Colombia undertaker launches ghostly census
Colombia undertaker launches ghostly census
A Medellin undertaker has taken his craft to the next level by launching a “ghostly census” in Colombia’s second-largest city, where his workers have so far compiled 215 spirits, 23 in pictures and videos.

Colombia undertaker launches ghostly census
“It’s beyond question that many of the city’s buildings and homes have ghosts. For years, we’ve heard stories about them and we thought the time had come to approach, catalog and classify them through a census,” William Betancur told AFP.
The enterprising Betancur Funeral Home owner said he began the list a few weeks ago, sending “a team of four funeral parlour workers — properly attired in uniforms — to buildings” around Medellin, 245 kilometers (152 miles) northwest of the capital Bogota.
“They’ve reported back with 215 ghosts…. Our video and still cameras have captured 23,” he said with pride.
Anybody can report an otherworldly apparition, he said. “They just have to phone or email us ( and depending on their physical manifestation — noises, sparkling light shows or images — that’s how they’ll be classified.”
And the ghost business seems to be catching on.
Betancur said he gets calls every day from people and companies “from Colombia and abroad” with offers on how to measure the “relationship between the ghost and the place he inhabits” and of state-of-the-art detection equipment.
The undertaker has a sound business model behind his haunted venture.
“Our plan is to take a year for the census…. Later we’re thinking of writing a book and, why not, doing a movie or documentary series.”
Betancur said he came on the idea of a “ghostly census” after clearly sensing his pet dog still going about his daily rounds at the funeral home — four months after he died.
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A remarkable business concept which does not have much competitive. The lack of knowledge about ghosts and haunting activity has led people astray as to what they really are. The field of paranormal activity is amazing. It has caught the imagination of people from every walk of life.
Acknowledging the existence of ghosts or spirits leads one to ask why they are here. Has there is a demand , this thrilling business will sure to go on beyond expectation. Thank you for the interesting sharing.
I would love to know what became of this facinating business model and if they did indeed write a book or make a documentary. Compiling a list of spirits in certain locations would be a nice prelude to giving a history lesson to current generations that are still living in those local areas.
Interesting business concept that tap onto human’s intrinsic curiosity towards the unseen beings. May this Colombian man never meet with malicious unseen beings who get offended at being disturbed, or quoting Betncur’s own words “to approach, catalog and classify them through a census.” I mean, just put ourselves in their shoes; would we as human being, appreciate other beings from another realm to come approach, catalog and classify us? Thank you for sharing this interesting news.
Interesting article ….. funeral business but actual fact is about ghost haunted venture. First time coming across this type of business where anyone can relate any haunting experience they have encountered with. Sound interesting….the undertaker even managed to compile 215 spirits, 23 in pictures and videos. It seem many of the city’s buildings and homes in Colombia is haunted. And soon the ghost business seems to be catching on with more and more people sharing their stories. Wow the undertaker even received calls every day from people from Colombia and abroad offering on how to measure the relationship between the ghost and the place he inhabits.
thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Mumu boy was Tsem Rinpoche’s little Schnauzer. Partly because of Mumu Kechara was started and you must find out why that is. Do read more and see very cute adorable pictures:
Tsem Rinpoche’s two adorable cute Schnauzer dogs Oser girl (white) and Dharma boy up to their various antics. Short videos that will warm up your day and give you a ‘cute attack!’ Enjoy!
“Tsem Rinpoche’s Schnausers Oser and Dharma trying their luck”
“Tsem Rinpoche’s adorable Schnauzers Oser and Dharma have a challenge!”
“Friendly Encounter”-Oser and Dharma meet Johnny & Casper
“Friendly Encounter”-Soer & Dharma meet Johnny & Casper (2)
“Tsem Rinpoche’s Pet Schnauzer Oser’s Treat Time!”
“Tsem Rinpoche’s doggie Oser girl and Dharma boy getting treats”
“Dharma fights Chip! Showdown between Tsem Rinpoche’s pet Schnauzer and a dog on wheels!”
“Dharma & Oser Getting Treats in Playhouse”
Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
Wow this is an interest way to expand on his experience with his own dog. I wonder if he did end up putting his compilation in a book or made it into film. I am sure that many people would be interested, especially those living near to the hauntings.
In Taiwan, there had been so many cases of disturbance from hauntings and complaints or back outcome that lead to death, it is now legally an obligation for the owners or sellers to sign a disclosure before sale or rental. Potential buyer can also check online on the history of the property, whether there has been homicide or tragic death in the property. However a tenant will not have the luxury and depends on the honesty of the owner.
However with any hauntings, there are also possible ways to “cleanse” the properties to release the spirits or for them to move on. In the western method, there may be saging, blessings by Priests, Psychic cleansing, etc. In the East, there are Taoist methods of capturing and dispelling the spirits, the blessings by Buddhist monks/nuns, etc. In Kechara, Rinpoche had given us very powerful Protector practice of Lord Dorje Shugden. Trakze, the fierce from of Dorje Shugden, riding on garuda is every effective for black magic and spirits. The commentary to the practice :
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this interesting article and Lord Dorje Shugden bless us with his protection.
It is interesting to know how creative people can be when it comes to creating new business opportunity or venturing into something new and thrilling, this man I couldn’t say he is wrong or unethical, for me personally I feel that it’s not nice to disturb the deceased in this way. Though on the other side, he can show people what is life after death, and maybe it can ignite the curiosity in the people to take a step further to find ways to avoid being in the state of a ghost after death. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing such a new and interesting article.
Dear Rinpoche, I don’t understand why did the dog died maybe something happened to the dog. But the scariest part is that the place has 215 spirits wondering at there and there might probably be more of them. How scary. Now I’m really terrified!
A lot of people think that spirits are bad things and they bring bad luck too. Actually spirits are just people who died and didn’t know they died or some have too much of attachment (I know i have attachment too) so they become wandering in the streets, hotel and even at home. Spirits have different character too, some are happy spirits and some are angry spirits. Sometimes they will get very angry and will hurt someone if you pissed them off so i advice you don’t ever make them angry or they will hurt someone. Thank you for reading
Very interesting for the Medellin caretaker in Columbia to extend his profession to doing censorship on ghosts starting with a count of 215 spirits and 23 in pictures and videos. I believe it to be true as I have encountered a few myself in my younger days. Either with hearing voices or seeing them. Its fantastic that someone can come up with idea of taking censorship of the existence of the dead by pictures or videos. This can turn into viable business too. To the superstitious Chinese they say do not play with spirits. Let the dead lie in peace.
This is cool! I guess it’s also good to know how many ghosts “neighbours” are around. They are “citizens” of Colombia too, hehe.
Very interesting blog post! It is interesting to know that there are other beings occupying the spaces around us as well. Even though we cannot see them, we should always respect and believe in their existence.