Question asked by Wayne B.
Dear Rinpoche, I bet you would totally love the field of heraldry. Have you ever considered assuming heraldic arms? (You know, one of those shield thingees with a design on it..?) Since it’s traditional to allude visually to the armiger’s name, this suggests a tooth as the central image. And as the equivalent of clergy, you could have a pandit’s hat in place of the knight’s helmet that usually goes on top. is a good site with lots of illustrative examples, and the people there would help you with design. Come on—wouldn’t you like to see Saraswati Arts go wild with this?
PS. There are also Asian traditions similar to heraldry, e.g. Japanese kamon, and if I am not mistaken, Tibetan equivalents as well. (Like the snow lion / mountain seal of the exile government.)
How creative and nice to know. Thank you for your efforts. I like creative and asthetically pleasing things.