Posts Tagged ‘ bigfoot ’

British Hiker Found the Elusive Yeti in the Himalayas?

Mar 4, 2016
British Hiker Found the Elusive Yeti in the Himalayas?

Dear friends, I’ve had a life long interest in things not-ordinary. The first time I heard about Bigfoot I think was from a show called ‘In Search Of’ hosted by Leonard Nimoy which explored paranormal and mysterious phenomena across the world. It was one of my favorite shows. I use to hate the fact...

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Posted in Meme, Science & Mysteries, Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 12 Comments »

Giant 7-Foot to 8-Foot Skeletons Uncovered in Ecuador Sent for Scientific Testing

Feb 19, 2016
Giant 7-Foot to 8-Foot Skeletons Uncovered in Ecuador Sent for Scientific Testing

More people in various parts of the world are finding these types of skeletons. I feel mainstream science should research, publish more and ‘enlighten’ the public on this as information on our past is important. When I was very young, my foster mother Dana Bugayeff told me in the past people were double or...

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Posted in Science & Mysteries, Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 22 Comments »

10 Weird Facts About Bigfoot

Jan 27, 2016
10 Weird Facts About Bigfoot

Dear friends around the world, I’ve have always felt ‘connected’ to Bigfoot. When I was a kid in Howell, New Jersey growing up, no one knew anything about Bigfoot. My interest in this grew when I saw two documentaries on television on Bigfoot and it just clicked. I was perhaps around ten years old....

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Posted in Science & Mysteries, Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 12 Comments »

Watched in the Wilderness

Nov 19, 2015
Watched in the Wilderness

Dear fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts, I have watched scores of Bigfoot documentaries. Some are very interesting, some are so-so and some are just not believable. But this particular one is very good. I wanted to share this one – “Watched in the Wilderness”. One of the better accounts of a sighting as in believability. As...

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Posted in Science & Mysteries, Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 20 Comments »

Searching For the Yeti

Oct 30, 2015
Searching For the Yeti

The spiritual people of the Himalayan country of Nepal have always had a strong belief in the existence of the Yeti (or the Abominable Snowman). Just like the people of Tibet, those who live in the mountainous regions of Nepal have often reported sightings of the Yeti. It is not something to believe or...

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Posted in Science & Mysteries, Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 13 Comments »

Bigfoot Spotted by Dept of Transport in Arizona!

Oct 30, 2015
Bigfoot Spotted by Dept of Transport in Arizona!

Dear fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts, Exciting news! Looks like Bigfoot was captured on film by the Arizona Department of Transportation and it was even posted on their official Facebook page! Imagine, on their official page some more. Some states are more progressive and can be more open now. That is a good trend. Take a...

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Posted in Science & Mysteries, Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 10 Comments »

Do Giants Exist?

Oct 30, 2015
Do Giants Exist?

I recently came across this interesting article about giant skeletons excavated in Wisconsin, USA. I know that giant skeletons have always been rather controversial and a topic met with much doubt. After all, it must be quite difficult to imagine a human being, three times the size and height of an average 6 foot...

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Posted in Science & Mysteries | 17 Comments »

They exist!

Aug 1, 2015
They exist!

I have always been very interested in Bigfoot. I believe that they exist and despite their large size and vicious looks, they are said to be very spiritual according to those who have witnessed their existence. They seen occasionally seen roaming the forests or in remote, distant places where people cannot invade their living...

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Posted in Science & Mysteries, Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 6 Comments »

What was outside Tenzin Palmo’s cave?

Mar 9, 2015
What was outside Tenzin Palmo’s cave?

Dear friends around the world, You know I like to blog about many different interests I have which are quite varied. I enjoy them and I know you would enjoy some of them too. One of my favorite books is Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo’s Cave In The Snow by Vicki Mackenzie (Bloomsbury Paperbacks). I have...

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Posted in Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 23 Comments »

Psychic Power & Sabine Thing

Feb 24, 2015
Psychic Power & Sabine Thing

Sometimes we come across a very interesting documentary. It is riveting and keeps you interested as it did me. There are two subjects discussed in this documentary which is totally not related but both very interesting. One is about the Sabine Thing. Even the Native American Choctaw Indians living along the Sabine River area...

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Posted in Etc, Science & Mysteries, Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 28 Comments »

Something interesting from Russia

Jan 15, 2015
Something interesting from Russia

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 14th, 2015   New Russian Yeti Video Is this proof of bigfoot? New ‘yeti’ video shows giant hairy beast walking through forest There has long been speculation about the mythical creature but latest clips could reveal the truth once and for all. A group of Russians claim to...

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Posted in Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 18 Comments »

Yeti on Lonely Planet!

Dec 3, 2014
Yeti on Lonely Planet!

As most of my blog readers know, I regularly blog about Bigfoot (aka Yeti and Sasquatch)… on various Bigfoot sightings, new-found evidence, Bigfoot sighting locations, documentaries etc. These mysterious creatures, that has managed to escape from human discovery for centuries, has been one of my deep interest since I was a young child. I...

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Posted in Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 7 Comments »

Who is this?

Oct 24, 2014
Who is this?

Dear fellow bigfoot enthusiasts, Another interesting article I thought you might enjoy and add to your cache of knowledge on our intriguing bigfoot friends around the world. Tsem Rinpoche     Strange creatures living in Vietnam? GREEN SCHEME… Easigrass’s John Devlin with his grass- covered car For untold millennia the area has been inhabited...

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Posted in Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 10 Comments »

Look at what I got!

Aug 23, 2014
Look at what I got!

Mr. Nicholas Yu gifted and surprised me with this wonderful 2ft Bigfoot figurine. I was taken aback happily and really like this Bigfoot very much. I wanted a larger figurine and it suddenly appears! Now it’s right next to my shelves with Bigfoot books in my working area. I enjoy giving Bigfoot items to...

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Posted in Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 20 Comments »

The Cowichan People gave him the name “Thumquas”

Aug 14, 2014
The Cowichan People gave him the name “Thumquas”

Are they real, or are they myth? A Seven to Nine foot tall man ape has been sighted in North America for centuries. The mysterious ape-like creature; also known as Bigfoot, is said to inhabit remote regions of the Pacific Northwest. While most Canadians consider the Sasquatch a mythical creature, for the Cowichan People...

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Posted in Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 28 Comments »

From Nepal

Aug 7, 2014
From Nepal

Mitra Poudel is a friend of mine from Nepal. He gifted me with these two wonderful paintings of Yeti (Himalayan Bigfoot). My other friend Khom Thapa (KB) arranged for the paintings and brought it back from Nepal and it was given to me. It was painted especially for me and I was very touched...

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Posted in Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 27 Comments »

Bigfoot declared to exist in 1974

Jul 12, 2014
Bigfoot declared to exist in 1974

Dear friends, This is a little interesting article and newspaper clipping I came across. I find it totally fascinating how sometimes Bigfoots are ‘confirmed’ to exist and other times ‘confirmed’ not to exist. Take a read. Let me know what you feel about the fluctuation in confirmations. Tsem Rinpoche     October 20, 2011...

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Posted in Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 18 Comments »

Nepal is the land of spirituality, beauty and mystery

May 16, 2014
Nepal is the land of spirituality, beauty and mystery

  Two very nice documentaries you must watch and enjoy! I love watching documentaries searching for Yetis (Bigfoots) in Nepal because it combines the search for these powerful beings with Monasteries, lamas, monks and spectacular landscape. I like this combination very much. With wonderful Nepalese music and the Sherpa people and the anticipation of...

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Posted in Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 28 Comments »

5 Years + USD500,000 = EVIDENCE!!

Jan 13, 2014
5 Years + USD500,000 = EVIDENCE!!

Dear friends, You know I am very interested in mysteries of our planet as I have explained in my previous blog posts. While surfing the internet for interesting things, I have came across this group who have spent five years searching for Bigfoot, FIVE YEARS.

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Posted in Videos, Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 11 Comments »

Researcher Says Bigfoot DNA Analysis Reveals Human Hybrid … Seriously?

Jan 17, 2013
Researcher Says Bigfoot DNA Analysis Reveals Human Hybrid … Seriously?

November 28, 2012 | April Flowers for A scientist in Texas is claiming to have sequenced the genome of Bigfoot, alias Sasquatch or Yeti. Researcher Melba Ketchum led a team of scientists in a five-year DNA study purporting to confirm the existence of the hominin hybrid species commonly referred to as Bigfoot. The...

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Posted in Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 5 Comments »

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Tsem Rinpoche


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Technical: Lew Kwan Leng, Justin Ripley, Yong Swee Keong
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I must thank my dharma blog team who are great assets to me, Kechara and growth of dharma in this wonderful region. I am honoured and thrilled to work with them. I really am. Maybe I don't say it enough to them, but I am saying it now. I APPRECIATE THESE GUYS VERY MUCH!

Tsem Rinpoche

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The Known and unknown are both feared,
Known is being comfortable and stagnant,
The unknown may be growth and opportunities,
One shall never know if one fears the unknown more than the known.
Who says the unknown would be worse than the known?
But then again, the unknown is sometimes worse than the known. In the end nothing is known unless we endeavour,
So go pursue all the way with the unknown,
because all unknown with familiarity becomes the known.
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