Tibetan Astrology
Discover how your birth date can influence your life according to Tibetan Astrology
Tibetan astrology is a blend of both Chinese and Indian astrological traditions but is uniquely Buddhist as it is based on the Kalachakra Tantra. As such there are many methods that are taught to overcome any negative influences that we may go through in daily life. These methods allow us to purify any negative astrological influences and karma, leading to a happier, smoother life as well as creating the causes for a fortunate rebirth in the future.
According to the Buddhist teachings, we all have a unique blend of karma that determines where we are born, the circumstances of our birth and the quality of our life. Naturally, this is due to the actions that we performed in previous lives. Karma also dictates our characteristics and traits that determine how we act throughout our lives, which in turn leads to certain outcomes in this life and a determination of where we will take rebirth in the future.
Karma, however, is not set in stone. We can change our circumstances through our own efforts – purification of karma and accumulation of merit. Tibetan astrology, based on these Buddhist principles, provides us the methods to ensure success in this life and a good rebirth in the future. Tibetan astrology can also predict what will happen to us in this life and our next rebirth based on the time of our birth.
Discover your traits according to the Mewa, or Magical Square system of Tibetan astrology below, and find out how to purify your negative karma to improve your life!
Yearly Mewa Calculator

Daily Mewa Calculator

Advice from Tsem Rinpoche on Birth Buddhas
The energy and properties of Arya Avalokiteshvara, Lokeshwara, Padmapani, Chenrezig and Kuan Yin are just synonyms of a very powerful universal energy called compassion. Compassion in symbolic form is this Buddha Chenrezig and in definitive meaning, it is what we need as the main nourishment to survive on this planet. show more
For those who are born with Chenrezig as their Birth Buddha, it can be an indication that they may need to give more love to others. It may also be an indication that in their life, they might come across pockets of people and events that will create a lot of anger in themselves or in others that becomes an obstacle to their lives.
Thus being born with Chenrezig as one’s Birth Buddha indicates the person would benefit greatly if they engaged in practices related to forgiveness, kindness, generosity and especially activities that benefit others.
The snow mountain whiteness of this supreme Buddha represents the soothing qualities of patience, forbearance and tolerance. Chenrezig’s four arms represent compassion pervading all four cardinal directions of wherever sentient beings abide. One of Chenrezig’s four arms holds a rosary representing effort; another arm holds a lotus representing overcoming adversities and the remaining two centre hands gently clutch onto a wish-fulfilling jewel which is what we become when we embody compassion. We fulfil the wishes of others when we bring them happiness.
Meditating, doing yogas, and reciting the sacred texts, mantras and rites associated with this supreme emanation of compassion can only soothe our minds and clear obstacles created by negative human emotions. Hence connecting with Chenrezig will quell the angry energy around us, before us, and that which has been generated in the past because without angry energy, our lives instantly become at peace regardless of our station in life.
You do not need to be of a specific religion in order to invoke upon the energies of this much-needed Buddha especially in our troubled world of today, for his compassion comes in the form of many blessings as long as we trust in the power of compassion. Keeping images and statues or visiting sacred spaces associated with this deity will only serve to enhance our lives, remove obstacles from their roots, and propel us to higher spiritual realisations.
Read more: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=111341
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Fear, self-loathing, lack of confidence, insecurity, not loving oneself, hiding behind projections, and always feeling that one cannot achieve things is countered by the Birth Buddha Vajrapani.
When we associate ourselves with rites, rituals, prayers, mantras, yogas and practices that directly connect us with Vajrapani, fearful sights, dangerous or frequent travels, distant faraway places pregnant with life-threatening circumstances and supernatural disturbances can be overcome. show more
Last but not least, connecting with this powerful energy, like 10 million suns combined into one being, will also help us to overcome the biggest enemy and creator of fear, ignorance.
His right arm thrust fiercely into the air, holding the symbol of liberation and power over suffering, is highlighting what this Birth Buddha can grant us if we trust in his powers. His left hand, clawed, points with a threatening mudra at the enemies within. The mudra (hand gesture) forestalls sufferings, pain and more problems created by our inner enemies, which in turn creates the enemies on the outside.
Fangs bared, bloodshot eyes glaring, fiery moustache ablaze and violently gracing his blue-black face, even the most terrifying of inner demons and outer obstacles cannot withstand his wrath. For those born under this Birth Buddha, it is perhaps an indication that in our life, we will face many difficult or problematic situations, wrathful events and even the biggest enemy, the hating of oneself.
No matter what faith or lack of faith we project ourselves to have, or what religion or lack of denomination we are, it makes no difference to the volcano-like energy embodied within Vajrapani. Engaging in traditional and non-traditional propitiations of Vajrapani will only assist in removing and eradicating the causes of our suffering, obstacles and especially our deep inner issues which we have sometimes hidden from ourselves.
Those born under this Birth Buddha Vajrapani should consider themselves most fortunate because in the face of his violent yet compassionate power, our non-existent ego will only disintegrate.
Read more: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=111497
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For those of us who have the supremely efficient Vajrasattva as our Birth Buddha, this might indicate that in our lives we change and shift things very often and easily. We may not go all the way with certain works and endeavours, which is an attitude that may bring us a lot of difficulties. show more
Why is this Buddha efficient? Because Vajrasattva is a specific emanation that when invoked upon, removes the root causes of our failures: impatience, projections and delusions. Our delusions, projections and impatience are constantly fuelled, without ever being exhausted, by the constant karma that we create. This is a larger source of energy and power than any fossil fuel remaining in the earth.
While fossil fuel will run out one day, the fuel we generate to ‘power’ these three negative qualities can be washed away by Vajrasattva’s practice. On the one hand, we knowingly and unknowingly create negative karma and circumstances for ourselves and the people around us. Simultaneously, we also reinforce this situation by rejoicing in our negative actions. This is the root fuel and source for the unhappiness in our lives.
Thus by invoking upon Vajrasattva’s energy, visiting sacred spaces associated with him, reciting mantras, or engaging in offerings, rites, rituals, practices, yogas, meditations or even having an image of him, it will help us to eradicate the root fuel that empowers the dissatisfaction we always experience and create for others through our delusions, lack of effort, giving up on things easily and our worst best friend, projections. Projections are things we believe, see or feel is so, but in actuality, what we see is actually deceptive and not real.
So those born under the blessings of this Birth Buddha are most fortunate if they invoke upon or associate with Buddha Vajrasattva because once they cut the fuel, the engine of suffering stops.
Read more: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=111483
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The moment Prince Siddhartha Gautama, later known as Buddha Shakyamuni, issued forth from his sacred mother, tremors heralding the birth of an extraordinary being were felt and heard throughout the earth.
For nine months, Queen Maya Devi dreamt of an elephant descending from the highest Tushita heavens and entering her womb, foretelling of a single mind that would manifest to change the destiny of all of samsara. show more
This being who is perfect, with the 60 qualities of speech and 112 immutable physical marks of a superhuman, appeared golden, bright and smiling. He was the answer to every single plague within our existence that has ever been created.
The moment Prince Siddhartha Gautama, later known as Buddha Shakyamuni, issued forth from his sacred mother, tremors heralding the birth of an extraordinary being were felt and heard throughout the earth. For nine months, Queen Maya Devi dreamt of an elephant descending from the highest Tushita heavens and entering her womb, foretelling of a single mind that would manifest to change the destiny of all of samsara. This being who is perfect, with the 60 qualities of speech and 112 immutable physical marks of a superhuman, appeared golden, bright and smiling. He was the answer to every single plague within our existence that has ever been created.
Homage to the King of Sages, the antidote to samsara and to the most benevolent and powerful Buddha Shakyamuni.
If Shakyamuni happens to be your Birth Buddha, you can consider yourself to be the most fortunate to be protected by the fourth universal monarch to appear in this fortunate aeon. All maladies, internal and external, and all sufferings and all manifestations of our inner turmoil can be quelled if we associate ourselves with, pray to, take refuge in and make offerings to this supreme being labelled Shakyamuni. By visiting the four holy places of his birth, his enlightenment, his turning of the Wheel of Dharma and his parinirvana, one will quicken one’s path to the state he has shown us, which is possible. By focusing our minds and physically visiting sacred spaces associated with this most supreme protector of all sentient beings, Shakyamuni Buddha, only good can arise.
Those of us who are born with Shakyamuni as our Birth Buddha should be inspired to realise he has shown us what we can achieve and we should never belittle ourselves to think it is not possible. Those born under the blessings of this Birth Buddha should never be discouraged and feel that they cannot achieve what they wish to achieve in their lives; they should feel empowered to go all the way.
Those associated with this supreme Buddha Shakyamuni should offer things pleasing to the five senses such as flowers, incense and water, and especially their efforts and cultivation of themselves as the best person that they can be. Any mantras, rites and rituals done according to tradition or created from one’s personal inspiration, will be more than enough to invoke the blessings of this supreme being.
Since Shakyamuni has shown all beings within existence the possibility of freedom, when we are associated with him as our Birth Buddha, we should realise we can achieve anything and everything. Always invoke upon the energies of your special Birth Buddha, the Great Sage and universal monarch Shakyamuni Buddha.
Read more: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=111488
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Those born with this incredible, forceful female energy as their Birth Buddha are blessed to be protected from the six realms of samsara and the three dimensional existences which are represented by her nine eyes.
Her eight arms hold symbols of the complete end of suffering, removal of obstacles, swiftness in achievements, prolonging of life, achievement of the highest qualities and at the same time, improvement and assistance in our spiritual meditative paths. The practitioner will receive the benefits of what she manifests and what she represents. show more
Being born under this Birth Buddha may, for some people, represent that at times they may have a very tumultuous life. The incredible energy of this supreme lady Namgyalma can quell such adversities if we place our trust in her.
To invoke upon her energies by either traditional or non-traditional methods, you do not need to be Buddhist or even anything remotely related. Reciting her sacred words of power (mantra) or relying on one’s personal meditation methods according to one’s own knowledge to propitiate the Buddha Namgyalma will definitely invoke the energy of your Birth Buddha.
If you are lucky enough to have Namgyalma as your Birth Buddha, keep an image or sacred statue of this effulgent deity and make an effort to be closer to her.
Read more: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=111352
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The person born under the timing ‘ruled’ by the energy of Tara will experience improvements in their endeavours if they form a stronger affinity with Tara. This connection with Tara will help them achieve their goals, lessen obstructions and lead to the overall improvement of their path in life. show more
It would be especially beneficial for this person to visit temples and places that honour Tara, or are associated with her. Keeping a painting, print or statue of Tara in the place they inhabit the most will constantly energise the environment with her blessings. Any pujas, rituals, meditations, yogas and propitiations to Tara will be especially powerful towards achieving our positive wishes.
Tara can be relied upon as our main practice or as a subsidiary practice, if combined with other practices. We can invoke upon Tara regardless of whatever spiritual path we are on now. We do not need to be Buddhist to tap into Tara’s blessings, as her blessings override any human projections.
Tara is associated with the removal of obstacles, 21 potent methods for improving our lives, as well as mental prowess and extraordinary abilities such as clairvoyance, foretelling of the future and safety in travel. She is also swift in the removal of obstacles for business, and excellent for women’s issues and family disharmony. Overall, when we connect with Tara as our Birth Buddha, we are making connections with a powerful ally who will stay close to us until our own Enlightenment.
Those born under the Birth Buddha of Tara may engage in traditional Tibetan methods, or their own spiritual methods, to invoke upon her multi-faceted blessings daily.
Read more: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=111384
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The person born under the timing ‘ruled’ by the energy of Manjushri will do especially well to make a stronger connection to Manjushri to fulfil life goals, remove obstacles and generally improve one’s well-being.
It is good for this person to visit chapels or holy sites associated with Manjushri, or to keep an image or statue of Manjushri in the environment they inhabit the most. show more
Any rites, mantras, yogas and meditations associated with Manjushri will be especially effective for them. Manjushri can be our main practice, or an additional practice if we have a separate, pre-existing main practice already. Our religious orientation, even if we are not Buddhist, will not interfere with Manjushri’s bountiful blessings when we invoke him.
Manjushri is associated with learning, self-improvement, logic, wisdom, the arts, science, music, contemplation, realisation and penetrative insight. He is thus associated with improving all facets of intelligence, learning and inner growth.
People associated with this Birth Buddha generally enjoy learning while those who face difficulties in learning, whether academically or life lessons, are encouraged to invoke upon Manjushri’s energies to see things improve for themselves.
Read more: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=111426
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Be with your Birth Buddha always! You can do this by wearing a pendant of your Birth Buddha or click here to download a free, high resolution of your Birth Buddha.
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My parents are not feeling well.Please pray to Buddha God for my parent’s health
Can we look our birth prophecy la.
According to my birth certificate my date of birth is 2003 june 10 but according to my parents they only remember year don’t remember month and day so they put it by guessing
So will it be ok to go according to birth certificate
Or month should also be correct
Thank you for giving me the Information about Birth Buddha, Yearly Mewa and Daily Mewa
So who is carrying the legacy of Jolenpa Gen Nyima now ?
Thank you for the knowledge n blessing la🙏🙏
May Tsem Rinpoche’s 26th incarnation swift return, Kechara grow and may all sentient beings be able to listen to Dharma and healthy, wealthy for always!
See you in 2027, Hopefully I will survive:
I was predicted 3 mediocre years in a row.
I wish others to do better. (and the same)
Hopefully your wishes be fulfilled soon.
Hi, I am a fire goat, lunar snake and rising pig. My birth Mewa is 6 but I am beginning to follow Medicine Buddha as it feels more right than Ngalama.
I am new to this website and a beginner practicer. I have a health problem in that my sleep cycle has flipped ie; I go to bed at dawn and wake at dusk. I know all the sleep protocols but they just don’t work for me. This problem has been going on for years and is frustrating as I need to do things. I have been to the doctor. but no luck. Herbal remedies don’t work. I might try acupuncture again. I am retired so I don’t have to go to work. I am female and post menopausal. The quality of my sleep is long and deep, no problem falling asleep just not at the right time.
There are bats in my back yard, maybe they have infected me and I’ve turned into a bat ! LOL!
Can you help please?
I am Arjun Konda of age 35 from Bhaktapur.My child Aisa konda of 5 born on 13 August 2018 is having lots of health issues. Two years back she was a smart child.But once she got sick and now she has lots of problems.She is quite hyperactive.She doesn’t communicate with us.And has learning disability.She does know where she is and where is going.She does not understand us.As a middle class parents we are too much worried.We are doing her treatment since 2 years but no progress.She has epileptic discharges in her brain and thyroid as well.Please suggest me what I should do to make her better.
Hello la, I’m born in 10 feb 1998. So i want to ask what is my actual birth animal because I’m very confused as when i search on website it’s say I’m Earth Tiger but my parents says I’m fire ox. So I’m very confused. So if you could help me to figure out my actual birth animal it will be great help la and my heart will be at easy. please help me out la.
Hello. I have two questions. Does this apply to animals too? I would like to plan a visit to vet for my pet. Also have you changed the calendar somehow? I remember planning my dentists appointments in February to a favourable days but now as I doublechecked, some of the days are actually quite bad.
Thank you for the great information Rinporchela 👏👏
Always blessed
Mera bavishya kaisa hoga, frustated rahta hu.
achha byabahar kare achhe log ke sath rahiye ..budhi se kam kare .. man saf rakhe ..dusron ko help kare ..
..bhabisya bahut hi achha hoga
This blog gives us very helpful information, thanks for sharing.
Payer for playing kuru
Bad year and bad day makes me very nervous. Can you tell me what to do to overcome negetive karma. I doubt if negetive karma can be eliminated.
First find a temple near where you stay. After that, go to that temple and walk a few rounds around the temple to let your negative karma being absorb by the temple. See the difference after that.
achha byabahar kare achhe log ke sath rahiye ..budhi se kam kare .. man saf rakhe ..dusron ko help kare ..
..hope dhire dhire sabkuch theek hojayega
be positive . think positive ..sabko dil se maf kare.. mafi mangle…. apne mata pita ko bahut respect kare care kare…sabko khush rakhe…sabki blessing lijiye ..
I’m here to tell everyone what Dr Ayoola did for me I have been playing lottery for so many years now. I have never win a den so I was worried because I need to pay my monthly bills I was going through some comment on google when I saw a post about Dr Ayoola helping someone to win lottery so I contacted him telling him that I will love to win lottery as well. that someone recommended me to him so he promise to help me win if we work together as one so I told him I’m ready to follow the instructions that is how we start and after the spell he give me a number to go and play after playing the game and I was surprise I win 56, 000,000 dollars this has never happen to me before and I’m also recommending you to this man call Dr Ayoola he is a good man and he always keep to his wells I have promise him that I will tell this to the world so if you are out there and you have been praying to win lottery here is the time for you to win contract Dr Ayoola now and be happy like me I will drop his contact information here so you can contact him email address drayoolasolutionhome @ gmail. com
Please can you explain me about this Number.
What does life day and deadly day mean…my birth mewa is 8
Hi my name is Edgardo Deramas Fajermo my Birthday is September 25 1968, what is my element? And astrological forecast.
Astrology is one of the traditional arts and sciences of Tibet, where it is known as “the science of calculation,” used by monks and lamas. Tibetan Elemental Astrology, is based on the five elements. They are used for divination, for choosing auspicious times for rituals and life-cycle events such as marriages and funerals, and so forth. It is a traditional discipline of the Tibetan peoples that has dialogued with both Chinese astrology . Interesting read as our birth date can influence our life according to Tibetan Astrology. Tibetan astrology, based on these Buddhist principles, provides us with information such as methods to ensure success in this life and a good rebirth in the future. It can also tell us what will happen to us in this life and our next rebirth based on the time of our birth. Through the Tibetan astrology, we could do more to improve our life. That’s wonderful .
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing
Respected la
I have followed this in every moment. This is great to follow the path of Buddha.
Thank you la
And I’m Bhutan 🇧🇹
Help me know my lucky colour. I am Fire Tiger lady
How would be the relationship of metal snake female and wood pig male
I was born in June 22 in the year 2000 and my mewa is no. 9… Can u tell me wat element am I please??
Your element is metal.
I hope you are well!
I have a question regarding a birth mewa. I put in my partners birth date, 28/01/93 and mewa 8 appeared however with another site mewa 7 appeared for the same date. I contacted the developer of that site and he made me aware that this was due to using the calendar year date rather than the astrological year date. Can I please check which date, the calendar year date or the astrological year date is used on this website to calculate the mewa?
Thank you,
Astrology is a big influence on our life as it determine certain traits of character that influence our actions. Astrology does have some things in common with religions, such as seeking to understand the greater nature of the universe.
Well! Tibetan Buddhism astrology goes much further, seeing deep into our soul and the karma you are working through in this life time, and far into the future even to the end of your life’s path.
Thank you for the interesting sharing and happy to discover the Magical Square system of Tibetan astrology .
I am interested in getting an authentic Tibetan astrology chart and would appreciate help finding a qualified person to do this for me. Thank you.
Hello Rinpochoe, firstly thank you very much for sharing a very helpful Buddhist horoscope. And I am really glad to see. I am from Bhutan and roster is my (loo) mY birth mewa is Buddha Shakyamuni. wanted to learn (Dharma protector and purification practice) how shall I do? And what are things I have to do? La. Please because I am facing lots of difficulties in my daily life.
Hi Karchung,
Rinpoche has previously published a guide for people to start on Dorje Shugden’s practice. Rinpoche gave instructions on how to set up the altar and also provided the prayers to do. There is also a video teaching that explains all of this. You can find the guide over here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=188437
Thank you
hello its me Binesh Tamang from nepal 1stly thank you so much for this kind of knowledge for buddhist religion and please give me some suggestion Which field is good for me as my daily life development and good for future day😊😊 my birthdate 1994 april 28th
Rinpochi la reading your astrology I am impressed and I believe it is authentic.
Thank you
Wangchuk bhutia
Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Homsge to Chenrezig!
Hello, my name is Inna, I am from Mongolia and follow Gelug lineage. Could I ask a question to clarify one thing regarding Mewa? According the Tibetan Horoscope, my Mewa’s Buddha is Namgyalma. In my country people with six white Mewa usually have Manal Burkhan (Sangye Menla Buddha, or Medicine Buddha) as a Mewa Buddha. How Namgyalma Buddha is related to Sangye Menla Buddha? For myself, I practice His mantras for many years. Am I doing any mistake?
Dear Inna,
Thank you for your question. The information regarding Mewa on this website follows the Pugpa system, which is the main lineage prevalent within the Gelug school within Tibet. However, within the Gelug school in Mongolia there are two systems used, the first is Pugpa and the second is Gaden Sarlug. There are slight differences between the two schools. Perhaps this may account for the fact this website says Namgyalma, whereas in your country people recommend Medicine Buddha for Mewa No. 6. Also, different lamas may have received the traditional of astrology according to other systems stemming from different schools, which could also explain the slight differences.
That being said, you have not made a mistake by praying to Medicine Buddha. If you have been reciting his mantra and prayers for many years, then you have made a strong connection with Medicine Buddha, and you will receive his blessings, which will includes in relation to astrological considerations. Both Medicine Buddha and Namgyalma are both fully enlightened beings. So, you will gain results from praying to either one of them. It is just that according to the Pugpa system, Namgyalma has more of a natural affinity with those born with Mewa No. 6. However, since you already have strong connection with Medicine Buddha, there is no need to stop, as your strong connection will override the affinity based upon your date of birth.
If you were not doing any practice whatsoever, then according to the Pugpa tradition, we would recommend Namgyalma. But as you have already engaged in Medicine Buddha practice, you can achieve the same results as praying to Namgyalma. In fact, we encourage you to keep your practice strong and engage in it more to receive the enlightened blessings of Medicine Buddha further.
Thank you!
I am so glad I read your comment. I worked out my astrology and I am also no. 6. I have not started any practice at all. I am a beginner. I have listened to the Namgyalma mantra numerous times and I ordered a few products online including the book practices of Namgyalma by Lama Rinpoche, and 2 protection amulets. While I was on the website I was very attracted to the Medicine Buddha suncatcher so I bought one.
I feel and think I will practice the medicine buddha. Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.
After listening to the Medicine Buddha mantra chant for some time this evening I know it is good for me. Very relaxing and grounding also simplifying life, more in the present. It seems to also connect with my grief , the first step in helping to release it.
The Namgyalma chant was a bit too stimulating for me. I have anxiety and am sensitive so not really a good match for me . But I thank this Goddess for guiding me in the right direction. And I could feel the guidance.
Thank you so much for your intelligent, thoughtful website.
Interesting article .Tibetan Astrology is an important part of Tibetan culture. It is interwoven into daily life and provides guidance for major decisions. Tibetans have used astrology for thousands of years as a tool to better understand both themselves as such like health ,fortune and external factors in their lives. Tibetan Astrology is very much in connection with Tibetan Buddhism. Its a traditional discipline of the Tibetan peoples that has dialogued with both Chinese astrology and Indian astrology. This methods, is the most essential spiritual part derived from the Chinese, and the technical element coming from the Indian system. It is a complicated procedure that requires an astrologer.
Wow we can discover our traits according to the Magical Square system of Tibetan astrology . That’s wonderful from there we can know how to purify our negative karma to improve our life.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor Niral for this wonderful sharing.
Hello there, I am Lakpa Nurbu Sherpa. My mewa is No 6. But in some of the book God of mewa 6 represent as Guru padmashambhava(Guru Rimpoche). But here it is Namgyalma. Now I am in big confusion. Can you please suggest me which Guru should I follow??
Dear Lakpa Nurbu Sherpa,
Thank you for your question. The Mewa system on our website follows the Pugpa system of astrology prevalent within the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism. There are a number of other lineages that have slight variations, including which Buddha is associated with each Mewa number. The best is to follow the system of astrology associated with your own lineage of practice. If in doubt, then please consult your Guru as to which system of astrology to follow, if you have taken Refuge with a Guru.
In either case, both are legitimate, according to your lineage of practice, because both Guru Rinpoche and Namgyalma are fully enlightened beings, capable of blessing us along our spiritual path, helping us to overcome problems, etc. The most important is to pray to them wholeheartedly and to transform your mind following the teachings of the Buddha, as taught by a qualified spiritual Guru in whichever linage you are practising.
Thank you!
Thank you for the interesting article sharing, Astrology reflect the mystery of life and determines the future of human actions in relation to the movement. It has been a tradition practiced in almost all the religions of world and each religion have different principles and methods for predicting future and revealing destiny
I do admire astrology prediction, it has been taught that when a person is born the cosmos the stars and planets at the particular time will determine the destiny of the person. I wish to discover further about these Tibetan Astrology and to share with my family and friends.
My son was actually born in the year 2018 23rd December which is a dog year but in his ketse from pangri zampa he is considered to be born in pig year..and his mewa is 8.I am really confused as to which year I have to consider while doing ritual and reciting lungta. Would be grateful if it is clarified la.
Dear Tsem Rinpoche, how may I study Tibetan Astrology and Medicine? Are there any books I could read? I would love to work with plants and the stars to be most effective at helping others.
Rinpoche la.
This mewa has been very helpful to me as I don’t have any prior knowledge about my mewa or key tshe. But is there anything which can signify if I can have the opportunity to practice the dharma in this life? Since I am the only man of the house I feel it wouldn’t be appropriate to leave them.
Any advice would be extremely Helpful.
yes my dear you can alwalys make a pray for your birth buddha that would help you to stay calm and be openly social of everyone without no fear of being down…
I am sheep, 9 mewa ,and she is pig , 1 mewa, but problem is her element is water and mine is metal. We lack element compatility. Therefore, I will be high grateful if rinpoche could tell us how good our compatibilty is.
Thank you.
I am sheep, 9 mewa ,and she is pig , 1 mewa, but problem is her element is water and mine is meta. Please, I will be high grateful if rinpoche could tell us how good our compatibilty is.
Thank you.
Hello, can anyone provide ne the links for Dharma protectors and Medicine Buddha prayers please ??
My daughter was born on December 20, 2018 in the Earth Male Dog Year. According to astrologer in Bhutan I was told that kids born after November , 2018 is not considered to be 9 mewa. Whereas when I went through your website it’s mentioned clearly as mewa 9. I am bit confused already and would be grateful to rinpochhe if you could clarify on this .
Thank you
Dear Tshering Wangdi,
I have checked the calculations and according to those, your daughter is considered to be Mewa number 9. Our calculator above is based on the Tibetan system following the astrological school most prevalent Tibet. Sometimes there are slight differences in how different astrological schools calculate things, but as far as I am aware all Mewa are calculated according to year, month and day. Therefore it sounds strange that all children born after November 2018 cannot be considered Mewa number 9. But again, perhaps the astrologer you saw in Bhutan uses a different system. May I ask, according to that astrologer, what is your daughter’s Mewa number?
Hello Rinpoche
In my Laza day what I have do la
I have give attachment given below in dzongkha
Dear Kinley Dorje,
If you can find out your Western birthday, you can use the app above to find out your Mewa and more information about what your Mewa means.
Thank you
Tashi delek! …I was born on 1998 but no any idea about date and month. But my mother said i was born after few days of loser (may be at tongchen). So plz help me to get exact mewa.
Dear Sangey Khandu,
Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get an exact Mewa number without the date of birth, as Mewa numbers are calculated according to the year, month and day of birth. Perhaps you mother has the exact Tibetan date? Then we can calculate the Mewa using that date.
thank you sooo much
Dear Rinpoche,
how can we neutralizes a bad Yearly Mewa?
(Is there any Sutra/Mantra to read in order to pacify the negative Astrology?)
wish you well and all the good luck!
Good question, yes is there any mantra that can neutralize bad day and bad year. Please answer la
Dear Bilent,
I am a frequent reader of Tsem Rinpoche’s blog. If you have a bad yearly Mewa, you may recite the prayer and mantra of your Birth Buddha. You can find your Birth Buddha and the prayer here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/tibetan-astrology/tibetan-astrology.html
You may also recite this short prayer and mantra of Dorje Shugden daily to help to remove your obstacles:
Good luck and I wish you well.
Yee Yin
Dear Bilent,
In order to neutralize any negative astrological energies it is considered very beneficial if you engage in the practice of the deity associated with your Mewa number. Alternatively there are two other practices that are easy to do and have the same effect.
1. The first is the daily practice of a Dharma Protector such as Dorje Shugden. This type of practice overcomes all obstacles as well, not just the astrological ones and has therefore been relied upon in the monasteries of our lineage for centuries. You can read more about the daily practice here: https://www.dorjeshugden.org/practice/diamond-path-a-daily-sadhana-of-dorje-shugden
2. Another practice which is well known to provide the benefits of overcoming negative astrological effects is that of Black Manjushri, which you can read more about here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/prayers-and-sadhanas/a-black-manjushri-sadhana-self-healing-meditation-and-exercises.html
I hope this helps
Highly Respected H.E Team Rinpochoe
Myself from Bhutan, from poor family background la. I am the youngest one among five children, studied till grade 12 whereby others are uneducated, so I have difficult time in managing to fill their stomach with happiness due to lack of money la. So I am requesting, is there any mantra to win monthly lottery la, it would be highly appreciated if Rinpochoe could help me to teach such type of mantra to win lottery.
Kindly reply me as soon as possible la Rinpocho
Your help will be highly appreciated la
Dear Pema Tshering,
Unfortunately, there is no mantra that can help you win the lottery monthly. However since you and your family are facing financial difficulties, may I suggest that you engage in the practice of Gyenze. His practice is very well-known in our lineage to bring the energies of increase into one’s life, and this includes betterment in financial situations as well. You can read more about Gyenze and his practice here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/prayers-and-sadhanas/dorje-shugden-gyenze-to-increase-life-merits-and-wealth.html
can i gat nepali?
Dear Rimpoche
I am Shugden Worshipper & recently I got the info tht my fren to whom I owe 1.8 lacs has fwd case to court. Kindly suggest me Mantras of my lord Shugden which can safely help me out of this situation since I have neither wealth/savings on me nor could I lend/arrange from bank/elsewhere to repay. Kindly write back ASAP
Dear Bikram,
You can start doing Dorje Shugden practice to help you remove your obstacles and fulfil your wishes. Please follow the link below to learn how to do the practice:
I wish you well and good luck!
Yee Yin
not in nepali?
Hello rimpochee…
With my heavy heart and soul…recently son of 2yrs 9mnths pass away…so if rimpochee could kindly track his rebirth place and his birth parents..
I will be very greatful to rimpochee la as in present life i couldnot help or be good to him..his name was rigsel wangchuk…even i couldnt get time to talk…when he is in great pain…so i am so regreatful n sorry for being rude
Waiting for beautiful response from rimpochee la…??????
Hi Dema,
My name is Yee Yin and I am a regular reader of Tsem Rinpoche’s blog. I am sorry to hear your son’s passing. I have previously read an article on Rinpoche’s blog on what to do for the deceased and I wish to share it with you. Please do read it as Rinpoche shared very useful information and I hope it will help you. https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/something-simple-for-the-deceased.html.
Yours sincerely,
Yee Yin
i am very intest this astrology i need frome nepali alphabat can i gat pls
Interesting, but we each create our own reality, our point of power, is the present moment. To put faith, too much faith in Astrology is to undermine the arising of our own Buddha Nature to come to our aid i.e. the ego/conscious, rational mind. When too much responsibility is placed “outside oneself”, it is instantly dis-empowering. I like the entire site though, and truly feel like Tsem Rinpoche is a brother of mine.
B.F. Connell
Your Holiness
I was born to hindu parents residing in a Buddhist country. According to my parents I was born on the early morning of a Thursday at around 5 am (exact time not known) on 10th of January 1985. I would like to confirm from Your Holiness about my Tibetan birth sign since I am not sure if I am a rat. When I used the mewa calculator in the blog I find that I am a wood rat and that I am being blessed by a mountain dwelling tsen. I would like to know if Your Holiness could help me find out the name of the tsen whom I would like to worship apart from my birth Buddha. I am very depressed about things going on in my life and that I would like to come under the grace of my tsen & my birth Buddha. Please do write back i am awaiting for a word from Your Holiness.
Thank You.
Hello Bikram,
I am a regular visitor of Tsem Rinpoche’s blog. It seems that there is no specific information about the particular mountain spirit. However, your birth mewa actually advises you to set up a shrine to a Dharma Protector and engage in the practice. The best blessings and protection that we can get is from an enlightened Dharma protector such as Dorje Shugden. Because an enlightened Dharma Protector is a Buddha, he has all-knowing omniscience and able to help us the right way to remove our problems/difficulties in our daily lives and spiritual path. He is very compassionate and selfless, thus we can fully rely on him.
You can go to this article to learn more about Dorje Shugden practice. https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/dhaneshwar-bhagawan-dorje-shugden.html
The best thing about Dorje Shugden is that you don’t have to change your religion in order to get the protection and blessings from Dorje Shugden, you can continue to practice what you are practising and at the same time pray to Dorje Shugden for additional protection and blessings.
There are many stories about how Dorje Shugden has helped people in Tsem Rinpoche’s blog, you can read about them here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/category/students-friends.
Thank you,
Yee Yin
Will i get married by the end of june this year
Hi Swati Mehra, I am a frequent reader of Tsem Rinpoche’s blog. As far as I know, they don’t offer fortune telling service. I think it is more important for us to develop good qualities in us to create the cause to attract the right person.
You can read more here about “Ingredients for a Successful Relationship” from Tsem Rinpoche’s teaching.
https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/students-friends/ingredients-for-a-successful-relationship.html. I hope this will help you.
i thought i was a rooster as my parents said as per my date of birth but the calculater states i am a monkey! i am confused! my date of birth is 18/12/1980! could rinpoche pls clarify!
Hi Cholden Khandu,
If you are talking about Chinese animal zodiac, 1980 was the year of Monkey. Therefore, you are born in the year of Monkey.
You can go to the Chinese zodiac page in Tsem Rinpoche’s blog to check:
Thank you.
Dear Master chin tan.
I’m glad to write you and I’m writing you in order to know where someone can do for me my astrological birth card. I know that will have a price and I will be happy to pay the cost of something that is so important. Thank you for to read my question and I hope that you can help me.
Hi Pauline,
I’m a frequent visitor to the website. I’ve enquired before about readings too, and they have informed me that there is no such service provided.
However, feel free to use these free service to get instant result and guidance. I’ve found them pretty accurate and useful, and I hope you will too.
Numerology Calculator
The Chinese Zodiac
Tibetan Astrology
what is my future wife name and where will i meet her
Hi Kunga Nyandak,
As far as I know, the website does not have fortune reading service. I hope you don’t mind, I would like to share something with you. All of us would love to know who our future partner is and where to find them. But instead of focusing on that, it makes more sense to first develop the good qualities in us. When we have developed good qualities in us, we create the cause to attract the right person into our lives, and when we do meet that special someone, we are ready and are our best to start a life with them.
You can read more here about “Ingredients for a Successful Relationship” from Tsem Rinpoche’s teaching.
Hi la rimpochee…why kids below 8yrs are not allowed to burn according to bhutanese belive…
Hello Dema, I am always curious about other culture and tradition. What is that in Bhutan that kids below 8 years old are not allowed to burn?
Hi, I would like to know about my future more. Can u predict a out my future
Hi Wangmo,
Perhaps you can check out our other Horoscope & Fortune features:
The Chinese Zodiac
Numerology Calculator
Very interesting. Thanks How to worship my Mewa Chebrezig??
Hi Subramaniam,
You can set up a simple altar to Chenrezig and recite the short prayer and mantra listed on the Mewa Chenrezig’s page.
Note: This short prayer can be recited daily on its own or as part of a longer set of prayers.
White in colour, untarnished by faults,
Amitabha Buddha embellishing the crown of your head,
You look upon living beings with overwhelming compassion,
To Chenrezig I humbly bow down.
(Recite 108 times or more)
I have attached an image of Chenrezig here with protector Dorje Shugden.
You can choose from and print out more Four-Armed Chenrezig pictures in the links below for free, high resolution:
1. https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/downloads/buddha-images.html
2. https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/downloads/rime-thangkas-free-download.html
Good luck in your practice!
Good afternoon !
How do we get image of Buddha Manjushri and Buddha Namgyalma ?
Kindly, advise us.
Thank you,
Hi Nitin,
Below are images of:
1. Manjushri with Protector Dorje Shugden, who is also an emanation of Manjushri
2. Namgyalma 1
3. Namgyalma 2
You can find more pictures of various Buddhas on these pages:
1. https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/downloads/buddha-images.html
2. https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/downloads/rime-thangkas-free-download.html
How do I know my lucky number as per my sign
Hi Chhimi Pelden,
There is no information available for that, but if you like numbers, you may want to check out the Numerology calculator: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/numerology/numerology-calculator.html
dreaming of deer, clear river & aquatic life such as fishes, what does it signify
dreaming of black dog & scarry cats, what does it signify?
Hi Wangmo,
We do not have information regarding dreams of animals on the blog. However, you have to be cautious if you have dreams of snakes. You can read more here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/apology-to-the-naga-realm.html
If you have recurring bad dreams then you may want to check this out: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/one-minute-story/bad-dreams-disturbing-your-sleep
…one more
Here is another chart of me
Most honorable Guru
Please help me understand who and what I am here is my Vedic chart ☹️?
Hi Danny,
We do not have expert in vedic chart here unfortunately. However, for increase of ike material resources, wealth, health, influence and removes obstacles and all forms of negativity, we rely on Bhagawan Dorje Shugden.
You can read more about Bhagawan Dorje Shugden here in various languages: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/dhaneshwar-bhagawan-dorje-shugden.html
Most honorable Guru
I just calculated the Dalai Lama’s birthday……
I see that he too was born under vajrapani…..
does that mean he was a serpent demon in his past life?
Hi Danny,
The previous life of the 14th Dalai Lama is the 13th Dalai Lama. You can read more about the 13th Dalai Lama here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/great-lamas-masters/the-thirteenth-dalai-lama-tubten-gyatso.html
Most honorable Guru
I have been interested in tibetan astrology for some time, it’s nice to find the site.
I spent many decades in Babylonian astrology ,which has many holes in it ,and is an imperfect system.
I was born January 11th of 1970 7 58 p.m.
My question to you is:” is this system that is on this website pretty standard to other Tibetan astrology subsystems ? if I were to get a reading from an authentic Tibetan astrologer other than yourself would they also give me my birth Buddha would they also give me my birth number or do they have horoscope Wheels like they do in The Vedic astrology?”
How authentic is this ?…because I was born with a birth Buddha of vajrapani does that really mean that I was a LLITERAL serpent demon in my past life before this one? Or is that metaphorical only?
thank you
Om mani pame hung
Dear Daniel,
Thank you for your very interesting questions. First of all, I’d like to share with you an introductory article about Tibetan astrology, which you can read here (https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/tibetan-astrology/introduction-to-tibetan-astrology.html). This may answer your questions, but I will try to elucidate further in this reply.
In regards to the Mewa system of Tibetan astrology presented here, yes, if you were to go to a Tibetan astrologist, the answers would be the same. However, as you may already know, Tibetan astrology is more complicated than just the Mewa system, which is presented in the article I shared with you above. The horoscope wheels also exists within Tibetan Buddhism, and this is due to the influence of Vedic astrology, which is historically based on the Mesopotamian/Babylonian system but with a couple of major differences. This would be known as the Kar-Tsi system of Tibetan Buddhism.
In general Tibetan astrology has three distinct influences: Vedic or Indian astrology (known as Kar-tsi or white astrology); Chinese astrology (known as Nag-tsi or black astrology); and the Kalachakra Tantra. As such there are many systems, which can be viewed separately (like on this website we only show the Mewa system), or viewed altogether.
In regards to being a serpent in your previous life, this is supposed to be taken as literally, but it is not necessarily the case that this was your immediate previous life. Though most certainly, according to the system, it would have been one your closer previous lives. The karma accrued in that lifetime has a major impact in this life. If you are a Buddhist, you will already have a concept of cyclic rebirth, which means that we have actually had countless previous lives, and is intrinsically linked to the law of karma. Therefore, even though it may sound strange to some people, it is not odd that certain systems of astrology predicted what you were in previous lifetimes, and what you will be in your future lifetimes, based on karma at the time of birth. But what we always need to remember is that karma is not static, it is fluid, therefore if we decide to something and change our karma, our fate automatically changes. That is one of the goals of Buddhist practice. In the short term, we transform our lives to have less suffering (this includes our future rebirths), and in the long term we achieve complete enlightenment.
I hope this answers your questions. Thank you.
Dear guru, I was born on 7/23/1994, I have been suffering a lot this year emotionally and financially. would you kindly suggest me what should I do to lessen the sufferings.Thank you.
Dear Nirmala,
Thank you for your enquiries. To actually find out the answer to your question, all you need to do is to insert your Birth date into the Mewa Calculator above. I did exactly that and this is what it says:
Your Birth Buddha is Namgyalma
Namgyalma (Tibetan: rnam rgyal ma; རྣམ་རྒྱལ་མ།), also known as ‘Ushnisha Vijaya‘ in Sanskrit, is one of the three Long Life deities commonly practised within the Gaden Nyengyu tradition.
Then you can click to find out more about her practice and how you can engage in it here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/tibetan-astrology/mewa-6-birth-buddha-namgyalma.html
Do make use of the calculator.
You can also visit the following pages to learn about your strength and weaknesses at:
1) The Chinese Zodiac
2) Numerology
I hope this helps. If you need further assistance, you may like to write in to “Ask A Pastor” here https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/ask-the-pastors
Best of luck!
I was born on 17 December 1991. It has been more than three years since i graduated from college. Most of my friends have landed with good jobs but i am struggling with my work. I feel insecure with my current job because it is on contract. I feel that i am not fortunate enough to get a good job like my friends do.
Most of my friends have got married with beautiful babies and here i am without any man beside me. People keep on asking when i will get married.
Since i am still on search of proper job i do not feel ready to get married. I do not know what to do with my life. What should i do? Please help.
Dear Choten Zangmo,
Thank you for your comment.
If you have not checked your Mewa number, this is a brief of what your Mewa number suggested:
Mewa 9: The Mirror of Prosperity
Born with The Mirror of Prosperity as your birth Mewa, you are typically sensitive and emotional but also an extrovert. You often have a very good life but place a lot of emphasis on external beauty.
The suggested practice for mewa number 9 in Manjushri. If you do the practice daily, you should be able to work through your current situation.
Manjushri is the Buddha of Wisdom and you can be assured that His practice will guide you in areas you specifically need. This link will take you to His short daily practice https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/tibetan-astrology/mewa-9-birth-buddha-manjushri.html. You can either recite His short prayer in English OR in Tibetan transliteration. Both are equally effective.
You should also include Dorje Shugden’s short prayer and mantra after you have completed reciting Manjushri’s prayer and mantra OM AH RA PA TSA NA DHI (108 recitations of the mantra or more). Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Manjushri in a Protector form and His role is to fulfill our wishes, grant peace and bestow wisdom. This is the link to Dorje Shugden’s short prayer and mantra https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/a-short-prayer-to-dorje-shugden.html.
Your feeling of insecurity can be overcome over time if you do the two prayers above daily. It is recommended that you count your blessings daily instead of focusing on what you do not have. When you are focusing on the fact that you are on a contract, your mind will constantly be haunted by this thought. As a result, you will miss opportunities around you that you didn’t see.
Everyone is unique and different. We are born to walk our own path. Whatever others have that you want may not be good for you and vice versa. In Buddhism, the understanding of karma is very much emphasized. When we accept karma, we will take responsibility for what is happening around us without comparing ourselves with others. We will focus on changing our bad habits to bring about better results in our life. Please take some time to read this blog post on karma https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/discovering-yourself-a-teaching-on-karma-mindstream.html With knowledge, your mind will be expanded and you will see what you have overlooked.
Do visit the following pages to learn about your strength and weaknesses also:
1) The Chinese Zodiac
2) Numerology
I hope the above is satisfactory. If you need further assistance, please let us know. Alternatively, you may Ask A Pastor here https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/ask-the-pastors
All the best.
Karmapa Chenno
I’m facing alot of stress and obstacles relating my personal and educational life.
things are not going accordingly.
what should i do in order to remove obstacles and get success
mewa number- 9
Dear rinzila,
Your mewa number 9 has given you a clear indication of the practice you should do in order to work through your stress and obstacles. The Manjushri practice will help overcome your problems over time if you do it daily.
Manjushri is the Buddha of Wisdom and you can be assured that His practice will help you in areas you specifically need. Please click on this link to His practice https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/tibetan-astrology/mewa-9-birth-buddha-manjushri.html. You can either recite His short prayer in English OR in Tibetan transliteration.
It would good if you also include Dorje Shugden’s short prayer and mantra after you have completed reciting Manjushri’s prayer and mantra OM AH RA PA TSA NA DHI (108 recitations of the mantra or more). Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Manjushri in a Protector form and His role is to fulfil our wishes, grant peace and bestow wisdom. This is the link to Dorje Shugden’s short prayer and mantra https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/a-short-prayer-to-dorje-shugden.html.
You may also like to visit the following pages to learn about your strength and weaknesses:
1) The Chinese Zodiac
2) Numerology
I hope the above is satisfactory. If you need further assistance, please let us know. Alternatively, you may Ask A Pastor here https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/ask-the-pastors
Good luck!
Namaste guru!! I am really too much worried about my future and my family relating my life towards the educational purpose and positive developments. please! help me overcome my situations.
BIRTH BUDDHA-manjushri
and I am metal dragon
Dear Indra tamang,
According to the result you have found through Tibetan Astrology, you should do the Manjushri practice daily to help overcome any of your problems, specifically obstacles you may encounter in serving your educational purpose and positive developments.
Manjushri is the Buddha of Wisdom and you can be assured that His practice will help you in areas you specifically need. Please click on this link to His practice https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/tibetan-astrology/mewa-9-birth-buddha-manjushri.html. Do take note that you can either recite His short prayer in English OR in Tibetan transliteration.
If your time permits, you might also like to include Dorje Shugden’s short prayer and mantra after you have completed reciting Manjushri’s prayer and mantra OM AH RA PA TSA NA DHI (108 recitations of the mantra or more). Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Manjushri in a Protector form and His role is to fulfil our wishes, grant peace and bestow wisdom. This is the link to Dorje Shugden’s short prayer and mantra https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/a-short-prayer-to-dorje-shugden.html.
To learn more about yourself, you may also like to visit the following pages:
1) The Chinese Zodiac
2) Numerology
I hope the above is satisfactory. If you need further assistance, please let us know here. Alternatively, you may also like to Ask A Pastor here https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/ask-the-pastors.
All the best!
thank you sooo much!! you already deserve respect and i really have faith on god but sometimes i feel like there is no god when i dont get any solutions for my problems and when it is getting worst day by day. BUT through this website and all your directions i again feel some mysterious power around me.
thank you so much again! and sorry if my any sentence offends you.
I am confused which is my Birth Buddha. I think the chinese astrology says it is Manjushri and the tibetan astrology is saying it to be Chenrezig. I am from a hindu family so please elaborate about this kind of practices too. And I am rather confused about my career as well as a certain person these days. You can reply me through my email.. Thanking you??
Dear Bhumika Mool,
The concept of Birth Buddha is found in Tibetan Astrology, not in the Chinese one. As your Birth Buddha is Chenresig, you may like to do the following prayers daily at a quiet and clean area of your home. If you have a shrine room, it would be good to do so in there.
Step 1: Recite the following prayer once
White in colour, untarnished by faults,
Amitabha Buddha embellishing the crown of your head,
You look upon living beings with overwhelming compassion,
To Chenrezig I humbly bow down.
Step 2: Recite the following mantra at least 108 times or more
Step 3: Dedication (Recite the following dedication verse once)
At the conclusion of any meritorious and virtuous activities such as making offering, prayers, cleaning a temple, bathing the image of god, etc., it is essential to dedicate the merits that we have accumulated for the benefit of all sentient beings.
May this merit accumulated by myself and others beneficially serve all sentient beings and the Buddhadharma and especially may the essential teachings of the unerring Master Tsongkhapa, become clear and enduring.
If you like to recite a more complete dedication, you may go to https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/prayers-and-sadhanas/sadhana-prayers.html#daily and scroll to the bottom for Complete Dedication.
Should you require more assistance, please let us know by replying to our reply to this comment. Alternatively, you may also contact the Kechara’s pastors here https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/kechara-13-depts/support-the-kechara-pastors.html
Good luck and all the best.
Hi I passed my high school a year ago and I lost a year trying to get into a university . Will I be able to get into a university this year ?? I’m so stressed ? pleade help T_T
Hi Shikshya,
Sorry to hear about your situation. Perhaps you can contact the school/education counsellor in your high school for more information, or find out more from the various universities about admission/selection requirements and tips for higher chances of success.
Apart from doing all the necessary procedures, you can also seek spiritual help from Protector Dorje Shugden. You can recite his daily prayers and mantra to calm yourself down and request for his divine help: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/a-short-prayer-to-dorje-shugden.html
All the best and hope to hear good news from you.
This year will I b pragnant
Hi Arshiya,
Perhaps you can try out our other Horoscope & Fortune page, the Fortune Cookie: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/fortune-cookie
Apart from that, you can also recite Tara’s prayers as she is known to help childless couples to conceive. You can read more about Tara here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/tibetan-astrology/mewa-7-birth-buddha-tara.html
i want to know what is going on in my life coud not able to get anty thing
it seams all the problem came to me ,so i want to know what should i do ad why my money matter is poor when i wil be free from this troblu
Hi Henena,
Perhaps this talk by H.E. Tsem Rinpoche can give you more insight into the working of things.
Discovering Yourself: A Teaching on Karma & Mindstream
If you wish to do a simple short practice daily to help overcome your trouble, this is a recommended short prayer and mantra to protector Dorje Shugden: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/a-short-prayer-to-dorje-shugden.html
Feel free to ask more questions if you have.
? thank you
Thank you so much! Regards and best wishes from Portugal!
my job is not going very well please help me
Having read your article on how traditional marriage process works in Tibet, plus Tibetan astrology, I wondered might you know of a match maker?
My interest in Tibet is to look for a wife under traditional customs of Tibet (polygamy) and I wondered is there a match maker that you may know of? I am interested in women that live in the villages only.
I m from very remote village of ladakh India. My parent only remember that I was born during pig year of 1983 during full moon day of eight month of Tibetan calender. But never able to understand about my birthday as per modern calender please need your help.
It is very helpful..thank you so much
I was born on 15th day of first month 1993 as per bhutanese calender…around 7.00 evening..
I tried to find my birth detail all around but couldnt …it would be greatful if rinpoche could grant my small desire to know my birth detail..
Thank you rinpoche
Hi Ugyen Thsering,
Perhaps you can use a Bhutanese calendar converter here and get the date/ detail: http://www.bhutanesecalendar.com/convert
After that, you can use your birth date to calculate your Birth Mewa and Birth Buddha on this page.
I find this MOST interesting indeed, A lot of what I’ve been feeling for some time
Thank you
After reading about my Birth Buddha and Mewa, well it matches everything that I’m facing in my life now. Yes I was truly amaze and surprised. I guess I have to buckle up now to purify my karma.
Dear Martin Yeoh,
The purification of karma is indeed a very powerful transformational tool. Everything that happens to us in life is due to karma and its results, therefore in order to improve situations in our life, it is best to purify negative karma. Here are some links you may find useful:
https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/discovering-yourself-a-teaching-on-karma-mindstream.html This is a teaching on karma and how it affects our lives.
https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/preliminary-practice.html here is an article that explains methods in which you can purify your karma.
http://www.dorjeshugden.org/practice/diamond-path-a-daily-sadhana-of-dorje-shugden This is a page detailing the practice of Dorje Shugden who helps to overcome obstacles in your life and also helps to purify negative karma. I hope this helps.
Dear Pastor Niral, thank you for your advice. I’ll follow the steps to purify my karma. And will carry on sharing Dorje Shugden with others.
Pls tell me about ma luv life n shall i marry with hm
Dear Neetusunar,
At the moment we do not have a compatibility application for this Tibetan Astrology section, however there is a compatibility section on the Chinese Zodiac section. Here is the link: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/horoscopes/the-chinese-zodiac.html. I hope this helps. Thank you.
Very true.
Breif explanation
Thank you…
Excellent reading n advice Om Mani Padme Hum
Thank you for the reading It was very Inspiring
Thank you so much. It is very informative. Those who are unable to know thier mewa n all. From here we can get all acurrate result.
Thank you…may all be blessed with positive energy
Dear Sir
I wish to learn kriya yoga or a similar method to overcome my negative karma can you please guide me as to where I can get deeksha.
Dear Rohit,
Here is an article and video teaching by His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche in which he explains karma in more depth as well as the mind: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/discovering-yourself-a-teaching-on-karma-mindstream.html This will deepen your understanding of karma which will be useful when you engage in practices to overcome negative karma.
To learn the various methods to purify your negative karma please click here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/preliminary-practice.html This article is about what are know as the Preliminary Practices, which are meant to purify negative karma and at the same time generate merit (पुण्य Punya). Both of these are necessary for a successful spiritual journey. Especially known to purify karma are the practices of prostration and Vajrasattva practice. I hope this helps. Thank you.
How to overcome from bad luck and unfortunately life
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your great website. Is it possible to ask which sign is better for a woman wood sheep to marry a man fire monkey or fire pig?
Dear Pat,
Thank you for your comment. You may find this page, “Relationship Compatibility for the Sheep” helpful in answering your question:
The compatibility of a Sheep partner with a Monkey partner is an estimate of 71% while the compatibility of a Sheep partner with a Pig partner is 98%. It is said that Sheep and Pig have much in common and both are very homely by nature.
To understand more about those born under the Monkey sign, you can read more here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/horoscopes/monkey.html
To understand more about those born under the Pig sign, you can read more here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/horoscopes/pig.html
You may also want to check out Relationship Compatibility with the Numerology Calculator here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/numerology/numerology-calculator.html
I hope you will find clear answers and if you have more questions, feel free to post them in the “Leave a Reply” (comment) section.
Thank you, Rinpoche and the team for sharing here Tibetan Astrology and the calculator for us to check our Mewa and the accompanying “fortune.” As Buddhist, we are taught that karma or the law of cause and effect governs us, hence discouraging superstitious notions. The beauty of Tibetan Astrology is that Buddhism is deeply ingrained, hence, it serves as a unique solution provider to many who might be at a lost when it comes to applying Buddha Dharma to real life.
Very nice tool, to have a glimpse of our hidden character and personality.
Good or bad year we all should keep the dharma in our minds, and strive to practice in all situations and at all times.
Thank you very HHTRinpoche.My wife & I are very happy to receive our Horoscrops & Advices for us to follow & pray..Thank you..
Thank you for yet another interesting feature on the blog that helps us get to know more about ourselves, and find the ways to end our own sufferings through recognising our own weaknesses.
Astrology, Horoscopes, Zodiac Signs etc, are good tools and guidelines to have to help us identify ourselves better, how to recognise the root of our sufferings because of certain characteristics that may be influenced by various circumstances, and how to fix it to alleviate our own sufferings. Also, how to better work with others by understanding others wholly. Of course, the best is having our guru , who are with us, spends hundreds and thousands of hours to advice, pray, bless, teach, joke, share with us, to change our views and minds, so that we can identify our own attachments and weaknesses and work on ‘fixing’ it, while reecognising how astrology etc contributes in tandem to who and what we are. Of course, nothing is permanent, and we can always change, which is the best thing we can do.
It is very interesting to know the characteristic of the numbers or animals or Buddha we are related to. The descriptions are pretty close to our character. Knowing our ‘fortune’ or personality let us know what kind of precaution we have to take, what are our strength that we can further develop and what are the weakness we have to be aware. If we know the characteristic of the people we are dealing with, we will be able to use the right method to help them. Astrology can be a guide but we are still the master of our life, we have to take control and take charge of it.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the Tibetan Astrology. It is interesting to know what is my birth Mewa and who is my birth Buddha. Through the astrology, we can know when is our good year and bad year. During our bad year, we should do more purification. And of course, in the good year, never forget about Dharma also. In fact, should engage more in Dharma. I will start looking into and study more about Vajrapani from now onwards. Thank you Rinpoche’s advice on my birth Buddha, I will listen to Rinpoche’s advice. _/\_
This is really a lot of fun! I’m always curious how accurate various astrologies are. This is the first time I’ve heard of Tibetan astrology. What’s different from other astrologies is that it shows the Buddha we have affinity with. If we engage in the prescribed Buddha’s practice, we can overcome our flaws and change our karma. This is the good news. WE have a choice and the choice is in our hands.
这是一个非常有趣, 准确又简易的方法让我们自己可以很容易的就可以算出自己的出生佛(birth buddha)与米瓦。之前我对金刚萨陀菩萨的心咒~金刚萨陀百字明咒特别容易唱诵和念颂, 而且我的前行也是首选金刚萨陀闭关, 现在经过这西藏星占术计算,我的出生佛是金刚萨陀菩萨, 现在才明白, 原来如此 !
文章里的米瓦计算也可以让我们看到前世与来世的投生, 但最重要的是里面有教导我们念诵哪心咒可以有效的帮助我们脱离下三道,以及心咒强大的威力。
希望这文章可以帮助到更多的人 !
I thank Rinpoche and the team for the effort in putting this article out. It is so useful and interesting, definitely an eye-opener. It is good to know, but perhaps we should not let it rule our thoughts and actions too much, especially when we’re supposed to be having a “very bad day” or “very difficult year”, of which I have plenty! Especially in Chinese culture, when a bad year is foretold, maybe a clash of something, then there will be a lot of “pantang” or taboo/restrictions to avoid aggravating the already bad situation. Then we are advised to “lay low”, lol.
As we learn in Buddhism, karma is changeable and not fixed. Instead of fearing an impending bad year, we understand that the bad year is in itself a purification, and we should engage in further purification practices and collection of merit to avert and maybe lessen the negative impact.
Whatever the quiz result, I envision that in all cases, we would be advised to do more purification practices, dharma protector practices and we certainly need a lot of that.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing on Tibetan Astrology. Thank you Rinpoche for giving the advice on my birth Buddha Vajrasattva. I guess I really need to recite more Vajrasattva mantras as I know that I am impatient at times 😀
With folded palms,
Wonderful indeed now we could check out what is rise ahead of us through the Tibetan astrology .Its is a blend of both Chinese and Indian astrological traditions.. based on these Buddhist principles, provides us the methods to ensure success in this life and a good rebirth in the future.Its so clearly explain and informative.Its so accurate for me.
Thank you Rinpoche,Pastor Niral and team making it possible for us.
This is a very very interesting article. I used to think articles like this were just for entertainment.
The good are to encourage to continue our virtues acts and the negatives are to help us be more firm and focused to do more virtuous acts so we can avoid those pitfalls.
It also helps to explain why we keep coming across certain deities and why we like them without knowing why.
Great read and a better daily horoscope than most.
This is the first time I hear about Tibetan Astrology. It is really interesting especially we can know something different from other astrology i.e. about our past lives, next life and method of purification. With the method of purification, we still can change our circumstances through our own efforts.
Thank you Rinpoche and the team who made this Tibetan Astrology which is benefiting many others.
Many Thanks – would it be possible in future perhaps for you to be able to provide more in depth star charts/horoscopes? Such as knowing what the indications are for the position of the planets at the time of one’s birth and how that may influence us according to Tibetan Astrology – could be beneficial to all.
In general, I see astrology to be an indication of what our lives are to be since birth, determined by our previous karmas. The roads in our lives and where it leads are mapped out … it’s still within our control which road to take.
If we do nothing about it, we are bound by its “predictions”.
This is why I love this Tibetan Astrology. The very fact it acknowledges that our future can be changed with its given remedies. The remedies are something that works. It’s not like those feng shui remedies which advises us to strategically place a golden tortoise on the table of that sort to improve luck for example.
Performing different virtuous actions which correspond to our birth Buddha makes plenty sense than placing an object on our office table!
Thank you Rinpoche and Team for putting this together. I had no idea my birth Buddha would be the female Buddha Namgyalma, also known as ‘Ushnisha Vijaya‘ in Sanskrit, is one of the three Long Life deities. It seems very fitting, as I have a great attraction towards the female Buddhas. I will have to set up a small alter for her. I don’t place much faith in astrology as I believe more in Interdependence and karma but it’s nice to see a connection to a particular Buddha. Thank you Rinpoche.
No wonder i like to see buddha shakyamuni form, be it tibetan, indian or chinese so much. My birth buddha is shakyamuni buddha.
This is pretty spot on and I can see myself going back daily to find out what my day will be like.
Cool stuff! Thank you to the team who made this possible. Love this!
This is really fun and blessed. My birth Buddha is Vajrapani and my Mewa is The Mirror of Ocean Medicine.
its blessed to know my birth Buddha, the infinity between Vajrapani and me. After knowing my Mewa, I would wanna transform to be a better me. Very good guide. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing. This is very cool hehe…
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us on Tibetan Astrology.
This is my first time heard of Tibetan Astrology. Astrology is something really interesting. Many people would like to use astrology to find out more about themself and also to predict the futures.
Tibetan Astrology is special cos it is based on Buddhism. We can find out about our past life and who we will be in the futures. But if we would like to change our futures, the Tibetan Astrology also share with us the methods to do so.
Common for all astrology that they will have yearly and daily predictions.
Astrology is just a guide for us. Whether we are encountering a good year good day or bad year bad day, we still need to do our practice, engage in virtuous activities to benefit others and to alleviate obstacles. We need lots of merit for us to continue with our spiritual path till we achieve enlightenment.
Very unique and cool advise.
I think the key points are purification of our negative karma always and be very mindful with our body, speech and mind.
Do good always and have strong Guru devotion.
Generate as much merits as possible to be able to reborn as human and continue Dharma practice in future life.
Thank you very much Rinpoche.
Lum Kok Luen
This Tibetan astrology is really cool and interesting! I really love to check out what’s in store about my future,luck,health,karma,relationship and so on. My Mewa is 3. Birth Buddha is Vajrasattva. Thank you rinpoche and blog team for creating this very interesting Tibetan astrology calculator.
I believe that we born according to our karma and can know and see from our present life what we have done in past lives…Good or bad… But nothing is permanent.. present thoughts and actions can change karma bring to us.. its nice to check our birth chart.. if its say something to good to us we feel happy .. if its show this year or this day is very bad that make us unhappy and scared.. it will stay in our mind whole that year as very bad year for us.. that thought in our mind will attract all negative things to us..mind will try to find that year, as bad year in every situation .. i think its nature of our mind.. For me there is no bad day or bad year when I am with Dorje Shugden and pray to Dorje Shugden.. what ever i read what ever see in horoscope not effect my mind when i know Dorje shugden will always take care me.. Power of the Dorje shugden practice and blessing is so powerfu and can feel it._/\_ _/\_ _/\_
My lucky day is thursday 06/04/2018 but my mewa day is bad/danger according to date.As I am metal rabbit sign.thanks.