Posts Tagged ‘ culture ’

The Guangxi Community in Bentong

Jul 26, 2018
The Guangxi Community in Bentong

Bentong is one of the few towns in Malaysia which has a majority of Guangxi Chinese within the Chinese community. Around 75% of the Chinese population in Bentong...

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Posted in Guest Contributors, Malaysia | 10 Comments »

Wonderful Kedah, Malaysia

Jul 8, 2018
Wonderful Kedah, Malaysia

Kedah is a state in northwest Malaysia comprising the world famous Langkawi Island and the mainland. Famous for its endless paddy fields, Kedah is fondly known as the “rice bowl” of Malaysia...

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Posted in Asia, Malaysia, Travel | 15 Comments »

Malaysian Wedding Customs

May 12, 2018
Malaysian Wedding Customs

Malaysian weddings are diverse, unique and colourful affairs, as is to be expected in a country that is a melting pot of cultures and faiths. Generally speaking, wedding customs in Malaysia are determined based on the couple’s race, religion or both...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Guest Contributors, Malaysia | 12 Comments »

Malaysia A-Z: Everything You Need To Know

Mar 31, 2018
Malaysia A-Z: Everything You Need To Know

Right in the heart of Southeast Asia is Malaysia, where there is always something to see, experience or explore all year round. This is a haven for tourists, not just for its sunny weather but also for its many visitor attractions, both in and out of the city...

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Posted in Asia, Malaysia, Travel | 13 Comments »

Wonderful Korea – Gangwon

Dec 30, 2017
Wonderful Korea – Gangwon

There is something in the human soul that eternally yearns for open spaces; for the sight of verdant forests and imposing mountains, that smiles at the soothing tinkle of water in a country brook and finds serenity in the thundering roar of a waterfall. It is no wonder that those seeking respite from modern...

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Posted in Asia | 7 Comments »

Tibetans Welcome Mountain Spirits in Faith Ceremony

Dec 17, 2017
Tibetans Welcome Mountain Spirits in Faith Ceremony

Dear friends around the world, Oracular trance has played a very important role in the culture and traditions of Tibet for over 1000 years. During a trance, a specially-trained oracle takes full possession of a spiritual being. These beings can be enlightened Dharma Protectors, worldly protectors, local mountain gods, healing deities or other unseen...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture | 32 Comments »

Top Ten Events and Festivals to Visit in Malaysia

Nov 23, 2017
Top Ten Events and Festivals to Visit in Malaysia

(By Tsem Rinpoche and Kenneth Chan) Malaysia’s rich cultural diversity is reflected in the country’s packed calendar of events and festivals. Most of these celebrations have religious or cultural origins and many are also designated as either state or national holidays. Celebrated by everyone in the country, the colourful festivities which observe the ethnic...

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Posted in Asia, Malaysia, Travel | 8 Comments »

Monlam Festival at Labrang Monastery

Nov 20, 2017
Monlam Festival at Labrang Monastery

Labrang Monastery in Xiahe County, northwest China’s Gansu Province, is an annual destination for tourists, Buddhists and pilgrims from around the world. They gather to witness the unveiling of the world’s largest thangka (tapestry) of Buddha, as part of the Grand Monlam Prayer festivities. Also called the “Sunning of the Buddha” ritual, at this...

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Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, China, Travel | 15 Comments »

Wonderful Okinawa

Nov 20, 2017
Wonderful Okinawa

(By Tsem Rinpoche and Pastor Adeline)   Introduction When the word ‘Japan’ comes to mind, people will usually think about Hokkaido, Tokyo, or Osaka, as these prefectures are the most popular tourist destinations. Another prefecture that should not be left out on any trip to Japan, one that is distinct from mainland Japan with...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Travel | 9 Comments »

The Underground City of Cappadocia

Nov 16, 2017
The Underground City of Cappadocia

Dear friends around the world, I have always been fascinated by historical architecture, from the ancient pyramids of Egypt to the mysterious Moais of Easter Island. Up till today, it is still a wonder how these ancient civilizations were able to construct such massive monuments when modern technology and even simple machinery did not...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture | 11 Comments »

Li Gotami: The Woman Who Dedicated Her Life to the Arts

Nov 6, 2017
Li Gotami: The Woman Who Dedicated Her Life to the Arts

Biography Born into a wealthy Parsi family on 22 April 1906 in Mumbai, Ratti Petit, more commonly known as Li Gotami, was a talented painter, photographer and writer. Her family owned the Bomanjee Dinshaw Petit Parsee General Hospital located in Cumbala Hill, Mumbai. She attended a school in Harrow on the Hill (an area...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Asia, Explorers, Inspiration & Worthy Words, Travel | 13 Comments »

Rabindranath Tagore: A beacon for humanity

Sep 17, 2017
Rabindranath Tagore: A beacon for humanity

Rabindranath Tagore (1861 – 1941) was an illustrious man of many talents. A prolific writer, poet, songwriter, playwright, actor, and painter, he revolutionised Indian art and literature, and was also a pioneer of the Bengal Renaissance Movement. Rabindranath’s works have influenced numerous writers, artists, painters, activists, humanitarian workers, social workers, the poor and the...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Books & Poetry, Celebrities & People, Inspiration & Worthy Words | 26 Comments »


Sep 10, 2017

峇峇娘惹,也称为“土生华人”、“侨生”或“海峡华人”,是指15世纪到17世纪期间前来马六甲、新加坡和印尼一带定居的中国移民与当地人通婚所生下的混血后裔。 随着柔佛州吉双锡矿业的开发与投入运作之后,

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Posted in Malaysia, 中文 | No Comments »

Wonderful Japan – Tokyo

Aug 30, 2017
Wonderful Japan – Tokyo

(By Tsem Rinpoche) Tokyo, formerly known as Edo, now officially known as Tokyo Metropolis, is the capital of Japan. It is also the busiest and largest city in Japan. Under Japanese law, Tokyo is designated as a to, meaning metropolis. This beautiful city is also the most populous metropolitan area in the world. It...

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Posted in Asia, Travel | 7 Comments »

Kazi Dawa Samdup: a Pioneering Translator of Tibetan Buddhist Texts

Aug 19, 2017
Kazi Dawa Samdup: a Pioneering Translator of Tibetan Buddhist Texts

(By Tsem Rinpoche) Kazi Dawa Samdup (1868 – 1922) was one of the earliest translators of Tibetan Buddhist texts into the English language, and a pioneer who introduced Tibetan Buddhism to the west. During his lifetime, he had served as the interpreter to kings, lamas, politicians, and explorers such as His Holiness the 13th...

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Posted in Asia, Celebrities & People, Explorers | 7 Comments »

Wonderful Korea – Jeju

Aug 12, 2017
Wonderful Korea – Jeju

(By Tsem Rinpoche) Korea’s first and only Special Autonomous Province, Jeju Island, or Jejudo in Korean, is known as the “Island of the Gods”, formerly called Cheju Island. Located on the southern coast of South Korea in the Korean Strait, it is the largest volcanic island off the peninsula with a population of over...

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Posted in Asia, Travel | 10 Comments »

Wonderful Japan – Kansai

Aug 10, 2017
Wonderful Japan – Kansai

(By Tsem Rinpoche) The Kansai region is often considered as the historical and cultural heart of Japan. It was the centre of politics, culture, and economy before the capital city was transferred to Tokyo in the 17th century. As a result of its unique history, many historical sites in Kansai are considered as UNESCO...

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Posted in Asia, Travel | 8 Comments »

Wonderful Korea – Gyeongsang

Aug 4, 2017
Wonderful Korea – Gyeongsang

(By Tsem Rinpoche) Gyeongsang, or Gyeongsang-do in Korean, is where many travellers will head towards if they wished to explore beyond Seoul. It is one of the eight provinces in Korea located on the south-eastern side of the country, and boasts huge mountain ranges, beautiful parks, and amazing islands. This is the land where...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Asia, Travel | 8 Comments »

Wonderful Japan – Honshu

Jul 21, 2017
Wonderful Japan – Honshu

(By Tsem Rinpoche and Pastor David) Japan, called Nihon-koku in its native Japanese, literally means the ‘State of Japan’. It is an East Asian island nation in the fringes of the Pacific Ocean, right on the eastern coast of the Asian mainland and the Korean Peninsular. To the north is the Sea of Okhotsk,...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Asia, Travel | 8 Comments »

66 Million!

Jul 7, 2017
66 Million!

In our materialistic self-centred world, we need more news like this where we are saving and helping our planet. It is spiritual to help our planet. It is human to help our planet. It is logical to help our planet. We are the only species on this earth that destroys our planet and uses...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment | 23 Comments »

Blog Chat


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Tsem Rinpoche


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Concept: Tsem Rinpoche
Technical: Lew Kwan Leng, Justin Ripley, Yong Swee Keong
Design: Justin Ripley, Cynthia Lee
Content: Tsem Rinpoche, Justin Ripley, Pastor Shin Tan, Sarah Yap
Admin: Pastor Loh Seng Piow, Beng Kooi

I must thank my dharma blog team who are great assets to me, Kechara and growth of dharma in this wonderful region. I am honoured and thrilled to work with them. I really am. Maybe I don't say it enough to them, but I am saying it now. I APPRECIATE THESE GUYS VERY MUCH!

Tsem Rinpoche

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The Unknown

The Known and unknown are both feared,
Known is being comfortable and stagnant,
The unknown may be growth and opportunities,
One shall never know if one fears the unknown more than the known.
Who says the unknown would be worse than the known?
But then again, the unknown is sometimes worse than the known. In the end nothing is known unless we endeavour,
So go pursue all the way with the unknown,
because all unknown with familiarity becomes the known.
~Tsem Rinpoche
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