Posts Tagged ‘ vegetarianism ’

Lavazza Cafe – Restaurant Review

Apr 7, 2011
Lavazza Cafe – Restaurant Review

Located in Batu 9, Cheras; Lavazza is the only cafe that stand out in this small, lazy part of Cheras. Chic and modern, Lavazza has a lively and inviting atmosphere for their patrons comfort...

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Posted in Vegetarian Restaurant Review | 9 Comments »

Irene and Kechara Oasis

Mar 25, 2011
Irene and Kechara Oasis

A few years back I approached one student to open a restaurant for KECHARA. But the student declined citing various reasons. There are people who find reasons to win and some do not. So I approached Irene and asked her to open and without hesitation she said yes. Irene has never operated a restaurant...

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Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts, Students & Friends | 3 Comments »

Kechara Vegetarian Express!

Mar 21, 2011
Kechara Vegetarian Express!

I received the good news of the opening of Kechara Vegetarian Express today at our hub in Sunwaymas. Kechara Vegetarian Express (KVE) is a new express lunch take-away stall by Kechara Oasis to promote vegetarianism to the masses, targeting mainly office workers in commercial areas and also those in industrial areas. KVE serves “mixed...

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Posted in Food & Recipes, Kechara - 13 Depts | 4 Comments »

Thanks Martin Bosnev (aminos)

Mar 15, 2011
Thanks Martin Bosnev (aminos)

What caring and informative comments by Mr Martin Bosnev. He commented on my post: MAKE IT SIMPLE. I wanted to include it here(below) because it’s very helpful information. If Martin has more of such information, I would appreciate it so much if he sends them to me and I will post it up here...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Etc, Food & Recipes | 13 Comments »

Great Vegetarian restaurant – Anada Bhavan in Singapore!

Feb 7, 2011
Great Vegetarian restaurant – Anada Bhavan in Singapore!

There is one opposite Mustafa Centre, Serangoon (Little India). Whenever I visit Singapore, I visit Mustafa’s. You can find almost anything inside and open 24 hours. Can you imagine a dept store open 24 hours?? How convenient for people. We do not have anything like that here in Kuala Lumpur. Then just 15 seconds...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Asia, Food & Recipes, Travel | 16 Comments »

Kechara Oasis & Beautiful Quotes

Jan 9, 2011
Kechara Oasis & Beautiful Quotes

Kechara Oasis first opened in 2009. Led by Irene Lim, my long-time student, she has since been taking the restaurant to greater heights. Just a month ago, they won the Top 10 Best Casual Dining Award at the HAPA Awards (Hospitality Asia Platinum Award)! Held on an annual basis, the award recognizes top restaurants...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Inspiration & Worthy Words, Kechara - 13 Depts | 3 Comments »

Everyone Watch This!!

Jan 7, 2011
Everyone Watch This!!

Dear everyone, for the sake of all the animals killed and eaten, please for them, watch this video. For them spread this video around as much as possible. For them create awareness. Nobody wants pain..not even a chicken. Please create awareness. Please find the compassion within you to never eat meat. Love, Tsem Rinpoche...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Videos | 14 Comments »

Recipes: Cupcakes

Jan 1, 2011
Recipes: Cupcakes

Vanilla Bean Cupcakes With Chocolate Ganache Ingredients for the cupcakes: 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons cornstarch 3/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/3 cup canola oil 3/4 cup sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 1 vanilla...

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Posted in Food & Recipes | 1 Comment »

Recipes: Christmas

Jan 1, 2011
roasted beetroot

Wild Rice Salad With Oranges & Roasted Beets Salad Ingredients: 2 cups cooked wild rice, cooled 1/4 cup currants 2 cups red leaf lettuce, torn into bite sized pieces 1 navel orange 2 tablespoons sesame seeds 1 lb roasted tin foil beets, cooled Sesame Orange Vinaigrette Ingredients: 3/4 cup fresh orange juice (from 2...

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Posted in Food & Recipes | 1 Comment »


Dec 16, 2010

Below are recipes and videos that will be updated from time-to-time. Madam Chua, who is Su Ming‘s mother, is used to cooking food with meat as she brought up her 3 kids. People started to realize how good her vegetarian cooking is when she started cooking a variety of vegetarian food every Wednesday. They...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Food & Recipes, Students & Friends, Videos | 25 Comments »

Kechara Oasis wins a HAPA Award!

Dec 8, 2010
Kechara Oasis wins a HAPA Award!

Kechara Oasis meets HAPA’s requirements in terms of service, restaurant ambiance and food quality…hence they won the award. It’s not surprise that Kechara Oasis is in the Top 10 as not only would you not realize that their food has no meat in it, but there is no salt, MSG or gluten to make...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Food & Recipes, Kechara - 13 Depts | 12 Comments »

The Criminal & Responsibility

Nov 21, 2010
The Criminal & Responsibility

When my Mumu was small and being trained, I would come back to the Kitchen area EVERY SINGLE DAY AND IT WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS. He was hyper, tore up everything and pooped everywhere. I was paranoid to come home into the the kitchen area as I knew what was waiting for me…. Sometimes...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Inspiration & Worthy Words, Mumu & Pets | 24 Comments »

16th Wedding??

Nov 13, 2010
16th Wedding??

Today Kechara Oasis Vegetarian restaurant under Irene Lim is doing their 16th wedding booking. We have 200 guests today. And the decor in Kechara Oasis is all done in house. We are gaining a reputation for good food, nice ambiance and high class Vegetarian healthy way to celebrate a special event. More and more...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Kechara - 13 Depts | 8 Comments »

Mermaids to the Rescue???

Nov 13, 2010
Mermaids to the Rescue???

Porpoises rescue Dick Van Dyke Thursday 11 November 2010 10.04 GMT Mary Poppins star feared death after apparently falling asleep on his surfboard but friendly sea creatures pushed him to shore. On screen, Dick Van Dyke has been rescued from untimely death by flying cars and magical nannies. Off screen, the veteran star of...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Film, TV & Music, Inspiration & Worthy Words | 12 Comments »

Conveyor Belt of Death

Nov 6, 2010
Conveyor Belt of Death

Exclusive by: Sean Poulter | Last updated at 6:58 AM on 4th November 2010 This is the reality for millions of chicks in Britain every year. Fluffy yellow youngsters travel on conveyor belts at hatcheries dotted across the country – half to their death, the other half to egg farms. The males are immediately...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment | 6 Comments »

50 Incredible Vegetarian/Vegan Recipes!

Oct 5, 2010
50 Incredible Vegetarian/Vegan Recipes!

Dear Friends, Here are 48 videos and four written recipes for your vegan/vegetarian palates. I have done this research, put effort into all of this to help give you a kick-start to start your compassion diet. People often like to say meatless foods have no taste, but that is absolutely not true. Here are...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Etc, Food & Recipes, Videos | 36 Comments »

Important Animal Videos – Must Watch!!

Oct 2, 2010
Important Animal Videos – Must Watch!!

If you have been eating meat your whole life and continue to eat meat, THEN YOU OWE IT TO THOSE ANIMALS YOU HAVE EATEN & ALL ANIMALS TO WATCH THESE VIDEOS. If you don’t watch and have no remorse for eating meat, then it’s denial. Denial is very unhealthy. Be kind to all during...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Etc, Videos | 13 Comments »

Bill Clinton Saves Himself!!

Oct 1, 2010
Bill Clinton Saves Himself!!

Bill Clinton had a *stent put in during a bypass where his arteries were clogged with cholesterol. It was dangerous. He was one of the lucky ones who can be saved by having a stent put in. So he went on totally plant based diet to save his own life and he lost 25...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Celebrities & People, Videos | 15 Comments »

Excellent Quotes on Vegetarianism

Sep 25, 2010
Excellent Quotes on Vegetarianism

Dear everyone, Please contemplate on these wonderful quotes of wisdom and do something with your habits and become vegetarian now. Don’t say it’s hard, or difficult or give yourself more excuses to indulge in allowing senseless slaughter of animals. Nothing can be said or justified for their suffering. Be a true spiritualist from today...

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Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Inspiration & Worthy Words | 21 Comments »

Blog Chat


Dear blog friends,

I’ve created this section for all of you to share your opinions, thoughts and feelings about whatever interests you.

Everyone has a different perspective, so this section is for you.

Tsem Rinpoche


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Weekly Blog Chat discussion pause from August - September 2024.
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Concept: Tsem Rinpoche
Technical: Lew Kwan Leng, Justin Ripley, Yong Swee Keong
Design: Justin Ripley, Cynthia Lee
Content: Tsem Rinpoche, Justin Ripley, Pastor Shin Tan, Sarah Yap
Admin: Pastor Loh Seng Piow, Beng Kooi

I must thank my dharma blog team who are great assets to me, Kechara and growth of dharma in this wonderful region. I am honoured and thrilled to work with them. I really am. Maybe I don't say it enough to them, but I am saying it now. I APPRECIATE THESE GUYS VERY MUCH!

Tsem Rinpoche

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The Unknown

The Known and unknown are both feared,
Known is being comfortable and stagnant,
The unknown may be growth and opportunities,
One shall never know if one fears the unknown more than the known.
Who says the unknown would be worse than the known?
But then again, the unknown is sometimes worse than the known. In the end nothing is known unless we endeavour,
So go pursue all the way with the unknown,
because all unknown with familiarity becomes the known.
~Tsem Rinpoche
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