Question asked by Lee
Hello Pastor!
I have questions about:
What's the benifits of Dorje Dermo practice?
Can i apply Dorje Dermo practice for dealing with authority obstacles such as delay proccessing Visa, or wrong jugdements?
I have heard about Ganapati Ragavajra also dealing with goverment obstacles but I'm really yet to so deep connect with Him but I have feel with Dorje Dermo strongly after I pray to Dorje Shugden to show me signs what i should do to during the time that I'm waiting for my visa now and then, I have feel to Dorje Dermo practice with the though that i should recite this sutra according to my ages.
How i should make right motivation to recite this sutra for benifits to other and my problems?
Thank you so much.
Dear Lee,
The practice of Dorje Dermo is not one that Tsem Rinpoche taught as one of our main practices, hence I cannot share much regarding the practice. However, Tsem Rinpoche did indeed say that it is a powerful practice. As to if it will be helpful for dealing obstacles when dealing with official/government matters, I cannot say, though in general the practice is powerful for overcoming negative effects in general.
From experience and from what Rinpoche taught, the practice of Ganapati Ragavajra would be much more effective in your case. However, you can recite the Dorje Dermo Dharini if you wish. It’s up to you.
Hope that this helps. Thank you.