Question asked by THorim
Dear pastors(sorry for my english), I want to know what to do when compassion/loving kindness to not "arise" when I medidate on it? Even if I try a lot of techniques like Tonglen, Shenrezig Sadhana most of the time it do not "arise"(like 95% of the time) even if I set a strong motivation and I medidate on it just as the same as when it is "working".
Dear Thorim,
Thank you for your question, it is good to see you again here. You are very keen on developing compassion which is very beneficial and will take you a long way on your spiritual journey.
In the Lam Rim, or graduated stages of the path to enlightenment, teachings there are listed many ways to develop compassion. When we engage on meditations such as Tonglen or the sadhana of Chenresig, we may find that we do not feel like we are generating compassion. In this case, what we can do is employ the meditations as listed in the Lam Rim to supplement these, which will definitely see compassion arise in your mind if engaged in properly.
In the text entitled Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand, Pabongka Rinpoche explains the path to enlightenment step by step. In fact this text is an experiential handbook that leads to enlightenment. It is important to note, that these instructions are to be practiced in sequence. Therefore if you have not already been practising or meditating on the earlier instructions, then the development of compassion will not come easily. Therefore one should start from the beginning of the path to enlightenment, or continually reinforce the earlier points in order to build a strong understanding and practice the higher aspects of the path.
In the chapters entitled Day 16 and Day 17, two particular meditation methods are listed to aid in the development of compassion. These are (1) developing compassion through the cause-and-effect instruction and (2) the seven-point mind training. These two methods heighten the development of compassion because one is able to meditate and contemplate on compassion on deeper levels. I’ll highlight some of the points of these two methods below.
Developing compassion through the cause-and-effect instruction.
This was the meditation that masters such as Archarya Chandakirti, Chandragomin, Shantarakshita used to develop compassion. In this system there are eight sections to this, which are followed in sequence in order to develop compassion:
1. Immeasurable equanimity
2. Understanding all sentient beings to be your mother
3. Remembering their kindness
4. Repaying their kindness
5. Love through the force of attraction
6. Compassion
7. Altruism
8. Bodichitta.
The seven point mind-training
This is another powerful meditation technique and was the system used by the great Shantideva. If follows a system of seven instructions:
1. Preliminaries on which the instructions depend
2. Training the mind on Bodhicitta
3. Converting unfortunate circumstances into a path to enlightenment
4. A practice to be applied for the whole of our lives
5. The criteria of having trained the mind
6. Commitments of mind-training practice
7. Advice for the mind-training practice
Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand explains both these methods in detail and even describes a method to merge both teachings together so they are more effective. You should read more about these techniques as they are definitely needed in combination to what you have been doing already for compassion to arise. I hope this helps.
Thank you.