Photo Album: Quotes etc
Mar 8, 2010 | Views: 2,760
I don’t really like technology but it is a good way for me to reach out to many people simultaneously, so I use it. It took me a long time to get on Facebook, and understand it and how to use it but now I am okay at it.
I now spend quite a lot of time online and sometimes I see photos which inspire me to share some of my thoughts. So I started posting photos on Facebook, which I now want to share here.
Hopefully some of my writing and thoughts will benefit someone.
Tsem Rinpoche
Two of my friends, Lili Ng and Thierry Janssens came out with a creative idea to summarise the Lamrim in ...
If people check your authenticity or criticize you because they don't know you, it's just because you shine brighter than ...
On the way to the movies, I realized I forgot I was still in Samsara.
Be different, be altruistic. Be strange, work for others in response to their harm. Raise eyebrows, be generous without agenda.
I did everything for my self cherishing mind. It was my best friend. I sacrificed so much for it. Gave ...
Karma just ruins all the fun in Samsara!!
By loving myself I am loving all sentient beings...but how come I am still self absorbed and unhappy?? Perhaps loving ...
The faults of others are easy to see; we see our own with mo ...
Truth is denied when we choose to stay in our comfort zones. Comfort zones are the biggest enemy to success. ...
Positive relationships sometimes can be wonderful. But you have to remember you are having a relationship with that person. That ...
This picture speaks volumes of the world (samsara) we live matter how fast you run or try to avoid, ...
It doesn't matter if we know the dharma really well and we can even teach. But are we humble and ...
If you think you are poor, if you think life is unfair to you, if you always lament at your ...
My advice to you is not to undertake the spiritual path. It is too difficult, too long, and is too ...
If you think you are too small to make a difference, you have never spent the night with a mosquito. ...
In your compassionate wrath, those who rely upon you will build an ally with an old and powerful friend. You ...
No matter how many mantras you do, how many initiations you've received, how many retreats you've completed, how many teachings ...
You should think before you do anything. Would this bring harm to myself and others ultimately? If it would, then ...
Labels, self-grasping, projections, money, food, love, relationships, trips, fantasies et al would all be wonderful if impermanence, death, rebirth and ...
If it wasn't for this horribly little annoying phenomena called KARMA, I would just disrobe, go out every weekend, make ...
I was hanging around on the beach having a great time when this dude named Buddha showed up and said ...
If you can't let it go now, what makes you think you can let it all go at death?? Not ...
Either let it go now or get it snatched away from you with little or no warning. Impermanence is such ...
Watching one of my fishes dying reminded me of how little time I have, more than when I was mindlessly ...
It's hard to change for the better because we were THAT much longer in self indulgence not thinking of others. ...
We move ahead a few steps, then we go back a few steps...we find it hard to battle the 'inner ...
If people check your authenticity or criticize you because they don't know you, it's just because you shine brighter than ...
Did you know that the King of Dharma, Lord Tsongkapa kept Vajra Yogini as one of his most precious and ...
Here is the sacred 7 line praise to the Lotus born Padmasambhava whose kindness to all the denizens of this ...
Since we have met the Dharma in these degenerate times, it s extremely important that we do not waste this ...
I've had so many downs and a few ups in my life. But the supreme up was meeting HIS HOLINESS ...
If you say you don't have money to help a animal shelter, why then do you have money to buy ...
Don't hang on to your failures, because you can always try again. Trying gives us hope, hope gives us life
Letting other people win doesn't mean you lose, it just means you are spiritually matured
Failure is only failure when you are afraid to try
The next time you face a challenge, remember the cost of success is far cheaper than the cost of failure
You have all the freedom you want, it's just when you grasp onto something so tight, you lose the freedom..Let ...
Don't be afraid to be kind to animals by not eating them. Your taste buds are not as important as ...
If you're angersome, it means you are spoiled. If you want things to be given to you, then you want ...
It's easy to get caught up with a lot of complicated terminology in books about religion - but somehow we ...
I do not see any reason why animals should be slaughtered to serve as human diet, when there are so ...
Whenever we come across something comfortable, run. Whenever we encounter something pleasant, offer it. Whenever we see something beautiful, appreciate ...
People can like what I do and not like what I do. But if I don't do it because I ...
What makes us kind humans is not how we take care of ourselves, but how we take care of others
You know I am a monk and what I do is teach. Not very good at teaching, but gotta do ...
Next to my bed is a sliding door that looks onto a fish pool....and when it rains, the sound is ...
Added a serene beautiful Buddha on the pond for the fish. The pond is next to my sliding glass door. ...
Last night I placed a consecrated stone carved Vajra Yogini in my fish pond. All the fishes circumambulate around Her. ...
Some will work so hard almost giving their lives for it to own a house, car, and go on trips. ...
Beautiful sacred holy Vajra Yogini at night on the outdoor fish pond next to my bedroom. I love watching all ...
This is my audience room. By tradition if the Lama is not in residence, you put his picture on his ...
This is my audience room. By tradition if the Lama is not in residence, you put his picture on his ...
The Bam symbol is a tantric symbol of Vajra Yogini's mind. And the potential of our ultimate mind to 'merge' ...
Making refined, long and eloquent speeches about why something cannot be done, or why it isn't done on time, or ...
I bow down to the Lord of Ferocious Wisdom, Who shows a horrific form mirroring our ego and it's graspings, ...
FOR BETTER AND MORE EFFECTIVE SPEECH POWER, here are some remedies that will effect a result over time Take vows ...
My extremely adorable Mumu is laying next to me lazily taking a nap. What a nice day it is with ...
I am so glad that I am in a 'job' that is NOT about a paycheck at all slaving away ...
Being careful about your attachments is not about avoiding what you like. It is how you approach doing what you ...
Am I Tsem Rinpoche dreaming that I am a guy from New Jersey or am I a guy from New ...
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Wonderful quotes from Rinpoche!
Simple and direct. Sometimes these quotes come with subtle meaning that one can only comprehend when we think deeper. It is from the mind that we suffer, hence look into our own mind. A Guru is just like the manifying glass, for He can directly see through our own weaknesses and improve on it. Thank you Rinpoche for putting your thoughts in this blog so that we can ‘refer’ back as a method to check our own mind.
A lot of wonderful quotes here, will read it one by one and practice it.
Thank You Rinpoche.
Best Regards : Eric kksiow
Great page to bookmark and visit from time to time…today i visited and what stood out for me was this short quote
“If you can’t let it go now, what makes you think you can let it all go at death?? Not …”
Letting go, doesn’t just mean attachments to material things, it could also mean attachment to a perception about how things are or should be. Its the tensioned caused by our thoughts towards the object or situation that could be the attachment.
I’ve always liked Rinpoche quotes, very direct, fresh and very in line with the times. It is challenges us and makes us think and constantly.