Question asked by Devon
If I am not mistaken, Your Eminence has recommended the daily recitation of Je Tsongkhapa’s 27 Verses of Enlightenment, the Gaden Lha Gyema, 1000 mantras of Manjushri, Praise to Manjushri, the 108 Names of Manjushri, daily application of the Eight Verses of Mind Training, water offerings, and 21 prostrations. Furthermore we are asked to undertake the daily, weekly, or monthly recitation of the Wheel of Sharp Weapons, and regular study of Lamrim, The Three Principle Aspects of the Path, and Ashvagosha’s 50 Verses of Guru Yoga. In addition we should volunteer our time at animal shelters and (for those living in Malaysia) Kechara’s departments. The amount of time required for all of these activities is considerable, even overwhelming. (I realize that many of these recommendations were given to individual enquirers, and not intended as general advice.) In that light, would you consider—not now, but at your convenience–compiling these into a practical program of advice?
Dear Devon,
The practices I have recommended was for the individual. You do not take the combined advice of 15 individuals and ask how can one person do it all. That is not the intent. So do not make it that way.
You pick what you like from the above and what fits your time and come up with a practical program that fits your life. That would suit you better.
Good luck.