Posts Tagged ‘ spiritual ’

The Four Exalted Brothers

Dec 6, 2016
The Four Exalted Brothers

(By Tsem Rinpoche and Pastor David) According to The Clear Mirror of the Royal Genealogies (Gyalrab Salwai Melong) attributed to Sakyapa Sonam Gyaltsen (1312-1375 CE), the great Tibetan Emperor Songtsen Gampo (617-47 CE) decided that he had to make various statues of his yidam (tutelary deity) to be of benefit to sentient beings within...

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Posted in Asia, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Guest Contributors, Travel | 15 Comments »

Thaipusam – Perayaan Dewa Murugan

Nov 16, 2016
Thaipusam – Perayaan Dewa Murugan

Malaysia adalah sebuah negara yang benar-benar menerima secara terbuka akan nilai kepelbagaian yang mewujudkan hamparan kebudayaan yang mengagumkan, kepelbagaian bangsa dan agama yang hidup dengan rukun damai dan harmoni secara bersama. Sebagai contoh, perayaan Thaipusam yang disambut di kalangan masyarakat Tamil (India) yang menganuti agama Hindu. Perayaan ini disambut dengan penuh meriah, pelbagai istiadat...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Bahasa Melayu, Malaysia | 3 Comments »

Thaipusam – The Festival of Lord Murugan

Nov 16, 2016
Thaipusam – The Festival of Lord Murugan

Malaysia is a country that truly embraces diversity, creating a wonderful tapestry of cultures, races and religions living together in harmony. An example of this is the festival of Thaipusam among the Hindu Indian (Tamil) communities. This festival is celebrated with a lot of energy, ceremony and religious devotion. While celebrated all over the...

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Posted in Asia, Current Affairs & News, Malaysia, Travel | 22 Comments »

Vows: The Roots of All Attainments

Oct 6, 2016
Vows: The Roots of All Attainments

(By Tsem Rinpoche and Pastor Adeline) Dear friends, It is with great humility that I have been given the opportunity to present to you this research on vows on His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche’s sacred space. In Buddhism, the practice of upholding vows is one of the Three Principle forms of Buddhist training...

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Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Guest Contributors, Students & Friends | 27 Comments »

Danzan Ravjaa: The Controversial Mongolian Monk

Sep 10, 2016
Danzan Ravjaa: The Controversial Mongolian Monk

I was online when day when I came across a book about the 5th Noyon Hutagt, Danzan Ravjaa (1803 – 1856). Titled Lama of the Gobi: How Mongolia’s Mystic Monk Spread Tibetan Buddhism in the World’s Harshest Desert, it is authored by Michael Kohn and when I read it, I found Danzan Ravjaa’s personality...

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Posted in Explorers, Great Lamas & Masters | 20 Comments »

A Psychoactive Antidepressant

Jan 27, 2016
A Psychoactive Antidepressant

(By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear students and friends, As Buddhists, incense is a common item on our altar. We use it to purify offerings before we present it to the Buddhas or offer the incense directly to the Buddhas. When we offer incense to the Buddhas, we should not take it only as a physical...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 13 Comments »

Everything can be repaired | 一切都可以修复

Sep 21, 2015
Everything can be repaired | 一切都可以修复

(译文请往下阅读) (By Tsem Rinpoche) Breaking samaya to the guru is very serious setback for our spiritual practice, for the growth of our mind and in general our overall peace. As the days pass by it will seem like nothing is happening, but we will see our attachments grow, anger grows and our distance to the dharma grows. We will be happy to engage in deeds that have no ultimate meaning and justify it and feel comfortable. We will fall back to the ways of how we were before meeting the dharma and feel comfortable. We will scourge our teachers and pra...

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Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, 中文 | 33 Comments »

Something special to share… | 与你分享特殊的信息

Sep 20, 2015
Something special to share… | 与你分享特殊的信息

(译文请往下阅读) Dear friends, I have some interesting things to share with you for some of the special spiritual features of Kechara Forest Retreat. The vegetables grown on Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR) land will be very blessed now and in the future. Dorje Shugden took full trance and blessed the whole of KFR. Also we have a sacred Vajra Yogini stupa on the land too which contains many blessed relics. So vegetables growing from KFR land will have a healing property. The vegetables when eaten will bless the body, channels, drops and winds of each pers...

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Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts, 中文 | 31 Comments »

Do you know what these 3 millionaires did?

Sep 18, 2015
Do you know what these 3 millionaires did?

Wealth is nice. Wealth can be not nice. Wealth can be used to benefit others or it can be used to spoil others. Wealth can help us achieve some good works in this life, but it can also destroy us. Wealth is not the issue, but our state of mind and our attitude. These...

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Posted in Etc | 12 Comments »

What our flag means

Sep 17, 2015
What our flag means

Having to work in urban societies – in the city, among buildings, traffic, people, parking, congestion, smoke and smog really takes a toll on one’s body and mind. Sometimes we really need to go to a place of peace, healing and recovery. Because of this, I conceptualised and founded Kechara Forest Retreat with my...

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Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts | 61 Comments »

The Fascinating Story of Cindy Bird

Sep 14, 2015
The Fascinating Story of Cindy Bird

(By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear everyone, Cindy Bird went through hardship and confusion in her spiritual journey, just like many of us have and perhaps are experiencing right now. However, in her story she tells us how she searched beyond the “normal” options that life presented her and in her active pursuit of spiritual progress,...

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Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 4 Comments »

What can a high school dropout do? | 一个高中辍学者可以做些什么?

Sep 13, 2015
What can a high school dropout do? | 一个高中辍学者可以做些什么?

(译文请往下阅读) (Posted by Pastor Seng Piow) This is H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s certificate of education, this is his HIGHEST education – Certificate of Proficiency conferred by the California State Department of Education when he was 18. He has no more formal education after that. After quitting school with this certificate in Los Angeles, he went on to work in Macdonald’s cooking fries, in a laundromat as a laundry boy, and in a photo booth collecting film negatives and returning developed pho…tos to drive-through customers. Then ...

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Posted in Behind The Scenes, 中文 | 7 Comments »

15 Reasons Why Meditation Will Make You Successful

Sep 3, 2015
15 Reasons Why Meditation Will Make You Successful

(By Tsem Rinpoche) As the world evolves and advances, scientists are able to provide more and more physical evidence that certain spiritual practices such as meditation bring tremendous benefit to our minds. Although meditation is often associated with religion (as it was first practiced by the great Hindu adepts and later integrated into Buddhism),...

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Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Inspiration & Worthy Words | 28 Comments »

Respects to Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche

Aug 30, 2015
Respects to Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche

One of the lamas who first recognised me as a tulku back in 1987 was His Eminence Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche. His Eminence is a world renown healing lama from Sera Monastery who now resides in Italy thanks to the ban on Dorje Shugden. Despite the obstacles, Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche has worked tirelessly for many...

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Posted in Great Lamas & Masters, H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche | 16 Comments »

Massively beautiful

Aug 6, 2015
Massively beautiful

Dear friends, This is really beautiful and I want to share these with you. Take a few minutes out to enjoy and be blessed. Tsem Rinpoche     Tsongkhapa in Denma Gonsa Monastery Who was Lama Tsongkhapa? Lama Tsongkhapa (1357-1419) was a Buddhist scholar and saint who lived in Tibet during a time when...

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Posted in Tsongkhapa | 19 Comments »


Aug 2, 2015

(By Tsem Rinpoche) Never say “I CAN’T change”, never say “It’s TOO LATE to change”, because when you say it you are thinking it, when you are thinking it, you open up that karma that “you CANNOT change”. You CAN change, you CAN transform, you CAN improve, we can overcome it when we think...

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Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 29 Comments »

The Perception of Hardship | 我们对艰苦的观念

Aug 1, 2015
The Perception of Hardship | 我们对艰苦的观念

(译文请往下阅读) (By Tsem Rinpoche) What is hardship? Is there really a definitive way of classifying a certain situation as hardship? What may be difficult for you and I may not be a problem for another person. I have been a Dharma teacher for more than 25 years and during this time, I’ve encountered many people who face obstacles when they try to engage in spiritual practice. Many times, these obstacles are self created… and the answer is instant if they choose to view things differently. I recently read an article about a group of ascet...

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Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Inspiration & Worthy Words, 中文 | 25 Comments »

Intimate advice for us

Jul 17, 2015
Intimate advice for us

(By Tsem Rinpoche) Dorje Shugden in our latest private 2nd trance in Kechara Forest Retreat said clearly that working for dharma is very good. Working for Kechara is very good. He mentioned in Tibetan that when we work for ‘this organization‘ (referring to Kechara), we will fulfill the needs of others and automatically fulfill...

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Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 36 Comments »

Exciting KFR on June 27!

Jun 27, 2015
Exciting KFR on June 27!

This is what was happening in one day in Kechara. I thought it would be interesting to share the updates and pictures. Our members are indeed very busy with all types of dharma works. Tsem Rinpoche   *********   Dear Rinpoche, all Kecharians and friends, Today is a happening day for Kechara Forest Retreat...

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Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts | 11 Comments »

5 Ways You Can Support Your Dying Parent

Jun 24, 2015
5 Ways You Can Support Your Dying Parent

  Dear friends, This article is very practical and helpful. I respectfully reproduced it here solely with the intent it will benefit others. I thank Ms. Patricia Seeley for her compassionate work and her writings. She makes the most important passage in our lives more easier to deal with for the ordinary lay person. Both...

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Posted in Inspiration & Worthy Words | 36 Comments »

Blog Chat


Dear blog friends,

I’ve created this section for all of you to share your opinions, thoughts and feelings about whatever interests you.

Everyone has a different perspective, so this section is for you.

Tsem Rinpoche


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These are some simple guidelines to make the blog chat room a positive, enjoyable and enlightening experience for everyone. Please note that as this is a chat room, we chat! Do not flood the chat room, or post without interacting with others.

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Remember that these are real people you are chatting with. They may have different opinions to you and come from different cultures. Treat them as you would face to face, and respect their opinions, and they will treat you the same.

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Give the room a chance to answer you. Patience is a virtue. And if after awhile, people don't respond, perhaps they don't know the answer or they did not see your question. Do ask again or address someone directly. Do not be offended if people do not or are unable to respond to you.

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This is the blog of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche. Please respect this space. We request that all participants here are respectful of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche and his organisation, Kechara.

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Please let this be a conducive space for discussions, both light and profound.

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Concept: Tsem Rinpoche
Technical: Lew Kwan Leng, Justin Ripley, Yong Swee Keong
Design: Justin Ripley, Cynthia Lee
Content: Tsem Rinpoche, Justin Ripley, Pastor Shin Tan, Sarah Yap
Admin: Pastor Loh Seng Piow, Beng Kooi

I must thank my dharma blog team who are great assets to me, Kechara and growth of dharma in this wonderful region. I am honoured and thrilled to work with them. I really am. Maybe I don't say it enough to them, but I am saying it now. I APPRECIATE THESE GUYS VERY MUCH!

Tsem Rinpoche

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The Unknown

The Known and unknown are both feared,
Known is being comfortable and stagnant,
The unknown may be growth and opportunities,
One shall never know if one fears the unknown more than the known.
Who says the unknown would be worse than the known?
But then again, the unknown is sometimes worse than the known. In the end nothing is known unless we endeavour,
So go pursue all the way with the unknown,
because all unknown with familiarity becomes the known.
~Tsem Rinpoche
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