Posts Tagged ‘ Kechara ’

What did Tsem Rinpoche do in New York City’s cold winter night?

Feb 15, 2014
What did Tsem Rinpoche do in New York City’s cold winter night?

(By Pastor Loh Seng Piow) One cold winter night in New York City, Tsem Rinpoche saw a homeless man and dog in New York City, watch what Tsem Rinpoche did… Tsem Rinpoche’s compassion is timeless and borderless, since 20 years ago Tsem Rinpoche already started giving food to the homeless in India, and later...

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Posted in Behind The Scenes, Kechara Soup Kitchen (KSK) | 33 Comments »

A special post for you

Jan 13, 2014
A special post for you

  Dear friends, When I left home at 16, I hitchhiked from New Jersey to Los Angeles in search of a Dharma center. I hopped into any cars that would take me, and when I was back on my feet walking along highways, I had no choice but to sleep along roadsides, on sidewalks...

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Posted in Kechara Soup Kitchen (KSK), Videos | 44 Comments »

Do you want to meet Rinpoche in USA?

Dec 18, 2013
Do you want to meet Rinpoche in USA?

Dear friends, There are many of you who have requested to meet His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche while he is here in America after 26 years. We understand and appreciate that you are excited to meet Rinpoche. Rinpoche says he is humbled. But we need to arrange a few things first. Do bear with us....

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Posted in Students & Friends | 17 Comments »

Sponsor-A-Tree at KFR!

Jun 13, 2013
Sponsor-A-Tree at KFR!

In Buddhist tradition, it is extremely meritorious to make offerings to the Sangha, as it is the Sangha that compassionately give us the Dharma that help us in our spiritual path.

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Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts | 30 Comments »

Erik and Jim come to Kechara

May 29, 2013
Erik and Jim come to Kechara

Recently, Jim Yeh and Erik Yeh visited Kechara all the way from Canada and India! The blog team has approached Erik to learn more about him, his brother and how he has doubts about his business...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Students & Friends | 39 Comments »

Love Edition

Apr 3, 2013
Love Edition

The news is out and Kechara Media & Publications' latest release "If Not Now, When? The Love Edition" have been featured in the Right Read section in The Sun newspaper!

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Posted in Current Affairs & News, Kechara - 13 Depts | 23 Comments »

Shanghai Nite

Jan 22, 2013
Shanghai Nite

On 28 December 2012, Kechara Oasis (KO) organized an event called, “Shanghai Nite”. Everyone got the chance to join in the event and to dress up in their best Chinese traditional costume. The guests enjoyed EIGHTEEN types of delicious vegetarian, Shanghainese food! They were specially created for the event: Braised Peanut, Sweet & Sour...

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Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts | 15 Comments »

Kechara helps a family off the streets!

Jan 22, 2013
Kechara helps a family off the streets!

Anyway today I received this really nice update from Siong Woan who is KSK's treasurer, saying that Encik Faiz is finally off the streets.

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Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts, Kechara Soup Kitchen (KSK) | 24 Comments »

Is it easy to give a talk?

Jan 22, 2013
Is it easy to give a talk?

Today, I received an update from some of my students that Bryan, one of my PO, gave a talk to the Chinese group during Kechara Sunday Service.

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Posted in Students & Friends | 14 Comments »

Kechara Blooms!

Jan 22, 2013
Kechara Blooms!

On 19 March 2011, Kechara Blooms (KB) officially opened! It is one of the depts of Kechara. Kechara has 13 depts. Initially, Kechara Blooms did a lot of inter-departmental jobs. All of the beautiful flower arrangements offered on the main altar of Kechara House gompa, are done by them… so are the floral decorations for our in-house...

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Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts | 30 Comments »

YB Dato’ Sri Dr Liow Tiong Lai’s visit to KFR

Jan 7, 2013
YB Dato’ Sri Dr Liow Tiong Lai’s visit to KFR

Last week, Dato' Ruby Khong (President of Kechara Soup Kitchen) invited YB Dato' Seri Liow Tiong Lai to visit Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR). Dato' Seri is a nutritionist by profession, and has been Malaysian's Health Minister for the past 4 years. As our Health Minister, I was glad to hear that Dato' Seri himself...

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Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts, Videos | 31 Comments »

Li Kim on Bernama

Dec 29, 2012
Li Kim on Bernama

About a week ago, Liaison Li Kim, the CEO of Kechara Media and Publications was invited for a brief interview on Bernama news station. In this short interview, Li Kim and Gerard Ratnam, the host of Bernama Today; discussed a little about my pictorial biography book, The Promise, what Kechara and KMP is all...

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Posted in Students & Friends, Videos | 7 Comments »

Kechara House in New Straits Times

Nov 25, 2012
Kechara House in New Straits Times

I thank the media for their kind and generous support of our activities. They really do not have an easy job and at times tedious, but they work hard to bring news and updates to everyone. Again I appreciate their support very much. Tsem Rinpoche     Kechara House to hold pastor ordination event...

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Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts | 19 Comments »

Weathering the monsoon at KFR

Nov 16, 2012
Weathering the monsoon at KFR

Dear friends, I am staying at Kechara Forest Retreat in a container. And everyday I go out to oversee the works progressing. There are plenty of volunteers that come daily to help. There are even volunteers I have never met or know who they are. How nice of them to join in to create...

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Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts | 33 Comments »

Tour at KFR!

Oct 28, 2012
Tour at KFR!

Dear friends,  A lot of work have been going on at Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR) for the past 2 weeks. I have been staying on site and directly overseeing the expansion of our temporary abode, Kechara Village, our main temple and Ladrang. A lot of land clearing is being done on a daily basis, so that...

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Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts, Liaisons | 58 Comments »

So well thought out….

Oct 27, 2012
So well thought out….

  Transcript: Dear Rinpoche, As a token of gratification and appreciation, as well as to set the best motivation for starting my dharma work at KH today, I would like to offer you Je Rinpoche’s box set, books, stupa to represent the enlightened body, speech and mind, in order to create the causes for...

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Posted in Letters, Cards & Gifts, Students & Friends | 29 Comments »

Adorable B’day wishes by Alysa & Daryl

Oct 22, 2012
Adorable B’day wishes by Alysa & Daryl

      Dear Alysa and Daryl, Thank you for such a heart-warming, sincere and beautiful Birthday wish for me. I was very touched by your message and felt so much good energy from both of you. I thank you for asking Kuan Yin to bless me as we all need Her blessings daily....

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Posted in Students & Friends | 48 Comments »

Press meets me!

Oct 21, 2012
Press meets me!

On the 17th of October, I was invited to hold a press conference. The media wanted to know more about the pastorship vows that I will be conferring onto 3 people on my birthday next week. How kind of the press to be interested and I was glad to share with them. Early that...

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Posted in Current Affairs & News | 30 Comments »

I found a place for Kechara Village!

Oct 12, 2012
I found a place for Kechara Village!

Dear friends, We have extra five acres here at Kechara Forest Retreat and it’s almost unused. So I have decided to build Kechara Village on this land. It’s just more viable and practical for many reasons. Also it’s on our own land and I will bring the energy to this land by staying here...

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Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts | 73 Comments »

Blog Chat


Dear blog friends,

I’ve created this section for all of you to share your opinions, thoughts and feelings about whatever interests you.

Everyone has a different perspective, so this section is for you.

Tsem Rinpoche


8 - 9PM (GMT +8)
4 - 5AM (PST)


Weekly Blog Chat discussion pause from August - September 2024.
Resume on October 6th (Sunday) 8 pm (GMT +8).

Please come and join in the chat for a fun time and support. See you all there.

Blog Chat Etiquette

These are some simple guidelines to make the blog chat room a positive, enjoyable and enlightening experience for everyone. Please note that as this is a chat room, we chat! Do not flood the chat room, or post without interacting with others.

Be friendly

Remember that these are real people you are chatting with. They may have different opinions to you and come from different cultures. Treat them as you would face to face, and respect their opinions, and they will treat you the same.

Be Patient

Give the room a chance to answer you. Patience is a virtue. And if after awhile, people don't respond, perhaps they don't know the answer or they did not see your question. Do ask again or address someone directly. Do not be offended if people do not or are unable to respond to you.

Be Relevant

This is the blog of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche. Please respect this space. We request that all participants here are respectful of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche and his organisation, Kechara.

Be polite

Avoid the use of language or attitudes which may be offensive to others. If someone is disrespectful to you, ignore them instead of arguing with them.

Please be advised that anyone who contravenes these guidelines may be banned from the chatroom. Banning is at the complete discretion of the administrator of this blog. Should anyone wish to make an appeal or complaint about the behaviour of someone in the chatroom, please copy paste the relevant chat in an email to us at and state the date and time of the respective conversation.

Please let this be a conducive space for discussions, both light and profound.

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Shugdenpas Speaking Up Across The Globe

From Europe Shugden Association:


From Tibetan Public Talk:



Concept: Tsem Rinpoche
Technical: Lew Kwan Leng, Justin Ripley, Yong Swee Keong
Design: Justin Ripley, Cynthia Lee
Content: Tsem Rinpoche, Justin Ripley, Pastor Shin Tan, Sarah Yap
Admin: Pastor Loh Seng Piow, Beng Kooi

I must thank my dharma blog team who are great assets to me, Kechara and growth of dharma in this wonderful region. I am honoured and thrilled to work with them. I really am. Maybe I don't say it enough to them, but I am saying it now. I APPRECIATE THESE GUYS VERY MUCH!

Tsem Rinpoche

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The Unknown

The Known and unknown are both feared,
Known is being comfortable and stagnant,
The unknown may be growth and opportunities,
One shall never know if one fears the unknown more than the known.
Who says the unknown would be worse than the known?
But then again, the unknown is sometimes worse than the known. In the end nothing is known unless we endeavour,
So go pursue all the way with the unknown,
because all unknown with familiarity becomes the known.
~Tsem Rinpoche
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Dorje Shugden
Click to watch my talk about Dorje Shugden....