Question asked by Jenny Chin
Dear Rinpoche, in kechara do you and your kechara staff faces internal conflict? What happen when this this occur? Since is a Dharma center there must be a way to solve it right? And beside that your centre had grown so big with various dept, but do you really believe your head dept in managing that particular dept?
Dear Jenny,
We have all types of people in Kechara from so many backgrounds and very diverse. Everyone is so uniques and different.
There are Kecharians that practice Dharma deeply and some do not. There are ones who are senior hence can have the knowledge to practice deeper and new ones who have lots of questions to be answered before they go deeper into practice. We have Kecharians that have alot of merit so Dharma practice comes to them eaiser and those who are generating more merit in order to improve. We have Kecharians who are patient, angersome, loving, jealous, spiteful, generous, knowledgeable, sincere, caring, selfish, giving, helpful, lazy, etc…Kecharians are just like anybody else. So naturally conflicts and differences in opininons will arise from time to time. Important to not focus on conflicts, but resolve and move on. Conflicts will continue to arise. So what we do is talk it out. Or have a liaison talk to the conflicting parties. If this does not resolve the issue (which 99% of time it does), then it is brought up to the BOD (highest Body of decision makers within Kechara).
See it this way, sick people go to a hospital and get the remedy. Some go all the way in following the doctor’s instructions and get well fast. Some follow occasionally. Some follow at their convenience, some don’t follow, some follow later. Just like that, we have many types of people who come to Kechara. Different attitudes. All are welcome even so. I expect the basic courtesy from Kecharians from eachother-truthfulness, sincerity, and being genuine. These are basic human courtesies we should extend everywhere we go in fact.
My heads of each dept do much more than other people. They give so much of their time, lives, finances, love, energy and care to their depts. They are humans too and they do slip. But on the whole they do much more than most I must say. Without them I cannot accomplish much.
I appreciate, love and genuinely care about my heads of Dept very much as well as the staff, members, volunteers and students.
May all be blessed by Lord Tsongkapa and have their obstacles removed by Setrap.