The Second Generation of Trusol Practitioners
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
I’ve just received a multimedia message from Susan and I’d like to share this news with you. Susan and a few of my students have recently been selected by the Trusol group to join the team. Today, they are out and about to purchase ritual items and also get their uniforms done.
Dear Rinpoche,
Now we’re taking measurements to make uniform. Jamie loaned us hers as sample design for the tailor to follow. We are using the same tailor to make these uniforms.

The 2nd Trusol group members in Kechara Paradise SS2 to purchase ritual items
Trusol is a sacred ritual of ‘bathing’ the Buddhas and consecration. In reality, Buddhas do not need to be bathed, but practitioners and patrons cleanse their own negativities, sicknesses and obstacles through this ritual. This ritual is commonly done to bless and consecrate Buddha images, temples, or premises.
It is important for people to know how to do these sacred and blessed rituals. It can benefit many people. Trusol can be done at new premises to clear out negative energies or beings. It should be done at old premises also to bless the environment and all objects within. It is a great way to purify a premise by gentle and simple method. All buildings, houses, apartments, offices should have the good fortune to have a Trusol done on site.
In the year 2008, I taught a small group of 5 students this ritual that I had received from my Guru, the great Abbot Emeritus of Gaden Shartse Monastery, His Eminence Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche. I taught them the ritual initially for the purpose of blessing the land for the future Kechara World Peace Centre. I hope that this holy lineage and practice can be held by and passed down to local Malaysian practitioners, thus creating local ritual masters here.
The first group of students who have learned Trusol has since performed various blessings and consecrations within and outside the Kechara organisation, and is now ready to train up the second batch of Trusol-ers in Kechara. You can watch a video of them practicing here, back in 2008:
Or view the video on the server at:
I am happy that more people are learning this sacred ritual and I hope the Trusol newbies will learn the rituals well and train up more people in the future. The Trusol newbies are: Shirley Tan of Ladrang special projects, Fang Chang of Kechara Media & Publications, Dr Lanse Chiah of Kechara Media & Publications, Susan, Jace Chong of Kechara InMotion and Tan Gim Lee of Kechara House.
Tsem Rinpoche
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In Tibetan culture, it is a popular and customary practice for families to invite monks to perform spiritual ceremonies such as Trusol rituals. The monks have had the opportunity to offer such ceremonies for individuals or their families. Such ceremonies purify the elements of the environment which helps those living or visiting there to experience good health, success and well-being. The sacred ritual of ‘bathing’ the Buddhas and consecration through which negativities, sicknesses and obstacles will be cleared. Where by filling those areas with positive energies and good vibes through this Trusol consecration puja. Water is an essential part of this puja and symbolises the cleansing of all negativities and impurities. Through this puja it also pacifies local deities and other unseen beings in the surrounding areas. We are indeed fortunate that Tsem Rinpoche has taught Kecharians this practice and it has benefited many.
Thank you Rinpoche with folded hands
Trusol is a sacred ritual of ‘bathing’ the Buddhas and consecration, through which practitioners and patrons. It’s an amazing ritual where it purges negative energies and consecrates a certain area, and even premise, land with positive energy, leaving a blessed environment conducive for daily activities. Removal of negative energies and clearing obstacles. We are indeed fortunate learn and perform this sacred ritual here in Malaysia. It has benefited many people. All thanks to Rinpoche .
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
The trusol puja is very intriguing as it involves various ritual items, and a couple of hand movements/mudra throughout the puja so it is not as boring. This puja consecrates the place, old or new, and blesses the place. It is very good to do this puja before moving into a new compound.
Jamie is an excellent puja umze (lead chanter), and she is very knowledgable with the various pujas, ritual implements, buddhas, background and information. She’s your walking wikipedia, literally! hehe. I love going to Jamie when I don’t understand anything because she explains things well and knows her stuff well.
This new puja team is very fortunate. Their sincerity and hardwork is what got them chosen to be in the puja team. I congratulate them from my heart.
Perhaps in future when we have more sufficient team, 3rd generation, 4th generation and so on, we are able to provide puja services to the public who need to bless the environment. Much peace and happiness we are able to provide to others.
taniah kepada ahli ahli kechara house kerana meraka ada guru yang suci dan guru ini yang bernama Tsem Rinpoche latih ahli kechara tempatan supaya kechara ada guru tempatan melalui jemput sami
dari gaden yang berada di india selatan, saya harap ahli ahli tempatan boleh belajar sesungguhnya supaya danpat memajikan orang orang tempatan, terima kasih, wongkokthai
I’m one of the 5 people whom Rinpoche first taught the trusol. It is a beautiful ritual. All 5 of us practised together for weeks because we needed to bless Kechara World Peace Centre’s land. We were all very nervous that we would mess up. hehe.
So when we finally performed the trusol ritual on KWPC land it POURED! However we still continued with the help of our dharma brothers and sisters who held an umbrella over us. It was quite eventful.
I’m so happy that more local lay people can learn and perform this sacred ritual as it will benefit many people without having to disturb the sangha.
It’s very lucky to learn up all the puja with the reliable source, puja is not something that few people just sitting around and sing song and chanting, but a group of people gather together to invoke the blessing of the Buddha or enlighten beings to bless the place or solve certain problem. It’s powerful because this is passed down from the Buddha and all the lineage masters from generation to next generation.
I have a chance to learned up few pujas from a holy sangha from Gaden Shartse Monastery, I may not understand the real meaning behind this deep and preserved ritual yet, but i do witness how it help someone to become better from the not so good situation, it might be my own imagination but I think it’s help.
It will be good if everyone can learn up the preserve teaching and we will never know when can we use it for someone we love 🙂
I remember when Rinpoche personally trained up the 1st Trusol group in the old Ladrang. They even have uniform. And ever since then, they have been requested to bless offices, houses, lands and etc! Well done!
@Wai Meng, yes it is true that Rinpoche always want to have local Dharma teacher, ritual master so that in future we can carry on the teaching and lineage. Also it is easier for the local teacher to pass the teaching to local people as they speak their language and know their culture compare with teacher who teach in foreign country like what Rinpoche did.
Reading this post reminds me of learning ritual first time with Rinpoche in the old ladrang with Jp, David, Shin, Jamie. Rinpoche spent night going through the prayer with us, words by words and the mudras as well, as that time we are so new to it and Rinpoche had to spend more time to explain to us as well.
Because of Rinpoche effort, now we have Drolchok puja, Gyabshi, Setrap Puja, Medicine Buddha Puja etc just like how the monk conduct in Gaden Monastery. I thank Rinpoche for giving us a chance to learn all the holy pujas.
Reading this post, reminds we about how we za
We are so lucky to have a guru who guide tirelessly on our spiritual journey. And the teachings, the practices that we are given are authentic and are from hundred years of practice in Monastery by monks or if I may say so High attained Lamas.
Soon, people in Malaysia will have their very own ritual masters, authentic practices and dharma teachings due to the kindness of our guru. Then we can do something for our love ones, family and friends. I wish very much people to join us, learn up and together we spread Buddha’s teachings to many in years to come.
The second generation of trusol practitioners is rinpoche on going work to share as much knowledge possibe with the malaysians.
Many a times rinpoche has mentioned that he wants to have local ritual masters, local dharma teachers, and some qualified folks can trained to be lineage holders as well.