Question asked by Jorjian
Dear Respected Rinpoche,
I agree with you that you have every right to practice what you want and you do not need to justify or explain yourself to anyone. You are a monk and have been for decades and that itself is more than I or most have done. I like your directness and your no nonsense approach. And if other people do not like it, too bad. Thank you for being you. If I was to recite any mantra or do any retreat to dedicate for your long life, which one would it be please?
Dear Jorjian,
I really feel I just do what I feel is right. If my guru gives me a practice, I just stick with it and no one else could convince me otherwise, not even another guru. At my age ( I should have learned earlier)I have realized, I do not need to explain anything to anyone. When I am up I am alone, when I am down I am alone, so in between I better just be stable with my practices. I am glad you can sympathize with that. I appreciate it.
If you wish to increase my life or the life of others or yourself, the mantra of Je Tse-Zinma would be beautiful and fulfill many purposes. I thank you for your kind thoughts on my long life. That is really generous of you. TR