Question asked by DIYBoodeez
dear rinpoche are you upset about something? if i could i would hire a guru and buy all the enlightenment on sale.if one does not have a guru how does one practice guru devotion ? how to visualise the guru? who would he be ? when does the guru becomes one's guru ? as long as one does not have a guru how can one make progress in his practice ? who is to prescribe these practices to begin with ? how to purify the still-no-guru negative karma ? how to check out a guru's compassion ?
Dear friend,
Please read 50 Verses of Guru Devotion by Ashvagosha, Lam Rim by Pabongka Rinpoche, Fulfillment of All Hopes (in English) by Tsongkapa published by Wisdom Publications and it will answer all your questions thoroughly. After reading, if you have questions, I will try to help you.
Your questions are very important and excellent.
Tsem Rinpoche