Bryn Athyn Monster Spirit
In the Buddhist scriptures, specifically in the Dukkar texts, it mentions 80 different types of spirits that abide in different realms. Within these different types, there are subdivisions so there are many different types of spirits. Spirits can manifest in many dimensions, travel very fast (at the speed of light), and have some levels of clairvoyance. Some spirits are harmful and some spirits are neutral; some spirits may even be helpful.
The general rule of thumb however, is not to interact with or ask spirits for help or any type of assistance because most people will not know the nature of the spirit. Although the spirit might be helpful in the beginning, they can be harmful in the end. And yes, while there are some spirits that are helpful in the beginning and in the end, the fact they are in the state of a spirit means they will still have limitations to their clairvoyance. Because they have limitations, sometimes they can give wrong advice. Hence the rule of thumb really is to not get involved with spirits.
As for negative spirits, it is obvious that we do not need to interact or have any kind of relationship with them. If a negative spirit disturbs us, there are many methods we can invoke upon to protect ourselves, for example relying upon the Dharma Protectors Trakze or Sengdongma.
So the other day, I was looking through YouTube and I came across this interesting Bryn Athyn spirit. The way it appears and disappears, appears and disappears, and the way it glides across the field, it seems like it is an inter-dimensional spirit that comes and goes. How the young people describe how they see him and how many people see him, it is quite interesting so I hope you enjoy the short video on this.
Tsem Rinpoche
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Confessions of the Unknown (Extract)
Disclaimer: The video below belongs to its creator, and is made available here for strictly educational, non-commercial purposes only. No profit is being made from making it available.
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Spirits do exist due to their karmic retribution for their greed, selfishness, and jealousy while they were alive. Buddhist scriptures describe spirits as beings which could manifest in many dimensions, and varies forms. Some spirits are harmful and some spirits are neutral , never get involve with them. We could do prayers and dedicate to them. There are many methods we can invoke upon to protect ourselves, for example relying upon the Dharma Protectors Trakze . Watching the interesting video again about this Bryn Athyn spirit . As described by witnesses Jeremy, Kristin and Michelle how it appeared and disappeared, that glided across the field in a dark appearance. Interesting watch.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
This Bryn Athyn Monster Spirit looks like a big piece of rock moving around in the video clip. Very strange indeed. Thank you very much Rinpoche and blog team for sharing this one minute story and video of this monster spirit..???
It is indeed very intresting and very unusual. Thanks Blog team for providing the video clip.
We are surrounded by many mysterious, supernatural and unseen beings. Watching the video tells all …..negative energy called a spirit do exist after all. I do believe there is .Even though spirits comes in different forms each of these spirits could create harmful effects on anyone who disturb them. Never get involved with them , they could be helpful or harmful or neutral and could get aggressive in some cases. There are techniques or ways to remove unwanted or negative energy by relying upon the Dharma Protectors Trakze.
Interesting and scary as those young people described what they saw along the road .
Thank you Rinpoche for this interesting sharing.
Thank you for this sharing and the advice that should we encounter a spirit, the rule of thumb is not to interact with or ask spirits for help or any type of assistance. As spirit is part of the six realms, there is a limitation to their clairvoyance. Plus, spirits, who are unenlightened, like us, also possess temperament and characteristic. Some of them might be ill nature and hence their assistance or advice will come at a price.
For those who have encountered it, that’s the best evidence for acknowledging the existence of spirits as it was not happened in a split seconds but rather in a minute’s time perhaps? Maybe paranormal team can be invited to investigate in that area…
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this.