Question asked by Skylar
Recently I had a recurring nightmare+sleep paralysis that wouldn't go away and would keep coming back every time I would go back to sleep after breaking out of it. I recited Om Mani Padme Hung and the Green Tara mantra several times in my mind out of habit since I usually recite these mantras when I'm coming back home at night when it's dark and I'm scared but nothing happened and it still kept going on. I praised Jesus out of desperation twice and the nightmare went away and didn't happen reoccurred the whole night. I've heard that both of them have protected many others before so why not me? My faith in the dharma is wavering- is my karmic connection to the deities not strong enough? Rinpoche said there's many different paths according to the Buddha so I'm thinking I have a stronger connection to Jesus in this life due to previous lives karma and it might be more beneficial for me but I don't know if the conclusion I've arrived to is right or not since I don't possess the wisdom needed
Dear Skylar,
I’m very sorry to read that you had to go through such experiences. It must have been quite scary. In regards to your belief, from your message it comes across as that you might not have really thought about and decided which spiritual path to follow. Tsem Rinpoche always used to say that regarding our spiritual path, first we must always do our research into its belief’s and practices. Then when we have found one that resonates with us, we follow it all the way. Doing so doesn’t mean that we have complete faith in it from the very beginning. As human beings, we will always have some form of doubt in things, but as you practice that path, whatever it may be, then over time these doubts become less and less. Even in the most difficult times, if we have practised well, our faith will be strong.
In your case, it seems you are grappling with Buddhism and Christianity, and that is fine, but in order to progress spiritually, you will need to decide which of the two that you really want to follow from your heart. Both are valid, both are wonderful spiritual paths.
In regards to your experience both Chenrezig’s mantra and Green Tara’s mantra are definitely powerful, but they won’t necessarily have the effect you were looking for (which is to help you with the nightmares and sleep paralysis) unless you already had quite a close connection with them through consistent practice. Does this mean that they cannot help you? Of course not, they are both Buddhas, but the way in which their practices manifested were not to help in this situation first. There practices manifested primarily for the development of compassion and swift assistance in general respectively. If you have been doing their practice with consistency, faith and concentration, then of course they can help in such situations.
However, for these types of situations, the mantras of other deities are more effective as the practices of these deities manifested to help with this very type of situation. For example, the mantra and practice of Dukkar is very effective for both nightmares and sleep paralysis. Dukkar’s mantra is OM SITA TA PA TREY HUM PHET. Her practice has the primary benefit of helping with such issues. That being said, even if you practice Dukkar, eventually she will also help you to develop compassion, etc, also.
I hope this helps answer your question. You have our prayers to not encouter such situations again, and for progress on your chosen spiritual path.