go out to cover us. I like that info you shared. Thank you!

  34. KarenC. on Sep 19, 2016 at 11:38 pm

    Thanks Vinnie for combining all the possible causes of sleep paralysis. I always thought sleep paralysis was caused by tension or fatigue, more likely to be scientific rather than paranormal. It was until i personally experienced once while i was sleeping in a new place, I was totally shocked and scared. I remembered in my dream, while the entity wanted to “attack” me, I couldn’t move at all nor speak. I was so frightened and fortunately when time in need, Dorje Shugden and Rinpoche would help..Visualizing Rinpoche and DS together helped to chase away the entity, the entity disappeared in the air super fast. This is how powerful our guru and protector is..

  35. JP on Sep 19, 2016 at 10:58 pm

    Thank you Vinnie for the article on sleep paralysis. I have had a few experiences of sleep paralysis over the years and when it happens you know it’s caused by an entity. This is because most of the time, I’m still awake and I see a figure come towards me very fast. Then all of a sudden I couldn’t move or talk. I also see the entity on top of me pressing me down.

    I usually try my best to move so that I can eventually move my mouth to recite Dukkar or Dorje Shugden’s mantra. Once I am able to move my mouth to recite, I will blow the mantras onto the entity after reciting the mantra for at least 7 times. They would retrack and disappear.

    What helps is to also have an image of Dukkar or Dorje Shugden above the head board of the bed. The person sleeping will be protected from any disturbances.

  36. Sharon Ong on Sep 19, 2016 at 8:28 pm

    I have had experiences of sleep paralysis and I used to wake up terrified to death. But thankfully, since I met Rinpoche and started my practices, these episodes are almost non-existent. Even when it does happen, I now know which mantras to chant and have thankfully remembered to recite them. I know Black Manjushri mantra is effective for nightmares and was wondering if it is just as effective for sleep paralysis.

    Great write-up, Vinnie. I enjoyed this post very much.

  37. William Chua on Sep 19, 2016 at 6:49 pm

    Science cannot validate the reason behind sleep paralysis so the explanation on paranormal may also be true. Whether you believe in science or paranormal, it is good to know what we can do if we are affected by sleep paralysis. Visualising Dorje Shugden and reciting the mantra Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha will help in releasing us from paralysis. I have also heard from my dharma friend from his personal experience, he has used Trakze mantra (Om Benza Wiki Bitana Rakya Rakya Hung) which is also very effective in releasing from paralysis.

    Thank you Vinnie for the informative article.

  38. jerry_sito on Sep 19, 2016 at 3:09 pm


    关于“鬼压床”, 我觉得无论从医学的角度下身体的生理症状下发生,抑或是从宗教的角度上被灵体干扰的情况,都是可能的,只是倘若您在尝试医生或药物治疗的情况底下,都没有改善的话,抑或是你已经明确的感受到你受到灵体的攻击,那么请您快速地透过以上非常有用的方法,来祈请多杰雄登护法(文殊菩萨的愤怒化身)与上师融入我们的心间加持我们,念诵多杰雄登护法心咒以去除邪灵的干扰,然后透过熏护法香粉加护法米来加持整个环境,而多杰雄登扎泽 ? ?修持法门更是一个强大有力对治黑巫术(降头)与邪灵的有效法门。

    Jerry Sito

  39. Wylfred Ng on Sep 19, 2016 at 10:08 am

    Thank you Vinnie for the research and sharing.

    I personally do not encounter any sleep paralysis before. But i do believe that sleep paralysis is cause more on paranormal side. There are so many unknown conditions that cannot be explained.

    I believe that the protective mantra like Dorje Shugden mantra,Dukkar mantra will stop the sleep paralysis.

    Thank you

  40. Edwin Tan on Sep 17, 2016 at 3:43 am

    Dear Vinnie,

    Thank you for the well-written and researched article.

    I have my fair share of sleep paralysis when I was younger, lesser now… exactly what you mentioned about teenagers or young adults will have it more frequent.

    During the experience or the moments, I do not see a witch or shadow people or demon… however, when I am unable to move, but I can sense beings beside me.. or jumping around my body.. sometimes one being… other times 3 or 4… those were really horrifying experiences, and I thank Rinpoche and Buddha for their blessings and protection as no harm came to me on those occasions.

    As advised, I do chant Lord Dorje Shugden’s mantra or Lord Setrap’s mantra to calm myself and force myself out of sleep paralysis…

    Whether it is scientific or paranormal.. it is always better to seek Buddha’s protection 🙂

    Thank you.

  41. Colin Tan on Sep 17, 2016 at 12:53 am

    Nice write up Vinnie..

    I use to always have this feeling when i get sleep deprive over a certain period of time. But thanks to my daily sadhana and prayers to DORJE SHUGDEN, am now sleeping more at ease.

    The article u wrote is informative. I now understand that theres different sleeping patterns ie… nrem and rem. And at the rem stage, the eyes flickle and all… maybe thats the reason why it felt like i could see something.

    Thanks to u also, i am more afraid… haha. Theres more paranomal that i now know. Hmmm…

  42. Choong on Sep 16, 2016 at 11:45 pm

    Physiological or paranormal? I think it may be either.

    Here’s a good summary of current sleep science understanding:

  43. Choong on Sep 16, 2016 at 11:43 pm

    Physiological or paranormal? I think it may be either.

    Here is a good summary of the current understanding in sleep science:

  44. Fong on Sep 16, 2016 at 1:54 pm

    Personally, I think there is more to it than what science can explain.I have experienced sleep paralysis myself many times over the years.

    There was no reason for that to happen, scientifically. So, now I believe in the paranormal. This is also because whenever I remember to chant Dorje Shugden mantras when the sleep paralysis happens, it goes away instantaneously.

    If the supernatural is there, what else is there that we cannot see but feel them like the way we feel the wind? Can we see the wind? If we cannot see the wind, can we safely say there is no such thing as the wind?

    Thank you, Vinnie for another very interesting article.

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Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

My name is Tsem Rinpoche and I am a Buddhist monk and teacher. I have a wide range of interests just like anyone else. Ever since I was a young child growing up in America, I have had a huge interest in the paranormal. I have always loved this subject. I love all things magical and mysterious – Tibet, Bigfoot, Loch Ness, Findhorn, UFO, Nazca lines, Spirits, Salem, Easter Island, Dowsing, Greek Gods, Hindu Gods, Yogis, Himalayas, Shambala, Aura, Divinations, Delphic Oracles, Tibetan Oracles, Nature Spirits, Pan, Shamans and more.

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Werewolves: The Shapeshifters

by Cindy Hew | Oct 8, 2024

Commonly associated with the full moon and silver bullets, lycanthropes or werewolves are said to be humans with a mysterious ability to morph into actual wolves or wolf-like creatures...

The Balan-Balan

by Phng Li Kim | Sep 8, 2024

My adventures in Sabah are kept alive in Kota Belud – a place where the natives are firm believers of paganism and the practice of dark magic since hundreds...

Kuchisake Onna

by Admin | Feb 23, 2024

Dear friends, From a young age, I have always been intrigued by Kuchisake Onna, the Slit-Mouthed Woman from Japanese folklore. Originally I didn’t know her name or that she...

Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

Reincarnation Videos YOU MUST WATCH!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2023

Nov 28, 2012 (By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends, I wanted to share this videos with you for the longest time and happy I can do so now. Learn, ponder...

Can you believe in this?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 8, 2023

I have always had an interest in mythology and folklore... about mysterious occurrences or beings that were described in books, or from stories shared by our family and friends...

Atlantis: The Richat Structure

by Wei Tan | Nov 30, 2021

Could the legendary Atlantis be real? These videos suggest that it can be located with relative ease in the modern day. The main sources of evidence draws from Plato’s...

Are angels ancient aliens??

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2021

Many of us believe in angels. 70% of Americans, believe in the existence of angels… 55% of Americans believe in guardian angels. It is said that every day, one...

Ancient Aliens: The Return

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2021

“The Return” is the last episode of Season 1 of the Ancient Aliens series. In the 20th century there was evidence that we were still being visited by alien...

Ancient Aliens: The Mission (episode 4)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 24, 2021

If we can make expeditions in search of resources to sustain our culture, wouldn't any other life form who needs resources to survive do the exact same thing by...

Ancient Aliens: The Evidence (Episode 2)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 8, 2021

Hard evidence is presented that makes the possibility of alien existence undeniably real - and yet some people would still rather not accept it. It may go against our...

Ancient Aliens: The Visitors (Episode 3)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 25, 2021

It is written in the Old Testament: 'The God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness". Who is "Us" and "Our"? In the Quran,...

Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

Reincarnation Videos YOU MUST WATCH!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2023

Nov 28, 2012 (By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends, I wanted to share this videos with you for the longest time and happy I can do so now. Learn, ponder...

Thursday Paranormal Tales

by Admin | Nov 30, 2022

Many people like myself, are curious about paranormal experiences. It is a whole new world that most of us have yet to completely explore and understand. Some people have...

Nazca Lines – Another Sign of Paranormal Activity?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 8, 2021

Have you ever wondered how the Nazca Lines are made? Are they man made or is there something else behind its creation that we might not know of...

Atlantis: The Richat Structure

by Wei Tan | Nov 30, 2021

Could the legendary Atlantis be real? These videos suggest that it can be located with relative ease in the modern day. The main sources of evidence draws from Plato’s...


by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2021

On March 19th… You may be surprised by what you will see or have seen… For the first time in 18 years, the moon will swing around Earth very...

Just What Are Sailing Stones?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2020

Look at these pictures and let your imagination try to figure out how this came to pass. Stones in the middle of nowhere that leave trails behind them, yet...

Psychic Kids (4)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 8, 2019

Another episode of Psychic Kids I thought my friends would enjoy. Notice how the senior psychics train up the younger ones. Reminds me of the Monastery where senior monks...

Kid Painter is Mini Monet

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 8, 2019

Kid geniuses are people who were good in something in another life and they from a young age without or with very little training can do something beyond your belief system...

Celebrities Ghost Stories (4) and Psychic Kids (2)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2019

Another dosage of great accounts of the supernatural that gives you a break and also helps you to ponder deeper on mysteries not visible to everyone yet exists. DO...

The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle

by Cindy Hew | Jul 17, 2017

Mind boggling disappearances of ships and aircrafts – this is what immediately comes to mind at the mere mention of the Bermuda Triangle. Its reputation is so notorious that...

Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 25, 2024

I have always been interested in ancient civilisations such as China, Egypt and Mesopotamia as they reflect the sophistication and advancements of the people at that time. Although people...

Sleep Paralysis – Medical or Paranormal?

by Admin | Mar 8, 2024

Sleep paralysis or more commonly known in Chinese as ‘鬼压床’ is one of the most common paranormal encounters. Hence, most people would have experienced some form of sleep paralysis...

Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

China builds world’s largest radio telescope to hunt for aliens

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 25, 2023

Dear friends around the world, It is interesting that China is looking for extraterrestrial communications. China is really catching up on all fields of interest. Take a read. Tsem...

Einstein on Buddhism

by Tsem Rinpoche | Sep 8, 2023

Dear friends around the world, I came across this interesting article recently and thought that it’d be nice to share it on my blog. People would often pick science...

Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 25, 2023

Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results 5 February, 2014 – 13:47 by April Holloway Paracas is a desert peninsula located within the Pisco...

Guess what was found!!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Nov 8, 2022

I have interests in many subjects. I just don’t have enough time in the day to get deeper into many of the subjects that captures my mind. One of...

Top 10 Space Mysteries

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2020

In something as big as the universe, there are bound to be unexplainable phenomena... and things we truly can’t grasp. The universe shows us how small we really are...

Resurrecting Mammoths

by Tsem Rinpoche | Nov 24, 2019

Researchers aim to resurrect mammoth in five years By Agence France-Presse | Updated: 1/17/2011 Japanese researchers will launch a project this year to resurrect the long-extinct mammoth by using...

A Planet discovered that could have life…..

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 8, 2019

Imagine there are 40 BILLION planets out there that can support life in our universe… Wow… There has to be other life forms. The mathematical chances is beyond doubt...

Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking – Time Travel

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2019

Watch enlightening documentaries online! Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking – Time Travel (2010).The promise of time travel has long been one of the worlds favorite scientific what-ifs? Hawking...

Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking – The Story Of Everything

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2019

Watch enlightening documentaries online! Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking – The Story Of Everything (2010) In two mind-blowing hours, Hawking reveals the wonders of the cosmos to a...

Paranormal Experiences Occur Everywhere – Part 2!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 8, 2022

In the late 80’s, I was a university student in Essex, England. I was living in a student hostel at the university ground. The hostel was a high-rise building...

Paranormal Experiences Occur Everywhere – Part 1!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Sep 8, 2022

I like Steven Wong's stories very much as it shows that spirits and unseen beings are actually not restricted to specific areas like cemeteries or abandoned houses. Instead, they...

Bukit Antarabangsa Hauntings

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 25, 2022

Remember the Bukit Antarabangsa Landslide in 2008? What about the Highland Towers apartment building which collapsed in 1993? I am sure that you know many died during those two...

The Shadow On My Bed

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 8, 2022

More and more people are sharing their paranormal experiences with us, and I thank Mr. Michael Moore for sharing with us a very kind and sincere story... can you...

A Relieving Experience

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2022

Some people encounter with spirits directly and have disturbing experiences with the unseen whilst there are others who experience it very differently, where they feel that the incident has...

A swirl at the foot of my bed

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 24, 2022

  Perhaps Paranormal: Two night ago in the middle of the night in my hotel room, I woke up and noticed a dark swirling ‘entity’ that was not exactly...

The Lady in Red

by Admin | Sep 8, 2021

The two men disappeared into the woods and came out on the other side. They walked very fast without saying a word to one another. Finally, they stopped at...

The Headless Nun: A Canadian Ghost Story

by Guest | May 6, 2019

In the mid 1700s, The French Fort Cove, the place of the happenings concerning our tale, was a military fortification on the banks of the Miramichi River, between what...

The Balan-Balan

by Phng Li Kim | Sep 8, 2024

My adventures in Sabah are kept alive in Kota Belud – a place where the natives are firm believers of paganism and the practice of dark magic since hundreds...

Jean Ai

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 8, 2022

Thailand is known for their terrifying horror movies and you know what people say...where there is smoke, there is fire so when Jean Ai went to Bangkok to work...

Thursday Paranormal Tales

by Admin | Nov 30, 2022

Many people like myself, are curious about paranormal experiences. It is a whole new world that most of us have yet to completely explore and understand. Some people have...

JP Revisited

by Tsem Rinpoche | Nov 24, 2022

Whilst the Chinese have practised ancestral worship for centuries, for most people a visit to the graves of their forefathers stops there. A few offerings and some flowers, and...

David Lai

by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 25, 2022

Quiet and unassuming, on first appearance David Lai does not come across as a person who has paranormal experiences. As they say however, looks can be deceiving...


by Tsem Rinpoche | Sep 24, 2022

Facing college life in a new city, JP Thong had no idea what awaited him when he moved thousands of miles away from home to New York, where he...

Till I See Blood

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2022

After sleepless nights in Bangkok, Angel finally fell asleep, only to find herself struggling for her breath as she was rudely awakened by an unseen stranger. Feeling pressed down...


by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 25, 2022

Many of us have heard that some people have the ability to see the dead and many of us have heard of the movie 'The Sixth Sense'. For 16...


by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2022

There are many children around the world who tell their parents that they see dark figures. Most of the time, their parents would brush them off and tell them...

Snake Spirit

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2022

This week, I share with you a story that relates to the time when I was residing in southern Thailand. I stayed there for about a month to do...

Burmese Temple & Floating Heads

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 8, 2022

In this episode, we have exclusive rights to film at one of the most exotic locations in Malaysia at night: The Dhammikarama Burmese Buddhist Temple. Founded on 1st August...

Red Face

by Tsem Rinpoche | Feb 22, 2022

This week, I share with all of you 2 paranormal stories. The first relates to the filming location: Shih Chung Branch School. Around 1885, the very first 5-storey bungalow in Penang...

Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

They are Everywhere

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 25, 2022

Whether we believe in aliens or not, it is undeniable that the thought of other beings existing in places unknown to mankind yet is interesting...

Foreign Visitor in the Amazon!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2022

Alien enthusiasts are always eager to find the latest alien discovery or encounters. Over the years, hundreds of media releases turn out to be hoaxes… It’s difficult to figure...

Spotted in a Sandstorm

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 25, 2021

I received an interesting email from Philip Yong, which shows some live CNN footage of a sandstorm also known as a “Haboob”. What’s interesting to note about this live...

A HUGE Collection of UFO Photographs from 1870 to 2011

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2021

  I was sent an email with a link to one of the most interesting websites on UFOs:! This website contains A LOT of information in the form...

Top 10 Space Mysteries

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2020

In something as big as the universe, there are bound to be unexplainable phenomena... and things we truly can’t grasp. The universe shows us how small we really are...

Astronauts & Military Men Speak

by Tsem Rinpoche | Feb 8, 2020

There are 2 videos below that are of UFOs. These are probably 2 of the most convincing videos on UFOs so far. This is mostly because the presenters are...

They’re Sighted Everywhere

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2020

This YouTube video was forwarded to me by Shirley Tan. It is of a UFO sighting on the 18th of January in Moscow, Russia. The video was taken from...

Second UFO sighting baffles China & Malaysia

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2019

Another unidentified flying object (UFO) has been spotted hovering over a part in southwestern China’s Chongqing province after a similar sighting last week caused massive flight delays at a...

More UFO videos from China!!! Very convincing!!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Feb 22, 2019

You have to watch these neat videos. They are very convincing. I copy and pasted the information below just so you have more to go on and understand. Enjoy...

Unsolved Mysteries – UFO’s & Me…

by Tsem Rinpoche | Sep 14, 2018

Since I was very young, I was naturally drawn to phenomena that was not accepted by ‘mainstream’ public. That didn’t bother me. I was always the type of person...

Flatwoods Monster: Close Encounter of the Third Kind?

by Cindy Hew | Nov 25, 2017

If you were in Flatwoods in Braxton Country, West Virginia around September 1952, chances are you would have been caught up in the hype surrounding the first sighting of...

Reincarnation Videos YOU MUST WATCH!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2023

Nov 28, 2012 (By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends, I wanted to share this videos with you for the longest time and happy I can do so now. Learn, ponder...

Pastor Chia on Wah Lai Toi!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 24, 2023

Pastor Chia, a long time student of mine appeared on TV recently. He was interviewed by a Paranormal Program on Astro Wah Lai Toi. It is so exciting to...

Inhuman Entity caught on film

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 25, 2023

See this episode. It is very good. Very interesting! Look at 5:01 and see an inhuman entity caught on film. Very interesting how these beings can be caught on...

Bigfoot Proven?? Must Watch!!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Feb 8, 2023

American Paranormal is a one year old series on the National Geographic channel. They kicked-off their new series in 2010 with a documentary on Bigfoot!! This documentary uses thorough...

The Mysterious Monsters – narrated by Peter Graves

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2023

Dear Everyone, Another favorite video of mine narrated by Peter Graves. He does a good job as he seems convinced in what he is narrating. I wish I can...

Thursday Paranormal Tales

by Admin | Nov 30, 2022

Many people like myself, are curious about paranormal experiences. It is a whole new world that most of us have yet to completely explore and understand. Some people have...

Foreign Visitor in the Amazon!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2022

Alien enthusiasts are always eager to find the latest alien discovery or encounters. Over the years, hundreds of media releases turn out to be hoaxes… It’s difficult to figure...

Ancient Aliens – Season 1 to Season 3

by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 25, 2021

Ancient Aliens is a series that launched their first episode on 20 April 2010. The series proposes various evidence around the theory that sometime within the existence of human civilization,...

League of Gentlemen visit ‘haunted’ Gloucestershire pub

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 8, 2021

Below is an article that my student, Shirley Tan, sent me. It is about a popular group of British comedians who decided to brave potential scares in a haunted...

Who are the Freemasons?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 8, 2021

The Freemasons are known to be very secretive and according to some people, almost cult-like. Cult is a very subjective word of course. Although I do not know much....

Are angels ancient aliens??

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2021

Many of us believe in angels. 70% of Americans, believe in the existence of angels… 55% of Americans believe in guardian angels. It is said that every day, one...

Ancient Aliens: The Return

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2021

“The Return” is the last episode of Season 1 of the Ancient Aliens series. In the 20th century there was evidence that we were still being visited by alien...


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