NEW! Simplified Daily Prayer to Dorje Shugden

A simple altar to Dorje Shugden, with images of Buddha Shakyamuni, Lama Tsongkhapa and Guru Rinpoche. Having an altar creates a stronger connection with the enlightened beings to generate incredible transformation in our lives. Click on image to download high resolution file or click here for more images.
The divine and enlightened beings can manifest in whatever form suits the needs of the people of that time and place in order to help them. They are truly compassionate in that way, and show their immense spiritual ability to be able to do so. The emanation of Lord Manjushri, the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden is no different.
Whoever you are, Dorje Shugden’s practice enhances our life, our minds and our spiritual practice. Invoking his blessings and assistance attracts the energies of wisdom, healing, increase, control and protection to our lives, blocking out negative interferences and guarding against spiritual attacks.
Dorje Shugden’s practice was taught to me by my most holy gurus and I share this practice whenever I can. And the reason for this is simple – I have personally benefited from his practice and so have many other people around the world whom I have heard from. I have had thousands of people over the years consulting me on a plethora of problems and I may not have the solutions for all of them but I know that when I pass the practice of Dorje Shugden to them, many times the problems get solved when they engage in him consistently. His practice brings spiritual fulfilment and he aids us with our spiritual transformation. At the same time, he grants us what we need on our spiritual journey such as material resources, wealth, health, influence, and removes obstacles and all forms of negativity. His practice can protect us from charms, magic and negative occult influences. Negative entities and energies are also pacified when we invoke upon Dorje Shugden or have his sacred image near us. Dorje Shugden’s great compassion overwhelms negative entities into either submission or they flee leaving the afflicted people free of disturbances.

Another simple yet extremely powerful altar to Dorje Shugden with offerings to generate spiritual merit for our transformation. Click on image to download high resolution file or click here for more images.
For sure when Dorje Shugden’s prayer is invoked upon and his image placed in haunted places, it pacifies the place and calms the area.
Dorje Shugden can help us in many ways when we rely on him and we do not need to be practising any specific religion or be a Buddhist. His help to us is beyond any label of religion or religious identities. Even atheists may invoke upon Dorje Shugden as his compassion is open to all and you do not need to convert to Buddhism. Although he can help us in many ways, he is ultimately for helping us stay on the spiritual path to achieve higher levels of consciousness. When we have a higher level of consciousness we operate in ways that bring less suffering to others and ourselves. Therefore I am doing a live streaming in conjunction with this blog post which will be published on YouTube and that explains a short prayer I have compiled that you can recite every day to experience a magnificent shift in the way you live your life. I have made the prayers very short, easy, accessible, without complicated rituals, initiations, commitments and it will not take hours a day away from your busy lives. You do not need permission, oral transmission or initiation to do this practice and you can begin right now. You may combine this with any practice you may already have or not have. You can do this practice any time of the day and anywhere you choose comfortable.
This compilation is aimed at today’s busy, modern and schedule-tight individuals who include students, professionals, housewives, house-husbands, elderly, healers, farmers, business people, professors, scholars, monks, nuns, travelers, spiritualists, artists, writers, musicians and just anyone who needs assistance of all backgrounds and races. This is for people who need help, protection and some wisdom in their lives. As you rely on Dorje Shugden consistently over time, you will see his graceful yet powerful assistance in your lives as I have experienced for the last 30 years since my teacher has initiated me into his practice. Anyone may do this practice and experience the benefits. Tens of thousands of high lamas, yogis, scholars, masters, meditators, monks, nuns, Tibetans, Mongolians, Bhutanese, Nepalese, Russians, Chinese, Indians of the Himalayan region can attest to this for the last 350 years since this lineage began in Lhasa, Tibet. Now this practice has spread further to Southeast Asia, South America, Europe, North America and even Africa. People can feel the benefits.
Recite the prayer I’ve included once a day together with the sacred mantra of Dorje Shugden. I’ve included many high resolution prints of this unique ‘angel’ from Tibet that you can print out and place near you for ease of visualization if you wish. Dorje Shugden is an awakened master, a saint, angel, a spiritual guide, a Buddha and a protector. He is considered to be all of those and we can see him manifest to us in the way we need. Remember, he helps everyone whether you are Buddhist or not. He is unconditional. He simply helps because his compassion has no barriers and he has vowed to help those who call upon him.
As a Buddhist monk, if I can relieve some of your sufferings and difficulties in this way, then I am fulfilling my avowed duty. This is the reason I am sharing this. May you be blessed by the wisdom, compassion and protection of Dorje Shugden. It brings me great pleasure and happiness that I can perhaps give you a powerful method for assistance in your lives.
With great humility,
Tsem Rinpoche
H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche explains
the simplified sadhana (daily prayers)
of Dorje Shugden
Or view the video on the server at:
To download the prayer text in PDF format, click here.
A Daily Sadhana of Dorje Shugden
I take refuge in the Guru
I take refuge in the Buddha
I take refuge in the Dharma
I take refuge in the Sangha (3x)
Generating Bodhicitta
In the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha
Until enlightened, I seek refuge.
Through giving and other perfections,
To aid all, may I become Buddha! (3x)
The Four Immeasurables
May all sentient beings have happiness and the causes of happiness!
May all sentient beings be free of suffering and the causes of suffering!
May all sentient beings never be parted from happiness free of suffering!
May all sentient beings abide in equanimity free from bias, attachment and aversion!
Praise to Buddha Shakyamuni
O Blessed One, Shakyamuni Buddha,
Precious treasury of compassion,
Bestower of supreme inner peace,
You, who love all beings without exception,
Are the source of happiness and goodness;
And you guide us to the liberating path.
Your body is a wishfulfilling jewel,
Your speech is supreme, purifying nectar,
And your mind is refuge for all living beings.
With folded hands I turn to you,
Supreme unchanging friend,
I request from the depths of my heart:
Please give me the light of your wisdom
To dispel the darkness of my mind
And to heal my mental continuum.
Please nourish me with your goodness,
That I in turn may nourish all beings
With an unceasing banquet of delight.
Through your compassionate intention,
Your blessings and virtuous deeds,
And my strong wish to rely upon you,
May all suffering quickly cease
And all happiness and joy be fulfilled;
And may holy Dharma flourish for evermore.
Composed by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Buddha Shakyamuni’s Mantra
(Recite 7x or more, depending on time)
Lama Tsongkhapa’s Name Mantra
(Recite 7x or more, depending on time)
Guru Rinpoche’s Mantra
(Recite 7x or more, depending on time)
Offering Cloud Dharani
Recite the following mantra once or three times, to bless all the offerings and make them pure for offering to the Buddhas and bodhisattvas.
Invocation of Dorje Shugden
With the invocation verses, we request Dorje Shugden and his entourage to come from Gaden (Tushita) Heaven from under the throne of Lama Tsongkhapa and various other holy places, e.g. Sakya, Tashi Lhunpo, Kechara, Shambhala, Five Peaked Mountain (Wutaishan), etc where Dorje Shugden resides as taught by the great masters. Recite the following clearly and well, and visualise Dorje Shugden appearing in front of us.
(3x to consecrate offerings)
Before myself as the yidam deity,
In the midst of a wind swept dark red fire,
On a terrifying magnificent lion,
Trampling enemies and obstructors on a lotus and sun,
Is our supreme heart jewel, Dharmapala,
Mighty Gyalchen Dorje Shugden,
Adorned with robes of a monk on his body,
Wearing the golden domed hat on his head,
Holding razor sword and enemy heart in his hands,
With a manner of delight towards the practitioner,
And a fierce expression which destroys enemies and obstructors.
He is surrounded by an ocean-like host of retinue
Such as chief attendant, Kache Marpo.
Rays of light from my heart invite
From the natural sphere
And the individual palaces wherever they abide,
The wisdom beings who in one instant are invited
And become inseparable with the commitment beings.
With devotion I prostrate with body, speech, and mind, and make offerings,
Both outer and inner, with flowers, incense, and light, perfume, food, and sacred substances1,
Collections of tormas, strong drinks2, tea, buttered tsampa, milk, and yoghurt,
Actually arranged and mentally visualised, filling the whole of space.
Samaya substances, fulfillment substances, basal substances, and mantric substances,
Outer, inner, and secret favourite visual objects and fragrant smoke offering;
With my offering of these, filling space, O entourage,
May you be satisfied and restore degenerated commitments!
All of our mistaken actions of body, speech, and mind,
Which have contradicted the mind of the great Dharmapala,
We confess from the heart; quickly purify them
And care for us with compassion like a mother for her child!
This heart-felt exhortation of you, supreme deity,
Is to spread and increase the Victorious Lozang’s tradition,
To extend the life and dominion of the glorious Gurus,
And to increase the study and practice of the communities of Sangha.
Never separated from me, like my body and its shadow,
May you dispel adverse conditions and obstructors without exception,
Accomplish favourable conditions and desires as I wish,
And protect and care for me without ever a break!
Especially, the time has now come to show directly
Your unobstructed might in quick, decisive enlightened conduct
Of the four activities to swiftly accomplish
Our deepest heart-felt desires according to our wishes!
The time has come to judge the truth in accord with the law of causality!
The time has come to clear the innocent of accusations!
The time has come to protect the humble who are without a protector!
The time has come to nurture Dharma practitioners like your children!
In short, from now until attaining the essence of enlightenment,
Since we venerate you as the embodiment of the Guru and Protector,
May you protect us uninterruptedly with your enlightened activity,
And watch over us during the three periods of day and three of night!
Making Offerings
Sensory Offerings
Inner Offering
By just recollecting you for an instant,
Outer and inner obstructions are dispelled.
O powerful five families of Gyalchen Shugden,
Bestower of the four activities,
To the Dharmapala and his entourage I bow down.
(If time permits, you can recite this prayer)
A Daily Request for Wealth3 , Peace4 and Protection5
In the heavens6 there are myriad manifestations of the divine. All those manifestations specifically show us different aspects of divinity7 in order to be of benefit to all living beings. All the rupakaya8 forms of the divine have compassion, skillful means and wisdom. We invoke upon them whether we are happy, sad, down, lost, fulfilled, confused, empty, and during the whole range of emotions we constantly experience due to an untrained mind.
Understanding our nature, Great Wisdom Being Dorje Shugden, therefore all the more so, please hold us close to your bosom as an only child to a parent.
Though the manifestations of the divine need no offerings and gifts from us, we offer you supreme Manjushri9 Dorje Shugden a libation of tea, incense and mantras, in order to ask you to bless us, to be a part of our lives, to abide in our dwellings and to give us signs, omens and portents of both good and bad. When the negative arises, quell them immediately. Please increase the positive for my weary and worn mind as I lay my hopes in you.
When difficulties, problems and confusion arise, we ask you, who is but the culmination of all that is powerful, holy and omniscient to bless myself, family, loved ones, environment and even my pets. May I see wisdom, find hope, and be at peace.
I request you, O Divine Bhagavān10 Dorje Shugden, who wears a round dome hat and the three robes of a saffroned bhikshu11, who wields a sword of liberty, justice and wisdom and clutches a wish-fulfilling jewel, who rides on a supreme lion of subjugation of all that is negative, to fulfill my wishes. I understand my wishes may not be the best, so I surrender to your wisdom for the outcome though it may not be what I have in mind. Please bless myself and everyone that we may enter into the supreme city of liberation.
Great Bhagavān Dorje Shugden, I request you sincerely from my heart to be a part of my life, bless my home, and grant me wisdom, solace and comfort, that I might be of service to others without agenda, and that I may focus out onto others and not be fixated on myself, creating more problems for all that I hold dear.
Bless me to become kinder, wiser, more compassionate, tolerant and very forgiving to all those who hurt and love me. In order to become close to you, Dorje Shugden, we must surrender the banal. We must abandon fixed views, projections and rigidity. Lastly, in my final moment when I leave this plane of existence, only the positive actions I have done will matter as everything and everyone will be left behind. Let me realise this and act upon this now! At this crucial moment, please may I have a vision of yourself, the powerful and merciful Dorje Shugden, to take me to where I may course in the sky12 to continue my journey of spiritual waxing.
I offer you saffron-coloured tea and my faith to fulfill my prayers and gain siddhis13. By reciting your mantra, may healing, peace, love, long life, protection and perfect view of sunyata14 arise.
Mantra of fulfillment, peace and wisdom:
(It is good to recite this mantra one rosary or more per day. Occasionally, engage in retreats where you recite the mantra 100,000 times or more per year, every year. Consistency brings results!)
I dedicate this supreme heartfelt prayer to the all-knowing Celestial and Supreme Protector Dorje Shugden, that I may quickly become a being of light, compassion, love and enlightenment.
This daily prayer to Dorje Shugden was composed by H.E. Tsem Rinpoche on February 26, 2015 at 2:03am.
[Alternative Prayer] Melody of the Unceasing Vajra
As an alternative to the prayer above, you may wish to recite instead this prayer to Dorje Shugden composed by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, titled ‘Melody of the Unceasing Vajra’.
A Propitiation of Mighty Gyalchen Dorje Shugden, Protector of Conqueror Manjusri Tsongkhapa’s Teachings
By the Supreme Victor, the Great 14th Dalai Lama
Glory of the wisdom, compassion and power of infinite Buddhas
Miraculously powerful protector of Manjusri Tsongkhapa’s Teachings
Arisen as a lord of all wrathful worldly hosts
Come from the abodes of Tushita, Kechara (Paradise or pure land), and so forth!
Prostrating with devotion of body, speech, and mind
I confess all mistakes and faults in which
Out of delusion, I have contradicted your holy mind:
Accept with forbearance and show your smiling face!
Arising from the sport of non-dual bliss and void
Are offerings and torma of flesh and blood heaped like a mountain
First portions of milk, yogurt, beer and tea swirling like the ocean
Auspicious signs and substances and various animals
Peaceful and wrathful ornaments, enemy-destroying weapons and armor
Amassed samaya substances, outer, inner, and secret, without exception!
Having fulfilled your heart commitment and purified degeneration
By making these actually arranged and visualized offerings
Increase Lozang the Victorious One’s Teachings
And the life span and activities of the Teachings’ upholders!
Further the happiness of beings in the Gaden [Podrang] dominion!
Especially pacify all harm to us, the yogis and entourages
That arises because of previous karma and immediate conditions
And spontaneously accomplish, just as we wish
All good things, both spiritual and temporal!
Grind to dust without remainder
Enemy hordes that think and act perversely
Towards the teachings and lay and ordained people
With potent, accurate, powerful great vajra fire!
Especially, cause the saffron-clad community of Dungkar Monastery
Brightly beautiful in bonds of pure morality
To soar the path of immortal liberation
On unified wings of Sutra and Tantra!
In brief, we enthrone you, O Deity, as the supreme
Collected nature of all Gurus and Protective Deities!
From densely gathered clouds of the four activities
Pour down a cool rain of the two siddhis!
This, A Propitiation of World Peace Protector Dorje Shugden, protector of the defenceless was composed by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama while he was in staying in Dungkar Monastery, Tibet 1951. His Holiness was 16 years old at the time and He had already manifested great wisdom and the power of composition. Having met Dorje Shugden through the famed Dungkar Monastery’s oracle, His Holiness the Dalai Lama was very moved and gained great confidence in Dorje Shugden to compose this prayer spontaneously to the delight of many.
The serkym offering can be done as part of the short or condensed sadhana to Dorje Shugden, or as a special exhortation for activities. The offering substance can be tea, milk, yoghurt, soya milk, carbonated drinks, herbal drinks, or any kind of pure drink, and is poured at the third line of verse 1-8 and throughout verse 9. Perform the serkym offering with the conviction that Dorje Shugden and his entourage have actually come before oneself and is partaking of the drink you are offering. This is to make a strong connection to this divine being as per tradition.
OM AH HUM (3x to consecrate the serkym)
O Gurus who rain down accumulations of excellence fulfilling our own and others’ purposes,
And Yidams who bestow all ordinary and supreme attainments,
Through offering you this ambrosial drink which bestows bliss,*
May you, having partaken, swiftly and spontaneously accomplish our wishes!
O all hosts of heroes and dakinis of the three places,
And ocean of powerful, oath-bound Dharma Protectors,
Through offering you this ambrosial drink which bestows bliss,*
May you, having partaken, swiftly and spontaneously accomplish our wishes!
And especially, supreme, supramundane Dharmapala,
Forcefully powerful, strict, and swift Dorje Shugden,
Through offering you this ambrosial drink which bestows bliss,*
May you, having partaken, swiftly and spontaneously accomplish our wishes! (7x or more)
O five families who unobstructedly bestow
Infinite activities of peace, increase, power, and wrath,
Through offering you this ambrosial drink which bestows bliss,*
May you, having partaken, swiftly and spontaneously accomplish our wishes!
O nine beautiful consorts, eight guiding monks,
And ten fierce, attendant young guardians, and so on,
Through offering you this ambrosial drink which bestows bliss,*
May you, having partaken, swiftly and spontaneously accomplish our wishes!
(This verse below can be omitted depended on timing)
Especially, principal guardian of the Conquerors’ Teachings,
Setrap Chen along with entourage to you
This golden drink replete with all one could wish is offered;*
Never waver in your protection! (7x)
O extremely fierce Kache Marpo, the strict attendant,
Executioner of those with degenerated samaya,
Through offering you this ambrosial drink which bestows bliss,*
May you, having partaken, swiftly and spontaneously accomplish our wishes! (3x)
Vow-breakers’ heart-blood purified like gold,
This drink of fully boiling serkym,
I offer to Namka Bardzin and entourage*
Accepting, accomplish the yogi’s intended purpose!
As well as the inconceivable emanations and their emanations,
Attendant deities and demons who shake the three thousand worlds,
Through offering you this ambrosial drink which bestows bliss,
May you, having partaken, swiftly and spontaneously accomplish our wishes!
Thus, by the force of this offering and exhortation,
May you grant your activity throughout the six time periods
And, without wavering, always protect me
And care for me like a father for his son!
And you hosts of wrathful attendants, as well,
Remember your sworn oaths of promise to Lord Dülzin
And accomplish swiftly now, without distraction,
Whatever activities I have requested!
* pour serkym while reciting this line
At the end of your prayers, you can engage in the following visualisation for protection, blessings, the healing of diseases and for blessing the environment that you are living in or occupying.
Visualise Dorje Shugden dissolving into golden light which is the essence of Manjushri. It turns into an orb the size of your thumbnail. This light comes to the top of your head and dissolves into your crown. Entering your crown, the light goes to your heart, and your mind and Manjushri-Dorje Shugden’s essence merge and become one.
If you have a particular disease, visualise the light going to the afflicted area. The light becomes very strong and powerful, thus dissolving and purifying that illness, and your body becomes whole and well.
For protection, visualise that the lights surround you completely. You are inside the orb; both you and your environment are protected, and you glow.
At the conclusion of any meritorious activities such as making offerings, prayers, etc., it is essential to dedicate the merits that we have accumulated for the benefit of all sentient beings.
Completion Dedication
Precious supreme Bodhimind,
May it, where unborn, arise,
And, where born, never decline,
But increase forever more!
Precious view of Shunyata
May it, where unborn, arise,
And, where born, never decline,
But increase forever more!
Dedication of Virtue
Through this virtue may I swiftly
Attain the Guru Buddha’s state,
And place each and every being,
Without exception, in that state!
Auspicious Dedication
May all be auspicious, day and night!
May auspiciousness increase both day and night
Like the sun rising to its highest in the heavens!
Three Jewels of Refuge, please bless us!
Three Jewels of Refuge, please bestow attainments!
May there be auspiciousness of the Three Jewels!
1. Changed for updated understanding of offerings
2. Changed to ‘strong drinks’ as opposed to drinks of Tibet
3. Sampatti
4. Śānti
5. Surakṣā
6. Various realms manifested from enlightenment
7. A superior being who has the six paramitas. In Tibetan and Sanskrit, these are: (1) Jinpa (dana, “generosity”), (2) Tsultrim (shila, “ethics”), (3) Zopa (kshanti, “forbearance, acceptance, patience, forgiveness”), (4) Tsondru (virya, “joyful endeavour, diligence, zeal”), (5) Samten (dyana, “meditative concentration”), and (6) Sherab (prajna, “discriminating wisdom-awareness, insight”).
8. Avatars / emanations / tulkus
9. An Arya Bodhisattva who is the culmination of all the enlightened beings’ wisdom.
10. An epithet for God, In Buddhism’s Pali scriptures, the term is used with Gautama Buddha, referring to him as Bhagavān Buddha (translated with the phrase ‘Lord Buddha’ or ‘The Blessed One’) The term Bhagavān is also found in other Theravadin, Mahayana and Tantric Buddhist texts. Bhagavān is generally translated as Lord or God.
11. Fully ordained monk
12. Positive future rebirths in existence and/or a pure land of an enlightened being
13. Common attainments that bring mental quiescence and extraordinary abilities such as removing obstacles, bringing/stopping rain, subjugating negative invisible beings, bringing resources, higher clairvoyance, etc.
14. Correct view of our existence; emptiness
To download the prayer text in PDF format, click here.
Here are some free high resolution images of Dorje Shugden that you can download and print for your altar. There are many different styles for you to choose from! You can find more images of Dorje Shugden for download here, or for more traditional Tibetan-style images of Dorje Shugden with other deities, click here.

A unique dreamscape painting of Dorje Shugden commissioned by Tsem Rinpoche in the rich Aztec Tradition of South America. Click on image to enlarge.

A beautiful and mystical painting of Dorje Shugden in Scandinavian style commissioned by Tsem Rinpoche. Click on image to enlarge.

A beautiful painting of Dorje Shugden surrounded by mythical creatures of the forest commissioned by Tsem Rinpoche of Kechara. Click on image to enlarge.
If you would like to set up an altar, you can find items to invite home from VajraSecrets. Here are just some of the items that are available for you to set up your altar and make offerings.
Dorje Shugden brass statue with gold finish, 8 inches. To see this item click here.
Buddha Shakyamuni copper statue, 3 inches. To see this item click here.
Onyx protection mala. To see this item click here.
Bloodstone rejuvenating mala.
Copper plated brass offering bowl set, 3.3 inches. To see this item click here.
Carved brass offering bowl set, 3.9 inches. To see this item click here.
Carved brass serkym set, 5 inches. To see this item click here.
Tibetan metal incense burner, 8 inches. To see this item click here.
For more interesting information:
- A short prayer to Dorje Shugden | 多杰雄登短祈愿文
- Dorje Shugden Retreat: a Powerful Practice to Fulfill Wishes
- Dorje Shugden Gyenze: to Increase Life, Merits and Wealth
- Dorje Shugden Shize: a Practice for Healing and Long Life
- Dorje Shugden Wangze for Power and Influence
- Dorje Shugden Trakze to Dispel Black Magic and Spirits
- The 14th Dalai Lama’s Prayer to Dorje Shugden
- The Fifth Dalai Lama & Dorje Shugden | ༧གོང་ས་ལྔ་པ་ཆེན་པོ་དང་རྡོ་རྗེ་ཤུགས་ལྡན། | 第五世达赖尊者与多杰雄登
- Panchen Lama’s Dorje Shugden Puja Text
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If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the blog team
Dorje Shugden is a protector in Tibetan Buddhism, originally a minor protector in the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism. Later adopted by the Gelug school. Has been worshipped throughout history by several schools of Tibetan Buddhism. As a wrathful manifestation of Manjushri, the Wisdom Buddha, who grants wisdom, clarity, and concentration. A protector who fulfils wishes and prayers, brings material resources,healing, and protects from harm to those who sincerely rely on. Also helps us to clear obstacles, and attracts opportunities for success, growth and in many ways. Many practitioners have benefited ultimately for helping them stay on the spiritual path. Rely on Dorje Shugden consistently over times, we will see his graceful yet powerful assistance in our lives. The prayers is indeed very powerful and have me change my life.
Thank you Rinpoche for this simplified daily prayer. Easy and convenient for everyone.
I am having huge financial problems and Very difficult to solve my problem. I am in a Very difficult situation financially.
Thanks for the teaching. My question is this:
I got to know of recent that a hex has been but on myself and my brothers, that our parents will not hear any good news from us, their children. What this means is should my parents get to hear of any good news like jobs, contract, upliftment, it will just not happen. How can one break this hex?
Hi…. I really need ur help…. My finance had constantly had weird dream … In dream he saw am with him and a leady…. That leady don’t like me… She wants him…. Ani constantly he had these dearms she said she commit suicide and die and her husband cheated on her…. She said she wants him only…. Now a days we facing many problems in our lives…. Plsss help us…. How can we get out of this difficult situation…. I love him a lot…. And don’t want to loose him……. Plssssssss help ussss……
Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Buddha Manjushri, he is an enlightened Dharma protector. Hence relying on Dorje Shugden faithfully will help us in many ways regardless of race, religion . This prayers is extremely powerful to protect ourself from spirits and unseen beings. beings.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this simplified daily prayer for us all as it is so convenient where we can do it anywhere and in the moment we need help.
World peace dharma protector Dorje Shugden has all the qualities of a Buddha because he is enlightened. Dorje Shugden grants wishes, blessings and protections regardless of people from different cultures, backgrounds and religions. Anyone can practise Dorje Shugden and i am proud to be one. Thank you Rinpoche for making this simple and profound prayers of Dorje Shugden available to everyone.
Dorje Shugden will help anyone, who needs his help. However he will not help if what we wish to do, create negative karma for ourselves and others. No buddha will ever bring you towards more suffering, rather alleviate any suffering we could be facing at this time.
Beautiful billboard just came up in our hometown of Bentong where Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR) in Malaysia is located. All of us in Bentong are warm, simple and very friendly people. Our beautiful billboard depicts Dorje Shugden statue in KFR and Dorje Shugden is a hero (pahlawan) and a powerful being from Tibet. He is highly respected for giving great inspirations and blessings from his life story.~Tsem Rinpoche- See more beautiful pictures-
这个美丽的布告板刚在我们的家乡——文冬安装好。文冬是克切拉禅修林的所在地。我们文冬人热情、朴实和友善。我们美丽的布告板描绘着禅修林里的多杰雄登像,而多杰雄登是位英雄,也是一位来自西藏强大的守护者。从他的生平我们得知他因赐人加持和灵感而备受尊崇。詹仁波切- 点击链接查看更多图片:
Thank you; just found your Web Site from You Tube. I’ve been busy downloading the Dorje Shugden Sadhana, etc. He is my great protector and I can’t get enough information about him. I will continue to check your Web Site.
How do you know if you are gifted????
Hello everyone,
Tsem Rinpoche was on Facebook live-stream twice again today (19th March 2019). This time Tsem Rinpoche shared with everyone a simple yet extremely powerful method to protect yourself from spirits and malevolent beings. The footage has been made available on YouTube here:
Part 1 –
This part covers the concise method used for protection, which anyone can do no matter your background.
Part 2 –
This part is Tsem Rinpoche answering questions from students and friends all over the world covering not only the topic of spiritual protection but many others too.
Do share the links with your loved ones. The prayers that Rinpoche recited are the simplified Dorje Shugden sadhana prayers from this blog post, and can be downloaded here:
Thank you to everyone who participated in the live-streaming sessions with us.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this simplified daily prayer that make it so convenient for many since everyone is always in the rush. No matter the length of the prayer, Dorje Shugden practise is powerful and we can always rely on him. May many be blessed and engaged in the practise daily.
Hi everyone,
On March 1, 2019 Rinpoche was on Facebook live-stream twice and fulfilled requests for special prayers from students and followers all around the world. The footage has been made available on YouTube here:
and here:
Do share the links with your loved ones. The prayers that Rinpoche recited are the simplified Dorje Shugden sadhana prayers from this blog post, and can be downloaded here:
Thank you to everyone who participated in the live-streaming sessions with us.
Thank you Rinpoche for always finding ways to help us to practice and be protected. People nowadays are busy with mundane activities, these are actually obstacles in our spiritual practice. The short prayer that is kindly composed by Rinpoche takes about 20 minutes or less to recite, even though it is an ‘express’ prayer but it is still very powerful.
All of us have obstacles or problems in our lives, they can be career problems, relationship problems, financial problems or health problems. Sometimes we might lose hope but if we rely on Dorje Shugden and pray to him sincerely, he will show us the way. Dorje Shugden has helped many people overcome their problems and he has saved many lives.
Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Buddha Manjushri, he is an enlightened Dharma protector, there is no risk in relying on Dorje Shugden. Tsem Rinpoche is very kind to share the practice with us because he has personally benefitted from the practice. It is Dorje Shugden who assisted Rinpoche in Rinpoche’s Dharma work and he also healed Rinpoche from his sickness. If we have faith and trust in Dorje Shugden, he definitely will help us to overcome our difficulty.
Thank you, your eminence & blog team, for sharing this new simplified prayer to Dorje Shugden.
DS is extremely compassionate and helps anyone who calls upon him. This prayer is great for those on really tight schedules.
Thank you so much Rinpoche for sharing this new simplified prayer to Dorje Shugden. It’s very beneficial for some people like us who sometimes feel too tired to do the long version. I’m always looking forward for Rinpoche to go live on FB, and hope to see Rinpoche go live more often to share dharma and i can also share the live video on my FB to everyone. Thank you very much Rinpoche and blog team for this wonderful sharing!????????
Thank you Rinpoche for giving us Dorje Shugden practise. Rinpoche has made the practise simple, easy yet profound so that everyone is benefited. Dorje Shugden is an enlightened protector who helps unconditional because his compassion has no barriers. Anyone can rely on this powerful protector even we are without oral transmission or initiation. Rejoices that more and more people around the world can benefited from Dorje Shugden practice.
It filled my heart with warmth to listen and watch, H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s teaching on calling upon the divine to help us through our problems in this life in samsara, which is filled with all that which does not bring us real and lasting happiness.
It is the great compassion that Rinpoche possesses, that will make our lives easier and find true solutions with our daily woes. Salvation from suffering, one step at a time.
The teaching on calling on Dorje Shugden to assist and to have unfailing faith that DorjeShugden will help is very powerful and that it is the best method of self help towards our pursuit of happiness and excellence.
It also gave me great joy to notice that some of my relatives residing outside of Malaysia were also listening to Rinpoche. May they be blessed by Dorje Shugden.
Most of all for all those who missed the “live” teaching this blog post will give them the same opportunity to the Gift of a Divine Friend and Protector.
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha.
With folded hands ? thank you Rinpoche for yesterday’s live sharing in FB. Whenever Rinpoche goes live, it leaves a great impact on my mind. I believe with live sharing, it will leave a longer lasting and good impression in my mind, better than just plain reading articles. Sometimes, I might incorrectly formed an opinion based on reading text alone. I appreciate Rinpoche taking the time to teach us in public using modern method such as FB live.
It felt like attending Guru’s teaching in a monastery, but using modern ways whereby we can watch it in the comfort of our homes. Thank you to those who made it possible.
Thank you Rinpoche again for compiling easy and short prayer to propitiate powerful Bhagawan Dorje Shugden daily. Indeed this Dharma Protector has brought tremendous benefit to me, my family and others as well. With tremendous negative things that happened around the world, thank Buddha that we are still alive and can at least learn some Dharma. Instead of putting up the bad news that dominates a huge part of our lives daily, I find that we can actually inspired others through generating good news such as sharing Dorje Shugden. Even for those who are atheist, I believe this prayer is extremely beneficial.
With this prayer compiled by Rinpoche, the prayer is rather short, easy and can be done in within 20 minutes. It suits everyone and especially those who would like to seek inner peace, protection or blessing in busy daily life. It’s very convenient and the blog team even have put up the Dorje Shugden images where we can download it and/or print it according to our preferred sizes and frames. We can even download it in our laptop or smartphone. Whenever I’m travelling, these images in my tablet becomes my portable image for my temporary altar. Sometimes when I forgot to bring my Diamond Path prayer book, I will search the prayers in this blog. It’s easy, convenient and fast. There’s no excuses for not doing our prayer daily and consistently. ?
Excellent short and easy prayer for modern day people who are busy and yet need powerful protection and blessings from an enlightened being like Dorje Shugden. I particularly like the healing and protection visualisation that is simple yet potent. We are very fortunate to have H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche live streaming explaining to us how to do this prayer. >>
Thank you, Rinpoche and the team who made this post and the live stream possible.