Posts Tagged ‘ students ’

Dharma Translated: Videos in Chinese | 佛法之中文视频分享

May 31, 2018
Dharma Translated: Videos in Chinese | 佛法之中文视频分享

Back in 2001, I had no inkling of just how involved in Dharma I would become. As a Masters degree-holder in Engineering, I was working as a research engineer in Singapore when I met H.E. Tsem Rinpoche. Rinpoche’s Dharma talk left a strong impression on me and after a few encounters with Rinpoche, I started...

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Posted in Students & Friends, 中文 | 3 Comments »

H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s Bio Team in America

Apr 19, 2018
H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s Bio Team in America

(Written by a member of the Bio team)   Day 1: New Jersey What an amazing day. It’s been non-stop since the moment I woke up. Our first stop was to Rinpoche’s old house in Howell, New Jersey. I recognised it immediately from the old photos we had seen of Rinpoche’s home. I felt...

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Posted in Students & Friends | 1 Comment »

Understanding Psychopathic Tendencies

Aug 18, 2017
Understanding Psychopathic Tendencies

Many people equate the term ‘psychopath’ with violent individuals who cannot control their urges to commit terrible crimes. The image that might come to mind is that of Patrick Bateman, a character in the film American Psycho drenched in the blood of his victims, or Ted Bundy, an American serial killer who murdered and...

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Posted in Current Affairs & News | 9 Comments »

From a Free Thinker to a Buddhist

Mar 21, 2017
From a Free Thinker to a Buddhist

Before I begin my story, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my guru, H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche for giving me this opportunity and platform to learn the Dharma. I was brought up with a Taoist background, and since I was a child, I was told to pray to get my...

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Posted in Guest Contributors, Students & Friends | 19 Comments »

Gawai Dayak – The Celebration of Bountiful Harvest

Nov 29, 2016
Gawai Dayak – The Celebration of Bountiful Harvest

Dear friends around the world, I have lived in Malaysia for over 20 years, and I have since developed a great appreciation for Malaysia’s various culture and customs. During this time, I have developed a great appreciation for the cultures and customs that exist in Malaysia, which has inspired me to share more about the...

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Posted in Asia, Malaysia, Travel | 13 Comments »

A Muhibbah Celebration: The Lantern Festival Charity Bazaar

Nov 6, 2016
A Muhibbah Celebration: The Lantern Festival Charity Bazaar

Dear friends, The Lantern Festival, more widely known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, falls on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, with a full moon at night. During the Lantern Festival, children celebrate with processions of paper lanterns while the adults enjoy mooncakes with their friends and families. In ancient times, the festival celebrated...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Current Affairs & News, Guest Contributors, Kechara - 13 Depts | 10 Comments »

Vows: The Roots of All Attainments

Oct 6, 2016
Vows: The Roots of All Attainments

(By Tsem Rinpoche and Pastor Adeline) Dear friends, It is with great humility that I have been given the opportunity to present to you this research on vows on His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche’s sacred space. In Buddhism, the practice of upholding vows is one of the Three Principle forms of Buddhist training...

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Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Guest Contributors, Students & Friends | 27 Comments »

Lama Anagarika Govinda: The Pioneer Who Introduced Tibetan Buddhism to the World

Mar 4, 2016
Lama Anagarika Govinda: The Pioneer Who Introduced Tibetan Buddhism to the World

(By Tsem Rinpoche) Lama Anagarika Govinda (1898 – 1985) was a towering – figure who introduced the world to Tibetan Buddhism. Multi-talented, he was an accomplished Buddhist scholar, philosopher, poet, painter as well as being the founder of the Arya Maitreya Mandala order. Despite coming from a privileged European background , Lama Anagarika Govinda...

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Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Celebrities & People, Downloads, Explorers | 12 Comments »

Joy’s Offering

Nov 7, 2015
Joy’s Offering

I thought I’d share this. I like very much what the card says. Now when action follows the card, then it will be perfect. I offer my good wishes and appreciation. Tsem Rinpoche   

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Posted in Letters, Cards & Gifts, Students & Friends | 12 Comments »

7th Pastorship Ordination

Oct 31, 2015
7th Pastorship Ordination

Four years ago, we had our first pastorship ordination ceremony in Kechara House which is our gompa (main prayer hall) in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. At that time, I ordained four pastors. Now in 2015, we have 17 pastors of which 10 have requested to become fully ordained monks and nuns in...

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Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts | 10 Comments »

Living at home, the real reasons?

Oct 11, 2015
Living at home, the real reasons?

I received another message today that one of my students is very firm on becoming a nun!!! She use to make a lot of excuses for not finding time for dharma, dharma work, volunteering and such. Although mature, she lives at home and allow her parents the situation to not approve of her spending...

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Posted in Inspiration & Worthy Words, Students & Friends | 34 Comments »

Dear Swee Keong

Sep 23, 2015
Dear Swee Keong

Dear Swee Keong,   I must thank you from the bottom of my heart for your research, thoroughness and care. I realize how much you must have been concerned about my health to arrange all this. Even your handwritten letter and instructions on how to take the oils is a treasure. Sometimes it really is...

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Posted in Letters, Cards & Gifts | 12 Comments »

This is scary!

Sep 18, 2015
This is scary!

This video is super scary! Do you dare watch this video till the end? You better beware! Dharma work is very interesting and thrilling, but this will knock your socks off! 😯 Tsem Rinpoche    

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Posted in Funnies | 11 Comments »

What can a high school dropout do? | 一个高中辍学者可以做些什么?

Sep 13, 2015
What can a high school dropout do? | 一个高中辍学者可以做些什么?

(译文请往下阅读) (Posted by Pastor Seng Piow) This is H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s certificate of education, this is his HIGHEST education – Certificate of Proficiency conferred by the California State Department of Education when he was 18. He has no more formal education after that. After quitting school with this certificate in Los Angeles, he went on to work in Macdonald’s cooking fries, in a laundromat as a laundry boy, and in a photo booth collecting film negatives and returning developed pho…tos to drive-through customers. Then ...

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Posted in Behind The Scenes, 中文 | 7 Comments »

You’re going to laugh so hard! Baby Jane Parody

Sep 7, 2015
You’re going to laugh so hard! Baby Jane Parody

Are you ready to double up in laughter? Are ready to laugh so hard you will fold over in pain? Do you want to laugh so hard you tear? Well get ready for this! It is hilarious!   WATCH THIS FIRST (ORIGINAL) Or view on Youtube here:   Dear friends around the world, I...

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Posted in Funnies | 57 Comments »

What a great wish!

Sep 5, 2015
What a great wish!

Dear friends around the world, For the last few decades I’ve received so many cards, letters, gifts, requests and offerings. I am truly grateful to everyone for all they have presented me. Each offering I will offer it up on my shrine to the Buddhas so the gift giver will truly collect merits. Each...

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Posted in Letters, Cards & Gifts | 14 Comments »

Ingredients for a successful relationship

Aug 27, 2015
Ingredients for a successful relationship

(By Tsem Rinpoche) Suzan and her husband during the wedding ceremony. Chinese have a unique custom. The bride should wear red during the wedding as red denotes wealth, prosperity, good luck, and growth. I was requested to perform a Wedding Ceremony. It was for a long time student, Suzan. She was getting married and her family requested and I accepted....

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Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Students & Friends, Videos | 13 Comments »

So special!

Aug 18, 2015
So special!

When I was growing up in my family home in Howell, New Jersey, USA, we had a beautiful shrine that was tri-level with various Buddha images and pictures. Our family home was four bedrooms and one bedroom was dedicated specially to the Buddhas as a shrine room. I used to go into the shrine...

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Posted in Letters, Cards & Gifts | 23 Comments »

Prostration Retreat Completed!

Jun 15, 2015
Prostration Retreat Completed!

Five students of mine have recently informed me that they have completed their 100,000 prostration retreat. I am so happy for them.

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Posted in Letters, Cards & Gifts | 6 Comments »

Saved in Car Fire! | 救于一场致命的车祸!

May 22, 2015
Saved in Car Fire! | 救于一场致命的车祸!

(译文请往下阅读)    Kent and the Chundi Kuanyin statue that Tsem Rinpoche gifted him a few days before the accident詹杜固仁波切在意外发生前几天送给宭菖的准提观音像  (posted by Pastor Seng Piow) Kent Kok is a disciple of His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche. Rinpoche has never personally contacted Kent, and furthermore, Rinpoche was far away in USA in July 2014, then suddenly one day Kent received a statue of Chundi Kuanyin from Rinpoche. A few days later on July 12th at midnight 1am, Kent was driving along a highway in Kuala Lumpur, he was very familiar with this stretch of road, but ...

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Posted in Behind The Scenes, 中文 | 17 Comments »

Blog Chat


Dear blog friends,

I’ve created this section for all of you to share your opinions, thoughts and feelings about whatever interests you.

Everyone has a different perspective, so this section is for you.

Tsem Rinpoche


8 - 9PM (GMT +8)
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Please come and join in the chat for a fun time and support. See you all there.

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These are some simple guidelines to make the blog chat room a positive, enjoyable and enlightening experience for everyone. Please note that as this is a chat room, we chat! Do not flood the chat room, or post without interacting with others.

Be friendly

Remember that these are real people you are chatting with. They may have different opinions to you and come from different cultures. Treat them as you would face to face, and respect their opinions, and they will treat you the same.

Be Patient

Give the room a chance to answer you. Patience is a virtue. And if after awhile, people don't respond, perhaps they don't know the answer or they did not see your question. Do ask again or address someone directly. Do not be offended if people do not or are unable to respond to you.

Be Relevant

This is the blog of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche. Please respect this space. We request that all participants here are respectful of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche and his organisation, Kechara.

Be polite

Avoid the use of language or attitudes which may be offensive to others. If someone is disrespectful to you, ignore them instead of arguing with them.

Please be advised that anyone who contravenes these guidelines may be banned from the chatroom. Banning is at the complete discretion of the administrator of this blog. Should anyone wish to make an appeal or complaint about the behaviour of someone in the chatroom, please copy paste the relevant chat in an email to us at and state the date and time of the respective conversation.

Please let this be a conducive space for discussions, both light and profound.

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Concept: Tsem Rinpoche
Technical: Lew Kwan Leng, Justin Ripley, Yong Swee Keong
Design: Justin Ripley, Cynthia Lee
Content: Tsem Rinpoche, Justin Ripley, Pastor Shin Tan, Sarah Yap
Admin: Pastor Loh Seng Piow, Beng Kooi

I must thank my dharma blog team who are great assets to me, Kechara and growth of dharma in this wonderful region. I am honoured and thrilled to work with them. I really am. Maybe I don't say it enough to them, but I am saying it now. I APPRECIATE THESE GUYS VERY MUCH!

Tsem Rinpoche

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The Unknown

The Known and unknown are both feared,
Known is being comfortable and stagnant,
The unknown may be growth and opportunities,
One shall never know if one fears the unknown more than the known.
Who says the unknown would be worse than the known?
But then again, the unknown is sometimes worse than the known. In the end nothing is known unless we endeavour,
So go pursue all the way with the unknown,
because all unknown with familiarity becomes the known.
~Tsem Rinpoche
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Dorje Shugden
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