Question asked by Faye
Dear Rinpoche, how does one deal with lingering thoughts of despair? Thoughts such as, "This has happened to me, I'll never be happy again for the rest of my life."
If Margaret would, I apologize for my selfish request, do an interview on how she dealt with her feelings when she first found out her husband had an affair.
How does one deal with that kind of feeling? For I notice this same feeling of despair would arise if I swear off relationships.
Dear Faye,
Regarding Margaret, you may speak to her directly on her personal matters. I have no right to write about anything so private here.
As for lingering thoughts of despair..they never fully go away, but they can lessen.
1.Meditation on Impermanence…consistently with collection of merits.
2.Strict/firm/continued practice of Gaden Hlagyema (on youtube).
3.Four preliminary practices using Gaden Hlagyema as the basis. I have given extended talks on this and it is on the youtube.
4.Engaging our free time into a committed charity work.
If you do the above you will see a change….I wish you not to have despair and pain. I wish your pain to come to me.