Nechung – The Retiring Devil of Tibet

Nechung Oracle in trance
(By Tsem Rinpoche and Pastor Adeline)
Dear friends around the world,
I am honoured to have been given the privilege of presenting my research on Nechung with all of you, here on His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche’s blog. Nechung has been a Tibetan Buddhist Dharma protector for the past 1,300 years, keeping his promise to preserve the precious teachings and Dharma practitioners. His oracle was officially appointed the State Oracle of Tibet during the reign of His Holiness the 5th Dalai Lama and has been consulted by the Tibetan Leadership until this day.
I sincerely wish that the content below will be able to clear any doubts and confusion anyone may have regarding the role of Dharma Protectors, their qualities and most of all, the unnecessary ban of the practice of Dorje Shugden.
I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere appreciation to Pastor David Lai, Pastor Niral Patel, Martin Chow, Valentina Suhendra, Beatrix Ooi, Abby Foo and Pastor Jean Ai for their time, valuable advice, as well as research, editing and uploading for this article.
Last but not least, I am indebted to my Guru, His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche, for his invaluable guidance, care and trust without which I will not be where I am or even who I am today.
Pastor Adeline Woon
13 May 2016
- Dharma Protector
- Origins
- Oracle
- Nechung Oracle and CTA
- Tibet to India
- Nechung’s Advice
- Nechung and Dorje Shugden
- Nechung Rinpoche
Urged on by spirits and demons,
The British, with their false God, their wealth and manpower,
Came to this Snowy Land surrounded by mountains
With their barbaric army.
These events, the like of which I’ve never seen before
Have broken the heart of this old devil.-Pehar (Nechung), through Lobsang Jigme, the 16th State Oracle
What is a Dharma Protector?
According to Buddhist tradition, a Dharma Protector’s role is to protect the Buddha’s teachings and its religious institutions against adversaries as well as to preserve the integrity of its teachings. For individuals, the Dharma Protector provides conducive circumstances and methods to overcome our inner enemies, negative emotions such as fears, doubts, laziness and outer difficulties such as accidents, sickness, financial problems and so forth. In the various traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, the role of the Dharma Protector is more so to preserve the Buddhists’ teachings, its lineages and institutions by overcoming obstacles and providing necessary resources. This important task is assigned to a specific group of deities best known under the name chokyong (Skt. dharmapāla), “protector of the Buddhadharma”. Other terms such as dansungma, “guardians of the Buddhist teachings” or simply sungma, “guardians” are also given to this specific group of deities. The term damcan, “oath-bound one” is primarily given to non-Buddhist deities who were subdued and made to take on the role of Buddhist protectors.

Here Dorje Shugden has entered the Simla Kuten (oracle) and he is in full trance. Dorje Shugden has a few very qualified oracles
In Tibetan Buddhism, there are two ways a lama would deal with harmful spirits. The first is to bind them to become a Dharma Protector and the other is to perform a special fire puja called jinsek. One of the functions of jinsek fire pujas is to call upon an interfering spirit that is very harmful and cannot be bound and then, with a Bodhichitta motivation (compassion), the spirit is summoned onto a ceremonial ladle by the power of the lama’s meditation and lowered into the ritual fire, thereby killing the spirit. By the power of the lama’s ritual, the spirit reincarnates into one of the pure lands instantly. In the case of binding a spirit, an attained lama will arise as a yidam (meaning he will meditate and become one in nature with meditational deity) and subdue a harmful spirit by making the spirit swear to protect the Dharma. In the case of Nechung or more correctly known as Pehar Gyalpo, Guru Rinpoche sealed his oath with the blessing of the vajra and anointed his tongue with the sacred liquid of Guru Rinpoche’s inner offering.
In the Tibetan Buddhist pantheon, the specific group of protectors and guardians are divided into two groups: 1) supramundane protectors and, 2) mundane protectors. The former refers to those powerful, high-ranking deities who are usually emanations of enlightened beings and are beyond the six-realms of existence (the god, human, demigod, animal, hungry ghost and hell realms). The latter refers to beings who are still reside within the six-realms of existence. Within the supramundane category of protectors, there are those who appear in supramundane form such as Kalarupa, Palden Lhamo, Mahakala, and those who manifest in mundane forms like Setrap, Kache Marpo and Dorje Shugden. In accordance to the specific duties the protectors have to fulfill, they are usually depicted in a wrathful aspect, holding weapons and crushing human and supernatural enemies of Buddhism under their feet. Amongst mundane protectors Pehar Gyalpo is the most well-known in Tibetan Buddhism. While Dorje Shugden serves as a protector of Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings, Pehar Gyalpo is the protector for all Tibetan Buddhism.

Chatreng area’s Sampheling Monastery in Kham, Tibet is the personal monastery of His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. Interestingly the two main protectors of this monastery is Nechung and Dorje Shugden. The two protectors seem to ‘co-exist’ peacefully together here for centuries
Origins and Iconography of Pehar Gyalpo
Pehar Gyalpo was originally from Zahor in ancient Persia and from there he travelled to Tibet. He was bound by an oath to protect Tibetan Buddhism by Guru Rinpoche together with various other spirits. Gyalpo means ‘king’ in Tibetan. Guru Rinpoche also bound and subdued other local spirits, put them under the control of Pehar and then installed Pehar Gyalpo as the guardian of the first Buddhist monastery in Tibet, Samye monastery. Dorje Dragden is Pehar’s main minister, and through him Pehar began to communicate with the Tibetan government and its subjects through a medium who became known as the Nechung Oracle. The Nechung Oracle is regarded as the State Oracle of Tibet, and in addition to protecting Tibetan Buddhism is also charged to give advice regarding the country’s governance. This institution known as the Nechung began during the reign of the Great 5th Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso (1642–1682 CE).

The sacred image of Guru Rinpoche in Samye Monastery before the Chinese occupation
When Guru Rinpoche arrived in Tibet in the 7th century, Tibet was considered an uncivilised place, its people were fierce and the indigenous spirits and gods they worshipped were very powerful. Prior to that, Shantarakshita, the Abbot of Nalanda Monastery in India, attempted to preach the Dharma in Tibet for 11 years. He was driven off by Tibet’s native spirits and gods who were summoned by the local people who were not inclined to accept the new faith of Buddhism. Guru Rinpoche, well known for his tantric attainments, was invited to Tibet where he inundated the Tibetans with miracles, and subjugated the unruly spirits through supernatural battles, finally binding them to protect Buddhism.
There were five other powerful spirits known as the ‘most arrogant ones’. During this time one came before Guru Rinpoche to offer devotion for all of them in the form of an eight-year-old novice monk wearing a golden hat and holding a crystal rosary. Guru Rinpoche took his vajra and branded the child on the crown of his head, anointed the tip of his tongue with nectar, and named him and his brother spirits the Five Ferocious Kings, under Pehar Gyalpo. Guru Rinpoche also installed Pehar Gyalpo as the head of the entire hierarchy of mundane protective spirits.
Pehar Gyalpo appears in five forms, known at times as the five brothers which are in fact five manifestations that are associated with his body, speech, mind, qualities and activities. Each of the five has a different appearance and the most commonly found form is Activity Pehar who is depicted with three faces, white in colour, and riding on a lion.

Nechung Pehar in the form of King of Activities with three faces of different color: white, red and blue
The Principal Forms of Pehar Gyalpo are as follows:
- King of Body – Monbu Putra (rides on a blue lion)
- King of Speech – Dra Lha Kye Chigbu (rides on a mule)
- King of Mind – Gya Jin (rides on an elephant)
- King of Qualities – Shing Cha Chen (rides on a zombie, or a horse)
- King of Activities – Pehar (rides on a white lion)
The form that takes trance of the Nechung Oracle is the emanation of the speech aspect, Dra Lha Kye Chigbu, also known as Dorje Dragden.

Depiction of Nechung Pehar with his minister, Dorje Dragden, below him
Pehar is white in colour and has three faces of differing colours: red, white and blue. Each face displays a grimace, a mouth that opens baring fangs, and three round and bulging eyes. He has six arms, of which the primary left and right hands hold a bow and an arrow respectively. The arrow is drawn on the string of the bow, ready to fire. In his lower right and left hands, he holds a cleaver and a club, while his upper right and left hands he holds a stick with a taming hook and a sword respectively. He wears a tiger skin loin cloth and a round domed traveling hat with a vajra upon his head. He is adorned with various ornaments including necklace, bracelets and anklets and his mount is a snow lion in the middle of a sea of blood. He is surrounded by blazing fire.
The King of Qualities, Shing Cha Chen, wears garments similar to Pehar, but his body is a natural colour with one face and two hands holding a hook and lasso. He rides on a zombie. The King of Speech, Dra Lha Kye Chigbu, is red in colour. He holds a stick of cane and a stick of sandalwood in his hands and rides on a black mule. The King of Mind, Gya Jin, is blue in colour, with one face and two hands holding a knife and lasso, riding a white elephant. The King of Body, Monbu Putra, is blue in colour with one face and two hands holding a vajra and lasso attached to two monkeys.

Nechung Pehar in the form of King of Mind (Gya Jin) where he is depicted as riding on an elephant

Lycurgus, the law giver of Sparta, consulting Pythia, the oracle of Delphi, (1835/1845), as imagined by Eugène Delacroix
What is an Oracle?
Oracles were once common in Western culture, specifically in ancient Greece and Rome. The most important of these were the Oracle of Delphi in Greece and the Sibyl Oracle in Rome or the Tuscan area. The Oracle of Delphi specifically had characteristics which are very similar to those of Tibetan oracles. The tradition of communication between the gods and humans in Tibet is virtually untouched and is still practiced right up to this day. There were hundreds of oracles in Tibet and the Himalayan highlands originally, but over time the oracles became fewer while the native shamans became more widespread.
The history of Tibet’s tradition of oracles traces back to before the arrival of Buddhism. It was definitely a feature of the Bon tradition, the pre-Buddhist Tibetan religion. Practitioners of that time made use of the pre-existing tradition and use it for Buddhist purposes. In the Tantric tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, it is believed that the body possesses 72,000 psychic channels, which flow towards five circular confluences of energy channels called chakras. These chakras act like gateways into the mind of the individual. A Tibetan oracle engages in specific meditations to purify these psychic channels, gain control of the chakras and seal the chakras so only specific protector beings can enter in order to take full possession of the oracle. The most common practices that an oracle would engage in are Yamantaka and sometimes Hayagriva.
In the Tibetan tradition, the word oracle is used to refer a person who acts as a medium between the human and the spiritual realms. Thus, the medium is known as kuten, which literally means “the physical basis.” The oracle’s mind is believed to go into the background (traditionally believed to be in a ring that is placed on the oracle’s finger) while the protector deity takes over the body of the oracle in order to speak, bless and engage in various actions.

The current Nechung Oracle, Thubten Ngodup, in full regalia taking trance of Dorje Dragden
The Nechung Oracle of Tibet
The phenomenon of oracles is an important part of the Tibetan way of life just like other ancient civilisations of the world. Tibetans rely on oracles as the physical vessel for the deity. There are various reasons for this, apart from foretelling the future, they also give advice, offer guidance, are called up-on as protectors and sometimes as healers as well. However, their primary function is to protect the Buddha Dharma and its practitioners.
The main purpose of an oracle is to provide a direct connection with the protector deities in order to receive blessings and prophetic advice. Within the Tibetan Buddhist traditions, oracles take trance of protector beings who are charged with the task of removing obstacles and providing protection along one’s spiritual journey towards enlightenment, such as Nechung. This is because the oracle provides the ‘physical basis’ for the protector to enter in order to speak, provide prophetic pronouncements, give direct blessings, heal people of their various afflictions and become a direct object for offerings. Some higher level protectors can even give teachings that lead sentient beings out of their suffering and aid them on their spiritual journey towards enlightenment.
The goal of oracular trances is to provide a service to many people. This service involves eliciting the wisdom of the deity, as expressed through the oracle’s advice and pronouncements and this also includes access to the deity’s clairvoyance directly through prophetic advice concerning the future. An oracle can be consulted by individual patrons regarding personal crises such as family problems, wealth and relationship issues, or for communal concerns such as unsolved crimes and legal matters.
Peaceful Dorje Shugden in Gaden Shartse Monastery. Because Dorje Shugden is the reincarnation of a erudite scholar Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, whenever he takes trance in peaceful form, he wears the yellow hat of a pandit. All lamas and abbots will approach his throne to ask questions, get blessing, clarify scriptural points and even healing
State Oracles are called as such because they act primarily in service to the Tibetan government. For instance, State Oracles like those of Nechung traditionally search for the rebirths of the Dalai Lamas. The State Oracles would then be approached to give a clear indication on the unmistaken child. Sometimes other methods of divination would be further employed by state officials to ensure a clearer interpretation, since all of these forms of prophecy are prone to ambiguous meanings. Since the 16th century, State Oracles like Nechung have served as advisors to the Dalai Lamas and provided counsel on important decisions, especially those that concerned national security or religious expansion.
Furthermore, oracles – specifically on the local level – act as healers, using their powers of divination to assess an individual’s illness and respond with appropriate advice as to its remedy. Hildegard Diemberger states that the success of an oracle is in his or her ability to mediate at times of personal and public crisis; an oracle’s reputation is dependent on their efficacy.
It is believed that there were hundreds of oracles throughout Tibet in earlier times, however, only a handful survive to this day, including the Setrap, Dorje Shugden oracles and those consulted by the Tibetan government. Of those the principal is the Nechung oracle. Through him manifests Dorje Dragden, the principal protector divinity of the Tibetan government and the Dalai Lama.
Dorje Dragden
Nechung was formally institutionalized as the Tibetan state oracle by the Great 5th Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso. The 5th Dalai Lama established Nechung Monastery as the seat of Tibet’s state oracle by installing Pehar as the protector of Tibet’s newly consolidated Ganden Phodrang government. Pehar was original installed at Samye monastery that was established by King Trisong Detsen (755-798 CE) in 767 CE. Samye then became Nechen, an “important or holy place.”
Nechung Monastery in Tibet
Samye Monastery in Tibet before the cultural revolution
In between Samye and Nechung Monasteries, the worship of Pehar first moved from Samye to Tse Gungtang. At Tse Gungtang, Pehar was believed to have started a fire at a monastery that angered a powerful high lama. This high lama used his meditational powers to capture Pehar in a box and then threw him in a river. The box floated westwards into the vicinity of Drepung Monastery where an abbot requested an attendant to retrieve it. Out of curiosity, the attendant opened the box while carrying it back to the monastery. Pehar took the form of a bird and flew out and then perched upon a nearby tree before disappearing. The Pehar chapel which later expanded into Nechung monastery was built around this tree. After the shrine was built around the life-tree of Pehar, it started to be called Nechung, “small place”. Pehar inherited the name of the monastery, so people began referring to him as Nechung. Nechung is located about ten minutes east on foot from Drepung monastery near Lhasa.
Aerial view of Samye Monastery in Tibet
In spite of holding the respected position of State Oracle over the past centuries, many high lamas in the past and today refuse to consult the Nechung oracle even on the smallest of matters as this oracle has been given inaccurate pronouncements and prophecies over the years.
The Trance
The current Nechung Oracle, Thubten Ngodup, preparing to enter trance with invocation
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama wrote in his autobiography, Freedom in Exile:
Before a trance, the oracle will be dressed in elaborate costume consists of several layers of clothing topped by a highly ornate robe of golden silk brocade, covered with ancient designs in red and blue and green and yellow. On his chest he wears a circular mirror which is surrounded by clusters of turquoise and amethyst, its polished steel flashing with the Sanskrit mantra corresponding to Dorje Dragden. Before the proceedings begin, he also puts on a sort of harness, which supports four flags and three victory banners. Altogether, this outfit weighs more than seventy pounds and the medium, when not in trance, can hardly walk in it.
The ceremony begins with chanted invocations and prayers, accompanied by the urgings of horns, cymbals and drums. After a short while, the Oracle enters his trance…Then, as the first prayer cycle concludes and the second begins, his trance begins to deepen. At this point, a huge helmet is placed on his head. This item weighs approximately thirty pounds, though in former times it weighed over eighty.
Now the Oracle’s face transforms, becoming rather wild before puffing up to give him an altogether strange appearance, with bulging eyes and swollen cheeks. His breathing begins to shorten and he starts to hiss violently. Then, momentarily, his respiration stops. At this point the helmet is tied in place with a knot so tight that it would undoubtedly strangle the Oracle if something very real were not happening. The possession is now complete and the mortal frame of the medium expands visibly.
Next, he leaps up with a start and, grabbing a ritual sword from one of his attendants, begins to dance with slow, dignified, yet somehow menacing, steps. He then comes in front of me and either prostrates fully or bows deeply from the waist until his helmet touches the ground before springing back up, the weight of his regalia counting for nothing. The volcanic energy of the deity can barely be contained within the earthly frailty of the Oracle, who moves and gestures as if his body were made of rubber and driven by a coiled spring of enormous power.
There follows an interchange between Nechung and myself, where he makes ritual offerings to me. I then ask any personal questions I have for him. After replying, he returns to his stool and listens to questions put by members of the Government. Before giving answers to these the Oracle begins to dance again, thrashing his sword above his head. He looks like a magnificent, fierce Tibetan warrior chieftain of old.
As soon as Dorje Dragden has finished speaking, the Oracle makes a final offering before collapsing, a rigid and lifeless form, signifying the end of the possession. Simultaneously, the knot holding his helmet in place is untied in a great hurry by his assistants, who then carry him out to recover whilst the ceremony continues.
Please watch the following video of Nechung Oracle in trance:
Or view the video on the server at:
Testing the Oracle’s Validity
The Nechung medium is believed to be possessed by Dorje Dragden when he enters trance. When a new medium has to be found following the old oracle’s death, it is very important for the correct medium to be found. Hence, there is an extended series of tests that the prospective oracle must go through before being confirmed as the Nechung Oracle. These tests are as follows:
The 16th Nechung Oracle, Lobsang Jigme
- Dorje Dragden takes possession of the new medium he has chosen. For example, Lobsang Jigme, the 16th State Oracle would sleepwalk and suffer from seizures during which he would shout and thrash about. This started to occur around his 10th birthday. When he was 14, he began to perform the honorific dance of Dorje Dragden during one of his trances. During this time, it is believed that the entourage of Nechung would enter and leave him in order to purify his psychic channels and basically to prepare the way for Nechung to come.
- The Gadong medium insisted while under possession by Shinjachen, that Lobsang Jigme should be the chosen medium of Nechung.
- Monks from Nechung Monastery tested the proclamation extensively via a dough ball divination. These were performed by placing Lobsang Jigme’s name along with the names of all the other candidates into various dough balls that were placed into a vessel. This vessel was then spun before the three holiest images of Tibet. Lobsang Jigme’s name was always the one that was ejected from the vessel during the spinning.
- Further test consisting of three main parts are carried out to prove the correct candidate, Lobsang Jigme, in this case.
- The prospective oracle is asked to name the contents of sealed boxes during trance.
- While possession the body of the oracle, Dorje Dragden is required to be able to recite verbatim prophecies that he had given on a previous occasions, as specified by the monks. As Dorje Dragden’s prophecies are very cryptic and poetic, unless he is actually present, this test is nearly impossible to pass.
- The medium’s breath is checked to see if it has the faint odor of alcohol (inner offering) that is characteristic of possession by Pehar. This final test is considered to be the most accurate and the most definitive.
- The final sign is the appearance of the imprint of a vajra on the top of his head for several minutes after the trance that reveals the spirit of Dorje Dragden had actually possessed the medium.
The current Nechung Oracle, Thubten Ngodup(left), in full regalia taking trance of Dorje Dragden
Discovery and Characteristics of an Oracle
An oracle is someone whose psychic channels are purified and their chakras blessed and sealed. Therefore, an oracle’s chakras would only permit specific external entities to enter. Generally speaking, the person will notice he or she has chakras that are open between the ages of 10 and 20 when they begin to exhibit specific signs such as in the case of Lobsang Jigme (see the list of oracles below). They will undertake very severe methods of purification, during which they may have strange dreams and are constantly in a state of exhaustion. Although people may be afraid that this is some sort of disease, there is no medical cure as this is not an illness but a method of purification. They will also go through periods of uncontrollable fits but slowly and gradually these symptoms will subside.
In the Tibetan Buddhist context, only a highly attained lama qualified to train oracles is able to distinguish a potential oracle and exclude illnesses such as epilepsy or other mental conditions that could be afflicting the potential candidate. Once the lama has confirmed the ‘ill’ person is showing the signs of becoming an oracle, he will also look into the family history as this ability can also be hereditary. This is the case of with the 6th and 7th Panglung Oracles of Dorje Shugden. The 7th Panglung Oracle is actually the son of the 6th Panglung Oracle. So, this ability can be found in several generations of the same family either transmitted from father to son or from mother to daughter.
In other cases such as the Nechung Oracle, who is usually a monk, his successor has to be searched for. Since monks hold a vow of celibacy, therefore they do not have children. These are the two different ways in which an oracle is discovered, once he has shown the signs of being an oracle. However, there is also a third possibility for becoming an oracle and this is through an attained lama who is able to induce a trance in a particular person. In this process, he is able to invoke the deity into the body of the oracle.
Once a candidate is identified, a number of rituals are performed in order to open up the channels of the subtle body in order for the physical body to facilitate the arrival of the deity and to make this experience easier. The most important factor is that the oracle have the ability to speak during the trance as this is how the deity communicates with practitioners. There are a number of practices and retreats for the candidate to engage in for his body to be transformed into the sacred vessel to house the deities during trance.
Lobsang Namgyal the 15th Nechung Oracle in full trance
Position of Nechung Oracles
The position of the Nechung Oracle is not easy but it can be rewarding if the oracle is a good one. The position was highly regarded but there have been instances of oracles that have been disgraced and deposed. Many Nechung Oracles have suffered the later while only a few have achieved the former. The very first Nechung Oracle, for example, had been executed when, through possession by lesser spirits, revealed the secret government information to the public.
Since that time, there has never been instances in which such drastic measures have been used against the Nechung Oracles. However the 13th and 14th Nechung Oracles, Lhalungpa Gyaltsen Tharchin and Lobsang Sonam, had both been disgraced and fired from their posts after their meditational practices had deteriorated to the point of interfering with the coherence of their trances. Lhalungpa Gyaltsen Tharchin was discovered in 1913 during his first trance at the Losar festival and was later dismissed by the 13th Dalai Lama in 1920, entering exile in Lhokha. Lobsang Sonam was a monk from Kham who was discovered in February 1901 during his first trance. Lobsang Sonam was removed for precipitating the death of the 13th Dalai Lama by giving misleading and ultimately deadly medical advice.
List of Nechung Oracles
1. 1st Nechung Oracle
Pehar Gyalpo first took possession of a human being in 1544, making Drag Tranggowa Lobsang Palden the first oracle of Nechung. Lobsang Palden was the oracle through which Pehar Gyalpo is known to have given indications to locate the 3rd Dalai Lama while in trance.
2. 2nd Nechung Oracle
The 2nd Nechung Oracle was known as Jampa Gyatso or Ringangpa, which identifies him as coming from the region of Rinchen Gang.
3. 3rd Nechung Oracle
The 3rd Nechung Oracle, Nangso Gonor, was a lay member of the government (nangso) when he had his first trance.
4. 4th Nechung Oracle
The 4th Nechung Oracle, Sepo Sonam, had links to the 5th Dalai Lama to whom he gave advice in trance many times, especially when Tibet experienced difficulties with the kingdom of Bhutan in the 1650’s. During that period, the Dalai Lama placed the Nechung monastery under his protection and made the Nechung Oracle the Tibet State Oracle of Tibet.
5. 5th Nechung Oracle
Tsewang Pelbar was appointed the 5th Nechung Oracle for 10 years between 1679 and 1689. The regent Sangye Gyatso, who was taking care of the monastery was known to have made statues for Nechung monastery. At that time there was about 50 monks who lived at the monastery. Upon the death of the 5th Dalai Lama, Tsewang Pelbar delivered a prediction regarding the Dalai Lama’s return. Tsewang Pelbar died in 1689 at the age of 58.
6. 6th Nechung Oracle
The 6th Nechung Oracle, Lobsang Gyatso Legjor, was originally from Kongpo. He had his first trance in 1690. It was around this time that the number of monks at Nechung Monastery increased to 101.
7. 7th Nechung Oracle
The 7th Nechung Oracle, Tsangyang Tamdrin (also known as Lobsang Tashi), experienced his first trance in 1725. He was close to the Seventh Dalai Lama and had many trances. Tsangyang Tamdrin also transmitted the Thirteen Deity Yamantaka practice and the Ritual of Burnt Offerings (jinsek) for Consecration according to the lineage of Gyuto Tantric College to the monks of Nechung Monastery. His was so highly respected that he received the gift of a piece of land in the region of Dartsedo, eastern Kham, for Nechung Monastery. He died of old age in 1747.
8. 8th Nechung Oracle
The 8th Nechung Oracle, Ngawang Gyatso, was originally from Dartsedo and belonged to the Gar Dratsang monastery founded by Kamsum Silnon, the incarnation of Rigzin Goden. The monastery was under the patronage of the royal family of Chagla, one of the kingdoms of Kham. Ngawang Gyatso had his first trance in central Tibet in 1747 in the presence of the 7th Dalai Lama. Ngawang Gyatso also had links to the Thubten Dorje Drag monastery and had good relations with Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche and Pema Kalsang Wangchug, two tulkus or reincarnated lamas from this monastery. The relationship with Pema Kalsang Wangchug was so strong that he became Ngawang Gyatso’s root Guru.
9. 9th Nechung Oracle
The 9th Nechung Oracle, Yulo Kopa, was active as the Nechung Oracle in around 1822 and believed to have come from Yulo Ko, a small hamlet close to Nechung monastery. He was promoted to the rank of Khenchung and later became part of the religious administration of the State in 1822.
10. 10th Nechung Oracle
The 10th Nechung Oracle, Kalsang Tsultrim, was appointed oracle between 1837 and 1856. In 1849, he was nominated the Khenchen, a high governmental rank, for the accuracy of his prophesies. He died shortly after the 12th Dalai Lama.
11. 11th Nechung Oracle
The 11th Nechung Oracle, Lhalung Yarphel Shakya, was one of the most remarkable of oracles. In 1878, Lhalung Shakya Yarphel nominated Lobsang Dargye, the former abbot of Gyume Tantric College, to search for the reincarnation of the 12th Dalai Lama. Lobsang Dargye went to the shores of the Lhamo Latso Lake, which is a renowned lake for the granting of visions in its waters. On the night of the seventh day, he saw a child, his parents, their names and their home. The 11th Nechung Oracle confirmed the visions to be correct.
A fact-finding mission led by Lobsang Dargye discovered the boy Dagpo, living in the house of a humble woodcutter. His father was named Kunzang Rinchen and his mother was Lobsang Dolma. During a trance, Lhalung Yarphel Shakya confirmed the boy was the 13th Dalai Lama. Later in February 1899, Lhalung Yarphel Shakya warned the Dalai Lama during a trance that his life was in danger, prompting him to exercise extreme caution. Despite his advice, the Dalai Lama, previously energetic, became sick regularly and tired quickly.
H.H. the 13th Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso
When asked again in trance, the oracle specified that black magic was involved and asked that a pair of boots held by Sogyal Terton was to be disposed of. Sogyal Terton was questioned and brought the boots that a lama from Nyarong named Nyaktrul, who was renowned for his magical powers, had given him to offer to the Dalai Lama. During the session, Sogyal Terton mentioned he had a bad feeling about the boots when he received it, so he had kept them until one day he tried them on himself. His nose had begun to bleed once he wore the boots, so he decided to leave them in a corner rather than offer them to the Dalai Lama.
Following the advice of the oracle, the boots were dismantled. An evil pentagram with the name of the 13th Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso, and his date of birth was found in the soles together with harmful substances. An investigation was conducted and the former Regent Demo Rinpoche and his accomplices confessed to plotting to cast black magic against the Dalai Lama. They were arrested and was imprisoned. The group died not long after that, either by natural causes or committed suicide. Nyaktrul, the black magician, jumped out of a window and killed himself.
12. 12th Nechung Oracle
The 12th Nechung Oracle, Lobsang Sonam, a monk from Kham, was discovered in February 1901 after taking his first trance.
13. 13th Nechung Oracle
The 13th Nechung Oracle, Lhalungpa Tharchin Gyaltsen, was born in a Bhrumpa family who owned land in the Dagpo region. He was discovered in 1913 after entering his first trance during Losar. He was dismissed by the Dalai Lama in 1920 and went into exile in the Lhokha region.
14. 14th Nechung Oracle
The Dalai Lama reinstated Lobsang Sonam (the 12th Nechung Oracle), who is therefore also considered the 14th in the line of the Nechung Oracle. During the celebrations of the Tibetan New Year of 1932, he went into trance and warned the Dalai Lama of his impending death, revealing his illness and indicating the urgency of delivering his guidelines for the country’s future stability. He wrote a text known as his “will” and some of its contents have been proven prophetic.
15. 15th Nechung Oracle
Lobsang Namgyal took part in the search of the 14th Dalai Lama. Gyalpo Pehar asked that three teams were to be sent to central Tibet, Amdo and Kham respectively to locate the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama.
The 15th Nechung Oracle, Lobsang Namgyal (1894 – 1945)
16. 16th Nechung Oracle
According to Kenneth Conboy and James Morrison, the 16th Nechung Oracle, Lobsang Jigme, was appointed in 1945. He was the first oracle to come from the Nechung monastery itself. Lobsang Jigme, on the 21 July 1951, advised the young Dalai Lama, then a refugee at Yatung, to return to Lhasa. Similarly, in March 1959, the oracle was consulted twice before giving the expected answer. According to Kenneth Conboy and James Morrison, the advice for the Dalai Lama to enter exile in India was confirmed by dice divination.
In his book, Way to Freedom, the Dalai Lama gives another explanation for this episode. On the 10th of March 1959, there was a marked influx of people from Lhasa coming to defend him against the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) who positioned themselves in front of the Norbulingka. Tensions increased and despite a request for the dispersal of the crowd by the Dalai Lama, many remained on site. It was then that the Dalai Lama consulted the oracle, who informed him that he had to stay and continue dialogue with the Chinese. It was at this point that doubt first arose as to the accuracy of Pehar Gyalpo’s advice through the oracle.
In the following days, Ngabo Ngawang Jigme informed the Dalai Lama that the PLA was preparing to attack the crowd and to bomb the Norbulingka. On the 17th March, the Dalai Lama again consulted the oracle, who to his surprise shouted “Go away! Go away! Tonight!” He then proceeded to write clearly and in detail the route the Dalai Lama should take from the Norbulingka Palace to reach the border. Just as Dorje Dragden left and the oracle fainted, two mortar shells exploded in the marsh near the north gate.
In retrospect, the Dalai Lama thinks that Dorje Dragden knew from the beginning he had to leave Lhasa on 17th March, but he did not say it immediately, to prevent the news from spreading. He said the mo, the method of dice divination, confirmed the advice of the oracle. Another version of this episode is presented under The Flight from Tibet to India heading below.
Two famous prophecies from Lobsang Jigme are also related by Ellen Pearlman, one announcing that in 1950, Tibet would encounter great difficulties and the other concerning the escape of the Dalai Lama in 1959. Pearlman said that in 1951, Lobsang Jigme became ill because of his repeated and disturbing visions. According to some these visions were so intense, that he was unable to walk without assistance for years. In 1959 he left Tibet for India alongside the Dalai Lama. There he was finally able to cure his illness. Lobsang Jigme passed away in Dharamsala on 26th April 1984.
17. 17th Nechung Oracle
Thubten Ngodup became the 17th Nechung Oracle in 1987.
Nechung Monastery in Tibet
Nechung Oracle and Tibetan Leadership
As mentioned earlier, Pehar Gyalpo was institutionalised as the protector of the Tibetan government when the Great 5th Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso, gained temporal power in 1642. This made Nechung monastery, Nechung Dorje Drayang Ling, the seat of Tibet’s State Oracle. The 5th Dalai Lama was also the principal architect of the Nechung monastery in Tibet. It was on his advice and guidance that the monastery was expanded during the regency of Desi Sangye Gyatso in 1681 and completed in 1683. The Great 5th also composed Dra Yangma (Melodic Chant), a text of a self-generation practice and an invocation of the protector, which was incorporated into the monastic rites. Other specialised prayers, rituals and systems of training from many other lineages were also incorporated into the monastery’s practices and have been preserved until the present time.
The main prayer hall of Nechung Monastery in Dharamsala, India
The Tibetan State Oracle
In Tibet, the State Oracle lived as one of the highest ranking lamas in the Nechung residence. The oracle would have had at his command a considerable “court” and celebrated Pehar Gyalpo’s liturgies in a temple of his own. At the beginning of a trance session, the Nechung Oracle is sent into a trance via all manner of rituals and incense. Pehar is invoked to take possession of the Nechung Oracle but often only his minister, Dorje Dragden, is invoked due to the direct appearance by Pehar Gyalpo being too violent and threatening to the life of his medium. Pehar has under his command a group of five wrathful gods, who together are called the “protective wheel”. Pehar Gyalpo has exercised a decisive influence upon Tibetan politics for centuries and still continues to do so.
In the sphere of practical politics, Pehar’s advice has not always been advantageous for the Tibetans. For example, he gave the catastrophic advice to the 13th Dalai Lama that he should attack the British army under Colonel Younghusband which led to a massacre of over 600 Tibetan soldiers.
Nechung Oracle in trance and the Dalai Lama
Tibetan Leadership and the Oracle System
Given the strident secular nature of democratic systems, the oracular system as such should be in decline or have even been abandoned. However, the Tibetan leadership in exile located in Dharamsala continue to rely on divinatory arts, astrology, dream interpretation, and oracles for the most decisive policies and political matters. In fact, every significant political step is only undertaken once the oracle, soothsayers, and court astrologers have been consulted. Every important state-level political activity also requires the invocation of Pehar Gyalpo. This tendency has increased in recent years to the consultation of two more oracles, the Gadong and Tenma Oracles, whose services are made use of.
The Dalai Lama arriving in Nechung Monastery
The Dalai Lama writes in Freedom in Exile that it is tradition for the Dalai Lama to consult the Nechung Oracle during the New Year festivals. In addition, the Nechung Oracle might well be called upon at other times for specific queries. All this may sound far-fetched to 21st century readers.
The Dalai Lama has further mentioned that in one aspect, Pehar and the Dalai Lama’s responsibilities towards Tibet are the same. The Dalai Lama’s task is of leading the Tibetan people which is peaceful, while Pehar in his capacity as a protector, is wrathful. However, he highlighted that his relationship with Pehar is that of commander to lieutenant: he never bows down to Pehar. It is Pehar who bows down to the Dalai Lama, yet they are very close, similar to friends. When the Dalai Lama was younger, if Pehar noticed that he had dressed carelessly or improperly, Pehar would come over and rearrange his shirt, adjust his robe, etc.
The Dalai Lama also mentioned that dealing with Pehar is not easy. It takes time and patience during each encounter before he will open up. He is very reserved and austere, just as one would imagine a grand old man of ancient times to be. Pehar does not bother with minor matters and is only interested in the larger issues, so it pays to frame questions accordingly. He also has definite likes and dislikes, but he does not show them very readily. Sometimes he would just respond with a burst of sarcastic laughter to questions that were asked. This kind of behaviour matches a worldly being that is still attached and in samsara.
There are many Protectors in the Tibetan Buddhist pantheon such as Dorje Shugden who are enlightened and his compassion, patience and affection are shown spontaneously during trance. Yet, the Dalai Lama continues to consult this worldly spirit despite the wrong advice he has been given in the past.
Please watch the video below to witness affectionate relationship between Nechung Pehar and the Dalai Lama.
Or view the video on the server at:
The Dalai Lama escorted by the Tibetan resistance fighters leaving Tibet to seek asylum in India
The Flight from Tibet to India
In the 1950’s, the 14th Dalai Lama was called upon to assume full political power of Tibet, which he had agreed on. Following this he went to Beijing in 1954 to attend peace talks with Mao Zedong and other Chinese leaders such as Deng Xiaoping. However in 1959, the Dalai Lama escaped Tibet, during the Chinese invasion, and entered exile in India.
The Dalai Lama received explicit instructions on 17th March 1959 from the Dorje Shugden Oracle that he should leave the country. The decision was further confirmed when a divination was performed by His Holiness himself that produced the same result. For the sake of his people and the continuance of Tibetan culture, the Dalai Lama finally decided to undertake the harrowing 15-day journey through the Himalayas to India.
That night, a few minutes before 10pm, the Dalai Lama disguised himself as a common soldier, managed to slip past the massive throng of people outside, together with a small escort and proceed towards the Kyichu River. There he was joined by the rest of the entourage, including his immediate family members.
The Dalai Lama recounts in Freedom in Exile the accuracy of Pehar’s advice, including the case of the Dalai Lama’s escape:
“Surprising as it may seem, the oracle’s replies to questions are rarely vague. As in the case of my escape from Lhasa, he is often very specific. But I suppose that it would be difficult for any scientific investigation either to prove or disprove conclusively the validity of his pronouncements. The same would surely be true of other areas of Tibetan experience, for example the matter of tulkus (reincarnate lamas).”
Contrary to the statement on the advice for the Dalai Lama’s escape, John F. Avedon in In Exile from the Land of Snows recalls the following:
“When Lobsang Jigme regained consciousness, he looked up from the bed on which he had been placed and saw the small group of monks weeping over him. He inquired if shells had fallen on Drepung and if so whether or not any of them had been hurt. They replied in the negative. “Then why are you all crying?” he asked. After conveying Dorje Dragden’s message, the senior attendant said, “This is the Choekyong’s advice, but how can we follow it? You are a sick man. During the celebration of the Buddha Jayanti in 1956 you went by car through India and even under those conditions suffered tremendously. Now we have to walk and ride for weeks. How can we possibly cope with this problem?” As Lobsang Jigme had no answer for them, one and all lapsed into silence, pondering Dorje Dragden’s other statement: the stunning news of the Dalai Lama’s flight from Norbulingka – unknown to Tibetans and Chinese alike until the following week.”
The image of Nechung’s minister, Dorje Dragden
The actual flight of the Dalai Lama involves Changtso Lobsang Yeshe, a member of Pomra Khangtsen of Sera Mey Monastery. Sera Monastery is one of the Three Great Gelugpa monasteries of Tibet. The other two are Gaden Monastery and Drepung Monastery. Lobsang Yeshe was the main attendant and biological brother of the Abbot of Sera Mey Monastery at that time, Kensur Ngawang Dakpa Rinpoche. Kensur Ngawang Dakpa Rinpoche assigned Lobsang Yeshe to seek advice from the 6th Panglung Oracle who took trance of the Dorje Shugden in regards to the Dalai Lama’s escape from Tibet. As the time was crucial, Kensur Ngawang Dakpa Rinpoche was closely observed by the PLA, therefore he couldn’t carry out the instruction personally as given by Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, the junior tutor of the 14th Dalai Lama.
On the 10th of March 1959, Lobsang Yeshe had a private audience with the Protector Dorje Shugden via the 6th Panglung Oracle as the representative of Kensur Ngawang Dakpa Rinpoche. Specific advice for the Dalai Lama to leave Tibet without delay was given by Dorje Shugden. During the audience, Dorje Shugden even offered a Pudri (a bracelet-like article with three eyes worn by the Panglung Oracles) to ensure the safe journey of the Dalai Lama and his entourage. Lobsang Yeshe took this holy item to give Kensur Ngawang Dakpa Rinpoche together with a handful of blessed rice. This was “to be burnt in times of trouble” during the Dalai Lama’s escape.
Lobsang Yeshe was also witness to another important audience between Dorje Shugden and Ratoe Chowar Rinpoche. Ratoe Chowar Rinpoche was requested by Trijang Rinpoche to seek advice from the Panglung Oracle regarding the same matter. During this audience, Dorje Shugden divined a suitable route of escape and via the Oracle shot three arrows into the south, indicating the direction that the Dalai Lama and his entourage should take.
Please watch the video of Lobsang Yeshe recalling about Dorje Shugden’s advice on the Dalai Lama’s escape.
Or view the video on the server at:
Dorje Shugden also gave a ceremonial sword to Ratoe Chowar Rinpoche, and told him that Dorje Shugden would ensure a safe journey for the Dalai Lama if the sword was waved by a person named Dorje in the air three times in the direction of the Dalai Lama’s escape route. This sword was also to be held up by this person while leading the Dalai Lama into India.
Ratoe Chowar Rinpoche’s audience to seek Dorje Shugden’s advice was in fact requested by the Dalai Lama himself through Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. It is understandable that due to his position, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche was also closely watched by the PLA. In Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s autobiography titled The Illusory Play, it clearly recounts the incident below as stated below:
“Following the intentions and orders of the Dalai Lama, I secretly ordered Rate Chubar (Rato Chowar) Rinpoche to go to Panglung Retreat and to ask Gyalchen Dorje Shugden for his instructions.”
H.E the 6th Panglung Kuten
The Dharmapala said, “You must go immediately! If you go by way of the southwestern direction, no harm will come to the Dalai Lama or any of his entourage; I guarantee it! You must go raising this sword in my name at the head of the Dalai Lama’s column.” Thus, he advised using the path leading to the southwest through Ramagang and then performed the shooting arrow and sword dances.
Following this very advice, on the night of the eighth day of the second month at nine o’clock, preceded by members of his family such as his mother, the Gyälyum Chenmo, the Dalai Lama and a small entourage then left.
The 14th Dalai Lama during the escape journey from Tibet to India
As a result, the Dalai Lama and his entourage crossed the border into India safely on the 31st March 1959, after a 15-day journey on foot from Lhasa over the Himalayan Mountains, protected by Dorje Shugden throughout.
Holy image of Nechung Pehar Gyalpo enshrined in Samye monastery
Accuracy of Nechung’s Advice
In 1970, when the Fourteenth Dalai Lama was still practicing Dorje Shugden as taught by His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, there were monthly pujas to Dorje Shugden performed in the Dalai Lama’s personal monastery, Namgyal Monastery. This is a widely known fact.
When the Dalai Lama was about to receive the Dorje Shugden Sogtae or Life-Entrustment Initiation from Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, the State Oracle took trance and stopped him from receiving the practice through negative counsel about Dorje Shugden.
This is not the first time the Nechung Oracle has such negative advice. During the time of the 13th Dalai Lama, as recounted by his personal physician, Jampala, the Nechung Oracle was asked to go to Norbulingka for a spontaneous trance in front of the Dalai Lama and prescribed medicine that his attendant happened to have with him. The oracle took a spoonful of this medicine and offered it to the Dalai Lama. From that night onwards, the fever rose higher than before and the Dalai Lama became delirious. The illness progressed from bad to worse and on the 19th December 1933, the Dalai Lama passed away.
Before the death of the 13th Dalai Lama, Pehar Gyalpo also gave disastrous advice to him that the Tibetans should attack the British army under Colonel Younghusband, which caused more than 600 Tibetan deaths.
Expedition leader Col Younghusband (centre) with Captain Hayman (right) and other officers in Tibet in 1903
In more recent times, the 14th Dalai Lama granted an audience with an Indian girl who claimed to be an incarnation of the Hindu goddess Sambhavi. The girl took trance in the Dalai Lama’s presence during which she warned him of health concerns and also gave a prediction that the Tibetans would return to Tibet in 2012. The Nechung Oracle was consulted to verify the girl’s claims. The Dharma Protector concurred with the girl’s predictions. It is now 2016, and the Tibetans are still struggling in India, remain nationless and in exile.
The Dalai Lama with the girl who claimed to be the incarnation of Sambhavi
Earlier in 1986, the Nechung Oracle offered another prediction concerning the Tibetan cause. The oracle pronounced that in the Year of the Dragon, something extraordinary would happen: the Tibetans in exile and abroad would reunite and that this day was very near. The prediction was written on a piece of paper distributed widely. On another occasion, the State Oracle also said:
“I will send 100 million divine soldiers to China.”
Optimistic that Nechung’s prediction would come true, in 1987, the Year of the Dragon, the Tibetans organised an uprising against the Chinese. The Chinese police swiftly crushed the uprising and there were no signs of divine soldiers coming to the rescue. In fact, Nechung would make further (and similar) predictions about the Year of the Ox (1997) and the Year of the Pig (1995) but with no success. The Tibetan situation has remained the same.
Clearly, Perhar Gyalpo has a track record of making unreliable and inaccurate pronouncements and prophecies via the Nechung Oracle. These incorrect predictions have led to tremendous damage to the Tibetan cause, not to mention the trouble they have caused the Dalai Lama. What is puzzling though, despite all the problems arising from the reliance on the Nechung Oracle, the State Oracle is still very much revered and consulted to this day.
Although there are some who believe that the being who enters the Nechung Oracle’s body may not necessarily be Pehar himself, many high lamas still have high regard for the Dharma Protector. There are also some who claim that a powerful and malignant spirit of someone who had been murdered by the Tibetan Leadership has been entering the Nechung Oracle to make incorrect pronouncements intentionally. This would suggest negative karma is coming back to afflict the Tibetan leadership.
Whatever the case may be, what is certain is that there is a general belief that the trances by the Nechung Oracle are not really of Pehar Gyalpo or that Pehar Gyalpo’s pronouncements cannot be relied upon. In all likelihood, Nechung’s pronouncement against Dorje Shugden is just another fake prophecy.
Dorje Shugden has entered the Panglung Kuten (oracle) in Serpom monastery in the presence of 700 monks. The Abbot and monks are making offerings to this supreme being
Nechung and Dorje Shugden
Generally speaking, the current Dorje Shugden ban was substantiated by a long-standing feud that extends back to the time of the 5th Dalai Lama, who had initially blamed the calamities befalling Lhasa at the time on the spirit of the deceased lama, Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen.
At that time, the 5th Dalai Lama commissioned various lamas who were known for their efficacious and miraculous attainments to perform fire pujas to eradicate the Dorje Shugden ‘spirit’. However, the pujas were ineffective as Dorje Shugden is of the same indestructible nature as Yamantaka. The Dalai Lama later manifested this realisation and composed a praise to Dorje Shugden as well as building the Trode Khangsar, which houses crafted statues according to the vision he had of Dorje Shugden. According to the elder monks of Gaden Phelgyeling Monastery, the 5th Dalai Lama was the one who appointed Dorje Shugden to be the protector of their monastery as well.
Dorje Shugden statue from the 5th Dalai Lama at Phelgyeling Monastery, Nepal
Although the issues between Dorje Shugden and the 5th Dalai Lama were resolved, during the time of the 13th Dalai Lama, the issue with Dorje Shugden resurfaced. Historical records, however, reveal the truth of the matter – the 13th Dalai Lama merely reshuffled state approval of deities. The 13th Dalai Lama outlawed the worship of a number of deities and oracles due the rife worship of innumerable deities and oracles within Tibetan society at the time. The Dalai Lama continued to approve of the state oracles of Nechung and Gadong, Dorje Shugden from Trode Khangsar, Tsangpa (believed to be the peaceful aspect of Setrap) and the Tenma oracle from Drepung.
Rising of Dorje Shugden
René de Nebesky-Wojkowitz in his book Oracles and Demons of Tibet based upon extensive research gathered from several eminent Tibetan Buddhist masters gives a clear description of the Nechung Gompa (temple):
“The southern gate (no. 1 on the diagram) is held closed in accordance with an old tradition that the chokyong Dorje Shugden is waiting at this entrance for the day to come on which he will be allowed to enter the monastery, to succeed Pehar as the chief dharmapala of Tibet…” page 445, Oracles and Demons of Tibet: The Cult and Iconography of the Tibetan Protective Deities.
The Nechung oracle sits at a throne at the head and center of the monastery (no. 23) whenever Nechung or one of his emanations is due to take trance. This central positioning symbolises that Nechung is the reigning Dharma protector of Tibet at this time. There are three entrances to this sacred temple (No. 1, 2 and 3). Entrances 2 and 3, at the east and west, are accessible and open to everyone to enter and leave the main temple. Visitors to the temple will pass through these two gates. The southern gate (No. 1) towards the end of the temple, however, always remains sealed. According to tradition, it is believed that Dorje Shugden stands at this gate, waiting for his time to enter. This will happen only when Nechung attains enlightenment and ‘leaves’, unlocking the southern gate for Dorje Shugden to enter.
Through serving the Dalai Lama over many lifetimes, Nechung has created a lot of merit which will eventually propel him towards full enlightenment. When this happens, he will no longer stand as the chief of worldly Dharma Protectors and will ‘leave’ the temple, a symbol of him stepping down as the chief of Protectors. Dorje Shugden will then take over his role, rising to be the next great protector of our time and the ‘chief Dharmapala of Tibet’ which means that he will be the most prominent Buddhist protector of the Tibetan Buddhist lineages.
However, it has been noted by high lamas that this period of the Changing of the Guardians would not come about so easily. Perhaps the ban on Dorje Shugden’s practice together with all the ensuing controversy is precisely to hasten this change of power. Alongside the ban, Nechung himself contributes to this seemingly volatile shift in energy by manifesting many ‘errors’ in his prophecies and showing a growing reluctance to speak. Nebesky-Wojkowitz also noted in the same book:
“A Tibetan popular belief claims that Pe Har, who will become shortly a ‘jig rten las ‘das pa’i srung ma (enlightened protector), feels more and more reluctant to speak through the oracle-priest of Nechung, and that in many cases rDo rje grags ldan (Dorje Dragden) answers in his place.” page 125, Oracles and Demons of Tibet: The Cult and Iconography of the Tibetan Protective Deities)
As noted in the passage above, Nechung has started to withdraw and is now not speaking as frequently through his oracles, a sign that could be referring to Pehar preparing for his eventual enlightenment. Not only is he speaking less, he has over the last century appeared to make very grave mistakes in his prophecies and oracular pronouncements. Some of these have already been outlined above.
The fact that Pehar was relied upon for hundreds of years by highly qualified and attained Buddhist masters would suggest that he wasn’t always unreliable, and that the inconsistencies have only manifested in more recent times. Adding the fact that he is also withdrawing from speaking as frequently, this might lead people to believe that Nechung is deliberating pronouncing inaccuracies to wean the Tibetans off the reliance on his prophecies.
According to the author, the Oracles and Demons of Tibet was based on fieldwork conducted in Tibet in the early 1950s. This predates the Chinese occupation of Tibet and also the ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden. This means that the prophecy about Dorje Shugden becoming the King of Protectors arose in Tibet when there was no ban and no sign of conflict between the Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden. This means it is not something that was made up after Dorje Shugden practitioners created after the ban was implemented, but something that existed in old Tibet itself.
This prophecy regarding Dorje Shugden is real and there are many records of it as noted by the famous Tibetologist and expert on the Dalai Lamas, Glenn Mullin. He said in his book, The Fourteen Dalai Lamas that while Dorje Shugden is being banned within the Tibetan settlements of India, Dorje Shugden’s practice is growing in China. While Dorje Shugden practice proliferates in China, China is emerging as a world economic superpower in recent years and dominates international trade both east and west.
Naturally, whatever the Dalai Lama bans, China readily embrace. They therefore allow the practice to be freely proliferated within China. As of all nations, empires and civilizations of the past that are of such size, sophistication and grandeur, they set the trend for the world to follow. This includes language, culture and its rich spiritual traditions. Naturally, China would look towards indigenous spiritual traditions like Tibetan Buddhism and this would be inevitably linked to Dorje Shugden. All this evidence seems to point to the fact that Dorje Shugden is indeed becoming not just the King of Protectors in Tibet but actually the world.
Perhaps it is worth considering that the uncertainties and instabilities of the time are merely a shift in universal energy and power, in anticipation of the next great Protector. Could all these be signs that the prophecy of the Changing of the Guardians – when the incomparable Protector Dorje Shugden rises in prominence throughout the world – is about to be fulfilled? Only time will tell. However all clues point to the fact that the event is drawing ever closer as Nechung retreats behind the curtain, and Dorje Shugden rises to the center of a global stage.
Nechung Rinpoche
During the time of the 11th Nechung Oracle (Lhalung Shakya Yarphel), Nechung Rinpoche Ogyen Thinley Choephel moved from Mindrolling Monastery to Nechung Monastery. His was believed to have come to Nechung Monastery due to the practice of the Nechung and in particular for his unique practice of the Treasured Doctrine. Ogyen Thinley Choephel was recognised as the incarnation of the great treasure master Ratna Lingpa (1403-1479) who is well-known in the history of Tibetan Buddhism. Ratna Lingpa himself was considered a reincarnation of Langdro Kunchok Jungne, one of the 25 chief disciples of Guru Padmasambhava. As such a highly regarded reincarnation Ogyen Thinley Choephel became both the spiritual guide to the Nechung Oracle and the Nechung Sangha. Ogyen Thinley gave extensive transmissions of the meditation practices relating to the psychic energy channels, wind, and yogic exercises (tsalung and trulkhor) of the generation and completion stage practices of tantra.
In 1891, following the prophecies given by Nechung, and as instructed by the Dalai Lama, Ogyen Thinley left for Dokham, in the eastern part of Tibet, to retrieve the holy image of Guru Rinpoche, a treasured object originally discovered by the master Ogyen Lerab Lingpa, from Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (1820-1892). He brought this image to be enshrined in the Jokhang Temple for Dharma and peace to flourish.
After the demise of Ogyen Thinley Choephel, the 13th Dalai Lama recognised the next reincarnation of Nechung Rinpoche, Thupten Kunchok Pal Zangpo (1917-1983), who became a highly realised master. He studied Tibetan literature and astrology from a learned master of Mindroling Monastery in addition to what was taught in Nechung monastery. Thupten Kunchok taught Tibetan language at China’s Minority School in Beijing from 1956 to 1959, and returned to Tibet following the Chinese occupation. He was imprisoned for a few months and escaped from Tibet to India in 1962 carrying with him sacred items into exile. In accordance with his premonitions, Thupten Kunchok was able to bring the sacred Sebag Mugchung mask to Nechung Monastery in India. This is one of the important and holiest belongings of the Nechung protector.
Nechung Rinpoche, Ogyen Thinley Choephel
Thupten Kunchok became a professor at the Ladakh Buddhist Institute (Buddha Vihar) in Delhi on 2nd December 1964. During his stay at the monastery, he continued his spiritual works by conferring initiations, oral transmissions and commentaries on the practices that are unique to the tradition of the Nechung Monastery. In 1973, Thupten Kunchok established Nechung Dorje Drayang Ling, a temple and meditation center in Hawaii for the study of Buddhist meditation and Tibetan culture where he passed the numerous practice lineages Nechung Monastery. He lived in Hawaii until 1983, and in between made a few visits to his main monastery in Dharamsala as well as Thubten Dhargye Ling in Los Angeles.
Nechung Rinpoche, Thupten Kunchok Pal Zangpo (1917-1983), who was also a Dorje Shugden practitioner
Thupten Kunchok visited Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen often at Thubten Dhargye Ling in the 1980’s. The young His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche was staying at Thubten Dhargye Ling at the time and used to serve Thupten Kunchok and Geshe-la tea while the two lamas meet. Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen also mentioned to the young Rinpoche that Thupten Kunchok, the Nechung Rinpoche, was also a Dorje Shugden practitioner. Prior to the 1996 ban of Dorje Shugden, there was no conflict in practicing Dorje Shugden at all.
On 31st August 1982, Nechung Rinpoche entered clear light and remained in a state of clear light meditation (tukdam) but following the past tradition of Nechung Monastery, he left his physical body three days after at the behest of Taglung Tsetrul Rinpoche.
In 1993, both the 14th Dalai Lama and the Nechung Oracle recognised the reincarnation of the present Nechung Rinpoche who was born in Lhasa on 20th May 1985. He went to school in Tibet for some years, and was then taken to India in September 1993. Upon arriving in Dharamsala, he began his studies earnestly at the Nechung Monastery and was officially enthroned on 15th March 1995. He has successfully memorised all the traditional ritual texts unique to Nechung Monastery as well as received extensive initiations from the Venerable Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche. He is currently studying Buddhist Philosophy and other subjects at the Monastery.
Nechung Dorje Drayang Ling monastery, Hawaii
Nechung Monastery
Nechung Dorje Drayang Ling Monastery has an important place in Tibetan history as it is the seat of the State Oracle of Tibet. Also known as Nechung Monastery, in Tibet it is located below Drepung Monastery, just 6 km west of Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. This monastery is responsible for keeping the link with Tibet’s main spirit Protector, Pehar Gyalpo intact. Rituals and practices, such as the Treasure Doctrine of Nyang Nyima Odzer, were practiced and preserved in the monastery. The Great 5th Dalai Lama compiled a collection of liturgies text known as Dra Yangma and incorporated this as one of the principal practices of Nechung monastery. Thereafter, the monastery was named Nechung Dorje Drayang Ling (The Immutable Island of Melodious Sound), by the Regent, Desi Sangye Gyatso.
Following the 1959 Cultural Revolution, the Nechung Monastery was re-established in the Gangchen Kyishong area of Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Nechung Monastery in Dharamsala, India
Questions and Answers
1. What does a comparison between the Dorje Shugden and Nechung tell us about the nature of Dorje Shugden?
The table below highlights the differences between Nechung and Dorje Shugden:
Nechung | Dorje Shugden |
Nechung was a spirit that was subdued and bound by Guru Rinpoche to protect Tibetan Buddhism. | Dorje Shugden arose as a protector after the untimely demise of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. He was misunderstood to have taken rebirth as a raging spirit but after several failed attempts to destroy his consciousness through fire pujas, it was clear that he is of the same mindstream as Yamantaka and Manjushri. |
Guru Rinpoche subjugated Pehar (Nechung), made him swear to protect the Buddha dharma and promised to stop all harmful activities. | His Holiness the 11th Dalai Lama, his regent and the Chinese Emperor Dao Guang, enthroned Dorje Shugden as an enlightened protector. |
During trance, Dorje Dragden through the Nechung Oracle will make offerings to the Dalai Lama and then listen to Dalai Lama’s reminder of his oath and promises to Guru Rinpoche. | During trance, high lamas will make offerings to Dorje Shugden while Dorje Shugden is sitting on the throne. The high lamas will whisper their question to Dorje Shugden who will answer their question in the manner of a high lama. |
Dorje Dragden receives the tsog offering during trance sessions with a sword. | Dorje Shugden receives the tsog offering during trance sessions with a vajra and bell, in the manner of an accomplished tantric master. |
The Nechung Oracle has given inaccurate prophecies on a number of occasions, including those pertaining to the health of the 13th Dalai Lama, the British Younghusband expedition, the returning of Tibetans in exile to Tibet, etc. | Dorje Shugden through Panglung Oracle is well known to have given accurate prophecies including those relating to the escape of the 14th Dalai Lama to India from Tibet. |
Nechung is known only to give prophesies and pronouncements. When Kyabje Ling Rinpoche was seriously ill, the Changtzos (assistants) of Ling Ladrang (household) and the then Abbot of Sera Mey requested for an emergency trance with the Nechung Oracle for of a way to heal Ling Rinpoche’s illness. The paper containing the questions was presented to Nechung in trance, who took it and crumpled it into a ball and put it under his buttocks. Nechung then proclaimed that if Ling Rinpoche gets better after three days, there would be no harm to Ling Rinpoche’s life. Nechung further commented that this is “Obstacles from the big (interpreted to be the Dalai Lama) is put on the head of the small. (Interpreted to be Ling Rinpoche).” This got the Changtso worked up in confusion and anger. He said, “How can the Guru be considered small and the student considered big?” | Dorje Shugden takes trance as a peaceful lama in the Gaden oracles and teaches various scriptures, gives transmissions and initiations. Kyabje Ling Rinpoche had been consulting Dorje Shugden via the oracle for many years. Whenever Dorje Shugden’s divination answers from the Choyang Oracle (another famous oracle that took trance of Dorje Shugden) returned, the Changtso would present the letter containing the answers to Kyabje Ling Rinpoche. The oracle would first place the letter on top of his head as mark of deep respect and then passed it back to the Changtso in order to read the answers out loud to Ling Rinpoche. When the Changtso was done reading, he would wrap the letter with a khata and present it to Kyabje Ling Rinpoche who would again put it on top of his head in reverence before keeping it away. This shows the deep respect Ling Rinpoche had for Dorje Shugden and his pronouncements. This was witnessed by the Shimla Oracle who is a student of Ling Rinpoche and has served in the Ladrang for 15 years. |
The video below is a summary for the comparison between an enlightened and unenlightened Dharma Protector:
Or view the video on the server at:
2. Nechung is said to be intimately connected with Dorje Shugden. How is Nechung connected with Dorje Shugden and how does this relationship affect the dynamics of both protectors today and in the future?
Dorje Shugden’s line of reincarnations can be traced back to Lama Tsongkhapa’s time. At that point in time, he had taken birth as Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen, one of the eight main disciples of Lama Tsongkhapa who is regarded as attained as Lama Tsongkhapa himself. Nechung appeared as a young boy to request Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen to take on the role of a Dharma Protector with the specific function to protect Lama Tsongkhapa’s teaching of Nagajurna’s Middle Way. Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen agreed and this event marks the beginning of their relationship.
During the reign of the 5th Dalai Lama, Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was reminded by Nechung about his promise to arise as a Dharma Protector that he made in his previous incarnation as Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen. Nechung assisted Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen in the process, especially increasing Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen’s fame and fanning jealousy amongst the supporters of the Dalai Lama. This resulted in Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen’s assassination. It was then that Dorje Shugden arose after the untimely demise of Drakpa Gyeltsen.
As listed in the karchag (guide-book) of Nechung monastery, there are three gates that lead into the cloistered courtyard of the monastery. According to an old tradition, Dorje Shugden is waiting just outside the entrance of the southern gate that is held closed. On the day the gate is opened, he will enter the monastery to succeed Pehar as the Chief Dharma Protector of Tibet. This will occur when Pehar has attained enlightenment and has vacated the temple.
As of this moment, Dorje Shugden has become extremely popular the world over despite the controversy started by the Dalai Lama. As the Dalai Lama bans Dorje Shugden, he is still being worshipped in thousands of centers all over the world and in China, Dorje Shugden practice and monasteries are growing according the Glenn Mullin, an expert and biographer of the Dalai Lamas.
In other words, Nechung and Dorje Shugden are working hand-in-hand for the sole purpose to protect the Dharma, especially the special teachings of Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage.
“In recent decades the present Dalai Lama has attempted to discourage the practice, but with little success. It is as strong today as ever, if not stronger; for with the Dalai Lama discouraging it in India, the Chinese are fully promoting it in Tibet.”
~Extract from page 208 of The Fourteen Dalai Lamas: A Sacred Legacy of Reincarnation by Glenn H. Mullin
3. Since Nechung and Dorje Shugden have a close relationship, are there any lamas who practice or accept both Nechung and Dorje Shugden?
The 5th Dalai Lama himself wrote prayers to both Nechung and Dorje Shugden. The invocation of the protector Nechung is contained within the Dra Yangma (Melodic Chant) ritual text. The Great 5th not only wrote a prayer, but even crafted a famous and still-existing statue of Dorje Shugden with his own hands.
Nechung Rinpoche, Thupten Kunchok, a erudite master and attained practitioner also practised both Nechung and Dorje Shugden. This was conveyed to His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche by Geshe Tsultrim Gyaltsen back in the 1980’s. Nechung Rinpoche used to visit Geshe-la at his centre, Thubten Dargye Ling in Los Angeles. There is clearly no conflict between these two practices.
Nechung monastery belongs to the Nyingma lineage. As per the Nechung Monastery’s description in the answer for Question 2, it has been made clear that the Nyingma lineage recognised and accepted Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden is considered as waiting at the southern gate, waiting to take his place as the Chief Protector or Tibet. Nechung Monastery also has close links to Drepung Monastery, one of the three main monasteries of the Gelug lineage. Therefore most of the ceremonies are carried out there are a mixture of Nyingma and Gelug practices. This again shows us that both Nyingma lamas and Gelug lamas accepted and recognised both traditions as well as both Dharma protectors.
A statue of Dorje Shugden riding on a horse that was believed to have been made by the 5th Dalai Lama
4. If Pehar was subdued by Guru Rinpoche, why don’t the high lamas just bind Dorje Shugden with the same method since some consider him to be a spirit?
If Dorje Shugden is an evil spirit, any one of the great lamas can engage in rituals to subdue and bind him to become an oath-bound Dharma Protector. These lamas can also perform a jinsek fire puja to subjugate Dorje Shugden. One of the functions of performing a jinsek can be to call an interfering spirit that cannot tamed or bound and destroy their form in the wisdom fire. The consciousness of this spirit would instantly reincarnate into one of the pure lands, where they would have the conducive conditions to attain enlightenment. Hence we can see that although this method is wrathful, it is one that is motivated by compassion.
According to the writings of the 5th Dalai Lama himself, such fire rituals were already performed to subdue Dorje Shugden but they were deemed to be unsuccessful. According to many lamas, this meant that Dorje Shugden must be enlightened himself, therefore he cannot be subdued by rituals as the power of a Buddha cannot be used against another Buddha, as they are of the same and equal state which is complete enlightenment. Since no great lamas can destroy or bind Dorje Shugden, it is clear to us that Dorje Shugden is not a spirit but an enlightened Dharma protector. In fact he is an emanation of Manjushri, the Buddha of wisdom.
5. According to Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s writings, Nechung was instrumental in the manifestation of Dorje Shugden. However, in recent times, Nechung in trance has been stating that Dorje Shugden is a harmful spirit. Why is there a contradiction?
For many lamas, this contradiction has been used to highlight the fact that the prophecies and pronouncements of the Nechung Oracle is inaccurate and unreliable. This is a reputation that has plagued the oracles of Nechung for a long time. On the other hand, Dorje Shugden oracles have their reputation intact and that is why Dorje Shugden oracles continue to be highly sought after.
One reason for the contradiction in Nechung’s statements about Dorje Shugden could be the fact that Nechung is actually working hand-in-hand with the Dalai Lama on a higher cause to push Dorje Shugden’s practice out into the world. As the Dalai Lama bans Dorje Shugden, the practice still continues to grow all over the world and especially in China. It is believed that China would be poised to be a world power and everything Chinese, from its rich culture to its spiritual tradition would become highly sought after. In fact, all this is already happening as Dorje Shugden practice continues to grow in China.
6. Who actually saved the Dalai Lama during his escape from Tibet and contributed directly towards the spread of Tibetan Buddhism to the rest of the world?
Lobsang Jigme, the Nechung Oracle at the time of the Chinese occupation, was unaware of the escape of the 14th Dalai Lama and entourage to India, until a week after the escape. According to signed affidavit accounts by those who witnessed the events, the Dalai Lama himself instructed Ratoe Chowar Rinpoche to seek advice from Dorje Shugden through the 6th Panglung Oracle who gave clear instructions of the escape route and direction. Lobsang Yeshe was also instructed by Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche to seek advice from the same oracle for the same matter. Dorje Shugden took trance of the Panglung Oracle and instructed that the Dalai Lama should leave immediately as his life was in danger. He then went on to give specific instructions regarding the escape route and bestowed the blessing that he would protect the Dalai Lama and his entourage as they escaped.
Due to the accuracy of the advice, the Dalai Lama and entourage arrived in exile safely. It is due to the success of this escape as prophesied and assisted by Dorje Shugden that Tibetan Buddhism managed to flourish far and wide in the world. If the Dalai Lama had stayed in Tibet, he would have been killed and Tibetan Buddhism would have remained unknown to the world.
In conclusion, although Pehar is an unenlightened being, a gyalpo spirit, he is keeping his promise to Guru Rinpoche to protect the Dharma since he was bound in over 1,300 years ago. In addition, he also played a crucial role for the next Dharma protector of our time, Dorje Shugden to arise, in order to continue this important task in preserving the sacred teachings that can benefit many. There is absolutely no conflict to these two protector deities as they compliment each other in protecting the Dharma and its practitioners. The ban of Dorje Shugden is therefore unnecessary and illogical as the bigger purpose of Dorje Shugden, the preservation of the Dharma, has to be achieved.
Sources of information:
In Exile From the Land of Snows
Portrait of a Dalai Lama, The Life and Times of the Great Thirteenth
Oracles and Demons of Tibet, The Cult and Iconography of the Tibetan Protective Deities
The Tibetan leadership’s connection with Nechung spans centuries. This study, by Christopher Paul Bell titled “Nechung – The Ritual History and Institutionalization of A Tibetan Buddhist Protector Deity“, chronicles the relationship between the Dalai Lamas and Nechung, and how Nechung’s practice become state-sanctioned during the time of the Fifth Dalai Lama.
It was the Fifth Dalai Lama’s government which endorsed, renovated and improved Nechung Monastery, as well as expanded Nechung’s ritual cycle, thus setting the course for the Tibetan government to come to heavily rely on his prophecies. To read the PDF document, click here.
For more interesting information:
- 700 Meet a Buddha
- 10 Holy Dorje Shugden Statues in the World
- Dorje Shugden Gyenze to Increase life merits and wealth
- Dorje Shugden Trakze to Dispel Black Magic & Spirits
- Dorje Shugden: My side of the story
- Dorje Shugden Retreat: A Powerful practice to fulfill wishes
- Dorje Shugden Teaching Videos
- H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama
- Largest Dorje Shugden in the World
- Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors – A Definitive Guide to Dorje Shugden by Trijang Rinpoche
- Panchen Lama’s Dorje Shugden Puja Text
- Sakya Trizin’s Dorje Shugden Prayer
- Shangmo Dorje Putri the Bamo of Sakya
- The 14th Dalai Lama Prayer to Dorje Shugden
- The Great Council of Lhasa
- The Sakya Lineage of Dorje Shugden
- To Sum It Up
- Trode Khangsar – A 400 year old Dorje Shugden Chapel in Lhasa
- Who is Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
- Who is Kache Marpo
- Dharma Protectors of Tibetan Buddhism
- A Great Deception 2011 08 -
- Lin, Shen-Yu; Pehar: A Historical Survey –
- Avedon, John F.; In Exile from the Land of Snows: The Definitive Account of the Dalai Lama and Tibet Since the Chinese Conquest; 1997; Wisdom Publications, London; ISBN-13: 978-0060977412
- Kuzder PhD., Rita; Nechung The Tibetan State Oracle;
- Bell, Sir Charles; Potrait of A Dalai Lama: The Life and Times of the Great Thirteenth; 1987; Wisdom Publications, London; ISBN 086171055
- British Barbarians, Tibetan Prophecies –
- Conboy, Kenneth and Morrison, James; The CIA’s Secret War in Tibet; 2002;University Press of Kansas; ISBN-13: 978-0700617883
- Dhondup, K.; The Water-Bird and Other Years: A History of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama and after; 1986; Rang Wang Publishers, New Delhi
- Faith and the…Nechung Oracle by Mariah M. Lyndaker
- Nechung Foundation New York City Website –
- Nechung: The State Oracle of Tibet –
- Nechung Rinpoche –
- Nechung Rinpoche and His Lineage –
- Pearlman, Ellen; Tibetan Sacred Dance: A Journey into The Religious and Folk Traditions; 2002; Inner Traditions; ISBN-13: 978-0892819188
- Reincarnation and Politics in Tibet –
- Sanders, Dr. Fabian; Tibetan Oracles and Himalayan Shamans; 2013; Shang Shung Institute: The London Institute of Tibetan Studies
- Oracle de Nechung –
- The Miniature Paintings of Mongolian Buddhism: Tsaklis, Thangkas and Burhany Zurags –
- The Nechung Foundation Official Website –
- The Official San Francisco Bay Area Branch of the Historic Nechung Monastery, Dharamsala India –
- The Shadow of the Dalai Lama – Part II – 7. The war of the oracle gods and the Shugden affair –
- The Treasury of Lives: The thirteen Dalai Lama Tubten Gyatso –
- The Shadow of The Dalai Lama: Sexuality, Magic and Politics – - Tibet: A Political History, Tsepon W. D. Shakabpa, Potala Publications, New York: 1984.
- Tibetan Oracles and Himalayan Shamans, transcribed from a Lecture by Dr Fabian Sanders, Talk given at SOAS on January 21st 2011 Transcribed by Emiliano Diego-Franceskides, at Shang Shung Institute – The London Institute of Tibetan Studies, UK
- Wojkowitz, Rene De Nebesky; Oracles and Demons of Tibet: The Cult and Iconography of the Tibetan Protective Deities; 1996; Book Faith India; ISBN-13: 978-8173030390
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H.H. Chatral Rinpoche has clearly described this error, it is your future, it is your lineage that you are destroying.
Pride goes before the fall, which includes greed and lust for power.
This is the means by which the Chinese government has been destroying Tibet, placing a wedge in the Vajra fence.
In Tibet and throughout the greater Himalayan region, oracles have played, and continue to play, an important part in revelation, religion, doctrine, and prophecy. The Nechung oracle has been the protector of Tibet since the eighth century, assisting the government in decision-making. The Dalai Lama and the Tibetan leadership do consult the oracle before any making important decisions. Having the knowledge in the history and origin of oracle gives us a better understanding of the practice in general. Reading this article will clear readers the doubts regarding the difference of Nechung and dorje Shugden oracles and the controversy of the ban on Dorje Shugden. Nechung is a pehar, subdued by Guru Rinpoche to protect the Dharma in Tibet. Nechung oracle are unreliable and inaccurate at most time , one such case is Nechung oracle’s advise had caused the death of the 13th Dalai Lama. While Dorje Shugden is well known to have given accurate prophecies in Dalai Lama’s escape from Tibet in 1959. Dorje Shugden arose as a protector after the tragic death of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. Interesting read.
Thank you Pastor Adeline for this well research article on Nechung.
May the ban on Dorje Shugden’s practice soon be lifted and continue to be flourish.
Nechung Monastery, located just south of Drepung Monastery near Lhasa, is the seat of the Nechung Oracle, the State Oracle of Tibet.
It is time for Nechung to retire already. He has been the state oracle giving His Holiness the Dalai Lama advice and whose advice has been creating problems since the 13th Dalai Lama’s time. It was Nechung’s advice that actually led the 13th Dalai Lama to pass into clear light prematurely.
Another example will be His Holiness’s escape from Tibet to India. Nechung took trance and told His Holiness the stay back in Tibet and there is no need for His Holiness to leave. However, Dorje Shugden oracle took trance and told His Holiness to leave Tibet immediately and even gave details on how they should leave Tibet.
Luckily they heed Dorje Shugden advice and left Potala Palace heading towards to India. That very night, the Chinese invaded Potala Palace and if His Holiness heeds Nechung’s advice, he would be in grave danger. This shows the unreliability of Nechung’s advice recently.
Thank you for sharing this, Pastor Adeline. I hope that DS will swiftly spread far and wide, as people around the world are coming learn of the benefits from invoking his blessings.
Mantras are sacred verbalized words that invoke the protection and blessings of the deity to whom the mantra is ascribed. Mantras are also the manifestations of Buddhas in the form of ‘sounds’, hence the various mantras of Dorje Shugden contain the essence of the Protector.
Dorje Shugden’s main mantra 多杰雄登主要咒语
Dorje Shugden’s mantra for peace 平和咒语
For gaining attainments through the energy of Peaceful Shugden, peace of environment and mind, harmony in one’s abode and dwelling area, and calming of disasters
Dorje Shugden’s mantra for health 福寿安康咒语
For long life, increasing life, healing of disease and protection from diseases
Dorje Shugden’s mantra for increase 增长咒语
For gaining great merits and increase of all necessary needs, both material and spiritual
Dorje Shugden’s mantra for control 控制咒语
Of worldly deities, negative people and nagas and for influencing friends towards the positive
Dorje Shugden’s mantra to grant protection 庇护咒语
Visualize that you are in the Protector’s mandala, fully protected from outside interferences. Recite when in danger or for dangerous situations, for protection while travelling or when residing in dangerous/hostile places
Dear friends,
Tibet has produced many powerful meditations, rituals and guidelines to help us gain spiritual protection, gain wisdom and higher states of consciousness. In general Tibet has produced many powerful methods for the growth of our spiritual evolution. Dorje Shugden is an angel, a saint, a powerful spiritual protector-warrior who originated 350 years ago when a highly awakened Tibetan Lama fulfilled his vows to become a special being to grant protection, wisdom, material needs, safety when travelling (normal and astral travel) and spiritual awakening. Both the Great 5th Dalai Lama and the current His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama composed short yet effective prayers to invoke upon the power and blessings of this special saint and protector. One can recite either one of the prayers that you feel suits you, anytime or even daily. When you feel a special need for help, you can recite either prayer anytime. When you are feeling down, afraid or just need a blessing, you can recite them. After reciting either invocation, it is good to chant the mantra of Dorje Shugden: Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha.
You do not have to be a Buddhist or practitioner of any religion to invoke upon the blessings and protection of this special enlightened and awakened angel Dorje Shugden. He helps all without discrimination or bias as he is filled with compassion and love. Divinity has no boundaries, they help all who call upon them.
Enclosed are the prayers in English, Chinese and Tibetan.
May you be safe, protected and blessed.
Tsem Rinpoche
More on the Great 5th Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden –
More on H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden –
Chapel (Trode Khangsar) built by the Great 5th Dalai Lama dedicated to Dorje Shugden in Lhasa –
西藏产生了许多有助于我们得到精神庇佑、取得智慧和更高层次之觉悟的强大禅修法、仪式和教诲。总括来说,西藏产生了许多有助于我们在修行上取得提升的强有力方法。多杰雄登是一个天使,一位圣人和一名护法战士。他的崛起始于350年前,当一位高度觉悟的西藏高僧履行本身的承诺,化身为特别的护法,赐予我们守护、智慧、物质需要、出入平安(平日外游和神游时)和灵修上的觉醒。任何人都可以随时随地在任何时候念诵适合自己的祈愿文。当你需要特别的帮助时,你可以随时念诵任何一篇祈愿文。当你感到沮丧、恐惧或仅是需要加持时,你也可以持诵这些祈愿文。在念诵任何祈请文后,你应该接着念诵多杰雄登的心咒:嗡 班杂 维格 毗札那 娑哈 Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha。
更多关于第五世达赖尊者和多杰雄登护法的内容 —
更多关于第十四世达赖尊者和多杰雄登护法的内容 —
Divination (‘mo’) Text by Dorje Shugden
This is an important divination (‘mo’) text composed by Dorje Shugden himself. Dorje Shugden took trance of the Choyang Dulzin oracle lama, the senior oracle of Gaden Shartse Monastery, and instantly on the spot composed this text within two hours.
The divination text contains information on how to use dice to do divination for the future and is known to be highly accurate. When practitioners use this text, they will be in direct contact with Dorje Shugden to get answers to questions about the future. It is for those who have good samaya with Dorje Shugden and are free of the eight worldly dharmas to be of benefit to others in divining the future.
Tsem Rinpoche
Be blessed with these rare videos featuring explanation and advice about Dorje Shugden practice by His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche in his own voice. The teaching was requested by Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, one of the earliest masters who taught Tibetan Buddhism in the West.
Video 1: H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Explains Dorje Shugden Initiation and Benefits (With English Subtitles)
Kyabje Zong Rinpoche was an erudite scholar, ritual master and practitioner of the highest degree from Tibet. At the request of Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, one of the pioneers who taught Tibetan Buddhism in America, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche gives clear explanation and advice about the life-entrustment initiation of Dorje Shugden and how to go about the practice and get the maximum benefits in this video.
Video 2: H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche speaks on the History and Lineage of Dorje Shugden (With English Subtitles)
In this video, an erudite scholar, ritual master and practitioner of the highest degree from Tibet, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche talks about the incarnation lineage of Dorje Shugden and how the practice arose, with examples of Dorje Shugden’s previous lives that reveal his powerful spiritual attainments and contributions. This very rare teaching was given at the request of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s student, Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, one of the pioneers who taught Buddhism in the West to many disciples since the 1970s.
For more information:
Thank you Pastor Adeline and the writers team for this well written research on Nechung. Nechung is bound under oath by Guru Rinpoche and committed to protect the Tibetan Buddhism. It ‘s a extensive knowledge to understand the details between an unenlightened dharma protector and enlightened dharma protector . Some knowledge to know for sure of the differences between Nechung and Dorje Shugden. Nechung have continued to serve H.H Dalai Lama and the Tibetan even till this day. Reading this details write up will definitely help to clear all the misunderstanding and doubts for many of us, regarding of the unnecessary ban of the practice of Dorje Shugden. The ban has brought so much sufferings to many practitioners around the world.
May the ban be lifted soon so that there will be unity and harmony .
His Holiness the 10th Panchen Lama
Tibetans commonly refer to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and His Holiness 10th Panchen Lama as the “sun and moon” of Tibetan Buddhism. They are the center of Tibetan Buddhist civilization, which draws to its sphere of influence millions of non-Tibetan practitioners. The Panchen Lama’s incarnation line began with the 16th abbot of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, Lobsang Chokyi Gyeltsen (1570 – 1662). He was bestowed the title of Panchen Lama by His Holiness the 5th Dalai Lama after being declared as an emanation of Amitabha.
After being given the title, his three previous incarnations were posthumously also bestowed the title, making Lobsang Chokyi Gyeltsen the 4th Panchen Lama. He became a teacher to many Tibetans, Bhutanese and Mongolian religious figures, including His Holiness the 4th and 5th Dalai Lamas, and the 1st Jetsun Dampa of Mongolia. A prolific author, Chokyi Gyeltsen is credited with over a hundred compositions, including a number of commentaries and ritual texts that remain central in the Gelukpa tradition today. Along with his role as a teacher of the Dharma, the Panchen Lamas are usually responsible for the recognition of the rebirths of the Dalai Lamas, and vice versa.
The 10th Panchen Lama, Lobsang Trinley Lhundrub Chokyi Gyeltsen (19 February 1938 – 28 January 1989) continued both the spiritual and political roles of his predecessors. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, his contemporary, was even heard to say and echo the Panchen Lama’s own words that the Dalai Lama would safeguard Tibet from the outside while the Panchen Lama would safeguard Tibet from the inside, as he never left Tibet after the political troubles of 1959. He was truly loved by the Tibetans, all the way until his passing. When he taught, thousands of people would attend, not only from his own Gelug lineage, but masters and practitioners from all traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.
At his sprawling monastery of Tashi Lhunpo, he has a special chapel specifically dedicated to Dorje Shugden, where prayers and rituals are performed on a daily basis. In his great omniscience the Panchen Lama held Dorje Shugden as the principal Dharma protector of the monastery. He also personally propitiated Dorje Shugden among other Dharma protectors, and even wrote extensive prayers and rituals to Dorje Shugden. These rituals and prayers are contained within his ‘sung bum’ or collected works, which are provided here. As such a great lama, with an erudite and clear understanding of the Buddhist scriptures, a teacher to millions in both Tibet and China, from an established incarnation line and an emanation of the Buddha Amitabha, he could not be mistaken about his practice of Dorje Shugden.
His Holiness 10th Panchen Lama is known for his composition of commentaries and practice texts that are still in use by contemporary Buddhist practitioners both in Tibet and across the world. One of these is a powerful ritual composition propitiating the compassionate Dorje Shugden.
Upon the request by Acharya Lobsang Jangchub to compose a shorter version of the prayer (sadhana) for the exhortation of activities of Dorje Shugden, Panchen Lama immediately composed an abbreviate form of Dorje Shugden’s Kangsol. This text is entitled “Manjunatha’s (Tsongkapa) Lineage protector Dorje Shugden and five forms wrathful propitiations and confessional prayers and fulfilment of activities rites” or “Melodious sound of Accomplishment of the Four Activities” for short. Once the prayers were completed, he had signs and strong feelings that Dorje Shugden has been working hard to protect the Buddhadharma in general and the lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa specifically.
Mirroring the abilities of one of his earlier incarnations, Khedrub Je, a disciple of Lama Tsongkhapa and master of both sutra and tantra, the Panchen Lama used his compositional skill and poetic prowess to create a masterful sadhana. Worthy of note is a praise in which the first letter of each verse is a Tibetan vowel. Such compositions are rarely seen, and have historically only been used when propitiating senior Dharma protectors such as Palden Lhamo and Kalarupa.
The Panchen Lama also stated that while composing the Dorje Shugden sadhana (prayers) he was filled with a sense of happiness and bliss. He ends the composition with not only his official title but his ordination name, Tenzin Trinley Jigme Choje Wangchuk, endorsing the validity of his work. He composed the sadhana in his own Tashi Lhunpo monastery while in the Hall of Clear Light and Bliss.
See the Panchen Lama’s writings and download:
For the first time available, Dorje Shugden and his entourage of 32 assistants of his mandala.
Dorje Shugden is a powerful protector deity who is also an emanation of Manjushri, a wisdom bestowing Buddha. Therefore, he has great ability to help us to progress further on the spiritual path. He does this by helping us to overcome obstacles and problems for the modern individual.
Due to his enlightened nature, Dorje Shugden is able to manifest 32 deities and within the same abode resides Setrap and Kache Marpo:-
1. 5 Dorje Shugden families or emanations. They consists of the following:-
– Dulzin Dorje Shugden, which performs activities to eliminate inner and outer obstacles.
– Shize, which performs activities to pacify all illnesses and disease.
– Gyenze, which performs activities to increase all desirable material and spiritual wealth.
– Wangze, which performs activities to control difficult people and circumstances.
– Trakze, which performs activities to wrathfully eliminate all insurmountable obstacles and life-threatening situations.
2. 9 Mothers. They represent protection of the five senses and developing control of the four elements. These are all attributes that signify their ability to assist tantric practitioners with their higher meditations.
3. 8 Guiding Monks. They represent the Eight Great Bodhisattvas (Avalokitesvara, Manjushri, Vajrapani, Samantabhadra, Maitreya, Kshitigarbha, Akashagarbha, Sarva-nivarana-viskambini) and they bring about the growth of the Dharma, through the Sangha, Dharma practitioners and Dharma establishments.
4. 10 Youthful & Wrathful Attendants. They represent the ten wrathful attendants to avert inner and outer obstacles. They are beings who are from Mongolia, China, Kashmir, India, Bengali, etc.
5. Setrap. He is a senior Dharma Protector from India and an emanation of Amitabha Buddha. He had enthroned Dorje Shugden as an authentic Dharma Protector. Therefore, he also resides within the same mandala of Dorje Shugden.
6. Kache Marpo. He is not an emanation of Dorje Shugden but he is still an enlightened Dharma Protector in his own right. He was originally known as Tsiu Marpo of Samye Monastery. However, he has placed himself under the service of Dorje Shugden as his chief minister, performing many activities in order to protect and benefit practitioners. Therefore, he stands guard at the main entrance of Dorje Shugden’s mandala. He often takes trance of qualified mediums to speak.
7. Namkar Barzin. He is the reincarnation of an old Mongolian monk and when he passed away in Phari area of Tibet, his spirit was placed as a powerful assistant of Dorje Shugden. He guards and protects buildings and great institutions especially those that benefit others. He rides on a mythical Gyaling animal that resembles a goat but with scales.
These sacred images are available on *Vajrasecrets. They are made of high quality alloy and are one of a kind. They are based on the lineage of His Holiness Panchen Rinpoche’s monastery, Tashilhunpo in Shigatse, Tibet. In fact, the iconography of these statues are based on detailed photographs taken by H. E. Tsem Rinpoche during a trip to Tashilhunpo’s protector chapel. These are based exactly as the 10th Panchen Lama’s personal collection.
Dorje Shugden mandala:
Dorje Shugden’s benefit and practice:
Dorje Shugden’s origins:
Dorje Shugden chapel in His Holiness Panchen Rinpoche’s Tashilhunpo Monastery in Tibet:
*Stand not included
Regarding Goddess Yudroma and her oracle in Dharamsala
1. I have met this oracle several times in Dharamsala. She gives very accurate predictions. I have experienced this myself.
2. She is a gentle Yudroma goddess riding on a horse and she is white in color and takes trance quite easily in this official oracle lady that lived in Dharamsala. When you go meet her, you have to bring milk and yogurt. She takes 7 sips of the milk when she first arrives and recites a host of prayers before we can consult her. We have the honor to offer her the milk to gather affinity with her.
3. She, the oracle lady became well known as over several decades ago, a western hiker was lost in the Dharamsala hills. The goddess was consulted via this oracle and Yudroma then correctly told them where to find the hiker and the hiker was found and life saved. After that she became very well known in Dharamsala.
4. Yudroma the goddess is one of the main protectors of the Gelug Gyuto Tantric Monastery in Dharamsala. They have relied on her for hundreds of years since Tibet. The monks often ask the lady oracle to take trance and through her consult Yudroma.
5. She would be pleased in this video because people are helping Gyuto Monastery, her dominion. Perhaps she is the one that brought the Australian sponsors to help in the first place in her own mystical methods.
6. She is also the protector of Gungru khangtsen in Drepung Gomang monastery in South India.
7. Sadly this lady oracle has passed away and I guess people are perhaps waiting for a new oracle to be chosen by the Yudroma goddess. Haven’t heard anything yet. How lovely this lady served the goddess, monks and monasteries and public through taking trance her whole life. So virtuous of a job. Her body was used to benefit thousands in her lifetime and serve the sangha.
I like oracles because humans can meet the gods directly.
Tsem Rinpoche
(I have attached a video of her taking trance as well as This is Goddess Yudroma thangka photo. This is a picture of the actual thangka that belonged to the oracle in the video. I got her permission to take this picture when I visited her. The Yudroma thangka was hanging in the room where the oracle takes trance in her house. Thanks. TR)
Sakya tradition’s thangka of Dorje Shugden sitting on a throne within his palace with his four emanations and high Sakya Lamas nearby. Tsem Rinpoche
Amazing post!!!!!
Dear friends, For months we have been working on this BEAUTIFUL and meaningful mural in Kathmandu, Nepal. Please click here to enjoy the many stunning pictures of this mural:
Tsem Rinpoche
Antique Pelden Lhamo thangka with sacred Dorje Shugden at the bottom right. Can see Tsongkapa and Guru Rinpoche on the top also. Beautiful and holy.
Great message every Tibetan especially must read!
This is a powerful picture of Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, Kensur Kyabje Lati Rinpoche and the current incarnation of Trijang Rinpoche meeting together in the year 2000 when Trijang Rinpoche was 18. All three lamas are Dorje Shugden practitioners. In fact Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen was the one that first encouraged my practice of Dorje Shugden when I was 16 years old when I joined his beautiful Thubten Dhargye Ling centre in Los Angeles. I lived with Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen for 8 years before proceeding to Gaden Monastery in South India. Later Kyabje Zong Rinpoche came to our Los Angeles centre and granted sogtae (permission ceremony) to practice Dorje Shugden for life as requested by Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen. Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen had tremendous faith in Trijang Rinpoche. Kyabje Lati Rinpoche was innovative, dedicated and very much focused on bringing dharma to many. He had tremendous faith in Dorje Shugden as I had the honour to meet him many times. He would seek advice from Dorje Shugden many times via the oracle of Gaden Monastery. Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen and Kensur Kyabje Lati Rinpoche have since passed away while the current Trijang Rinpoche is a perfect lineage holder and practitioner of Dharma while he keeps Dorje Shugden as his personal protector as he has done so for many lifetimes. This is a powerful and beautiful picture of three great lamas of Buddha’s lineage and also of Gaden Monastery. ~Tsem Rinpoche
This comment by Suzy posted on Tsem Rinpoche’s YouTube channel ( speaks volumes of how the public is beginning to look beyond false rhetoric to see the goodness of this very important deity. Suzy confessed that she tried to avoid recognizing the beauty of the Shugden practice due I guess to old loyalties but the truth cannot be buried forever. Have a read.
Thank you Pastor Adeline and blog writers for doing research on this wonderful article on Nechung. It was great to understand the difference between an unenlightened dharma protector and enlightened dharma protector from this short video.Points that i have picked up from this video are,enlightened protector takes trance inside the monastery.unenlightened protector takes trance outside the monastery.enlightened protector takes trance sitting on the throne. unenlightened protector sits on the chair.enlightened being faces away from the altar. unenlightened being faces the altar.
Unenlightened being makes offerings to lamas.Lamas makes offering to enlightened beings.Unenlightened being receives tsok with a sword.Enlightened being receives tsok with vajra and bell.When oracle takes trance.Unenlightend being stands and has audience with lamas.Lamss stand and have audience with enlightened being.When oracle takes trance,Sangha shows little respect for unenlightened being.Sangha shows great respect for enlightened being.
Lovely article by Pastor Adeline and all her friends, this is a really important article and shows us what the relationship between Nechung and Dorje Shudgen. Just like the Dalai Lama who is conjuring the ban on Dorje Shugden, Nechung appears to rival Dorje Shugden. I believe Nechung is very very close to enlightenment for his prolonged service to the Dalai Lama.
Trode Khangsar Chapel in Lhasa, Tibet
Over 400 years ago a great and learned lama Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was famed in Mongolia, Tibet, Nepal and China for being very saintly and compassionate. He resided in his residence (Zimkhang Gongma Ladrang) in Drepung Monastery. His root guru was H.H. the Omniscient 4th Panchen Lama and his close dharma brother was the 5th Dalai Lama.
The 5th Dalai Lama and Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen had a very close and dharmic relationship and often went to receive teachings together from the 4th Panchen Lama. They were close in age. They both became very learned and well known. During this time, the Dalai Lama was enthroned as a Dharma King of Tibet. But more people went to see Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen for teachings, initiations and divinations. This made the attendants of the 5th Dalai Lama feel threatened that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen’s fame might usurp the power of the 5th Dalai Lama. So they had a khata forced down his throat. At that moment, Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen dissolved his psychic winds and generated the wish to be a great guardian of Buddha and Tsongkapa’s teachings. As his consciousness dissolved, he entered ‘bardo’ as a dharma protector of the highest order (jikten depey sungma). Many signs were seen throughout Lhasa at this time and the earth was said to have shaken in Lhasa. This event was already predicted to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen’s previous incarnation when he was one of the 8 main disciples of Lord Tsongkapa the Supreme Master and he served Tsongkapa directly by building Gaden Monastery.
When the 5th Dalai Lama heard what his scheming and power-hungry attendants had done, he was very distressed. He was very sorry Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was murdered and dishonored as he was a great dharma master. The 5th Dalai Lama composed an apology to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. In Lhasa, tens of thousands gathered for the cremation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen’s holy body. During the cremation, the 5th Dalai Lama’s apology was read out at which flames spontaneously arose from the body of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen commencing the cremation. From the body, during cremation, a powerful whirlwind of smoke tunneled into the sky for all to see as this was an indication Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen’s consciousness has arisen as the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden. The Dharma Protector Setrap immediately recognized this new protector Dorje Shugden and ‘enthroned’ him as a powerful Dharma Protector in the realm of the Buddhas. From this, Setrap and Dorje Shugden are closely connected and very close working hand in hand always. After the cremation, the great 5th Dalai Lama built a Dorje Shugden chapel on the spot the cremation took place and named it Trode Khangsar. The 5th Dalai Lama commissioned the statue of Dorje Shugden in this chapel and had monks installed in the chapel to do continuous propitiations to Dorje Shugden. Trode Khangsar Chapel was a commemoration to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen who was wronged and also a celebration of his consciousness arising as the World Peace Peace Protector Dorje Shugden.
This Trode Khangsar Chapel still exists now in Lhasa where many make pilgrimages there. It is in good condition and was recently renovated. It is over 400 years old and a testimony to the respect the Great 5th Dalai Lama had to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen who arose as Dorje Shugden.
I have visited this holy chapel in Lhasa years back. I’ve never heard of it till I was in Lhasa and by chance, I was told about it which I was happy to visit. I could not find the place but strangely a bunch of pilgrims from Amdo told me they would show me how to get there in Lhasa.
This short video is a short clip of this holy Trode Khangsar Chapel in Lhasa today commemorating Dorje Shugden, built by the great 5th Dalai Lama. The great 5th Dalai Lama even composed a prayer to Dorje Shugden which is still available today and we can recite to invoke the blessings, protection, and assistance of World Peace Protector Dorje Shugden.
Tsem Rinpoche
Read more: Trode Khangsar – A 400-year-old Dorje Shugden Chapel in Lhasa
Short video:
The 5th Dalai Lama’s Prayer to Dorje Shugden
Though unmoving from the sphere of primordial spontaneity,
With wrathful turbulent power, swifter than lightning,
Endowed with heroic courage to judge good and bad,
I invite you with faith, please come to this place!
Robes of a monk, crown adorned with rhinoceros leather hat,
Right hand holds ornate club, left holds a human heart,
Riding various mounts such as nagas and garudas,
Who subdues the mamos of the charnel grounds, praise to you!
Samaya substances, offerings and torma, outer, inner and secret,
Favourite visual offerings and various objects are arranged.
Although, previously, my wishes were a bit dense,
Do not stop your powerful apparitions, I reveal and confess!
Now respectfully praising with body, speech, and mind,
For us, the masters, disciples, benefactors and entourages,
Provide the good and avert the bad!
Bring increase like the waxing moon in spiritual and temporal realms!
Moreover, swiftly accomplishing all wishes,
According to our prayers, bestow the supreme effortlessly!
And like the jewel that bestows all wishes,
Always protect us with the Three Jewels!
Tibetan prayer from:
Ugui bol ugui.
Dear Pastor Adeline,
Thank you for this detail article on Nechung. In this article, it is not only talk about the oracle, but also mentioned on Nechung Rinpoche. Thus, we are clear that, the Nechung Oracle have to be train and chosen. While Nechung Rinpoche is consider the incarnation of Langdro Kunchok Jungne, one of the 25 chief disciples of Guru Padmasambhava.
From ancient history to today’s world, Nechung have continued to serve H.H Dalai Lama and the Tibetan. He have protected the dharma since Guru Padmasambhava time.
Although in recent centuries, seem like he had acted quite emotional and gave wrong advise, I do agreed with writer that Nechung is creating a way to Dorje Shugden. Well , it is related seeing that The rise of Dorje Shugden is also related to Nechung. They work hand in hand together with Dalai Lama to bring dharma to more people.
Nechung is not an enlighten protector, his origin is a spirit bound by Guru Padmasambhava . While Dorje Shugden arose from the line of Mahasattva which could trace back to the time of Shakyamuni. Thus, when the oracles took trance we can see the different. Nechung pay respect to Lama. While the lama will pay respect to Dorje Shugden and etc. This also clearly state to us that Dorje Shugden is an enlighten beings.
Thus, to agreed with Nechung and ban Dorje Shugden, is not an illogical action. How can some one agreed with spirit but denied the Buddha. Thus, i urge H.H The Dalai Lama, please lift the ban that is really illogical.
Thank you
Great Article, Its good to think every thing happen to divine plan. Nachung arrange and helped Dorje shugden to arise as a dharma protector in first place. Can believe dorje Shugden and Nechung is working together.
This article is awesome with the level of research done. Gives a good insight into Dharma protector role and details on Nechung ( State Oracle ) and Dorje Shugden. What amazes me is the relationship between Nechung and Dorje Shugden. Observe that during the 13th Dalai Lama, Nechung prediction seems to begin to be inaccurate which could be an intended sign of “retiring” . From the ” Oracles and Demons Of Tibet ” book , the description of Nechung Gompa indicates the coming of Dorje Shugden and from the sign, the time have come. Dharma Protector manifest to suits the people of the time. Fascinating that Dorje Shugden reincarnations can be traced back to Lama Tsongkhapa time as Dulzin Drakpa Gyeltsen, he was approached by Nechung himself manifesting a boy requesting him to be the Dharma Protector for Lama Tsongkhapa Teaching. This article was great in piecing the puzzle together. I really do hope the ban on Dorje Shugden is brought down. Thank you Rinpoche, Pastor Adeline and the team for the great education.
In the pantheon of the Buddhas there is this constant flow of activities that are taking place. Some activities are simpler and the teachings and messages are clear and precise. Whereas there are other activities which seemed to be like a constant play of myriad characters manifesting very extreme results which can shake the very essence of faith in a practitioner. Now which is what ?
1) In the 14th century, Nechung manifested to Duldzin Dragpa Gyaltsen to request for him to remember his promise to manifest as a Dharma protector Dorje Shugden
2) In the 17th century Dorje Shugden arose from the death of Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen
3) meanwhile Nechung continues to be the state oracle of Tibet, assisting the Dalai Lama in his responsibilities till today, the 21st century.
4) Dorje Shugden was a protector to different schools, to the Nyingmas(in a smaller way), to the Sakyas(practiced by many of the Sakya Trizins who head the school) and of course by the Gelugpa High Lamas too; for the last 400 years.
5) From the time of the 13th Dalai Lama’s death in 1933, Nechung’s blunders and mistakes started to be apparent and made known because the effects were detrimental. But yet, Nechung continues to serve as the state oracle.
6) Nechung’s blunders were so serious that he could have caused the death of the 14th Dalai Lama if not for Dorje Shugden’s instructions to assist the Dalai Lama’s escape from the invasion of the Chinese in 1958.
7) In the 1990s the Dalai Lama went in strongly to ban the practice of Dorje Shugden despite that his own Gurus are practicing Dorje Shugden. HHDL forced the monks to vote and created the segregation and divide in the Gelugpa lineage, causing extreme suffering to families and friends.
All the above and many more major incidences took place in this whole “illusory play” as described by Trijang Rinpoche, Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso in the Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors. There is so much controversy created by both human and Gods,so, What is what ???
Trijang Rinpoche’s advice is to continue to persevere through all the obstacles and stay steadfast to the practice of Dorje Shugden and do not disparage any of the Gurus and HHDL.
Even when the going gets tough the faith must remain strong; the same thing we will have to do even in our samsaric endeavours. The Buddha’s teachings, Dorje Shugden’s teachings are to help us through all the obstacles and obscurations in our samsaric life; very similar to all the cosmic war and drama in the spiritual world !! The time will come when all these wars are history. Till then the lineage and the teachings must be protected and be shared to benefit many more.
Thank you Rinpoche and all the writers for all the hard work and efforts taken to create this post to help us understand further. With folded hands !
If one digs into who Pehar is, one will come across that Pehar has five aspects equivalent to the Five Dhyani Buddhas who are aspects of the dharmakaya (dharma-body), the latter which embodies the principle of enlightenment.
So I believe that Pehar is also an enlightened being manifesting in various forms over time. And if an enlightened being is synonymous with the birth of Dorje Shugden, surely Dorje Shugden cannot be a Gyalpo or harmful spirit.
Many of Nechung oracles prophecy proved inaccurate and Dorje Shugden oracles prophecy has been accurate. Nechung oracle’s advise even cause the death of the 13th Dalai Lama. This shows that one should not rely on Nechung.
Nechung oracle takes trance outside the monastery and it is clearly stated that Pehar was a powerful spirit from Persia. Dorje Shugden oracle takes trance inside the monastery showing Dorje Shugden is enlightened. If Dorje Shugden is enlightened how can he be a mere spirit and to be disparaged?
How can a spirit arise from an attained monk and tantric master? If that is the case, it will prove that the Buddha was wrong. If a spirit, albeit a very powerful one can be subdued by Guru Rinpoche, couldn’t a mere spirit be subdued too? This proves that Dorje Shugden is not a mere spirit.
Beside, it is stated that Nechung played a significant part in the arising of Dorje Shugden. That means they do work together for the Dharma and benefit of sentient being and that there is no feud.
This might just prove Rene Nebesky Wojkowitz’s research right in that Nechung will be retiring and that Dorje Shugden will take over as state Dharma Protector of Tibet.
If all the while this had been a play of good vs evil between Nechung and DS to expand more and more dharma teaching in this degenerate time, what is the consequence when the ban is lifted?. Have we reached the scale where we can now pull the plug off of this play. Are we better off or worst off without the ban?.
By reading the article on Pehar’s origins, we can see that the negativity started when fierce native spirits and gods were worshipped in the past. Pehar has prophesied that the Tibetans will be able to return to their homeland many times, but the prophecies were simply unreliable. But why aren’t the Tibetans able to return to their homeland? With the most common understanding of karma, it is possible that the Tibetans’ negative karma does not allow them to return nor gain back their home. The Tibetans have always believed in the Dalai Lama’s teachings and advises, but they are merely forgetting about the fact that the Dalai Lama receives majority of the prophecies from a spirit who was once fierce and impure. By blindly following the advice of a spirit, whose prophecies are unreliable, the Tibetans are hence creating more bad karma for themselves, such as creating or bringing harm to the dharma by harming other dharma practitioners of Dorje Shugden mentally and physically. If Pehar was a pure spirit seeking to help with the spread of the dharma, why would he convince the Dalai Lama to look down or to discriminate Dorje Shugden practitioners? Why are the prophecies unreliable? With much said, we should always look up on the history or origin of a topic or subject before making accusations. As practitioners of buddhism, we should keep in mind how our own karma prevents us from getting back on the right track, and with that, keep on open mind to see how the past relates to the present.
After 5 days continuous discussion on this article, I had learned alot from about who Nechung is, and how Nechung had shaped the current Dorje Shugden practice. Although Nechung maybe an oatbound worldly Protector, but he is no ordinary protector.
Below are 5 points I had gether from this article:
1) Although Nechung is an oat-bound dharma protector, but he manifest in 5 forms of Body, Speech and Mind, activity, and qualities.
he Principal Forms of Pehar Gyalpo are as follows:
King of Body – Monbu Putra (rides on a blue lion)
King of Speech – Dra Lha Kye Chigbu (rides on a mule)
King of Mind – Gya Jin (rides on an elephant)
King of Qualities – Shing Cha Chen (rides on a zombie, or a horse)
King of Activities – Pehar (rides on a white lion)
The form that takes trance of the Nechung Oracle is the emanation of the speech aspect, Dra Lha Kye Chigbu, also known as Dorje Dragden.
2)The accuracy, the prophecy and also the quality of Nechung Oracle is not reliable, and even at many times the previous Nechung Oracle given wrong advice to the Dalai Lama, and even prescribed wrong medication that almost cause the death of 13th Dalai Lama. Second of example of the advice which does not benefit the Tibetan and Dalai Lama is when Nechung in trance gave catastrophic advice to the 13th Dalai Lama that he should attack the British army under Colonel Younghusband which led to a massacre of over 600 Tibetan soldiers
3) Although Nechung is the official State oracle, but dealing with Pehar is rather difficult as Pehar has its like and dislike, this behavior matches a worldly being that is attached in Samsara.
4) Nechung plays an important role is the emergence of Dorje Shugden, when he asked Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen to arise as an uncommon Protector, and which follows the reincarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, who then arose as Dorje Shugden with the help of Nechung who had created the condition for TDG to become an uncommon Protector to protect the Middle Way View of Nagajurna.
5) From the sign that is evident where Nechung giving inaccurate and unreliable prophecies and advice, not talking during trance shows Nechung is slowly preparing himself for Enligtenment. Yet on the other hand, Dorje Shugden oracle is sought after for His accuracy in giving advice and prophecies. And Dorje Shugden will the replace Nechung as Chief Dharma Protector.
Thank you,
Frederick Law
Dear Frederick,
I enjoyed your comments very much. Thank you.
Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche has said that Pehar is actually enlightened and yet we see Pehar/Nechung manifesting so many grave errors. These are significant contradictions.
The only way to reconcile these contradictions is to share the view that Tsem Rinpoche has always stood by, that is, these are all parts of an illusive drama being played out, and in the bigger picture, both Nechung and the Dalai Lama are working hand in hand with Dorje Shugden to propagate the Dharma.
There is after all no set rule as to how the Dharma should be propagated. When we look at all the spectacle and melodrama of the past twenty years, we see also how the lineage of Dorje Shugden and hence Lama Tsongkhapa has been spread riding on the back on the controversy.
First of all, this is really an important article that Dorje Shugden practitioners of trying times should read and understand. It provides the background on Dharma Protector, the ranks of Dharma Protector, as well as their relationship with the secular State governance.
Secondly, and more importantly, this article draws parallel between Nechung and Dorje Shugden, which allow us to realize how lucky we are through the blessing of our Lama to be able to rely on enlightened Dharmapala, Dorje Shugden.
I would like to share the few points that stood out to me:
1. Dharma Protector’s role is to protect the Buddha’s teachings and its religious institutions against adversaries, to preserve the integrity of its teachings. It will also provide conducive circumstances and methods for practitioners to overcome inner enemies, negative emotions and outer difficulties.
2. In our belief, Dharmapala are divided into 2 groups: a) supramundane protectors; who are usually emanations of enlightened beings and are beyond the six-realms of existence, naturally they are higher ranking than those of mundane nature. And, b) mundane protectors; who are resides within the six-realms of existence.
3. Supramundane protector can appear in 2 forms: a) supramundane form such as Kalarupa, Palden Lhamo, Mahakala, and b) those who manifest in mundane forms like Setrap, Kache Marpo and Dorje Shugden.
4. Pehar Gyalpo was originally from ancient Persia, he was bound by an oath to protect Tibetan Buddhism by Guru Rinpoche together with various other spirits. Pehar Gyalpo was installed as the guardian of the first Buddhist monastery in Tibet, Samye monastery.
5. Dorje Dragden is Pehar’s main minister, and through him Pehar began to communicate with the Tibetan government and its subjects through a medium who became known as the Nechung Oracle.
6. Nechung Oracle is the State Oracles to the Tibetan government. Since the 16th century, State Oracles like Nechung have served as advisors to the Dalai Lamas and provided counsel on important decisions, especially those that concerned national security or religious expansion.
7. Nechung Oracle has a track record of inaccurate predictions and there is a general belief that the trances by the Nechung Oracle are not really of Pehar Gyalpo or that Pehar Gyalpo’s pronouncements cannot be relied upon.
8. René de Nebesky-Wojkowitz in his book Oracles and Demons of Tibet gave a clear indication that Pehar Gyalpo, through his many centuries of serving HHDL, he will achieve full enlightenment no longer stand as the chief of worldly Dharma Protectors. When he step downDorje Shugden will then take over his role, rising to be the next great protector of our time and the ‘chief Dharmapala of Tibet’ which means that he will be the most prominent Buddhist protector of the Tibetan Buddhist lineages.
As such, all thies feud that was created for Dorje Shugden is really unnecessary. We should take a step back and realize that Dorje Shugden has become extremely popular the world over despite the controversy. As the Dalai Lama bans Dorje Shugden, he is still being worshipped in centers worldwide and especially growing in China. It could be true that Nechung and Dorje Shugden are working hand-in-hand for the sole purpose to protect the Dharma, especially the special teachings of Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage.
Thank you very much Rinpoche and Pastor Adeline for bringing this important piece of teaching to us in an organized and easy to understand manner.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
The difference between an unenlightened and enlightened Dharma Protector is the former is a Buddha whereas the latter is not.Dharma Protectors are much relied upon in the past.Nechung is a worldly being oath-bound by Guru Rinpoche to protect the Dharma.Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being as He is the emanation of Buddha Manjushri. Nechung was enthrone as state oracle by the 5th Dalai Lama and act primarily in service to the Tibetan Government.Pronunciations and prophecies of Nechung oracle are unreliable and inaccurate, on the other hand Dorje Shugden oracles are sought after for their reputation are intact.Although Nechung is unenlightened,he has kept his promise to Guru Rinpoche for 1,300 years.It is amazing how enlightened minds work as they compliment each another in protecting the Dharma and it’s practitioners. May Nechung be enlightened and Dorje Shugden’s practice flourish to benefit many. Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor Adeline for this interesting article.
乃琼护法被认为是四大护法之一,其馀三大护法分别为拉穆寺的拉穆护法、噶东寺的噶东护法、桑耶寺的桑耶护法。[3]清朝时,拉穆护法在寻访活佛的转世灵童过程中起主要作用。[4]担任乃琼护法的神谕喇嘛,居住在乃琼寺中,以转世的方式代代传承,和活佛相似。乃琼寺的名字中, “乃”即汉语 “地方”, “琼”即汉语 “小”。故乃琼寺指哲蚌寺所属的 “小地方”。
现在我正在读着詹仁波切博客近期的帖文“Nechung-The Retiring Devil in Tibet ”,这篇文章分成几个不同主题去探讨乃琼与多杰雄登两大护法的渊缘。由于才学疏浅,只能与大家分享片面的见解, 如果我们耐心地把该篇文章读完,肯定让我们对护法和神谕的概念加深,并且更了解两大护法之间的关係,以及形成禁令的缘由。用心地去看和明白个中內容才不会辜负上师詹仁波切和作者们所付出的心血。
Within the Tibetan Buddhist traditions, the main purpose of an oracle is to provide a direct connection with the protector dieties in order to receive blessings and prophetic advice, as said in the Article. The history of Tibet’s tradition of oracles traces back to before the arrival of Buddhism. As said, the tradition of communication between the Gods and humans in Tibet is virtually still practiced up to this day. There were hundreds of oracles in Tibet and Himalayan highlands originally, but overtime the oracles had become fewer. A Tibetan oracle engages in specific medictations to purify their psychic channels to gain control of the chakras, and then seal them, so only specific protector beings can enter in order to take control of the oracle. State oracles like those of Nechung as they are so called, they act primarily in service to the Tibetan Government; for instance like those searching for the rebirth of the Dalai Lamas. Inspite of holding the respected position of the state oracle, it is said that the success of an oracle’s reputation depends in his or her efficacy at times of personal and public crisis. Life in the case of how Dharma protector, Dorje Shugden has helped The Dalai Lama’s escape to take exile in India to save his life, is an immemorable classic example to take and to follow! The Dalai Lama had made good his escape to India safely, after a 15 day journey on foot from Lhasa, over the Himalayan mountains, protected by Dorje Shugden through-out the said journey, following Dorje Shugden Prophetical instructions explicitly! However, as from the exact words from the blog article, “There is absolutely no conflict between these two Protector dieties, as they compliment each other in protecting the Dalai Lama and the practitioners. The Ban of Dorje Shugden is unneccessary and illogical”. Therefore, the preservation of the Dharma is most virtual and essential, and has to be achieved at all cost for the benefits of all beings. The ban of Dorje Shugden should be removed immediately for the sake of all beings. Om Mani Padme Hung.
谢谢仁波切`分享这篇文章让我更了解乃穷和多杰雄登护法的分别,也了解到乃穷在西藏已经有1300 多年历史。而且我终于知道乃穷是入世间护法而多杰雄登乃是出世间护法,就连祂们降神时都会有入世和出世的分别。 例如入世的降神是坐在椅子上,接受蕙供是以剑接受,向高僧献卡达,降神时面向佛像或法座。而出世的护法刚好相反。总而言之护法是守护教诲而化现也是帮助我们在修持路上的明灯。
Unlike Pehar who is unenlightened Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being who manifests as a world protector.
You may not know this put Dorje Shugden CAN MANIFEST at this moment as your YIDAM. At it takes is a formal request from a sincere student to a highly realized lama or to a Dorje Shugden Oracle. They can then create an empowerment and sadhana practice for all of us to practice Dorje Shugden as our YIDAM.
In Pastor Patel’s youtube video of “Dorje Shugden and the Tradition of Oracles” the Pastor tells us of when a Dorje Shugden Oracle while in trance created the “Dorje Shugden Dice Divination”. This divination method was taught to Tsem Rinpoche who uses it as his method of divination.
Either the Panglung Kuten or the Gameng Kuten could be asked by His Eminence Tsem Tulku to create the wang and sadhana for the Dorje Shugden Yidam practice. Imagine Tsem Tulku, Trijang Rinpoche, Zasep Rinpoche, Ganchen Rinpoche the Panglung Tulku etc, etc performing these ceremonies around the world and granting us the Dorje Shugden Yidam practice.
There are many Dharma protectors in Tibet. Nechung is just one of them. During Lama Tsongkhapa time, Duldzin Dragpa Gyaltsen was requested by Nechung himself to become a Dharma protector to protect Lama Tsongkhapa teaching. It was during Trülku Drakpa Gyeltsen time that Nechung reminded him of his promise. Nechung even made up the situation for Him to have the wrath to reborn as a Dharma protector Dorje Shugden. If Dorje Shugden is a demon, is that mean Nechung requested TDG to become a demon? Then how can HHDL make Nechung the state protector? Why is HHDL still trust him? What’s the real story behind all this? Political issues? What was the damages that Dorje Shugden created for Dalai Lama and Tibet after all?
Dear Rinpoche,
Today we had continued our blog discussion and these are the points that i had learnt that stood out most to me.
1. The 5th Dalai Lama started to be involved in politic when he formed Gaeden Podrang.
2. It was the 5th Dalai Lama who enthroned Nechung oracle as the state oracle for Tibet.
3. Nechung oracle had on a few occasions given unaccurate advices which caused the Lamas to not seek and trust his advice.
4. Nechung oracle is not hereditary unlike Dorje Shugden’s oracle. Most of the Nechung oracle are monks and have no family member to pass the ability to take trance to.
5.The Oracle regalia is extremely heavy which a normal human being could not move with it easily. This proves that there must be some powerful forces that is residing in the oracle when he can move like normal with all those weight on the head and body.
This is a superb illustration how if we do not study and analyse the origins of both Nechung and Dorje Shugden, we can easily fall into the propaganda of CTA that how Nechung is to be absolute for the Getup tradition being the appointed state oracle. And Dorje Shugden is a demon and spirit.
Without doubt, Nechung is a pehar, subdued by Guru Rinpoche to protect the Dharma in Tibet and as such is a mundane protector. However, it was also Nechung who appeared to Dultzin Dragpa Gyeltsen to be a Protector of Tsongkapa’s doctrine and later reminded Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsun to manifest as Protector Dorje Shugden. This will definitely confirm that these 2 protectors are aligned to be a protector of the Dharma.
What impacts me the most is the legacy of the changing of the Guards which I believe that Nechung will be enlightened and the time for Dorje Shugden arises.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor Adeline for this very interesting article.
Thank you Pastor Adeline and the writers for the research on the Tibetan state protector Nechung and in relation to Dorje Shugden. You guys must have spent countless hours and days to come out with this article. I felt that this is a wealth of information presented in an easy manner for us to digest. Futhermore the article is written in neutral tone allowing whoever who wants to know about protectors to decide for themselves.
As one read in the article protectors in Tibet are very much relied on in the past. One may think whether protectors can assist us in this modern technological world? I think they do so after coming contact with protectors. Our material wealth and comfort have increased tremendously but the distractions increase many folds as well, distractions become obstacles for spiritutal growth. As I learn more I come to understand why protectors are so effective.
Thank you Rinpoche and the writers team. This is one of the must read article.
My opinion after read through this article about Nechung protector, did not bring me too much interested about him. Although Nechung is state protector of Tibet. First of all he show who is it as unenlightened protector quality when he take trance through his oracle. Nechung oracle has given inaccurate prophecies on a number of occasions, including those pertaining to the health of the 13th Dalai Lama, the British Younghusband expedition, the returning of Tibetans in exile to Tibet, etc.
Secondly showing not respect to another high lama such Kyebje Ling Rinpoche representative to consult Nechung oracle unlike Dorje Shugden oracle.
In comparison Nechung and Dorje Shugden protector, Dorje Shugden through Panglung Oracle is well known to have given accurate prophecies including those relating to the escape of the 14th Dalai Lama to India from Tibet saving H.H. Dalai Lama and others life. Having said that, His Holiness has instructed ban Dorje Shugden practice these day, but it did not stop people having faith toward enlighten protector Dorje Shugden has show many kindness and help benefit many people at the past and future.
So many doubts and controversy shroud Dharma practice these days. From Nechung to Dorje Shugden and from Dalai Lama to Trijang Rinpoche. It is sad to say that all the volatility stem from our minds. If we recognize that, we may not cause so much harm and impute all our judgements and expectations on these beings who are devoted to the dharma.
Nechung orchestrated the manifestation of Dorje Shugden in the lifetime of Dultzin dragpa gyeltsen. However he is also recorded to have caused the premature death of the 13th Dalai Lama. So, is Nechung good or bad? I think this boils down to how we react to him. Similarly, is Dorje Shugden good or bad depend on the motivation in which we propitiation him. Rinpoche once said that if we pray to a stone with pure and sincere motivation and view that it is Manjushri, through the motivation, the stone becomes Manjushri simply from the energy we put into it and invoke upon it. I see this to also apply to people. A person can be your worst enemy but if you see this difficult person as an opportunity to learn and develop tolerance, an enemy become a supreme teacher as illustrated in the 8 verses of mind transformation.
On the basis of impermanence, there is a time and place and role for all. Instead of attacking and judging, perhaps we should be calm and clear to reflect on what lesson is there to learn for us to protect and preserve the dharma during this age of degeneration.
By the comparison we have here between Dharma Protectors, Nechung and Dorje Shugden. It can be confirmed that, Dorje Shugden is more powerful as a Dharma Protector compared to Nechung, as he had gained enlightenment. Dorje Shugden’s prophecies are always accurate compared to Nechung. To be called a demon or evil spirits, I don’t see Dorje Shugden is one due to his efforts of protecting Dharma which has benefited all sentient beings long long ago and until now still.
May the practice of the great Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden be recognised and continue to be flourish, which will definitely benefit more and more sentient beings.
May the ban of the great Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden, be lifted.
To me the informations stated in the “Nechung and Dorje Shugden” section offers the closest explaination to the situation of the ban of Dorje Shugden and the inaccurate events of Nechung’s prophecies. Why are all these events happened as such is very hard to explain to us as it was stated in the Lam Rim that only an enlightened being can see through the karma of sentient being. Perhap our negative karma are so heavy that we have to go through all these obstacles for a powerful Dharma Protector to arise and help us. Whatever reason is, the fact is still remain that Dorje Shugden cannot be destroy as a “demon” because He is not a demon. If the power of Enlightened Buddha cannot subdue or destroy a demon for more than 400 years, then what will be the purpose of us taking refuge in the 3 Jewels?
“One reason for the contradiction in Nechung’s statements about Dorje Shugden could be the fact that Nechung is actually working hand-in-hand with the Dalai Lama on a higher cause to push Dorje Shugden’s practice out into the world. As the Dalai Lama bans Dorje Shugden, the practice still continues to grow all over the world and especially in China.”
I have read and heard from different sources that Nechung gives wrong advice but after reading the above post, I think its clearer now. “Working hand in hand.”
It does make sense when I think deeper. After all, it was prophesied that the day Nechung becomes Enlightened, Dorje Shugden will arise as the next great Dharma protector. So, if Nechung is going to be Enlightened, which means he should have some attainments by now, how can he harm people especially the Dalai Lamas. And if he did do it on purpose, why would they still consult him and ask for answers. If he is meant to protect the Dharma, this doesnt make sense. I enjoyed reading this post and having more understanding. Thank you for your hard work.
There are great many cultures that used to be common in ancient civilization that have become rare or completely extinct over time. Modernization is not without sacrifice. In the name of development we have “sacrificed” nature, earth resources, morality, spirituality and cultural identity. Changes are sometimes necessary and often inevitable.
Knowing the history and origin of oracle help give credence and understanding to the practice, something once common to our forefathers but viewed as ritualistic or superstitious in the modern era.
The relationship between Nechung and Dorje Shugden that I find very interesting.
1. Pehar was original installed at Samye monastery that was established by King Trisong Detsen who is one of Dorje Shugden’s previous incarnation.
2. It was Nechung who appeared and request Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen to take on the role of a Dharma Protector.
3. Again it was Nechung who reminded Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen about his promise to arise as a Dharma Protector and assisted in the process.
4. The prophecy of the Changing of the Guardians – when Nechung attains enlightenment and ‘leaves’, unlocking the southern gate for Dorje Shugden to enter.
It appeared that this unenlightened dharma protector Nechung is paving the way for the enlightened dharma protector Dorje Shugden. If Dorje Shugden is a demon, why did Nechung did all the above when he was oath bound by Guru Rinpoche to protect Tibetan Buddhism. It is also illogical for Nechung to attain enlightenment and stepping down as the chief of Protectors, only to open the door for a demon to take his place. The more logical explanation is that Nechung and Dorje Shugden are working hand-in-hand for the sole purpose to protect the Dharma.
It is indeed a rare opportunity to witness in person when an oracle takes trance of a dharma protector. Members and friends of Kechara had the great honour to see and experience the first trance in Kechara Forest Retreat on June 21, 2015. The renown oracle, the 6th Panglung Kuten, took trance of Dorje Shugden who blessed everyone present, gave prophecies, answered important questions, and gave a dharma talk. This clearly shows the enlightened nature of Dorje Shugden. Another clear indication was the historical account during the time of the Fifth Dalai Lama, when several high lamas tried in vain to bind or subjugate Dorje Shugden.
More at:
1。 在杜固扎巴坚赞还未化身雄登之前,乃穹护法降身提醒他的前世的承诺,即化身位保护宗喀巴大师中观道的护法。乃穹还显现特别的状况让杜固扎巴坚赞化身为多杰雄登。过后乃穹护法却降身指出多杰雄登是邪灵。
所以我更相信所有所发生的是走向更崇高的目标, 让更多人认识及了解多杰雄登护法。
1。 在杜固扎巴坚赞还未化身雄登之前,乃穹护法降身提醒他的前世的承诺,即化身位保护宗喀巴大师中观道的护法。乃穹还显现特别的状况让杜固扎巴坚赞化身为多杰雄登。过后乃穹护法却降身指出多杰雄登是邪灵。
所以我更相信所有所发生的是走向更崇高的目标- 让更多人认识及了解多杰雄登护法。
感恩上师分享的这篇文章,让我进一步了解Nec hung 护法与多杰雄登护法有许多共同之处外但又有一些不一样,相同之处 ~ 例如 :同样都是为守护佛法而成护法,也是有五个化现 (跟多杰雄登很類似)不同之处是 Nechung 原本是土神灵,被莲花生大士降服了而成为护法,而多杰雄登却是一位高僧为了信受承諾守护宗喀巴大师的教誨而化现,而 Nechung 是入世间护法,多杰雄登是出世间护法,已脱離六道輪迴,更何况祂也是文殊菩萨的化身之一,除了守护佛法,也为世人带来希望与帮助。未来的世界会更混亂,人心迷失,物慾至上,我们確是非常需要一位护法守护身边,为我们指引走上正途、不至於迷失本性!愿「雄登」禁令速速解除,造福世人。
Dear Rinpoche ,
We had a discussion on this topic today and we only managed to do it half way because of time constraints. This is the five things that I had learnt that stood out most to me.
1. Nechung is a worldy spirit known as Pehar Gyalpo which was subdued by Guru Rinpoche to serve Buddha Dharma.
2. Nechung has 5 forms that represents his body, speech, mind, activity and qualities.
3. In the full oracle regalia, there is a ring that stores the mind of the oracle when Nechung enters into his body.
4. The form of Nechung that enters the oracle is the speech form which rides on a mule.
5. Nechung had played a very important role in the Tibetan government by giving advises on important state matters and also locating Dalai Lama’s reincarnation.
Hello Beng,
Thank you for your reply below on the validity of the Gadong Oracle. I should point out that the most recent Gadong Oracle was officially recognized on July 25,1987 by the 14th Dalai Lama. This was roughly 9 years before the ban on Dorje Shugden and yet the Gadong Oracle never spoke once while in trance. You claim that he never spoke in trance from 1987 until his death in 2015 for fear of being FIRED AS A STATE ORACLE for speaking out against the Dalai Lama and his CTA. It would not be the Oracle speaking out against them by the deity “Shinjachin”. If he was truly in trance he would be unaware of what was going on and would only find out about Shinjachen’s proclamations after he awoke from his trance. But the question I put forward was HOW could he be declared to be the Gadong Oracle when any simple test would have shown that he was incapable of going into trance and having “SHINJACHEN” SPEAK THOROUGH HIM WHILE IN TRANCE. Why had the 14th Dalai Lama chosen someone as the 2nd highest State Oracle when that person was a total failure as an Oracle. Also how could the 14th Dalai Lama chosen the late Lamo Tsangpa Oracle the third highest State Oracle in 1986 when he too could not speak in trance in 1986. The 14 Dalai Lama choice of TWO State Oracles who could not speak in trance when he first proclaimed them as State Oracles is a most serious question.
Thank you Pastor Adeline and team for the wealth of information and facts in this article about Nechung and the interplay with Dorje Shugden. Whilst I believe the focus of the article is more to deepen understanding about both protectors, but upon reading the facts stated, one can’t help but to see how politics has deeply infiltrated spiritual matters. Take for example the inconsistency with the ban on Dorje Shugden practice. Dorje Shugden is banned on the basis that it is an unenlightened “spirit” but we see heavy reliance on Nechung (generally accepted to be unenlightened too) by Dalai Lama and CTA on national matters impacting so many lives. Why is one outright banned whilst the other continues to receive so much care, attention and chances from the Dalai Lama and CTA? The Dalai Lama has even gone on record about his issues with dealing the “unstable” Nechung but yet the consultation continues. And the consultations still continue despite so many wrong predictions. On the other hand, Dorje Shugden who has not harmed anyone in any way and has a clean record of accurate predictions thus far, is being “stamped out” by the very people who benefited from Dorje Shudgen’s advice. As if it is not puzzling enough for a government to only take action upon consultation or divination in this day and age, the continuous reliance on something that is proving to be quite unreliable and doesn’t appear to serve its purpose, is just plain bizarre…unless one takes into account that there are hidden agendas at play.
This is a very important read because the Nechung and the State Oracles are central to the Tibetan religious and political decision making process. So much faith is placed upon their every single world and their prophecies are quoted as the basis for questionable and unpopular policies.
Yet, how many people really know that the Nechung State Oracle has been giving inaccurate advice that has resulted in the death of the 13th Dalai Lama and would have caused the death of the 14th Dalai Lama? How many people know that the Tenma Oracle Khandro-la has given inaccurate prophecies that pander to H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama’s wishes? The same can also be said for the Gadong oracle yet it remains a fact that the State Oracles are held in extremely high regard despite taking trances of unelightened beings in whom we cannot take refuge.
I enjoyed reading this article as it left me with more information to make an informed and educated conclusion regarding the messy Dalai Lama-Dorje Shugden affair from the perspective of the worldly protector Nechung who was the first to give the advice that Dorje Shugden practice was harmful. If we are going to believe a worldly spirit over an enlightened being, what is the world coming to?
Thanks a lot Pastor Adeline for this post. It give a great explanation about Dharma protector. It’s important for us to understand the different between enlightened and non enlightened dharma protector. In this case between Nechung (non-enlightened protector) which was subdued by Guru Rinpoche and bound by an oath to protect Tibetan Buddhism and Dorje Shugden arose as a protector after the untimely demise of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen.
For me this is a very important point that most of the people claiming Dorje Shugden as a spirit and would rather just believe in Nechung. From the fact that if Dorje Shugden is a spirit why Mindroling Lama unable to subdue him and make him a protector just like Nechung. For obvious reason Dorje Shugden must be enlightened himself, therefore he cannot be subdued by rituals as the power of a Buddha cannot be used against another Buddha, as they are of the same and equal state which is complete enlightenment.
There are lot more facts that table out in this articles that worth for many people out there read to understand about Nechung and Dorje Shugden as a protector.
There is no competition between these 2 protector as Nechung as spirit before which being subdued and bound by oath to protect Tibetan Buddhism and the arose of Dorje Shugden which is to protect the teaching of Lama Tsongkhapa which in general both are protecting the Buddha dharma. What important is we learn about them and follow what our Lama advice.
Dear Nicholas,
I also have the same thought about the statement that you mentioned on the importance of to understand the different between enlightened and non enlightened dharma protector. In this case between Nechung (non-enlightened protector) which was subdued by Guru Rinpoche and bound by an oath to protect Tibetan Buddhism and Dorje Shugden arose as a protector a protector of Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings. Both protectors have similar objective, as Dorje Shugdne have a specific function to protect a ‘precious teachings – Lama Tsongkhapa’s ‘ as this practice will benefits all levels of practitioner, (or worldwide) as this teachings is the most simple, easiest prayers for the modern times (this era of degenerate times), as for Nechung, his objective is looking at internal/domestic times in Tibet. As mentioned, both are protecting the Buddha Dharma but at a different scope and level. So, why is Dorje Shugden practice is ban not Nechung?
Dear Doreen,
From my opinion, as you have said Lama Tsongkhapa’s teaching is the most simple, easiest prayers for the modern times at this era of degenerate times. This may be what Nechung saw during the time when he ask Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen to be the Protector of the uncommon Gaden lineage to protect this teaching ‘particularly’ as it will help many people in future.
In this case the answer will be similar to the No. 5 of the Question and Answer from this article. Due to the important of Lama Tsongkhapa teaching that able to help the people at this time, Dorje Shugden practice is crucial as a Protector. As the Dalai Lama bans Dorje Shugden is for a higher cause to push Dorje Shugden’s practice out into the world and continues to grow all over the world.
Thank you Pastor Adeline and the team for this well written research on Nechung and its implication on the surrounding controversy on the ban of Dorje Shugden.
After reading it, everything seems very clear to me – why the falsely given divinations by Nechung, accusation made on Dorje Sudden by Nechung and etc, the divine play had been so well orchestrated for Dorje Shugden to arise as the Dharma protector/ world peace protector of our degenerate time, and for the practice of DS to be widely spread throughout the world.
Undoubtedly, after HH the 14th Dalai Lama has officially ban the practice of DS, protector Lord Dorje Shugden has become more well known than before. But at the same time, the ban has brought so much sufferings to practitioners. So much harms have been done, please with folded hands, Your Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, please remove the ban, please grant practitioners the due right to practice Dorje Shugden openly.
Sincerely yours,
Candice Loke
Dear Candice,
Thank you for your comment.
Nechung is bound under oath by Guru Rinpoche and committed to protect the Tibetan Buddhism. Having a harmful nature, he has been doing his best to keep his promises. Despite numerous inaccurate prophecies and procurements that led to serious consequences, the Tibet Leadership continue to consult him surprisingly. Most of the Nechung oracles are known to have not done a good job, had tainted samaya and vows. On the contrary, the Panglung oracles are known to have clean samaya and hold their vows well, hence the accurate prophecies for His Holiness’ escape and more.
In the history of Tibet, apart from the Tibet Leadership and His Holiness the Dalai Lama, no other high lamas would seek advice from Nechung which reason is too obvious to be ignored. Perhaps this is part of the divine play for reasons we are unable to comprehend especially for listening to Nechung’s advice to ban the Dorje Shugden practice. I agree that this action has brought Dorje Shugden to the international stage and also the sufferings caused by the ban. Divine play is one thing, suffering is another. Suffering is real and very unnecessary for being loyal to the Guru’s advice and Protector.
The ban must be lifted and we need your support to do so!
Thank you,
Pastor Adeline
Ever since I learnt about protectors, I have always wanted to know more about Nechung as HH the 14th Dalai Lama, the world’s most recognised Buddhist figure, relies on this protector. I thank Pastor Adeline and everyone involved for this good read as many of my questions about Nechung have been addressed in this article.
I find it very interesting to note the relationship between Nechung and Dorje Shugden especially this bit – Thupten Kunchok, the Nechung Rinpoche, was also a Dorje Shugden practitioner.
The table comparing the 2 protectors is a really good idea as it made it easier for people like me to digest and understand.
Thank you.
Researching and reading about Nechung never fails to make me wonder about his true nature. There are many statements about Nechung being emanations of the 5 Dhyani Buddhas, which was mentioned in Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s text even. Then, he goes about causing a fire to break out in the monastery and thereby incurring the wrath of a lama.
Then, he goes about to Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings and had the tremendous foresight to see that his special teachings would require a protector and requested Dulzin to become this protector. Centuries later, his oracles had been established in Tibet as the state oracles and had been alternating between accurate and beneficial pronouncements and prophecies and those that are totally inaccurate and utter nonsense.
One might argue that it is not Nechung who is taking trance as there are rumors that it might be an impostor spirit, Nyatrul. Whatever it is, the credibility of the Nechung oracle is strongly in question now. How come Nechung remains the state oracle that is obvious a unreliable spirit and Dorje Shugden continues to be villainized and outlawed. On the other hand, Dorje Shugden oracles are known to be highly accurate and therefore, highly sought after.
Whatever it is, it would be interesting to see what happens to the Nechung state oracle after the time of the current Dalai Lama has come to pass. One thing is certain, the fate of the Nechung oracle is linked to the Dalai Lamas. As the importance of the Dalai Lama as a political leader wanes, so too would be the importance placed on the Nechung oracle.
This is really a great read and I now have a better understanding of Nechung. Previously I only know that he is the worldly protector that the Dalai Lama consults. Thank you Pastor Adeline for the research and in depth information on this article.
The question remains that why would the Dalai Lam continues to consult Nechung when it has proven at times the results/prophecies are not accurate and cause more harm than good? No doubt that the relationship between the Dalai Lama and Nechung goes a long way but if Nechung is inaccurate, maybe the Dalai Lama should change to use another oracle. And the CTA consults Nechung for state affairs!!! Maybe Nechung should go for early retirement so that Dorje Shugden can take over as the Great Protector of our time.
However, what I really like is that Nechung and Dorje Shugden is working hand in hand to spread the Dharma. Because of this, the Dharma is growing at an accelerated rate.
Thank you Pastor Adeline for this informative and well-researched article on the official Protector of the Tibetan government , Nechung. I do agree that Nechung and Dorje Shugden are working hand-in-hand for the sole purpose of protecting the Dharma, especially the special teachings of Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage.
This is evidenced, among other things, by the way in which Dorje Shugden arose as a Dharma Protector, upon the demise of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen , fulfilling the promise made by his previous incarnation Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen , to Nechung who had asked him to promise to arise as a Dharma Protector to protect Je Tsongkhapa’s teachings, in particular his unexcelled expounding of Nagarjuna’s view on emptiness.
Also it would appear that Nechung is working hand-in-hand with the Dalai Lama for the greater cause of the spread of Dharma via the spread of Shugden practice in China. As Glen Muller says “In recent decades the present Dalai Lama has attempted to discourage the practice, but with little success. It is as strong today as ever, if not stronger; for with the Dalai Lama discouraging it in India, the Chinese are fully promoting it in Tibet.”
The puzzle is why the Nechung oracle declared Dorje Shugden a spirit , catapulting all into this huge controversy and the ban , if the 5th Dalai Lama had already unsuccessfully tried to destroy or subjugate Shugden with a jinsek fire puja.
However, I believe the mistakes made by Nechung (even if some of them had or could have potentially fatal consequences if they had been followed – such as Nechung’s advice to HH the 14th Dalai Lama to stay on in Lhasa, when the Chinese were already invading Tibet) can be seen as his way of paving his retirement and for Dorje Shugden to take over as the Protector of this age. Dorje Shugden in trance has always given correct prophecies. A famous one was when he urged the Dalai Lama to escape from Tibet immediately and guided him and entourage and family to safety.
What I don’t understand is why the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government should continue to consult Nechung and trust his prophecies and predictions, despite all the mistakes.
One very clear evidence that Dorje Shugden is an Enlightened Protector and indeed an emanation of Manjushri is that when Dorje Shugden takes trance in his peaceful form in the Gaden oracles, he teaches various scriptures, gives transmissions and initiations. Nechung, being a mundane Protector who had arisen as a Protector, after being subjugated by Guru Rinpoche, can only give prophecies and pronouncements
Thank you very much, Pastor Adeline, for this well researched paper which highlights so much regarding Nechung, the oracular system, the history of Nechung Oracles etc. It is very informative, comprehensive and well-researched.
It is clear that there is a huge difference between Dorje Shugden and Nechung, in their clairvoyance (as Dorje Shugden is fully enlightened, and Nechung is not), and thus accuracy of advices/prediction during trance.
As the Tibetan Administration and Anti Shugden support groups continue to label Dorje Shugden as a spirit worship, it is clear that Dorje Shugden arose from the untimely demise of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, a highly accomplished lama, and it is clear from the actions when Dorje Shugden takes trance, of his “status”. Whereas, the State Oracle of Tibet, was a spirt, oath bound by Guru Rinpoche to protect Tibetan Buddhism. Therefore, before the Tibetan Leadership, Anti Shugden groups and His Holiness calls Dorje Shugden a spirit, they should infact read into the biographies and history of how these two Dharma Protectors arose, because their own state oracle, was a spirit himself.
Also, when Dorje Shugden Oracle takes trance of Dorje Shugden as compared to when the Nechung oracle takes trance, how DS is received, the Dharma talks and initiation DS gives, receiving the tsok with a Vajra & Bell, shows the enlightened nature of Dorje Shugden. So how can people still say that Dorje Shugden is a spirit when clearly, everything that DS is proves otherwise. In trance, Dorje Shugden oracle sits on a throne, while Nechung oracle sits on a chair. Additionally, lamas make offerings to Dorje Shugden, while as written in the 14th Dalai Lama’s autobiography Freedom in Exile, “There follows an interchange between Nechung and myself, where he makes ritual offerings to me. I then ask any personal questions I have for him. After replying, he returns to his stool and listens to questions put by members of the Government.”
All evidences logically show the enlightened nature of Dorje Shugden, as compared with Nechung, so it is baffling that the Tibetan Administration still relies on Nechung after his many inaccuracies, and can still insist that Dorje Shugden is a spirit.
Thank you Pastor Adeline for writing such an extensive article on Nechung Oracle. It is nice to know that in the past Nechung Oracle also practiced Dorje Shugden and there was no conflict between the two. It is sad that since 20 years ago, Dorje Shugden was accused of being a spirit and a ban was imposed on DS practice on the basis of some very weak reasons. One of the reason is that DS practice will shorten His Holiness’s life, but considering His Holiness is now 80 years old, this accusation is not true at all. Besides, if Dorje Shugden is really a spirit, why can’t a high lama or a group of high lamas subdue him just like how Guru Rinpoche subdued Nechung?
What is more interesting is according to the book , it is said that Nechung will be passing the seat to Dorje Shugden! So Dorje Shugden the enlightened protector is to take over Nechung’s job when He becomes fully enlightened. – “The southern gate (no. 1 on the diagram) is held closed in accordance with an old tradition that the chokyong Dorje Shugden is waiting at this entrance for the day to come on which he will be allowed to enter the monastery, to succeed Pehar as the chief dharmapala of Tibet…” page 445, Oracles and Demons of Tibet: The Cult and Iconography of the Tibetan Protective Deities.
It seems to be so confusing what is going on with Nechung and Dorje Shugden, but as a Dharma practitioner, we should listen and follow the instructions of our gurus. After all, all attainments come from our gurus.
Thank you Pastor Adeline and team for the very detailed explanation about Nechung the Protector. With deep respect to His Holiness The Dalai Lama, i always wonder why HH will still consult Protector Nechung even though there were glaring ‘prediction mistakes’ made in the past. I always think maybe the predictions and instructions are meant to be correct but it was not being carried out as per instructed or the mistakes were caused because of obstacles created by the students who were carrying out the students. Thank you
Thank you Pastor Adeline for such a comprehensive and yet easy to understand article. And with this information, I am able to apply while defending my lama, Tsem Rinpoche online as the information provided is back up with a lot of research and also findings.
The first thing which hit me when I read this article was Nechung is a mundane protector ie spirit which was bound by Guru Rinpoche whereas Dorje Shugden is a super mundane portector ie enlightened and yet today, Dorje Shugden is classified as a demon by many tibetan leaders/CTA. Maybe they should all read this article before coming out with more statements about Dorje Shugden.
What amazes me after reading this article is the possibilities of how both these protector are working hand in hand in spreading of the dharma. Cause that makes more sense to me more after being involved in this controversy. Whatever it is, the results & goal matters the most.
而且多杰雄登护法更是得到第11世达赖尊者与道光皇帝认证为证悟的护法,同时也得到第五世达赖尊者造下祈愿文与造下多杰雄登护法佛像,在文章中还有提到一个很有逻辑的部分是,乃穷护法乃是被莲花生大师所收伏成为护法的,那么为什么达赖尊者(观世音菩萨的化身与慈悲的力量)就不能够收伏多杰雄登成为护法呢?亦或是还有其他的原因,比如多杰雄登护法是文殊菩萨的化身,文殊菩萨与观音菩萨都是同等的,所以并没有谁收伏谁的可能性… …
Thank You
Jerry Sito 司徒
Thanks Rinpoche and Pastor Adeline for a well compilation and informative writing on Nechung.
It’s very interesting to read about how enlighten beings and Dharma protectors are working hand-in-hand, preparing a long path to preserve BuddhaDharma. With the Dorje Shugden’s ban going on and more people start questioning the logic of the ban, this might be the transition period for a bigger picture.
Salute to the great compassion actions that they have done for the betterment for the future generations, which we will be incarnated to there soon.
The Dorje Shugden’s ban must be lifted soon in order to clear the confusion and doubts, and proceed to the next stage where people appreciate true Dharma.
After a discussion with my Dharma brothers and sisters today, I found that this article also raises an important point that, Nechung created many conditions that actually it’s preparation for Dorje Shugden to reach more in the future.
The “inaccuracy” that manifested by Nechung could be a way diverting the practitioners to the enlighten protector, Dorje Shugden. If we trace back the history that how Dorje Shugden arises because of Nechung’s request, the concept of The Divine Play makes a lot of sense.
May Nechung enters enlightenment soon and can’t wait for the South Gate to open!
Wow, what an interesting conversation going on here. To me, the comparison of the two Protectors, in a side by side format is very good to help me see clearly the differences.
Moreover, the various sources of information quoted convinced me that this is not something cooked up by a single individual but are from authenticated sources.
It is clear from the accounts that Dorje Shugden had the help of Nechung to arise and that there is a close relationship between Nechung and Dorje Shugden. It is also clear that if Dorje Shugden had wanted to harm the Dalai Lama, he would have done it a very long time ago. Even if he is not a Buddha, he would have some kind of clairvoyance and seen what would be happening in a short period of less than a hundred years. As such, Dorje Shugden, if he so wanted, would not have advised the Dalai Lama to escape from Tibet much less give assistance in the process.
Thank you, Pastor Adeline and all involved in this article for sharing it with the rest of us.
Thank you Pastor Adeline and all those involved in this post for a very comprehensive blog post on Nechung. I don’t think there is another one like this out there. What I really like most is the comparison chart between Nechung and Dorje Shugden, an unenlightened and a enlightened Dharma Protector.
It is most interesting to know that Nechung who calls himself the “devil” could be subdued and made into a dharma protector yet how come Dorje Shugden could not be subdued since the Tibetan Leadership says he is a “spirit”?
It is also an interesting read about how when the time comes for Nechung to retire after collecting tremendous amounts of merit which propels him to become an “enlightened” protector, Dorje Shugden will enter through the southern gate to succeed Nechung as the Chief Dharma Protector of Tibet. If really Dorje Shugden was an evil spirit that is sectarian, then why would such accounts be prophesied and mentioned? Why then did Nechung even appeared to Duldzin asking him to manifest as a Dharma Protector to safe guard the teachings? This is the part the Tibetan Leadership purposely forgets to mentioned.
I really like this blog post and will definitely return to study up more the sections which I miss this first time reading. Excellent research, very comprehensive, and so convenient as everything we need to know about Nechung is all here.
Thank you to Pastor Adeline and the Team for this extremely informative and well-researched blog post. I have always wanted to know more about Nechung since he is so involved with the arising of the great protector Dorje Shugden but have never come across a comprehensive source of information about the practice.
This post really provides very good information about the practice of Nechung and has answered so many of my questions given the current political climate in regards to the Nechung Oracle’s pronouncements that Dorje Shugden’s practice is a malevolent one. I cannot believe, as a Dorje Shugden practitioner, that Nechung would denounce the practice of Dorje Shugden, since he was directly involved for Dorje Shugden to arise a protector.
This post really clears up questions i had by providing logical scenarios, the first that the being entering the Nechung oracle is not Dorje Dragden but a malignant spirit. To me this does not seem plausible as high lamas such as His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the other great masters who consult him, would surely recognise that this being is not Dorje Shugden. The second, and more plausible, is that Dorje Dragden is manifesting this in order to spread the practice of Dorje Shugden far and wide. In this case, what ever side is taken, either pro- or anti-Dorje Shugden, the result is the same ultimately, the practice of the holy Buddhadharma.
Pastor Patel why would you only look at the Nechung Oracle having an evil demon inside him. Why not look at the possibility that he is totally corrupt and was faking a trance.
It is well know that in the past many oracles would fake a trance in exchange for money, property or increased status.
The now deceased Lamo Tsangpa Oracle (3rd highest state oracle) did this in 1996. He twice went into trance for the Dalai Lama and the CTA and denounced Dorje Shugden. Lamo Tsangpa takes trance of Tsangpa Karpo and Tsangpa Karpo is the peaceful emanation of SETRAP. It was SETRAP who saved Dorje Shugden from death at the hands of Mindrolling Rinpoche’s fire puja. It was SETRAP that helped lead Dorje Shugden to his home with the SAKYA sect. Show how could Lamo Tsangpa in 1996 condemn Dorje Shugden when it was his wrathful emanation Setrap who saved Dorje Shugden from death. The Lamo Tsangpa Oracle did not go into a trance but only pretended to. Why would he lie to the Dalai Lama and the CTA? How about they pay his salary and have made him a Deputy Minister in the CTA. If he does not SAY what they want him to SAY he will lose his JOB FOR LIFE.
So maybe just maybe the Nechung Oracle is just as corrupt as the now deceased (2003)Lamo Tsangpa Oracle. One last point on the Lamo Tsangpa Orace and that is his Oracle lineage is a FAMILY LINEAGE PASSED FROM FATHER TO SON. Since his death in 2003 none of his four sons has been possessed by TSANGPA KARPO.
Dear Harold,
Thank you for your comment. I do accept that this could be a possibility. But there are some points to consider when thinking about this.
The first is that before the ban on Dorje Shugden’s practice nobody questioned the advice given by the Lamo Tsangpa oracle, as far as i can tell from my limited research. This would necessarily suggest that the advice given by the oracle was respected by both lamas who practiced Dorje Shugden and those who did not. In fact back then this differentiation did not exist, it was simple a cohesive group of lamas. If this was the case then it suggests that the Tsangpa oracles was indeed taking correct trance. I have not come across accounts that question the authenticity of the Tsangpo oracle from before the ban. So what i write is based on limited knowledge of this particular oracle.
Given this, according to your comment, it is plausible that the perhaps the ability of the oracle to take trance degenerated, therefore Tsangpa Karpo no longer took trance of the oracle. It is then a possibility that the Tsangpo oracle could not have been take trance of deity. If this was the case, then both our ideas could have been possible, eg. that he was taking trance of a vengeful spirit or that the trances were indeed fake. Both are possible, however i am not in a position to judge which, as i do not have enough knowledge to correct ascertain which is true, nor do i have the attainments to see directly.
As for the hereditary lineage of the Tsangpo oracle, you are right in stating that Lamo Tsangpo has not manifested another oracle as of yet. The late oracle Tsewang Namgyal, does have family but Lamo Tsangpo has not manifested in any of them yet. I have heard it said that protectors will not manifest oracles when they are unhappy with current situations amongst practitioners or if the causes to have an oracle are destroyed through inappropriate behaviours.
However it could also be that Lamo Tsangpo is waiting for the correct vessel. While the lineage has been hereditary up until this point, it is not necessary that the oracle has to manifest within this particular family lineage.
Dear Harold,
I do not fully get your point that you are trying to convey to Pastor Niral. The idea about this article is to focus on Nechung and so its not surprising that Pastor Niral spoke in the context of Nechung oracle. Anyway, what you said about the Lamo Tsangpa Oracle is interesting and indeed very sad that he spoke against Dorje Shugden. You are suggesting that it could be a corrupted trance.
I think that is very possible but then again, we might not fully understand the minds of these beings as they could be working together with the Dalai Lama on a bigger, grander scheme of things we may not fully understand. It may not necessarily be a fake trance. At this point, it is only up to speculation about what is the real reasons behind all these things. But one thing is for sure, if were to rely on oracles, it is best to rely on an oracle with a reputation to be accurate like that of Dorje Shugden.
Hello Pastor Natel,
A follow up on the questions of State Oracles and this one is on the Gadong Oracle. How does someone get declared by the 14th Dalai Lama to be the second highest State Oracle and never SPEAK in trance in 29 years?
The Gadong Oracle is the second highest State Oracle just behind the Nechung and just ahead of Lamo Tsangpa who is the third highest.
The most recent Gadong Oracle was Tenzin Wangdak who passed away on August 09, 2015. The Gadong Oracle like the Lamo Tsangpa Oracle was a family lineage of Oracles where it was passed down from father to son.
The Gadong Oracle was taken trance by the deity “Shinjachen”. Shinjachen is an emanation of the Pehar who guards the southern area of the Pehar mandala. The Nechung guards the western area.
Tenzin Wangdak’s biography is that from 1972 until 1980 he as a “Secretary” in the CTA’s Kashag. From 1980 until 1986 he was the “Assistant Secretary in the Dalai Lama’s Private Office”. Finally from 1986 until his death in 2015 he was “Official Recognized by the 14th Dalai Lama as the Gadong Oracle”.
In 29 years as the second highest State Oracle the Gadong never SPOKE WHILE IN TRANCE. Please go to youtube and type in “The Oracle-Keeper of Wisdom” and watch this documentary on the State Oracles of Tibet. At around the 29:30 minute mark you will see the Gadong Oracle speak about his total lack of ability to have Shinjachen SPEAK through him while in so called trance.
Also on youtube check out Tsem Rinpoche’s talk on “Taking Trances”. In it he tells all about what a person must do to become and “Official Oracle (Kuten). The last part of this TEST is for the Lama to watch his student take trance of the Deity and to ensure it is the Deity and not some false demon pretending to be the Deity. Only after all these tests are successfully passed does the Lama issue a sealed document declaring the person to be an Oracle.
Since the Gadong never SPOKE WHILE IN TRANCE how could any Lama let alone the 14th Dalai Lama declare this man to be a State Oracle.
Also in “The Oracle-Keeper of Wisdom” you will also see the Gadong Oracle state that the Lamo Tsangpa Oracle never spoke until 1988.
So Pastor Natel we know the Nechung was corrupted and now we see the Gadong Oracle never spoke while in so called trance. Finally the Lamo Tsangpa Oracle we now know was also corrupted. What a telling indictment of the three highest State Oracles of Tibet.
Hi Harold,
What you say about the Gadong Oracle not speaking is true. I have heard this directly from other lamas who were of the opinion that the Gadong Oracle is a true oracle. However, they have a different opinion from you as to why.
I was told that the Gadong Oracle is in fact a true and good oracle, and the reason he does not speak is because he does not want to fake answers that conform to the policies of the current Dalai Lama and Tibetan administration. Therefore, he remains silent. Yet, he actually has the ability to speak in trance and has demonstrated this fact during a trance with H.H. Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang present.
I wondered why the Gadong Oracle would not speak against the Dalai Lama and my only conclusion (based on the assumption that he is a real oracle) is that if he went against the Tibetan leadership, they would just declare him to be false and appoint another oracle in his place. So, by remaining as one of the state oracles and remaining silent, it is at least one voice out of three not speaking against Dorje Shugden,
Of course, this would imply that the other state oracles are faking their trances and giving false prophecies. I have heard this from other lamas as well. There are only 3 possible conclusions here:
1. The oracles are real but taking trance of a being with ill intentions. Therefore, incorrect pronouncements are given with the intention to create harm. In the case of the 13th Dalai Lama’s death, it would be the most likely scenario.
2. The oracles are faking their trances and giving prophecies that comply with the wishes of the Tibetan leadership in return for material rewards and recognition. This would possibly be applicable in the case of recognising the young Indian girl as an oracle, or when making predictions about the resurgence of Tibetan independence.
3. The oracles are real and taking trance of their rightful deities and are giving incorrect pronouncements as part of a higher plan to work towards a beneficial future. This may be the case in the Dorje Shugden situation since Nechung was the one who created the necessary conditions for Dorje Shugden to arise. So why would he change his mind over 300 years later?
Dorje Shugden will become the new State Oracle and Protector of Tibet when the 14th Dalai Lama dies. There will be two 15th Dalai Lamas one from Tibet and one from India. The Tibetan 15th Dalai Lama will be the true DL chosen by the Gold Urn method by the pro Dorje Shugden Chinese Goverment. The Indian DL will be anti Dorje Shugden and will continue oppressing not only followers of DS but all his people as this 14th DL continues to do. The reincarnated pro Dorje Shugden Tibetan 15th Dalai Lama will make DS the new official State Protector of Tibet. He will also enthrone a new Dorje Shugden State Oracle who will replace the Nechung Oracle. Now the Pehar will be able to retire and Dorje Shugden can now replace him. The Tibetan 15th Dalai Lama will spread the teaching of Dorje Shugden through out Tibet and the world. Imagine a future Tibet with a pro Dorje Shugen Dala Lama, a Dorje Shugden State Oracle and Dorje Shugden as the official State Protector of Tibet. All we must do now is await the death of the 14th Dalai Lama so that the new Tibetan 15th Dalai Lama may reincarnate.
Dear Harold,
Whilst I do not look forward to the passing of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, what you predicted may very well come to pass.
That Dorje Shugden will one day soon (if that day is not already here) assume the role of State Protector of Tibet, was prophesied in the old scriptures that René Nebesky-Wojkowitz reported in ‘Oracles and Demons of Tibet’. The book was published in 1956, way before the Shugden issue was politicised, and therefore we can take it that the prophesy is authentic and free of manipulation.
Whilst the book is silent on when exactly Dorje Shugden will assume that mantle, we cannot dismiss the strong possibility that that day is already overdue. Since the time of the 13th Dalai Lama, the Nechung oracle has consistently given the wrong advice – wrong re the Younhusband expedition; wrong re the 13th Dalai Lama’s medication; wrong to advise the 14th Dalai Lama to remain in Tibet in 1959 (the strong advice for the Dalai Lama to leave Tibet was given by Dorje Shugden upon consultation by Trijang Dorjechang); wrong in his numerous predictions of the Tibetan people regaining their country from China, and certainly wrong in his advice for the Tibetan people to abandon Dorje Shugden.
We can conclude from these grievous errors that either Nechung is manifesting mistakes so that the people will turn to Dorje Shugden (after all, Nechung was always an ally to Dorje Shugden) or that the Nechung oracle is taking trance of something apart from Pehar/Dorje Dragden. In any case, it is a frightening prospect for the CTA to keep resorting to ‘Nechung’ for advice and instructions.
Dear Martin, you stated two possible conclusions. The third is that the Nechung Oracle is working with the Dalai Lama and the CTA. His trances are fake and he is following their party line. The Nechung is in their employ and his rate, status, power, monastery and his position as a Deputy Minister in the CTA all flow from the CTA via the Dalai Lama.
If he does not SAY what they want him to SAY he is FIRED FROM HIS JOB FOR LIFE.
So Martin could you possible take a look as this as a possible reason for the Nechung’s actions. Power, money, position and greed are a universal motive for people to lie and cheat. Oracles are after all is said at the end of the day HUMAN after all.
Dear Harold,
Interesting speculated scenario you have there. It looks very probably that there would be 2 Dalai Lamas, one from China, Tibet and another from within the Tibetan community in India. What I wonder is if both Dalai Lamas going to be hardline about the Dorje Shugden ban. The Dalai Lama historically had exhibited various characteristics that are usually peculiar of specific incarnations and not across the board.
For example, the 5th and 13th Dalai Lama was peculiarly politically-inclined while other incarnations either passed away too young to exhibit any inclination or were renunciates. Some incarnations like the 6th who was extremely worldly and had returned his vows and sought the company of women and Tibetan beer. Then there was the 7th Dalai Lama who was a total renunciate and a total saint. So, my point is that the next Dalai Lama may not necessarily prolong this ban on Dorje Shugden as he may have other plans and inclinations. Anyway, everything is just speculation at this point but nonetheless, I am particularly fascinated with your vision of the future.
Hello Pastor David Lai
I am glad that you are “particularly fascinated with your vision of the future”. Sorry Pastor but this is not my vision of the future but that of a Kuten (Oracle) who is channelled the deity Tsiu Marpo (Kache Marpo). If he is correct then this is the future were the Tibetan 15th Dalai Lama is a follower and teacher of Dorje Shugden. Were Dorje Shugden will be the new State Oracle and the official State Protector of Tibet replacing Pehar who can now retire. If this Kuten (Oracle) is correct then both the Nechung is and Lamo Tsangpa was FAKING their trances at the behest and orders of the 14th Dalai Lama.
In any case if the Tengye ling Kuten is correct about the future 15th Dalai Lama from Tibet we will see not only the DL but also King Dorje Shugden on the THRONE IN THE POTALA.
Dear Harold,
How interesting what you just said. I have never heard of such a incredible pronouncement. I hope there will not happen because having 2 Dalai Lamas is just confusing. Anyway, I have actually never heard of a Tengyeling Kuten before. I have met with the Ladakh oracle and Panglung oracle… and I have heard of the Simla kuten, Ari Kuten and those in Tibet. Never heard of the Tengyeling Kuten. Please share pictures and information if you have any so we all come to know about this oracle. Thanks.
Hello Pastor David,
As there are presently two Domo Geshe Rinpoches and two Karmapas there will be two 15th Dalai Lamas.
Now to answer you about “I have actually never heard of a Tengyeling Kuten before”.
First please google “Tsiu Marpo “and you can yourself check on what I am about to write. First is a Master’s Thesis from the University of Florida titled “Tsiu Marpo the career of a Tibetan Protector Deity” written in 2006 by Christopher Paul Bell. It is 230 pages long and it is about Tsiu (Kache) Marpo.
Please go to page 125 and you will read “…Tengyeling monstery has a long tradition of housing the Demo (TulkU) lineage,where many of the gegents of the Dalai Lamas originated. Andre Alexander, in his catalog of Lhasa monasteries, reveals that Tsiu Marpoo has a special relationship with the lineage. The reason for this was the first Demo Konchok Jungne (15th century) had an alleged meditational experience involving Tsiu Marpo….”. Second go to The document is titled “The Role of a Tsen Khang or Protector House” and the relevant part states, “4. Tengyeling- Rinally, Tengyeling, agegency seat owned by Demo Rinpoche, contained a tsen khang for the protector Tsiu Marpo…”.
Third, also from Christopher Paul Bells Master Thesis you will also find on page 125 the following, “The Tengyeling monastery in Lhasa seems to have housed a Tsiu Marpo Oracle as well. Since it is a satellite of Samye, this is not surprising…. (Andre) explains that even the Tsiu Marpo oracle was involved in one of these campaigns. …..Tradition claims that the Tsiu Marpo Oracle supported this decision”.
Finally please go to page 144 of “Oracles and Demons of Tibet” by Rene De Nebesky-Wojkowitz. You should first notice that this book was use by your Pastor in this article and pages copied for your readser to see. It states, “Another Dharmpala of a more recent origin in the RETINUE OF DORJE SHUGDEN is the guaardian ME THAR. This god is said to be the treasurer of TENGYELING MONASTERY, which was destroyed by Troops of the Tibetan Gov’t. in 1912. The unfortunate treasurer was taken prisoner and SKINNED ALIVE. His spirit turned into a ferocious demon. Later he was subdured by and incarnate Lama, the Serkong Rinpoche…..”.
So Pastor David here are four direct examples of the connections between Dorje Shugden and Tengyeling Monastery. It’s Abbot had a direct meditational relationship with Tsiu (Kache) Marpo and he build a Protector House for him and Tsiu (Kache Marpo) took trance of the Tengyeling Kuten. Also upon the torture and murder of the Tengyeling treasurer, Me Thar. he became a demon and was subdued by the Gelugpa Tulku Serkong Rinpoche and placed in the retinue of Dorje Shugden. I asked about Me Thar on “Ask a Pastor” and also with the New Kadampa using the above reference. Then your site nor the New Kadampa knew about Me Thar and his connection to Dorje Shugden.
Finally the Tengyeling Kuten has arisen again in these times to pass on his messages to Tsem Tulku. He is only a “Hearld” a “Messenger”. It is the “message” and not the “messenger” that is important. Tsem Tulku in his youtube video “Taking Trances” stated that it not the Oracle but the deity inside the Oracle that matters. The Oracle doesn’t really have and true importance.
To easily clear up the validity of the messages of Tengyeling Kuten please ask Tsem Rinpoche to do a Dorje Shugden Dice Divination. He is a master of this method of divination but if he needs more proof he can contact either the Panglung Kuten or the Ari Kuten and ask them to go into trance and examine the predictions of the 15th Tibetan Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden.
The Tengyeling Kuten is not interested to show a public face in this matter. It is his messages that is important and nothing else.
It is his hope to see the 15th Tibetan Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden sitting together on their throne at the Potala.
The Sixth is an interesting figure. Seeing that he is a womanizer, his retainers began to have doubt. The Sixth read their mind, peed before them, and then retracted the fluid back into his secret organ. Anyway, I am leaving my post here to keep myself updated. 🙂
Hi Lester,
I’m guessing you’re referring to H.H. the 6th Dalai Lama and his mahasiddha-like actions during his lifetime? There are many tales of the 6th Dalai Lama disguising himself as a commoner and then running around Lhasa having intimate relations with various women. This caused many of the Tibetan populace to become very angry with said women for causing the 6th Dalai Lama to engage in inappropriate activities, as they could not blame the 6th Dalai Lama directly.
In one particular instance, an angry mob descended on the home of a woman who was bearing the 6th Dalai Lama’s child and proceeded to beat her and cut the unborn child out of her womb. To their horror, when they cut her open, the child was in the form of Avalokita or 1000-arm Chenresig.
It was only then that they realized their mistake and that the 6th Dalai Lama was in fact engaging in activities to create many other special beings who would benefit the population.
I know you’re not really asking about the 6th Dalai Lama but I thought I would share this story as related by H.E. Tsem Rinpoche because I personally found it very interesting and a lesson in not judging the deeds of any attained masters because we don’t have the foresight to know what they are doing to benefit us.
Thanks for sharing! ?