Posts Tagged ‘ mysteries ’

Ancient Aliens: The Evidence (Episode 2)

Apr 8, 2021
Ancient Aliens: The Evidence (Episode 2)

Hard evidence is presented that makes the possibility of alien existence undeniably real - and yet some people would still rather not accept it. It may go against our current beliefs...

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Posted in Aliens, Mythology and Mysteries, Science & Mysteries, Videos, Videos | 4 Comments »

Do Aliens exist?

Mar 8, 2021
Do Aliens exist?

Mysteries about ancient aliens that brought civilization to earth, be it via direct manipulation of evolution or introduction of new technologies, have always amazed a large number of people. Although there do exist writings about these ancient beings, without any real proof, people continue to question if aliens really did walk on this planet,...

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Posted in Aliens, Mythology and Mysteries, Science & Mysteries, Videos, Videos | 9 Comments »

10 Creepy Mysteries You Haven’t Heard Of

Dec 25, 2020
10 Creepy Mysteries You Haven’t Heard Of

Mysteries are always interesting to read about. Not only does it make our day a little less mundane, but it also help us to open our mind and contemplate on happenings that would be conveniently rejected by conventional mind. Here’s a compiled list of 10 creepy mysteries for you to ponder and take a break...

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Posted in Ghosts and Hauntings, Magic and the Occult, Mythology and Mysteries, Science & Mysteries, Videos, Videos | 15 Comments »

Plas Mawr Hauntings

Dec 8, 2020
Plas Mawr Hauntings

“People can harm you more when they are alive.” This is so powerful and true. You can get scared and even risk a heart attack upon meeting a ghost, but living people can really cause pain and tears, troubles and heartbreaks. However, to be reborn as a wandering spirit is not nice. They have to...

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Posted in Ghosts and Hauntings, Science & Mysteries, Videos, Videos | 10 Comments »

10 Global Mysterious Events

Oct 8, 2020
10 Global Mysterious Events

Here are 10 mysterious events for you to ponder over during your day. It has everything from baby aliens, mysterious findings, unexplained deaths - the kind where the evidence leaves you with more questions than answers, MMS ghost visitations, miracles, etc...

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Posted in Aliens, Creatures and Monsters, Etc, Ghosts and Hauntings, Mythology and Mysteries, Science & Mysteries | 22 Comments »

The Historic and Holy Site of Gunung Jerai and Bujang Valley

Jan 9, 2020
The Historic and Holy Site of Gunung Jerai and Bujang Valley

  Introduction The state of Kedah located on the Northwestern tip of the Malaysian Peninsula is considered by historians to be one of the most ancient Buddhist sites in Southeast Asia, even predating sites in Thailand and Cambodia. Archaeological research is gradually revealing a very large cluster of sites in the area between the...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Asia, Malaysia, Travel | 3 Comments »

7 Parts

Jan 8, 2020
7 Parts

The video below is a 7-part video of a man called Peter Byrne… his quest to find the great Bigfoot and his findings so far! Peter Byrne is an Irish man, and after graduating from school he joined the Royal British Air Force to serve in World War II. After his service, he went...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Creatures and Monsters, Science & Mysteries, Videos, Videos, Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 7 Comments »

Monsters & Mysteries In Alaska…Sasquatch!

Nov 8, 2019
Monsters & Mysteries In Alaska…Sasquatch!

For most people, what they don’t see…they don’t believe. One of the biggest mysteries of the world is the legendary Bigfoot (aka Sasquatch). I really like this mystery… Apparently resembling a 9ft, 2-legged ape, they do not and have not been appearing in the open public. It is reported that the Bigfoot is nocturnal...

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Posted in Creatures and Monsters, Science & Mysteries, Videos, Videos, Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 11 Comments »


Oct 25, 2019

Below are videos that I have found on witches. They are very very good and very informative… interesting and you would enjoy watching. Also learn a lot about bias, superstition, fear and prejudice… how people can be persecuted for their spiritual beliefs… when it is not necessary…. They explain how witches came about… what...

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Posted in Magic and the Occult, Science & Mysteries, Videos, Videos | 18 Comments »

A Haunting – Echoes from the Past

Oct 8, 2019
A Haunting – Echoes from the Past

I came across these videos on the tube and have embedded them here for you. This episode is very good. I like the Wiccan part very much. The old religions deal with nature, natural beings and entities that were here way before all of us. These old religions deal with the natural world around...

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Posted in Ghosts and Hauntings, Science & Mysteries, Videos, Videos | 22 Comments »

Colombia undertaker launches ghostly census

Sep 24, 2019
Colombia undertaker launches ghostly census

Colombia undertaker launches ghostly census A Medellin undertaker has taken his craft to the next level by launching a “ghostly census” in Colombia’s second-largest city, where his workers have so far compiled 215 spirits, 23 in pictures and videos. “It’s beyond question that many of the city’s buildings and homes have ghosts. For years,...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Ghosts and Hauntings, Mumu & Pets, Science & Mysteries | 14 Comments »

REAL Ghosts Stories

Aug 8, 2019
REAL Ghosts Stories

I thought this episode would be tacky. You know, as the stars are famous, people would like to see them again, maybe even as ghosts, so the ‘natural’ progression is that they are ghosts now..and they have been seen…how tabloid. Very fifteen minutes in the limelight for seeing a FAMOUS GHOST. But then, maybe...

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Posted in Ghosts and Hauntings, Science & Mysteries, Videos, Videos | 6 Comments »

Mokele-Mbembe: The Last Living Dinosaur | 摩克拉姆贝贝: 地球上仅存的恐龙

Jul 22, 2019
Mokele-Mbembe: The Last Living Dinosaur | 摩克拉姆贝贝: 地球上仅存的恐龙

Ever wonder what happened to the dinosaurs that had roamed the earth, and are they extinct as we were told? There are parts of the earth that are still largely unexplored, and scientists and explorers are still discovering. In the deep lakes of the Alps, the African rivers, the deep caves within our earth...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment | 5 Comments »

A Planet discovered that could have life…..

Jul 8, 2019
A Planet discovered that could have life…..

Imagine there are 40 BILLION planets out there that can support life in our universe… Wow… There has to be other life forms. The mathematical chances is beyond doubt in my mind. Tsem Rinpoche     Could ‘Goldilocks’ planet be just right for life? By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer Seth Borenstein, Ap Science...

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Posted in Science & Mysteries, Science and Technology | 19 Comments »

Second UFO sighting baffles China & Malaysia

Jun 24, 2019
Second UFO sighting baffles China & Malaysia

Another unidentified flying object (UFO) has been spotted hovering over a part in southwestern China’s Chongqing province after a similar sighting last week caused massive flight delays at a municipal airport , according to latest Chinese media reports. All alleged witnesses of the latest sighting spoke of “four lantern-like objects”, according to Chinese state-controlled...

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Posted in Science & Mysteries, UFOs | 33 Comments »

Psychic Kids (4)

Jun 8, 2019
Psychic Kids (4)

Another episode of Psychic Kids I thought my friends would enjoy. Notice how the senior psychics train up the younger ones. Reminds me of the Monastery where senior monks train up the younger one. Nice episode. Take a watch. Tsem Rinpoche  

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Posted in Movies and Entertainment, Natural Phenomenon, Science & Mysteries, Videos, Videos | 10 Comments »

Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking – Time Travel

May 25, 2019
Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking – Time Travel

Watch enlightening documentaries online! Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking – Time Travel (2010).The promise of time travel has long been one of the worlds favorite scientific what-ifs? Hawking explores all the possibilities, warping the very fabric of time and space as he goes. From whatever-whatever to riding a black hole, we learn the pitfalls...

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Posted in Celebrities & People, Science & Mysteries, Science and Technology, Videos, Videos | 5 Comments »

Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking – The Story Of Everything

May 8, 2019
Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking – The Story Of Everything

Watch enlightening documentaries online! Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking – The Story Of Everything (2010) In two mind-blowing hours, Hawking reveals the wonders of the cosmos to a new generation. Delve into the mind of the worlds most famous living scientist and reveal the splendor and majesty of the universe as never seen...

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Posted in Celebrities & People, Science & Mysteries, Science and Technology, Videos, Videos | 7 Comments »

The Lost City of Kota Gelanggi – In Malaysia

May 3, 2019
The Lost City of Kota Gelanggi – In Malaysia

(By Tsem Rinpoche) The lost city of Kota Gelanggi is an ancient archaeological site located in the deep, dense tropical jungle of Johor state, Malaysia. It is speculated to be the first capital of the ancient Empire of Srivijaya and is one of the oldest Kingdoms in South East Asia’s Malay Peninsula. It is...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Malaysia | 10 Comments »

Power Struggle at Dalai Lama’s Potala Palace – Tibet

May 2, 2019
Power Struggle at Dalai Lama’s Potala Palace – Tibet

(By Tsem Rinpoche) His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama is known for being the spiritual and temporal leader of the Tibetans. However, among Tibetan Buddhists, he is much more than that. His Holiness is treasured for being an emanation of Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of Compassion and has been in an unbroken lineage of almost...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Great Lamas & Masters | 6 Comments »

Blog Chat


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Tsem Rinpoche


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Concept: Tsem Rinpoche
Technical: Lew Kwan Leng, Justin Ripley, Yong Swee Keong
Design: Justin Ripley, Cynthia Lee
Content: Tsem Rinpoche, Justin Ripley, Pastor Shin Tan, Sarah Yap
Admin: Pastor Loh Seng Piow, Beng Kooi

I must thank my dharma blog team who are great assets to me, Kechara and growth of dharma in this wonderful region. I am honoured and thrilled to work with them. I really am. Maybe I don't say it enough to them, but I am saying it now. I APPRECIATE THESE GUYS VERY MUCH!

Tsem Rinpoche

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The Unknown

The Known and unknown are both feared,
Known is being comfortable and stagnant,
The unknown may be growth and opportunities,
One shall never know if one fears the unknown more than the known.
Who says the unknown would be worse than the known?
But then again, the unknown is sometimes worse than the known. In the end nothing is known unless we endeavour,
So go pursue all the way with the unknown,
because all unknown with familiarity becomes the known.
~Tsem Rinpoche
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