Paranormal Protection
Dear everyone,
I have chosen to write about this topic for Rinpoche’s blog because it fascinates me and it is something that many people are drawn to. Generally, people are afraid and yet they are strangely attracted to the paranormal.
It does not matter if you are living in the West or in the East; unseen entities are just as active in either of these places. In the West, most people doubt their existence and often consider them the result of an overactive imagination. Nevertheless, there are still many documented cases that are genuine where a real entity is afflicting a person or location without any plausible explanation. On the other hand, many people in the East continue to believe in the spirit world and follow many customs and traditions that respect and accommodate the existence of unseen beings.
In the course of researching this post, I found methods of protection that have originated from the Western ‘New Age’ approach in order to protect oneself from malevolent forces, such as aura cleansing and smudging. Please note that it is not advisable to communicate with or invoke spirits and other entities. We can never truly know their nature which may appear benevolent at first but disguise an actual malevolent motivation and sometimes once invoked, they can be very difficult to dispel or send away. So it is better not to be in contact with them altogether. I hope you enjoy this explanation and it will perhaps give you a rough idea of what to do in the event of encountering malevolent entities.
Pastor David Lai
There are many people who are naturally ‘sensitive’ to psychic attacks from unseen entities. They may be targeted because they are mildly psychic due to naturally opened chakras (centres of psychic channels in the human body) and can sense their presence, or that these entities are just active in a particular location or space.
A psychic attack is an incursion into our psychic aura that surrounds us, by an external entity that has the intention to harm. Once the negative entity has penetrated our protective aura, it can cause physical or spiritual harm. Psychic attacks can originate from living people who send malevolent ghosts, spirits, dark entities or demons with ill intention.
Our psychic aura acts like a natural shield that protects us from such negative entities. It is relatively more difficult for negative entities to penetrate a healthy and strong aura. Our aura generally changes in colour, size, shape, consistency and uniformity over time in response to the environment and other factors. Naturally, our aura is adversely affected by stress, psychological attacks, spiritual warfare, other people’s negative intentions, alcohol, drugs and afflictive emotions like jealousy, fear, hatred and so forth.
The following might be the symptoms of someone who is experiencing psychic attacks:
- A feeling of being watched
- A feeling of being touched when no one is present
- Hearing disembodied voices
- Sudden changes in personality and behaviour for no apparent reason
- A loss of self-confidence
- Irrational fear, anger or sorrow
- Sudden depression without any apparent reason
- Sudden and irrational difficulties with relationships
- Feeling you have been cut or scratched, when no one is there
- Icy cold sensation on your body
- Feeling drained or a sudden loss of energy
- Fatigue for no reason
- Memory loss and/or losing the sense of time
- Inability to think clearly or make logical decisions
- Recurring nightmares
- Imagining monsters, animals or frightening shadows
- Disturbing visions or hallucinations
- Strange recurring accidents that can seem like bad luck
- Sudden illnesses that cannot be diagnosed or explained
- Negative obsessive thought, or desire that would not go away
- Feeling of discomfort or fear in a specific room or area in your home
In the event an individual experiences one or more of these symptoms, it can be indicative of a psychic attack and an incursion into one’s aura. They can employ any of these measures to circumvent the attack and provide protection for themselves. Many of these methods can also be used as preventative measures as well.
Respect them
Just like their human counterparts, proper etiquette applies in the spirit world. If we sense the presence of an entity, we should be respectful to them. The same rule applies if we are entering a place that is haunted by an entity. Just imagine if strangers visited your home and decided to be rude. You would definitely feel irritated at the very least. The space that these spirits haunt is regarded as their home even if they are sharing it with living counterparts. Hence we should never heckle or poke fun at them, even if when we are attempting to rouse them into showing themselves because we might provoke their anger. There is no telling what harm these entities can do when provoked.
Drawing the Line
There are benign and malevolent entities. Benign entities are harmless but they are usually desperate to communicate. On the other hand, there are malevolent entities that just want to siphon your energy and wreak havoc in your life. One of the ways to deal with them is to perform regular home cleansings with sage and salt, which can be combined with prayer in accordance with one’s faith. Another way to handle them is to politely ask the entities to leave you alone and end all communications if we have previously established contact with them.
To be more specific, you have to express that they are not allowed within the vicinity of your energy field or to follow you home. You also have to tell them to stay away from your friends, family and pets and anyone else you may be connected to. You must bear in mind that these entities may not necessarily depart on your first attempt to request them to do so. Therefore, you have to be alert in the next few days upon establishing contact. What you have to look out for are erratic changes in your energy level and mood swings. It would be good to cleanse your energy field with the white light and mirror visualisation in order to protect yourself from spirits that have attached themselves to you.
House Cleansing
In reality, spiritual entities, whether benign or malevolent, seek to draw from your vital energies. Therefore, it is not advisable to allow any entities to dwell in your living space. It is best to cleanse your home from all traces of negative energies including your own on a regular basis. All living people deposit all types of energies in the space they inhabit and work. Engaging in cleansing therefore clears those locations from all of these residual negative energies.
It is advisable to cleanse your home once a week or at least fortnightly. However, you should increase the frequency if you dabble in the occult or if you live in a place that is prone to paranormal activities. You begin the cleansing process by opening all doors and windows to allow natural daylight to flood through the room. Then you burn dried sage, infusing every nook and cranny in your home with its smoke. The burning of sage is an ancient Native American tradition and it is commonly known as smudging. Most New Age stores will supply smudge sticks, which are bundles of sage and cedar. This can also be replaced with juniper incense.

A smudging ritual in process. Most New Age stores supply smudge sticks, which are bundles of sage and cedar.
Smudge sticks can be placed in a ceramic bowl or large abalone shell and lit with a wooden match. As the smudge stick catches fire, slowly blow out the flames and allow the herbs to smoulder. Then, place your hands over the smoke and ‘wash’ your hands with the smoke. Do the same with your face, ears, heart and over your head. Finally, breathe in a little of the smoke and allow some of the smoke to waft all over your body. This is followed by carrying the ceramic bowl with the smouldering herbs all over the room and property while reciting Dorje Shugden’s mantra Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha to tap into his protective energy. At this point, mentally ask the negative entity to leave.
When you are done, you can leave the ceramic bowl in a safe location to let the remaining smudge stick burn and have the smoke pervade the room. The proper way to dispose of the ashes is to leave it on the earth outside of your property. You can also bring the burning herbs to the front of your house and allow the smoke to waft out the main door for a minute or two, and then place the remaining ashes outside the doorstep to protect the entrance of the property. If you do not wish to use sage or juniper incense, clap your hands repeatedly a few times at each corner of the room while mentally requesting the entity to leave.
After completing the smudging process, you can also light candles while requesting for peace and positive energy to permeate every corner of your home. Then place a little bit of pure sea salt at the corners of each room and again at the corners outside the property to fend off negative entities. Just like the various protection talismans, the effectiveness of home cleansing rituals may vary from person to person. However, the suggested method of burning sage and scattering salt is a great way to start.

A traditional Tibetan Buddhist chakra is a protective amulet containing a piece of paper that has mantras written in a circular manner. Its energy is then activated by rituals and prayers performed by qualified Tibetan monks.
In the event of a very strong energy or entity that pervades a particular room in the house, fill a bowl with rock salt or sea salt and place a quartz crystal on top. Then place the bowl in the room and leave it there overnight. The following day, discard the salt away from the house and wash the quartz crystal under running tap water or sea salt. Finally, dry the crystal in the sun to get rid of residual negative energies.
In the Buddhist tradition, there are a plethora of prayers and rituals to propitiate the blessings and protection of the enlightened Buddhas. These prayers and rituals are called pujas. In fact, several Buddhas like Palden Lhamo, Sengdongma and Dorje Shugden are propitiated for their special protection against harmful malevolent entities. They are very effective and one can commission monks or those who are trained in the rituals to perform these pujas to alleviate the issue of malevolent entities.
You can develop additional methods on your own based on your spiritual preference and tradition. It is best not skip this cleansing process or you might find yourself living among a multitude of spirits of all kinds. They can potentially drain your energy over a period of time, and this would in turn lead to depression and health problems.

A medicine bag is a traditional North American bag like a purse containing various items of spiritual healing and protection.
Protective Talismans
In the past, most people worked with talismans in order to protect themselves from negative entities. Even today, most mediums work with talismans and other tools to protect themselves from malevolent energies and entities. This is especially important for them considering they may be in regular contact with such entities.
If you are a religious person, you can draw upon a rich tradition of religious icons and protective talismans from your faith. Therefore there are no set rules of what can and cannot be a protective talisman. The following are normally used as protective talismans:
- Crosses, religious medals of saints, holy water, Tibetan chakras and ruels
- Medicine bags filled with herbs and stones, used by indigenous people for thousands of years
- Stones, like crystals and black tourmaline, which were used to banish negativity and charge the environment with positive energy

Black tourmaline is considered by many to be the most powerful protective stone. It has been used by shamans and healers since ancient times.
White Light Visualisation
Take 5 to 10 minutes each day to complete this easy visualisation in order to protect and cleanse your aura. Begin by imagining a powerful white light surrounding your head and extending all over your body, all the way down to your feet. Then imagine this light expanding into a bubble of protection, like a force field that surrounds your body, and it moves with you as you go about your daily chores and activities.
If you are a religious person, you can imagine this protective light as an extension of a higher power. If you are not religious, it is good enough to imagine this light that surrounds you as pure, protective energy and that it is an extension of your own personal strength and ‘groundedness’. Many psychics do this visualisation in order to enhance their abilities.
In fact, positive entities are attracted to this vital energy and find comfort in it. It is said that spiritual entities cannot perceive man-made light but they can perceive candlelight and the aura of living beings. Such light however, repels negative entities. Negative beings prefer shadowy dark places, and are especially drawn to people who have a lot of fear or are depressed i.e. when their psychic aura and energy is ‘down’. These negative beings find that their strength is weakened by the positive energy that is generated during the white light visualisation.
In order to enhance the visualisation, one can visualise a layer of mirrors on top of the white light that surrounds you. The mirrors reflect energies and light back into the world, thereby repelling negative entities and bad energy. This allows you to clear the energies of the environment while protecting yourself, and prevents you from becoming drained and being afflicted by negative entities.
What You Should Not Do
You should never enter or remain in a haunted site with an angry or distraught frame of mind. Such a negative attitude will only serve to attract negativities and especially negative entities to you. They will feed off the negative energy and become more active and stronger. In dealing with malevolent entities, you should be in a positive frame of mind.
Similarly, you should not remain or enter a haunted site if you are too exhausted or you are ill. It is important to be healthy and strong to deal with negative entities; in general, the physically stronger we are, the stronger and more impenetrable our psychic aura. We should also not be intoxicated or be under the influence of any substances as they can alter our state of being emotionally and physically, which can weaken or leave us open to negative influences.
As for the haunting of any negative entities, it is best to expect the worst. You can perform all the methods explained above and they may still fail to rid of the negative entities depending on the strength of these beings, and the strength of their connection with you. When all else fails, it is best to reach out to a psychic medium, healer, priest, monk or lama if you sense that your energy field has been compromised. If you are feeling ill, it is also best to consult a medical doctor. In Kechara, you can consult the Buddhist pastors who have experience dealing with such negative entities. You can consult the pastors here or the Kechara House Front Desk here. Meanwhile, remain alert for signs of energy drain, depression or unusual paranormal activities at home. We should be alert to all these red flags to ensure that we are properly prepared to deal with negative entities that just refuse to leave you alone.
For more interesting information:
- Boo! Why Do We Love The Things That Scare Us?
- Toyols: The Child-Spirits
- Zozo – The Ouija Board Demon
- Kirlian Photography & Aura Healing – Science or Myth?
- Questions on Ghosts
- Very interesting paranormal collection!
Note: All articles published on the blog are conceptualised, approved and edited by H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche. For further assistance and any urgent enquiries, please write in to
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Looking back at this article it gave a lot of great information. Thank you Pastor David Lai, Rinpoche, and blog team.
I plan on doing a house cleansing and blessing in the next three weeks. Not that I have a really bad paranormal issue occuring, but because the home is almost 40yrs old and could do with a a fresh start and bring in some good energy and remove the old negative or stagnant energy. I plan on combining this with Dorje Shugden Shize practice. I already have sage and incense to burn along with some other herbs. Any helpful tips is always welcomed 🙂
Thank you Pastor David for the interesting write-up. This write-up is a very good article in helping me to understand what I should do when we feel that there’s negative energies that might be surrounding me (without myself realizing it). In the past, whenever I felt uneasy, ill or even had a continuous ‘bad-day’, it was easy to directly jump into conclusion that it might be the doings of the unseen beings. Unseen beings are suffering and it is also best to be able to chant mantra’s and make dedication to them so they could have a good rebirth and ease their sufferings. Therefore, knowing how to protect ourselves (through the above methods and chanting ‘ Dorje Shugden’s mantra) and at the same time making dedication to them is the most optimal.
In general, when you counter with unseen being. Is better for us do some spiritual pratice to protect yourself. People who had spiritual practice, their aura is different. Negative energy will not easy to harm you because positive spiritual energy cover you like the seal surrunding you. Such action we also generate compassion toward those being and wish one day they able to take better rebirth again . I like to follow buddhist way, not to harm them but keep them away for harming us. Keeping our vow and samaya with our guru and take refuge with thee jewels. We will be safe and protected by three jewels.
I always believe that there are many unseen being around us and I believe when our energy is negative it is easier to attract them. However like us, they are just another being in this world. We should not harm them but wish them can take a good rebirth. We have gone through countless rebirths and which we don’t know we may have created the karma to be harmed by them. To protect us for being harmed by them, we can practice protector practice and purification practice. I am fortunate that to have Dorje Shugden protector practice to protect us for this. Dorje Shugden Protector is the powerful protector of our time . OM BENZA WIKI BITTANA SOHA.
This is a very good article, as we can’t avoid that spirits, unseen beings, the invisible are always around us without our knowledge. It is very important for us to do necessary protection from being harmed by the spirits. And of course, to protect from being harmed doesn’t mean to kill them or put them in hell or what so ever that the old folks used to say in the Chinese community. To protect from being harm so that we won’t be influenced, or more seriously being controlled or possessed by them. In the same time, give them blessing, so that they can have swift human rebirth. We understand that they were once human before like all of us. Chant mantra and to tell them to seek for better help from better being, for example our Guru, Tsem Rinpoche, is the best way to keep them away, and in the same time, they get help too.
I agree with what had been mentioned in the article about respecting the unseen being. They are around us and is everywhere. We can easily offend them by not being mindful especially when we are at their place or reside area. What important is not to act negative as negative action attract negative energy and this could invite the trouble for ourselves. As a Buddhist I believe that whenever we bump into this negative energy it’s due to our karma but it doesn’t mean that we can’t do anything. In Kechara we are very fortunate to have protector practice which is Dorje Shugden to help us. This practice helps us to provide conducive condition for us to be able to do dharma work, to purify our negative karma and to collect merits. We believe that we have countless previous lives and we have collected a lot of negative karma as a resulted us in facing a lot of obstacles in our life. So it’s important for us to have protector practice to support our daily life to allow us to focus on our spiritual practice and eventually gain spiritual attainment to benefit more people and achieve enlightenment.
The best & most effective way of protection against negative energies are
1) respect
2) love
3) humility
If the world is filled with this 3 qualities, there will be no war, no lonely soul, & everyone would be happily living together.
Real protection & significant positive results do not appear in a single night, it’s accumulated by consistently making it a routine & a part of life.
The KFR (Kechara Forest Retreat) team, KSK (Kechara Soup Kitchen) team, and guests had a good discussion on this article. Our special guest was Paranormal Zone celebrity host, Phng Li Kim, who shared of what Rinpoche advised her on protection when she and her crew go filming paranormal activities at interesting locations locally and abroad. We discussed why it is very effective to chant one’s guru mantra and Dorje Shugden mantra for protection against negative energies.
This is an absolutely interesting article and I bet it will cause a lot of people thinking from now on especially for those who have been fed with the thoughts of its just us human and animals living in this world of existence. Nevertheless, the unseen beings’existence should not be looked from something haphazard to our survival but if we look deeper into the reason of their existence then we will probably no longer traumatised of their existence.
My grandma used to ask us to bathe sprinkled flower with lime cut open and it’s juice squeeze into the bathtub. According to her it is to cleanse any negative energy for example if we just came back from cemetery or a funeral. After I joined Kechara, sometimes I do burn some protector incense with incense powder. The smell and the incense smoke will get to everywhere in the house and it is good to get rid of any negative energies around the house. Mantras recited can also help to protect ourselves and the environment for any paranormal activities.
I believed existing of these unseen beings or ghost. I used to think that these beings are scary, harmful and always come attacking us. As I started to understand Busdhism more, ghost and spirits are one of the six lower realms. It was their their consciousness, attachments that holds them on to have reborn. It’s really sad and pity for these poor soul still suffering even they are formless or unseen. Therefore, to help these beings to have swift rebirth or calming them, one should practice being compassion by offering them pujas or chanting mantras to blessed them. Somehow, little act of compassion could ease their pain and lessen their harm to others.
One of the ways to purify the place, is that we can use singing bowl with chakras inside. We can go around the area producing the singing bowl sound while chanting Om Ah Hum. Singing bowl can produce energy of the sound and prayers on the bowl and it purifies negativity of that area and all beings within.
We can also do incense offering together with prayers as mentioned here and we have lots of different incense to choose from here
It is hard not to believe in the existence of beings in the formless realm, however, it is also important that we respect their existence and do not cause discomfort to these beings whom we call spirits, ghosts etc.
I have heard of many rituals that garner the energies of the formless realm beings to cause harm to one’s enemies or even to be used to protect oneself. These rituals are normally called black magic.
It is advisable if we feel any discomfort in our space, to pay respect to these beings so that they will not harm us as described in this article.
For me who believe in the existence of this formless realm, I will always to mindful with the space I am in so as to not create disharmony which may result in unpleasant consequences.
Reading through this article, I felt that I’m very lucky because as Buddhist, we will do most of the methods mentioned above. We have to do our daily prayer plus Protector prayer , we have to do visualisation such as visualising white light coming down from our crown, purifying all our negativities down to our lowest parts (details of the visualisation , ), we have to light an incense and purify the area (also visualise Protector Deity at four corners; I visualise Vaishravana, the Protector of the middle scope of Lamrim ) and then we have Buddha Statues (in my case Lama Tsongkhapa and Buddha Shakyamuni) and Dorje Shugden tsa tsa and the best of all is having our Lama’s picture ( I believe strongly that even having Rinpoche will dispel any negativities) With the continuos teachings by Rinpoche in this blog especially the essential teachings such as having compassion to all beings, to develop Bodhicitta, to benefit all beings and the constant learning and abandonment of non virtuous actions, I think we have all around protection!
Thank you Pastor David for this article.
Thank you Pastor David for sharing this article. It is very interesting and you provided a few ways to eliminate negative energy and spirits.This is a very useful article because there’s a lot of people who are experiencing spirit disturbances and have no one to turn to. Truly beneficial for anyone who needs help._/\_
I suppose negative entities and beings, can vibrate to a particular frequency, and if we can generate a frequency opposite to that it could drive those being away.
I have seen in Malaysia, people burn ‘Kemenyan’ a type of Frankincense in the compound of their houses. I suppose it is to cleanse the energy in the house. Yeah it would be good for us to ask for help if whatever we have tried does not work and perhaps even making things even worst.
Dear Rinpoche & Pastors,
I am writing this on behalf of my wife’s friend seeking urgent help and intervention to save her father.
1 month earlier her father (60+ years old) had dreams of 3 unknown men coming in a Mercedes Benz to pick him up. There was no conversation and he doesnt know who they are. This happened again and again over many nights. At that time he was still relatively healthy except for a minor heart & kidney problem.
A week later he went to see a heart doctor due to heart discomfort. After taking medication, his neck swelled up and he was admitted into the hospital for surgery. This neck swell appear out of the blue and cannot be explained. The MRI scans showed severe infection and pus building up in his neck prompting urgent surgery.
In the hospital, whenever he closed his eyes to sleep, he had visions of the 3 men again. Sometimes even in broad daylight, he can see them beside his bed. He shouted to them to drive them away (in the presense of my friend).
On 3 occassion when my friend was giving her father water to drink, he choked on water, attempted vomit, lapsed into coma and eyes turned white. At that point she frantically try to wake her father and shouted to chase the unknown away. Luckily she managed to wake her father out of this minor coma every time. This happened 3 times within the same day.
Later, doctors performed surgery on his neck, and a hole was made in his neck for his breathing. At this point he could not speak but communicates with his family by writing. He told them that he dare not sleep because he will see them in his sleep.
He only sleep when he is too exhausted.
There was an occasion, her father related that these beings tried to pull him by his leg. Her mum saw that the father was kicking something away and she cried out to drive them away also.
Also after surgery, he complained of severe heat in his head and body but there was no fever measured. The doctors could not explained anything.
At this point, exhausted by all the visitations and undetected fever, he is loosing hope to live on. He is now telling his family to bring him home to await death. I just came back from visiting him just now. He is in the Temerloh Hospital.
Dear Rinpoche & Pastors,
They have no one else to turn to – either to explain this or to save him. I was told by my husband that Rinpoche has mentioned in blog/website occasions where he have helped in these paranormal cases. I plead to you that you & Rinpoche will show compassion to her family and save him from this calamity. I really hope you will be able to contact me urgently – his life is in imminent danger.
Dear Ms. Yap,
I’m sorry to hear about the condition. I have sent you a private email, please check for further details/ information.
In general cases, I would usually recommend getting a Protector String ( for protection, as well as Protector Rice (
Protector string is commonly worn around the neck or wrist, for a continuous supply of positive energy and protection from harm. Containing the powerful energies and presence of the Dharma Protector, Protector Rice is highly sought after for its wide variety of uses, including protection, healing and positive energies. Protector rice is commonly used to relieve spiritual disturbances or to dispel negative energies in an area, especially when burned or placed over doorways. Protector rice can also be placed in water (along with other holy rilbus), imbuing the water with the same powerful potential. The water can then be used to bathe for healing, protection and blessings, especially for those with physical or mental aliments.
Thank you again for writing in and may his condition improve quickly.
Thank you Pastor David for sharing this interesting articles.
Most of us are unable to see them with one’s naked eyes. Theses spirits are also subject to birth and death. They are not going to stay permanently in the spirit form. They too exist in the same world where we live. When a person dies, they enter the intermediate Bardo state, from which they may be reborn in this world in a human or animal body or in the ghost world in a ghost body. We termed them as ghost / spirits. There are visible and invisible beings or spirits in the same way as there are visible and invisible lights. We need special instruments to see the invisible light and we need a special sense to see the invisible beings.
As example, When a person dies, karmically starts to disassociates with our mind , they enter the intermediate Bardo state for 49 days as the estimated time it takes for the spirit to be reborn again into a new life. SO it is important for us to practice death meditation. By meditating on we do not own this body, Our bad habits become easier to let go of, our feeling of hatred become less, we become less attached to all the samsaric pleasure.
When we practice death meditation every single day, at the time of death , under consciousness transference, We be able to visualize Buddha and chant mantra automatically and reminds us of virtuous activity. When we are dying we focus on dharma practice, It will open up the good karma that we have accumulated, and from here, our consciousness will leave from the crown of our head and taking a very good rebirth.
We should have compassion to spirits as they are in much suffering too. It is due to the attachment that they holding on , they have reborn in this realms which with so much sufferings. We should always dedicate prayers to them to have good rebirth and have opportunity to practice Dharma.
Thank you Pastor David for sharing this article.
It is very interesting and you provided a few ways to eliminate negative energy and spirits. I think this is useful as some may not know the methods and will always go to ‘bomoh’ once they have this type of problem. Not knowing that sometimes, it brings more negative energies that helping them.
Very interesting read appreciated
Dear David,
Thank you for your comment. How did you come to know about this blog post? 🙂
For more Paranormal posts, you can go here:
You can see a list of other articles by Pastor David Lai here:
This is a very useful article because there’s a lot of people who are experiencing spirit disturbances and have no one to turn to, this article provides the valid reasonings and solutions (AND they are extremely effective). I highly recommend everyone to purchase a Dorje Shugden chakra from, it is extremely powerful and if you have faith in the protector, you will definitely feel the difference between having and not having the chakra by your side.
Dear Pastor David,
What you wrote is very helpful coz many people whom I’ve met who have paranormal encounters are usually confused as to what protection actually works. When I had paranormal experiences before I met Rinpoche, I experimented with all kinds of protection like Taoist talisman, wearing crystals, and visualizing the white light surrounding me.
What I find most helpful is reciting prayers of Dorje Shugden and Dukkar daily and as and when I encounter a spirit. As advised by Rinpoche, whenever I encounter a spirit either recite Dorje Shugden or Dukkar’s mantra minimum 7 or 21 times, then bless the spirit by blowing at it. Have compassion towards them as they are suffering in the spirit realm and it’s out of their control due to the negative karma they’ve created. When blowing, visualize billions of tiny Dorje Shugden or Dukkar (depending on which mantra you’re reciting) from the top of our head towards the spirit, blessing it. If the spirit is benevolent it will stay calm. If the spirit is malevolent, it will disappear.
Based on my experience, if we stumble upon a place that has a paranormal presence, it’s best to leave the place immediately if we are not sure what to do.
Thank you Pastor David for this article.
The listing of symptoms is quite long and these are helpful indicators that we can use as reference when trying to determined if someone suffers from psychic attacks and provide relevant advice.
I also like that you include our attitude/ approach to deal with them, on top of the rituals or methods we can engage in (house cleansing, pujas and so on) and keeping protective talismans.
Look forward to more articles from you!
Following what Pastor David has said, for the haunting of any negative entities, it is best to expect the worst! Therefore like many kind religious practitioners have said, if there is no necessity it’s best not all to invoke, or try to engage with any of these negatities, if one does not know how to protect oneself in case of any need arising! We are indeed fortunate and should be much grateful that we have today received so many interesting and illuminating spiritual teachings from H.E. the 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche. On these buddhist dieties, we learned how to make offerings to them, with many daily sadhanas practices, coupled with the chanting of powerful mantras and prayers too! All these practices will create immense blessings as well as positive energies or “Feng Shui” as the chinese said, to all of us and our families, also for all beings whomever we inwardly wish to pray for in our hearts! As said, reciting of mantras work as a prayer in itself, and consistent recitations with deep faith helps us to lessen our negative afflictions, align our minds and protect us from any negativities too. As a given example, reciting white Tara’s mantra will invoke protection and healing! So why should we need to contact anyone of those negatities for!
Thank you Pastor Lai for the sharing.
It is very fascinating. I like to read book or article about supernatural and watch horror movies even play horror games. This kind of readings , movies and games always boost up my imagination.
I was frightened by my parents since I was very young age. They always tell me and my siblings that there is a ghost under the water in our water tank, waiting to pull us into the water to drown us. He wanted our souls! This was actually to prevent us from playing the water while we were taking our bath. There are a few types of ghosts they used to scare us to prevent us from doing for our safety. Therefore I have a rich imagination with regards to supernatural things and this had inherited to my son as he always draw haunted pictures when he was in his very young age ( 2 years old ). This habit started to change after he attended Kechara Kids Dharma Class, 3 years back. He still likes to draw but the drawing looks more positive now.
Thank you Pastor for introducing the paranormal protection. I am going to buy a juniper incense to purify and cleanse my house. Thank you very much!
With thanks,
I would like to address a few things that I found interesting about this article. But firstly I just would like to say that I loved reading it and that it was a very well written article Pastor David 🙂
Okay, on to the first thing that I found quite interesting. This was that the strength and ability of our auras change due to the stated factors above. If I’m being honest I didn’t even know that each one of us had a aura, so knowing the different factors that affect it was very interesting. Stress in particular I found interesting. I didn’t know your physical and mental well-being would affect such a spiritual aspect of your body.
Secondly was how we must always respect the spirits around us. My mum has always told me that we must respect spirits just as how we respect guests or other people. I mean, spirits were there before us. And they may not be harmful. But the last thing we need is to encourage any negative activity. I found this interesting because I could relate to this.
Lastly, I found the fact that we should always cleanse our homes interesting. This is because when I moved into my new apartment recently, there was a cleansing going on. Puja’s, prayers and blessed rice. I never knew or understood the reasoning behind this. But now I do thanks to this article. Its to basically clear all negative energy and spirits from our place of living so that we are not open to psychic attacks.
Thank you Pastor David for sharing these short, precise, easy to understand yet very useful article especially on various methods that we can use to dispel negative energy such as :
1. House Cleaning
– with natural daylight
– Burn incense
– Scatterings of sea salt
– Place quartz crystal on top of salt
– Prayer to bless the house – From my experience, i like the house blessings prayers by the Kechara Pastors or prayer team that normally by request or during the Chinese New Year Period. Special requested prayers such as Trusol are very good especially before moving into a new house or office. My friend who requested for a Trusol prayer earlier find the energy of her new office changed to very positive after the puja is done.
2. Pujas / prayers (to understand more about why the prayers are powerful:
3. Protective amulets – I use to bring along ruels when I am travelling alone or with family. Now I also wearing Dorje Shugden Pendants wherever I go to have the blessings and protections with me. 🙂
4. White light visualisation – thank you for the detailed explanation. I learn new things ie after the white light visualisation, the last part with mirror on top to reflect back the energy and light to the world.
The most important part is not to initiate contact at all with any spirits (regardless of whether we think they are good or bad) and respect them.
There is always one thing that Rinpoche stresses to us i.e. to be compassionate with spirits as they are sufferings. Even it is to request them to leave, we should request with respect. It is due to the attachment that they are staying at a certain place or attached to an objects and being exist in this realms with so much sufferings. We should always dedicate prayers to them so that they can have a good rebirth and have conducive conditions to learn and practice Dharma.
Thank you Pastor David for the sharing.
As the article suggested, when we are not in positive frame of mind or we physically and mentally not well, we are actually more vulnerable to negativities. I have observed that, when the environment we are living in or working at is messy and not cleaned for a long time, our health would be affected, not to mention our mind. From my experience, when I happen to come to certain areas that I do not feel comfortable with, I will recite OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA, and imagine I was surrounded and protected by the light in a circle, as the blessings from Protector Dorje Shugden. And it’s effective, I feel protected, fear no more just in a short while.
House cleansing or clearing is something that can be seen throughout many cultures all over the world. In fact, even within my own culture, there is a custom of waving incense smoke throughout the whole house, to clear it of negativity. There are many other examples of house clearing and protection that i have personally heard about. For example, there is also a custom of burning coffee grounds. It is said that spirits cannot stand the acrid smell, and it clears negative energies.
Coupled with prayers, which tap into the protective and loving energies of the universe, they methods can really work. For example reciting the mantra of Dorje Shugden or any other protective deity can really boost the effectiveness of whatever we do to clear our homes and spaces of negative energies and create a strong barrier against anything that might want to get in.
This is a very helpful and with the many methods shared on protection on paranormal activities. Of course the best method is still don’t dabble in the paranormal or invite the entities for whatever reasons.
With the White Light visualisation, I had read somewhere of this new age Guru who recommends that each morning as we take our shower, imagine the water from the shower as white light clearing away the darkness from our body and for our body to be filled with positive white light. Good start to the day!
I definitely would recommend reciting OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA as it works wonderfully especially when I get the unexpected chills or unreasonable fear. Or to carry a Tibetan Ruel with you as it had been proven to work. An old relative who was not very well started seeing “things” and we decided to get one to hang on the living room wall. Almost immediately the visions stop and she became better.
If you are afflicted in a serious way, do consult Kechara’s wonderful Pastors and arrange for pujas to be done. There had been so many testimonials of the effectiveness of the prayers.
Thank you Pastor David for sharing with us and I will definitely start with the incense to cleanse my house.
Thank you Pastor David for the information. What stood out to me more is the first way to be protected from paranormal attacks.
Having respect for all these unseen and formless beings is very important. People tend to not understand the importance of respecting these beings. Some may feel fun to invoke them and try to communicate with them. They don’t know the dangers of doing that and often offending these beings which normally will be followed by paranormal disturbances. When we respect these beings by acknowledging their presence and try not to offend them, usually they wont disturb us. They will disturb us usually when we offend them with our actions or words, or there is a karmic connection between them and us.
Actually come to think of it, these beings who are in the hungry ghost realms are in a worst position than us. They constantly have to endure hunger,thirst and loneliness. If we can bear that in mind and have compassion when dealing with them, we could make them go away in peace.
This is a helpful article “Paranormal Protection”. There are quite a number of protection method described here but the best would be not to dabble with the spirits in the first place, ie. seance, ouija board summoning, tarot card reading, visiting a haunted site knowingly for the thrills, etc.
I had been describing my house as a “lazy house”, so I guess its time for me to apply one of your remedies and see if it has any effects. Hmm, on the other hand, if it does, won’t that mean there was an entity in my house? Some had mentioned “Ruel” to be very powerful and effective for clearance and I had bought one for each of my children. I remember that 2 year ago when my mother in law was 96 and not doing well as she started seeing things. We bought a ruel and hanged it on a wall in the living room. Almost immediately she stopped having “visitors”. Anyone interested can visit this site :
The white light method is very interesting and I remember someone recommended doing it first thing in the morning as he showers. He would imagine the water from the shower as the white light washing his bad aura away and he is filled with white positive light. Good for starting the day off with.
On one of the remedy mentioned and which I had often heard people using…sea salt (or tea leaves with rice…Chinese custom for new house), I wonder if we leave the salt there or to wait for how long before we clear it.
I find chanting OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA to be super effective, especially when I feel sudden chills or unreasonable fear. Now Rinpoche had even kindly provided the music video of this mantra to be downloaded and we can watch or listen to it anytime. The link is here :
Thank you Pastor David.
Thank You Pastor David Lai for this beneficial article as it provides an insight into the paranormal, its nature, the dos and don’ts of dealing with the spirits and the measures available to protect oneself from harm.
Due to ignorance, a lack of knowledge or experience in handling the paranormal, one may worsen the situation than actually rectifying it. One is advised to consult the experts to handle any difficult paranormal situation.
If one has a religious belief, one should always tap into the divine for protection from harm from the spirits or malevolent forces. Tibetan Buddhists would for example go for refuge to the Guru, Yidam and Protector for protection from harm.
According to the teaching of Buddha, if one has not created the cause to be harmed, one shall receive no harm. Whatever harm one has received or shall receive is due to actions of harming others in the past whether in this life or in the past lives. Therefore one should apply methods to purify these negative karmas of being harmed by spirits or malevolent forces before they ripen.
Compassion is a virtuous mind that wishes others to be free from suffering. There is a story in the Lamrim or the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment teaching about a Tibetan monk who was protected from harm from the malevolent spirits when he had generated a mind of compassion for them!
Compassion when developed further into bodhichitta is the ultimate protection from harm as it is a selfless mind that is fearless. Bodhichitta is a mind motivated by great compassion that spontaneously seeks enlightenment to benefit all living beings. It is from compassion that Buddhas had become fully enlightened.
In conclusion, we should not harm any sentient being. Spirits will only harm us if we had harmed them in the past.
When we really think about it, there must be a lot more unseen beings than they are human beings. In fact, I would venture to guess that they are all around us and mostly minding their own business. And yet, most people are not subjects of attacks by these beings which would lead me to believe that psychic attacks are exceptions not the norm.
One consistent theme that I keep hearing is how psychic attacks happen usually when the person is feeling down or suffused with negative energy. That would mean logically mean that a positive state of mind is a natural shield to these elements that seek to harm.
Another consistent theme is to allow natural sunlight pervade our living space regularly. I don’t quite know the spiritual reasons behind the power of sunlight but it is a fact that sunlight deprivation can lead to a condition called seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which is a form of depression. Sunlight also kills bacteria and builds our immune system.
Ultimately, receiving harm from these malevolent beings are karmic. How can anything harm us unless we have created the karma to be harmed. And therefore the best protection from psychic would be purification practices or those spiritual activities that increases merits.
Some of the ways mentioned actually bears some similarity to some commonly prescribed Chinese rituals (can’t recall if those are for Feng Shui purposes or Taoist rituals) prior to moving in a new house which I have heard or seen them being carried out. In particular, the opening of all doors and windows to let light and fresh energy (“Qi”) into the house, the “declarations” at the door that you will henceforth be living there and for that any “uninvited guest” to leave, scattering of rice mixed with sea salt at the corners of the house and even the “smoking” of the entire house by walking around with incense or the traditional small charcoal cooker with burning charcoal. Of course, no proper explanation was ever given and people just do them because it is customary or due to insistence from elders. Considering that customs and rituals are derived from many influences, perhaps the concepts are the same but differs in the items used.
That being said, there is a significant difference in the treatment towards such “uninvited guest”. In other traditions, the goal appears to be the elimination of the spirits itself, hence the common methods employed to get rid of the spirits revolved around through imprisoning them in “special” contraptions or by condemning them back to their place in an eternal hell.
In Buddhism, respect and compassion are emphasised since we understand that such spirits similarly, like us, trapped in the cycle of Samsara as dictated by the laws of karma. That is why the focus is through purification of karma of the person afflicted by the spirit and the spirit itself to end the karmic link causing such suffering between the parties. One such potent practice to heal people of this type of affliction is the practice of Trakze Dorje Shugden which can be found here:
Thank you Pastor David for this informative article and it is always better to take preventative measures as we have no idea the magnitude of our karma. Personally, it is reassuring to know that I can go and seek reliable additional assistance any time from Kechara in the event of any unfortunate karma of being affected very malevolent spirit ripening (due to a past karmic link to this particular being from previous lives who is now coming after me).
Thank you Pastor David for this useful information. I think is important to respect being that exist in samsara because they do have a lot of suffering as a buddhist we need to be kind totem I think they best way is to live harmony with them , and just to draw line with them not to create any disturbances and I think puja is definitely work .
Thank you very much Pastor David for this beneficial article.
It’s important for us to learn and able to do some of those mentioned especially for those who heavily travel because you may not know what is waiting for you. Due to our karma when the condition is right our negative karma will open and may attract this negative energy so it’s important that we know some of the ways for protection.
I totally agree with what Pastor David said that we must respect this being as there are just like us with feeling too. Especially if we just move into a new house or a new place for temporary, they may be residing there earlier and what we should do is be respectful. Of course we may face an unfriendly one or a nasty one so what we need to do at very least is to protect ourselves.
Personally for me I often did house cleansing with nice Tibetan traditional natural herbs incense from I will do this by reciting Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha and walk around the house with the smoke from the burning incense. You will feel fresh after that .
From the article it’s also important to note that our negative mind/action will attract the same negative energy from the spirit. It’s important to keep our mind calm and fill them with compassion. For me if anything which is beyond what I can manage or if situation getting worst I always seek advice or help from the Kechara Pastors.
Thank you Pastor David for this post. As a young boy I was told I always see a bearded old gentleman in white in one of those red houses under trees or sitting in corners of streets. Spook the ‘hell’ out of me. So I do believe ‘unseen’ entities exist and this is a good guide to gently ask them to go away.
Yes I am all for pujas too. An effective way to ward off negativities.
It’s always the posts on ghosts, spirits, demons, bomohs, mediums and anything paranormal that always garners the most views, LOL.
There was a time when after my father-in-law passed away that the family went to a medium to call forth the dead from the other side to have a conversation or so it seemed. That was apparently to show how much the family missed him and to find out how he was and if he was ok and needed anything. I refused to go and prevented my kids from attending either. I knew that once you open the gates, there can be no telling what might emerge. I wanted no part in it.
It unfortunately sparked a furious reaction from the very pious individuals that I was unfilial or did not respect or give face. To them, it’s only the medium and the spirit of the father, what’s so bad about that? I was told later that when the medium took trance “of the father”, he sounded exactly like him and even knew details of family members who attended. They were totally convinced that it was him. I was told also that “father” even mentioned my name and asked where I was. True or not, I’ll never know, but I knew it was a jab in the side, to make me feel guilty. But ok, I take it as a joke.
Then when they asked whether there was anything he needed, they got a long list. Then as expected, the centre had every item he needed. They spent thousands buying the required paper items: phones, bungalows, servants, cars, computer (I wonder why the old man would need one let alone know how to use it) you name it all supplied by the centre. It was a no brainer. After they got the list from “the other side”, would they have dared to turn away and not buy them or leave out an item or two? No way of course. Then it came as no surprise that some of the family asked for 4-D numbers, and they bought big.
Ok a lot of it is cultural. I don’t judge or criticise their way of thinking but I did feel the need to stand up for what was right for me and not be forced into anything I wanted no part of.
Thank you Pastor David, very nice and informative article.
When you mentioned about how incense powder have the power to purify an area, it reminded me about my friend’s father, who’s in the business of selling some rare and special wood in Malaysia. He would acquire many of these ‘powerful’ wood and objects, and many of the local witch doctors and even local folks will buy it from him for protection or healing. They apparently fetch quite a good price as well.
It is true that Ruels and Chakras are very powerful protection items. I have known many people who receive visually significant protection from just by wearing these items.
The white light visualization is very interesting, and I have learnt something new today. Thank you for sharing, it will certainly come in useful for many of us, as we are bound to one day encounter negative environments.
Dear Pastor David,
Thank you for doing the research and writing this article. I can immediately think of a few friends who are regularly “attacked” by spirits and I will share with them your article. It will definitely give them more information and remedy.
I have heard Tsem Rinpoche mentioned about dealing with spirits quite a number of times, and I really like what He taught (which is same as what you wrote), which is to be respectful and be kind towards the spirits. Buddhists way of handling them is to make peace, but I have seen many other religious’ way of handling them, is to crush and destroy them so that they will be bound and suffer forever. Rinpoche has mentioned many times that these spirits are also suffering and they too deserve kindness and care.
You have also mentioned one important point here, which is not to initiate contact with them. I think some people out of greed initiated contact, hoping the spirit can bring some wealth to them, or perform some tasks. As Buddhists, we should not take refuge in these spirits, but should only take refuge in full enlightened Buddha. This is to avoid us from getting us into trouble in future.
Thank you Pastor David Lai for the article.
From this article, I have learnt that :
Unseen entities are everywhere, no matter in the East or in the West. We are not advisable to communicate with or invoke spirits and other entities as we can never truly know their nature and once invoked and they can be very difficult to dispel or send away.
There are some preventive measures to protect ourselves from unseen entities:
Respect them -If we sense the presence of an entity, we should be respectful to them.
Drawing the Line – by politely ask the entities to leave you alone and end all communications if we have previously established
House Cleaning – It is best to cleanse our home from all traces of negative energies including our own on a regular basis.
Perform prayer – there are prayers and rituals called pujas. In fact, several Buddhas like Palden Lhamo, Sengdongma and Dorje Shugden are propitiated for their special protection against harmful malevolent entities.
Protective talismans – We can also draw upon a rich tradition of religious icons and protective talismans from our faith for protection
We should never enter or remain in a haunted site with an angry or distraught frame of mind, too exhausted or ill. Negative attitude will only serve to attract negativities and especially negative entities to us. They will feed off the negative energy and become more active and stronger. In dealing with malevolent entities,
It is important to be healthy and strong to deal with negative entities; in general, the physically stronger we are, the stronger and more impenetrable our psychic aura.
As for the haunting of any negative entities, when all else above fails, it is best to reach out to a psychic medium, healer, priest, monk or lama if we sense that your energy field has been compromised, we can consult the Buddhist pastors who have experience dealing with such negative entities.
Thank you
Pee Bee Chong
Thank you PDL for the interesting post.
The photos were quite a sight!
But it’s the information that I was interested in. Not only it can be applied to spiritually inclined people but also to the non spiritual ones. I didn’t know that crystals and salt play an important role in cleansing and the places that they should be placed. After the above, I think I need to purify my home often, just in case.
I absolutely love the juniper sold in Kechara Paradise outlets and not forgetting all the different types here
One more thing, we should never try to make contact to ask for help with entities we do not know for we will never know their intention. Always take refuge in the 3 Jewels instead of those entities.
Wow … Thank you Pastor David!
这篇文章的分享实在太好了。 因为常常都会听到一些人遇到邪灵的干扰,也不明白。现在明白了。看来很多人都是一时的好奇惹上了麻烦。有些东西我们是不可以玩的。
Pastor 说的最好的就是要互相尊重与担心邪灵干扰的一些法宝。
Regardless which faith we believe in, there are always active seeker or believer of the unseen. Whether we like it or not, we are surrounded by the unseen, thankfully, most of us are blessed with the karma or protection to not be in any contact with them. Hence, it is good to apply some these good measures as shared by Pastor David to protect ourselves and family members against possibility of a malevolent entity. It is in our interest to develop a keen mind to identify the symptoms and confirm paranormal infestation.
As I am a Tibetan Buddhism practitioner, should I or people I know encountered such mishap, I will not hesitate to advise them to take refuge from the Three Jewels and recommend them Dorje Trakze practice ( at the meantime urge them to consult Kechara Pastors who are experience in dealing with such situation.
Thank You Rinpoche and Pastor David for this informative article. I hope people who are plagued with the affliction are able to find help through Kechara.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
Nonetheless, it is good to apply some these good measures as shared by Pastor David to protect ourselves and family members against possibility of a malevolent entity. It is in our interest to develop a keen mind to identify the symptoms and confirm paranormal infestation.
Though the supernatural does not fascinate me, rather it frightens me, I feel that I need to know how to protect myself. Growing up on the road leading to the local cemetery, I was scared of the dark as the road had no street lamps.
What I noticed is that you do not mention obliterating the entities. Instead, you talk of requesting them to leave your living space alone. I find that very different from the shamans that were in our town. They talked of banishing or obliterating the entities.
Never wanted to think about all these things before as I was really scared, so scared that I thought that the mere thought of the entities will make them latch to me.
After starting Sunday Class at Kechara House, I started to understand a bit more. Under Pastor Han Nee, I learned that in Buddhism we should think of these entities as beings in a different realm but still within Samsara. They are suffering just as we are. Though we should be careful in our dealings with them or preferably not deal with them, we should empathize with them.
As such, I always chant “OM BENZA WIKI BITTANA SOHA” nowadays whenever I feel uneasy and when I get goosebumps. In my mind, I think of it as protecting myself and at the same giving them a little blessings with the protector mantra.
I was also made to understand that having blessed thangkas or Buddha images do help in protecting the home. I was told that these thangkas or Buddha images, though may not directly ‘chase’ away the entities, they can keep their malevolence at bay. Hope that is true.
I remember in one of Rinpoche’s youtube teachings that malas that we have been using to do our mantras can be great talismans too. Anyway, I keep a few strands of mala in my handbag with me.
Thanks for an different kind of post. It’s not as uncomfortable for me now as it was a year ago. Thanks for an interesting read though.
Spirits are often very tricky and manipulative. They often pretend to be nice at first but eventually will caused harm and disturbances to our lives. We should take refuge in 3 jewels for protection and not make any contacts with these unknown spirits. We should seek proper guidance and help with qualified teachers and personnel when encounter spirits issues.