Question asked by Liza
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for all of your help, encouragement and inspiration.
I want to post Dharma-related items on my Facebook page in the wish that some of my friends might derive benefit from it but feel reluctant because of how my real-life Christian friends might feel about it. I like both Christianity and Buddhism but my Christian friends' views would be ones of concern for me. Please could you give some advice on how to harmonise this situation? Thank you very much.
My dear Liza,
If they are your real friends and they are truly spiritual, they will accept and not condemn anything you share. True friendship must transcend religion, culture, color, social status and gender. We are in the age of enlightenment and everyone has the intelligence to practice the religion that fits them and no one should ever criticize. There are somethings sacred that no one should criticize. I have friends of all religions and I am a Buddhist monk and we have no problems. I guess you have to get ready for a ‘test’ of real friendship now. Remember, practice your dharma all the way because you are doing nothing wrong at all.
Go ahead and write what you like from your heart without fear. All must respect it.