Question asked by Luna
Hello!! I recently undergone dental precedures, it's now difficult to talk or even talk clearly. I remember hearing a teaching where Tsem Rinpoche said that someone else could read someone's sadhana for them when in critical condition. Now, I would want to make sure if I could read my sadhana to myself since I can't enunciate words clearly. Thank you in advance.
Dear Luna,
Sorry to read that you are having such a difficult time after your procedures. In relation for someone reading a person’s Sadhana when the person is critically ill, this was in relation to a person being extremely ill such as in a unconscious state, etc.
If we are able to recite, even if unclearly, we should still recite the sadhana ourselves rather than have someone recite for us. This should only be a last resort, when we are critically unable to talk at all, etc. So for the moment, under you are completely healed, you should still recite your daily sadhana, even if not clearly. If your situation is very painful, you can whisper your recitation. That is still acceptable. I hope this helps and you recover from your procedures quickly.