Question asked by Maxime
Dear pastors,
When consecrating and blessing Buddhas Images myself like H.E. Tsem Rinpoche said in this beautiful practice. When it's time to throw rice, does it need to touch the statues or tsa tsa that needs to be blessed ? Like throwing the rice on the statues ? Or just throwing the rice in the air in front of me ?
Also, do I need to do the blessing one time for one buddha statue (or image) or can I do it one time for all the altar and representations ?
Another question apart from this practice is when i do the sadhana of my yidam, when it comes to reciting mantras is it better to say the mantras out loud or reciting them only mentally and silently ? What is the best ?
I wish one day to take the vows and be a buddhist monk for the rest of my life.
Thanks in advance for your time and answer.
Also thanks a lot for spreading Dharma and may you and all sentient beings be enlightened as quickly as possible.
Kind regards,
Dear Maxime,
Thank you for your questions. It’s great that you want to bless your own statues.
In the article How To Bless Buddha Images Yourself (, there is a commentary at the bottom of the article (in the tabs). There is a separate commentary for each version of the text, Condensed, Medium and Extensive. You can read the instructions of what to do for whichever blessing you are doing there.
Generally, rice is thrown when you recite the mantra OM SUTRA-TITRA BENZA-YE SOHA. It is not necessary that the rice touches the statues/images if you are sitting further away from your altar. However, some people find it more meaningful for themselves if the rice does touch the images. This is up to you.
You do not need to do the blessing for each individual statue/image on your altar. You can just do the blessing once, and visualise/think strongly that the energies of the Buddhas have entered each and every image on your altar.
In regards to mantras, it would be good to follow the information in the attached picture. Basically, you chant aloud enough so you yourself can hear the syllables but not loud enough to disturb those around you. I hope this helps. Thank you.