Question asked by Megan
My first 'real 'exposure to Buddhism is Mahayana buddhism, specifically the buddha recitation method of Namo Amitabha. In recent years, I've been very much fascinated and taken some interested in Vajarayana/Tibeten Buddhsim.
Of late,I have been chanting the mantra of Om mani padme hung and migtsema quite frequently.Is it alright to practise the chanting of namo amitabha, om mani padme hung and migtsema all at once?
I do not belong to a specific dhamma centre n i do not have a root guru
Dear Megan,
The chanting of any mantra and any prayer will never conflict with eachother. You are chanting the sacred mantras of Enlightened Buddhas so there can never be conflict.
You can chant any mantra you like in any combination you like. There is only benefit. I wish you the best.