(By Tsem Rinpoche) It was during the Kechara Charity Golf Tournament where Mr Hang Phoo and his wife Cheng Kee first saw the antique Tsongkhapa statue. Due to powerful affinity, Cheng Kee really liked the Lama Tsongkhapa statue when she saw it. She really showed it when she won the bid for RM42k! Both...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Students & Friends | 3 Comments »
Dukkar or Sitatapatra is regarded as a female counterpart to Avalokitesvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion.
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Kechara - 13 Depts, Prayers and Sadhanas | 41 Comments »
On Wesak Day I received many generous, well thought out and meaningful gifts from students, friends and well-wishers. I wanted to thank everyone for your kind thoughts and generosity. The gifts touched my heart deeply. I am always amazed at the generosity of so many people as so many gifts arrived and my space...
Posted in Dorje Shugden, Students & Friends | 27 Comments »
Tidak apa bila kita menginginkan cinta, meminta cinta, mendapatkan cinta, mengharapkan cinta dan memiliki cinta … tetapi apa yang anda lakukan ketika mendapatkannya? Bersantai saja, tidak melakukan bagian anda dan mengharapkan cinta sepihak saja. Ya memang cinta itu tanpa pamrih, tetapi tidak berarti satu pihak memberi tanpa mengharapkan apa-apa sementara yang lain hanya menerima...
Posted in Bahasa Indonesia, Inspiration & Worthy Words | No Comments »
(Oleh Tsem Rinpoche) Kepada sahabat-sahabat di seluruh dunia, Saya ingin berbagi ajaran tentang penguatan delusi kita. Ini akan membantu Anda memahami bagaimana kita memperdaya diri sendiri untuk terperangkap dalam samsara (penderitaan kita sendiri) dan bagaimana alasan-alasan kita sebenarnya adalah untuk menutupi maksud kita sebenarnya untuk semakin menikmati keinginan kita. Ajaran ini juga mengungkapkan bagaimana...
Posted in Bahasa Indonesia, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | No Comments »
संसारभरिका प्रिय मित्रहरू, तिब्बती नेतृत्वको वेबसाइट केन्द्रीय तिब्बती प्रशासनमा छापिएको धर्मशालामा भएका केही महत्त्वपूर्ण घटनाको बारे यो लेख “चीनसँग समबन्ध जोडन् र समबन्ध उकास्न डि.आई.आई.आर को पहिलो कार्यशाला" मा मेरा केही विचारहरू यसप्रकार छन्।
Posted in Dorje Shugden, नेपाली | 1 Comment »
(Assisting Khensur Rinpoche Jetsun Lobsang Phende) केही महिनाअघि, मेरा केही विद्यार्थीहरू मुन्डगड, भारतमा रहेको शार गादेन गुम्बाको भ्रमण गर्दा; खेन्सुर रिन्पोछेका लागि केही सामग्री र धर्म नैवेद्यहरू ल्याउन खेन्सुर लाद्रांग (लामाको घर) जानुभयो।
Posted in Students & Friends, नेपाली | No Comments »
Rabindranath Tagore (1861 – 1941) was an illustrious man of many talents. A prolific writer, poet, songwriter, playwright, actor, and painter, he revolutionised Indian art and literature, and was also a pioneer of the Bengal Renaissance Movement. Rabindranath’s works have influenced numerous writers, artists, painters, activists, humanitarian workers, social workers, the poor and the...
Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Books & Poetry, Celebrities & People, Inspiration & Worthy Words | 26 Comments »
There will be times when horrible things happen to our family and friends, or when we see someone we know in deep pain and grief. When this happens, most of us may not know what to do or what to say to make the other person feel better. Human nature makes us innately want...
Posted in Inspiration & Worthy Words | 43 Comments »
Are you the type of person who can develop friendships with others easily because you are likeable or are you the type who needs more time and effort to make friends because your positive attributes may not be readily identifiable by those who haven’t known you long enough? Have you ever wondered what...
Posted in Current Affairs & News | 29 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche, June 17, 2011) Dear Elizabeth, I have recorded a message on video for you. Please see the above. I wish you well and tremendous success in your practice. As I stated in the video… Please contact Beng Kooi at bengkooi@gmail.com. I wish you luck, concern, prayers and supreme requests to go...
Posted in Students & Friends, Vajra Yogini, Videos | 29 Comments »
Dear friends, There are many of you who have requested to meet His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche while he is here in America after 26 years. We understand and appreciate that you are excited to meet Rinpoche. Rinpoche says he is humbled. But we need to arrange a few things first. Do bear with us....
Posted in Students & Friends | 17 Comments »
There are many people who have connected with me through my blog, YouTube videos, Kechara website, Twitter, Facebook and other online platforms. I have never met many of my online friends before, and yet I receive letters saying that they themselves or their family/friends have benefited and learnt from my teachings posted online...
Posted in Letters, Cards & Gifts | 18 Comments »
(By Pastor Loh Seng Piow) Dear friends, Something interesting to share that happens to all spiritual teachers since the inception of Buddhism. My name is Pastor Loh Seng Piow and I am a close attendant of His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche. Throughout the years, Rinpoche has met hundreds and hundreds of students. There are some...
Posted in Behind The Scenes, Students & Friends | 48 Comments »
On Thursday night, 31/05/2012, I took a group of 44 close students of mine to the theater to watch the Snow White and the Huntsman, later that night we had dinner in Kechara Oasis, Jaya One.
Posted in Students & Friends | 25 Comments »
Here is Levi, Rajendra, William and KB playing some pool together. We went grocery shopping that day and were walking around in the late afternoon and when I saw this pool table, I thought it is perfect for them... hehe. To let them have a break and some fun...
Posted in Students & Friends, Videos | 31 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) (译文请往下阅读) November 9, 2010 Turkey Swamp was a large park with huge lake around 3 hours bicycle ride from my childhood home in New Jersey. If you went by car it’s around 45 mins or more. One of my relatives took me there once and I loved it as a kid. I asked my childhood friend Marc Reed to bicycle there with me. He was very agreeable. He is a very outdoor type of person, strong, energetic and game to try any physical activity. So off Marc and I went…it was a real LONG bike ride and physically gruelling 2-3 hours...
Posted in Autobiography, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Me, Students & Friends, Travel, 中文 | 66 Comments »
(中文请往下看) I had just completed giving *Gabriel an Amityus initiation in the hospital in his room. He has been in a coma. After finishing, I left his room and in the room next to me, I saw in the halls around 15 people very distressed as I was walking towards the lifts… I wanted to stop but didn’t because I am a stranger and didn’t want to disturb this family. I didn’t want to stare… But I can see something was seriously wrong… I found out they were just given the news that 13 year old Tamedran Raj has blood in...
Posted in Etc, 中文 | 98 Comments »
In the past few months, many full-time staff have joined Kechara, and I rejoice for this. I got the blog team to interview them, and I hope their stories will inspire you too. The 9 who have joined full-time are: Darren Leong (Kechara Paradise 1-Utama, Retail Assistant) Dawa Wu (to be based in KP...
Posted in Students & Friends | 11 Comments »
Jason Roth is none other then KMP’s CEO Liaison Phng Li Kim’s youngest boy. He is very playful and very cute. He actively participates in MKC (Manjushri Kids Class) and everyone just adores him. He is only 6 years old but don’t let his cuteness deceive you, he is real smart! hehe He was...
Posted in Letters, Cards & Gifts, Students & Friends | 11 Comments »