Question asked by Hoa
Hello Pastors!
I have found this beautiful sang offering prayers to Naga:
Do we can engage in this sang text to appease Naga?
Is this Sang text have been used from Gelug Lamas?
Do we have safe specific ways to invoke Naga?
Thank you so much.
Dear Hoa,
Thanks for your question. This specific sang offering to the Nagas is not used within the Gelug tradition. If I’m not mistaken this Lhasel Chenmo sang offering belongs to the terma tradition within the Nyingma lineage.
Generally speaking, within the Gelug tradition the majority of Naga pujas are not engaged in, unless the pracitioner has completed the prerequisite deity retreats and even then they are trained to perform the pujas before actually engaging in them. This is because it can be difficult to engage in Naga pujas effectively. Tsem Rinpoche was very strict in regards to Naga pujas, etc.
However, there is one practice that can be done, which is the recitation of a Sutra, which is available here: Even then, there are very specific things that you need do to, such as being vegetarian, etc, so as not to anger the Nagas. You can read the introduction to the article to learn more. Thanks.