Question asked by Michael Kuang
Dear Rinpoche, I pray for your speedy recovery from your 2 years reflux that created much obstacles in your daily life. I would like to know how do you deal with the pain when you fall sick..Is there a meditation method that we can use to divert our focus rather than the pain our impermanent body suffer? May Menlha cure your gastro obstacles..and be free of pain..
Thank you for your good wishes.
I will relay with you what His Eminence Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche told me when I was in alot of pain in the past:
He said to wish, pray and visualize all the pain from others who suffer the same problems coming to me while I am in pain. He said to sincerely wish they do not have any pain and that in my suffering I suffer for them. Whatever I am suffering will be the cause to relieve their sufferings. He said in that way, our minds become strong and brave to withstand/endure pain as it’s not for just us anymore. It is for everyone in our meditations. our pain and sickness can be used to train the mind and change our attitude. I did as I was advised.
Along with this to do Medicine Buddha pujas again and again. The Medicine Buddha puja in my personal experience is very helpful. I have a really uncanny experience with this puja which I will not type here for now. From this experience, I have tremendous faith in Medicine Buddha’s pujas/practice. It’s very effective.
I wish you luck.