Question asked by Om
Dear Pastor,
I recently had a dream of handing over prayer book to me by someone which i didn't see. I just saw myself receiving a new prayer book printed with golden sanskrit font. What does it indicate …do you have any idea?
What i believe is my lord is showing my way towards sanga…but i am an unfortunate and a shameless person like rimpoche mentioned in one of his video, as i cannot leave behind my responsibilities. I don't have a good life but still i cannot leave it. I still have responsibilities to take care of . If i die without taking care of it, my soul will keep wandering forever.
Dear Om,
Thank you for your message. I am in no means an expert in dream interpretation, but what comes to mind is that perhaps it is a sign for you to progress in your spiritual practice, by learning and engaging in a daily sadhana practice, which you keep without fail and do consistently. This can be done even without becoming Sangha. In fact, the majority of Buddhists are not monks and nuns but lay people. There is no shame in that.
I would suggest that you engage in the daily practice of Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden. This is the standard daily practice recommended by Tsem Rinpoche for everyone to practice. In this way, you not only progress spiritually but also remove obstacles and create conducive conditions for daily life.
You can find more about Dorje Shugden here:
The daily sadhana is called the Diamond Path:
I hope this helps. Please do let us know if there is anything that you need help with if you would like to start doing daily sadhana. Thanks.