Good News! Large Dog Meat Market in Busan, South Korea to Close!
Good news! One of the biggest dog meat markets in South Korea will be closed down for good! Finally, the Korean Government is doing something right to cease the operation of this cruel industry.
The consumption of dog meat in South Korea is not something new. It has been around since the Three Kingdoms of Korea from the first century AD. Fortunately, due to the rising awareness on animal rights, dog meat markets and vendors are being shut down for good.
Gupo dog meat market has been around for 60 years and it is one of the largest markets in South Korea for selling dog meat. Due to the hard work of animal advocacy organisations such as Save Korean Dogs, Animals Asia and many others, the market will be shut down at a crucial time, which is just before Boknal – the hottest period of the year, when up to 1.5 million dogs will be slaughtered and the meat used to make soup. This is a triumph for animal rights activists, an important step forward in the war against dog meat consumption in South Korea.
Animals have senses too and they do feel what we feel, including the fear of death. In Buddhism, eating meat contributes to the killing of dogs or animals, which carry heavy karmic repercussion. When you eat meat, it contributes towards animals being caged, confined in crowded space, and then savagely butchered. Hence, be kind to them and save them from unnecessary suffering. We should take on a vegetarian or vegan diet so that we don’t hurt animals just for the sake of filling our plates.
Tsem Rinpoche
One of South Korea’s largest dog meat markets – where chilled canine flesh was served and live animals were slaughtered to order – is closed down
By Danyal Hussain for Mailonline
Published: 13:26 BST, 3 June 2019 | Updated: 07:12 BST, 4 June 2019
A notorious dog meat market that serves chilled canine flesh and keeps live animals in cages to slaughter on order is being closed down.
The Gupo dog meat market in Busan, South Korea is one of the largest in the country.
Now, local authorities have reached an agreement with all 19 dog meat sellers at Gupo Livestock Market to shut down their businesses next month.
The agreement is part of an urban planning project to regenerate the area and turn the market into a public park.

Kaya, a mother dog, and her puppies are shown locked inside a green house at a dog meat farm in Namyangju, South Korea

The chilled meat on display at the Gupo dog meat market in Busan, South Korea. The market is now being closed
The closure of Gupo is the latest in a series of crackdowns by officials on the dog meat trade.
In November last year, Seongnam city demolished Taepyeong, the country’s largest dog slaughterhouse, and closed down most of its related dog meat vendors.
Earlier this year, Seoul mayor, Park Won-soon, vowed to close all dog butcheries in South Korea’s capital city after watching an animation about abandoned dogs.
Nara Kim, dog meat campaigner for Humane Society International said: ‘We very much welcome the agreement reached to close Gupo market, home to one of the largest dog meat markets in South Korea.
‘The closure plan is the result of months of hard work between the local authorities and the market vendors, and both sides are to be commended for working towards this goal that will not only bring to an end to Gupo’s dog meat era, but will also see the area regenerated with new amenities and businesses for the benefit of the local, modern economy.

The Gupo dog meat market in Busan, South Korea is one of the largest in the country and has now been closed down

The HSI Animal Rescue Team rescues a dog at a dog meat farm in Namyangju, South Korea

A mother dog and her puppies are shown locked inside a green house at a dog meat farm in Namyangju
‘HSI has been working with dog meat farmers in South Korea for nearly four years helping them close their flagging businesses as more people in the county turn away from dog meat, so the closure of Gupo’s grimly iconic dog market, which follows the demolition last year of the country’s largest dog slaughterhouse complex, is a sign of more compassionate times.
‘This is the latest crackdown on an increasingly unpopular dog meat trade, and we hope that it inspires further closures in future where dogs also suffer for the meat trade, such as Chilsung market in Daegu.’
Close to 2 million dogs a year are reared on thousands of dog meat farms across South Korea, the only country known to farm dogs for human consumption.
All across Asia, an estimated 30 million dogs are killed and eaten each year, mainly stolen pets and street dogs.

Close to 2 million dogs a year are reared on thousands of dog meat farms across South Korea, the only country known to farm dogs for human consumption

The notorious dog meat market in Busan serves chilled canine flesh and keeps live animals in cages to slaughter on order
The dogs live their whole lives on dog farms before being slaughtered.
Death by electrocution is most common, with dogs usually taking up to five minutes to die.
There have even been instances of dogs taking up to 20 minutes to die and hanging is also practised.
The animals are killed in full view of other dogs.
Most people in the country don’t regularly eat dog but it remains popular during July and August when it is eaten as a soup called bosintang.

Lola Webber, Campaign Manager for South Korea of HSI, greets Kaya at a dog meat farm in Namyangju
Nara Kim, Campaign Manager in South Korea of HSI, cuddles George at a dog meat farm in Namyangju
Adam Parascandola, left, Director of Animal Protection and Crisis Response of HSI, and Lola Webber, right, Campaign Manager for South Korea of HSI, rescue Caroline at a dog meat farm
The closure of Gupo is the latest in a series of crack downs by officials on the dog meat trade
Some believe that the soup improves stamina and virility.
A South Korean court ruled last June that killing dogs for meat is illegal, in a landmark decision which animal rights activists said could pave the way to outlawing eating canines.
The meat has long been a part of South Korean cuisine, with about one million dogs eaten a year.
Consumption has declined in South Korea with the practice now something of a taboo among younger generations and pressure from activists mounting.
A survey in 2017 found that 70 per cent of South Koreans does not eat dogs, but only about 40 per cent believe the practice should be banned.
South Korea to close down Gupo dog meat market in Busan, South Korea
The above information and pictures are extracted from: Daily Mail Online (June 5, 2019). Retrieved from:
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Thanks to the tireless work of animal rights activists South Korea’s second-biggest dog meat market is finally closing after 60 years in operation. Its a hotbed of animal abuse, where selling dog meat was major business. How wonderful to see more people are joined force together to put an end to dog meat trade. Hopefully this can bring greater impact and awareness nationwide that meat is not a necessity on our daily diet and eventually leads to massive cut down on meat consumption. Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for this great sharing!👍👏😘🙏
Meat trade commercial industry is well known of brutally tortures animals for profits. Gupo dog meat market in Busan, Korean which was once being the largest market selling chilled dog meats and live dogs killed to order, has been closed down by the South Korean authorities. This is a GREAT NEWS to end such cruel trade. This closure was not done by force from the authority, but complete agreement has been reached between the vendors and local authorities.
How wonderful to see more people are joined force together to put an end to dog meat trade. Hopefully this can bring greater impact and awareness nationwide that meat is not a necessity on our daily diet and eventually leads to massive cut down on meat consumption.
This is great news! A great change for saving lives. Many people don’t understand that animals have feelings too. They can feel pain just like us. They can feel joyful just like us too. So if we like happiness so to them. We are not superior to them, we are sharing the place on earth with them. If we say that we have the right to live and enjoy our life so to them.
Just think it this way, if we don’t want to be treated like how the dog been treated then STOP! Let have peace together.
The closing down of the dog meat market in South Korea is indeed good news. In Buddhism, the breeding of animals for slaughter is one of the five wrong livelihoods for laypeople. By giving up this means of livelihood, the butchers and others involved in the industry, including the consumers will not create more negative karma. Congratulations to the Mayor of Seoul and the dog meat campaigners for the success of their efforts to ban the dog meat industry.
Breaking news in Busan, South Korea, a huge dog meat market is being closed down as the trade’s popularity drastically declines. Thanks to the tireless work of animal rights activists South Korea’s second-biggest dog meat market is finally closing after 60 years in operation. Its a hotbed of animal abuse, where selling dog meat was major business. Wow……a number of shops in the market that are selling dog meat have tentatively agreed to close their businesses. That’s great. Dogs at meat markets in South Korea are subjected to brutal lives and horrific forms of killing. Very cruel as some dogs are also killed by hanging and laid to rest in view of other caged animals. About 2 million dogs a year are reared on thousands of dog meat farms and killed for human consumption in South Korea. Alarming figure , can imagine the suffering ,and pain, those dogs got to go through. They too have feelings like one of us . Now as more younger generation are educated and aware of the unhealthy killings of dogs , they are going against the dog consumption. The animal rights activists did the right approach and has been working hard with the authority to stop the abusing of dogs . Hopefully more markets place will follow Gupo market, closing the business of dogs ‘s meat.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this great news.
This is such a good news that the largest dog meat market in Korea is shut down. Look at the living environment of these poor dogs, it is terrible. They are treated very badly just like an object. What is very upsetting is that the dogs are bred intentionally for people to consume.
Animals deserve the right to live freely and enjoy the planet just like human being. We are not superior to the animals, we don’t own this planet. We are merely one of the residents on this planet. It is sad to know that the majority of people still think it is ok to hurt the animals and treat them badly.
As a Buddhist, I believe in reincarnation and it is highly possible that I might take rebirth in the animal realm. I do not wish to be treated like these poor animals. Therefore, I choose to be on a vegetarian diet. If it is not for religious reason, we should also opt for a vegetarian diet because it is more healthy.
Thank you, Rinpoche and blog team for sharing this good news with us. it is good to know that Korean citizens have more awareness now on killing dogs for their meat. However, we should not just stop at dogs. We should also consider the cruelty and suffering that other animals such as chicken, cow and pig go through in those slaughter houses.
It is not logical for us to only save dogs that were being butchered while we are okay with cows, pigs and chickens being butchered in even larger quantities. That is the act of a hypocrite. If we really want to make a difference, we have to go vegan which is the compassion diet.
Nevertheless, it is still good news that Korean are having more awareness on animal cruelty now and hopefully it can extend to other animals too and not just dogs. Hopefully, China will be influenced by them because China has huge dog meat markets too.
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Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this good news. Dogs are supposed to be our best friend. They are very loyal to their caretakers. If they are capable of being loyal, it must be that they too have emotion just like us. How can we treat a being who has emotion as a piece of meat or as our food? If we do, we are more cruel than the animals. Then are we even qualified to be called human? Are we more superior than the animals? The answer is definitely no. Therefore, we have no rights to make any living beings our food.
Sorry typo save ** safe
Thanks to the activist and media, finally one of largest dog market is closed for good. I am so glad to hear that, at least now dogs is save for being killed for human consumption in South Korea.
Thanks Rinpoche for the article
Thank you for this article. We should understand that dogs are equal as humans as they are living creatures and made by god as well as humans. We as humans have no rights to hurt them. We shouldn’t slaughter other animals in order to make our plate full.
This is why Buddhism practices vegetarianism which does not hurt any kind of animals. By doing this, I’m sure that we can gain Dharma. Luckily the dog meat market in Busan, South Korea is to close. Thank you.