(Oleh Tsem Rinpoche) Kache Marpo merupakan sosok dewa Budhis yang sangat tua, muncul pertama kali di masa Guru Rinpoche, seribu tahun yang lalu. Kache Marpo kemudian dinobatkan sebagai salah satu Pelindung Dharma di biara Samye oleh Guru Rinpoche. Beliau adalah salah satu dewata pelindung (Dharmapala) yang bertugas membantu perkembangan Dharma di negara Tibet dan...
Posted in Bahasa Indonesia, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Dorje Shugden, Prayers and Sadhanas | No Comments »
Since my mother had passed away earlier this year, H.E. Tsem Rinpoche advised me to take my dad on a holiday. He suggested several countries like India, Nepal, Burma, Thailand and so forth. Rinpoche said that we should go to these places to make our holiday a meaningful one because these countries are full...
Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Asia, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Dorje Shugden, Guest Contributors, Travel, Vajra Yogini | 72 Comments »
(译文请往下阅读) Last year in November 2014, I requested a group of my students to go to Vermont (USA) to meet His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche and to make offerings on my behalf. I was unable to go at the time. So they represented me. Our group had the wonderful fortune to go there and receive a timely audience. They had made extensive offerings to Trijang Rinpoche and updated him on my activities, our works, what we have been doing, and also brought a photo album of Kechara’s departments and all of our activities to show Trijang Rinpoc...
Posted in Dorje Shugden, H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, 中文 | 51 Comments »
Dalam pengertian spiritual, ketika Anda selalu mengatakan bahwa Anda kecewa pada orang lain dan itulah sebabnya Anda menyerah, itu hanyalah cara lain untuk menutupi kekurangan Anda sendiri yang tidak ingin Anda hadapi karena di mana dan siapa yang akan Anda temui yang tidak akan mengecewakan Anda? ~ Tsem Rinpoche Ini adalah tentang menggunakan berbagai...
Posted in Bahasa Indonesia, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | No Comments »
Buddha Shakyamuni had 10 great disciples who are widely known for carrying his teachings and spreading Buddhism far and wide. All of them are male. However, Buddha also had several female disciples who attained Arhatship and exhibited astonishing qualities, such as paranormal powers and impenetrable states of mind that did not waver to temptations....
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 15 Comments »
Buddhist nuns, otherwise known as bhikkhuni (Pali) or bhiksuni (Sanskrit) are fully ordained female Buddhist monastics. In Thailand, these nuns endure a lot of hardships. From arson and threats to the huge resistance in a male-dominated culture, they have to work very hard to be accepted and to emerge as religious leaders in their...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Celebrities & People | 11 Comments »
根据伟大的蒙古学者洛桑谭丁所著的《Origins of Dharma in the Hor Regions》(中译名:霍尔地区的佛法起源),佛教分别以三波的方式进入霍尔地区(西藏康区北部)。
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Dorje Shugden | 2 Comments »
I first had the pleasure of meeting His Eminence Kyabje Yongyal Dorje Chang around 15 years ago in Sera Monastery. I often visited Sera as my first teacher hails from there. Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche is a very learned scholar, master of tantra, always focused his time on teaching hundreds of students in Sera and in in-depth personal...
Posted in Dorje Shugden, Great Lamas & Masters | 81 Comments »
Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Great Lamas & Masters, 中文 | 2 Comments »
(Powerful Qualities of Dorje Shugden in Memes) འཛམ་གླིང་གང་སར་བཞུགས་པའི་གྲོགས་པོ་རྣམས་པ་ཚོ། ཆོས་སྐྱོང་རྡོ་རྗེ་ཤུགས་ལྡན་ནི་རྗེ་བཙུན་འཇམ་དཔལ་དབྱངས་ཀྱི་རྣམ་སྤྲུལ་ཞིག་ཡིན།
Posted in Dorje Shugden, བོད་ཡིག | 27 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) Zanabazar (1635-1723) was the first high saint (Ondor Gegeen) of Mongolia. Although he was born to an aristocratic Khalkha Mongol family, Zanabazar is remembered today not for his privileged background, but for using his immense talent and charisma to propagate Buddhism and benefit his fellow countrymen. Widely regarded as the “Michelangelo...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Great Lamas & Masters, Inspiration & Worthy Words | 9 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) “The essence of Buddhism is timeless and universal, but the forms it takes always adapt according to context. The Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha is dedicated to communicating Buddhist truths in ways appropriate to the modern world.” ~Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha India is a beautiful country, and it is also the birthplace...
Posted in Travel | 3 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) At 3,867 metres amidst the Sagarmatha National Park (a UNESCO World Heritage Site of “outstanding universal value”) on the Himalayan Mountains of Eastern Nepal, Tengboche Monastery, also known as Thyanboche Monastery or Dawa Choling Gompa, has a spectacular view of the Himalayan peaks of Tawache, Everest, Nuptse, Lhotse, Ama Dablam and...
Posted in Asia, China, Travel | 9 Comments »
For hikers with lofty ambitions, Tibet is sure to satisfy any kind of craving for an adrenaline rush. Often dubbed the ‘Roof of the World’, Tibet is home to some of the world’s tallest mountains. Geography in Tibet is on a humbling scale – dramatic mountains topped with colorful prayer flags loom over vast...
Posted in Asia, China, Travel | 9 Comments »
(Oleh Tsem Rinpoche dan Valencia) Para pembaca yang budiman, Saya merasa terhormat mendapat kesempatan untuk menulis tentang Lama Tsongkhapa, salah satu guru dan filsuf Buddha terbesar sepanjang masa. Saya mengagumi dedikasinya yang tanpa pamrih untuk melestarikan dan menegakkan kemurnian ajaran Buddha. Melalui dedikasi ini, beliau mampu melenyapkan kebingungan dan pandangan salah yang menyebar luas...
Posted in Bahasa Indonesia, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Tsongkhapa | No Comments »
(Finding Deeper Meaning in Life with Dorje Shugden) மாநகரங்களில் வாழும் மக்கள் அவர்கள் விரும்பினாலும் விரும்பாவிட்டாலும் அங்குள்ள பரபரப்பான வாழ்க்கைக்குப் பழக்கப்பட்டவர்களாகிறார்கள்.
Posted in Dorje Shugden, Guest Contributors, தமிழ் | No Comments »
(10 Incredible House Blessings by Kechara Pastors) केचाराका पुरोहितहरूले अन्यलाई मद्दत गर्न तथा लाभ प्रदान गर्न अथक रूपले कार्य गर्नुहुन्छ र 24 सै घण्टा सम्पर्कमा रहनुहुन्छ।
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Kechara - 13 Depts, नेपाली | No Comments »
Rabindranath Tagore (1861 – 1941) was an illustrious man of many talents. A prolific writer, poet, songwriter, playwright, actor, and painter, he revolutionised Indian art and literature, and was also a pioneer of the Bengal Renaissance Movement. Rabindranath’s works have influenced numerous writers, artists, painters, activists, humanitarian workers, social workers, the poor and the...
Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Books & Poetry, Celebrities & People, Inspiration & Worthy Words | 26 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) Kazi Dawa Samdup (1868 – 1922) was one of the earliest translators of Tibetan Buddhist texts into the English language, and a pioneer who introduced Tibetan Buddhism to the west. During his lifetime, he had served as the interpreter to kings, lamas, politicians, and explorers such as His Holiness the 13th...
Posted in Asia, Celebrities & People, Explorers | 7 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) The Kansai region is often considered as the historical and cultural heart of Japan. It was the centre of politics, culture, and economy before the capital city was transferred to Tokyo in the 17th century. As a result of its unique history, many historical sites in Kansai are considered as UNESCO...
Posted in Asia, Travel | 8 Comments »