Question asked by Atom Seven or ID name Pedro Neves Mota
First of all thank you for all that you are offering free here in your web house.
I would like to ask which name I should use: Pedro Neves Mota (ID) or Atom Seven
12 years ago I moved to Berlin and finally I changed my name to Atom Seven, using my family names backwards Neves Mota.
my question is do I need to use the ID name or the name I am now know in the world for astrology purposes?
Hello Atom Seven,
This actually depends on the system of astrology you are using. For example, the Chinese, Indian and Tibetan forms of astrology work solely from your date of birth. In fact in some forms of Indian and Tibetan astrology, your name is actually chosen from your astrology chart. So the most important thing for these forms of astrology is that date of birth, not the name.
In other forms, for example Numerology, then yes, the name comes into play. I’m not that well versed in Numerology, so cannot help to answer from that side. But I think you would use the name that you go by now. The reason being, our names have a certain energy to shape us. That’s why sometimes in Tibetan Buddhism, we are actually advised to change our name when going through certain difficult situations. Of course it’s not just the change of name, but prayers, pujas, motivation, etc that really changes our life situations.
Hope this helps. Thank you.