Question asked by jan Tewi
I apologize for what may be a very basic question, but Je Tsongkhapa's Goldem Garland names the Abhisamayalankara as the source of the Lamrim tradition. In the course of your pastoral training, how did you study the AA? For example, did you start with one or more the Prajnaparamita sutras and then proceed to the AA, and then to its commentaries (e.g. Arya Vimuktisena or Haribhadra) and subcommentaries (e.g. Tsongkhapa)? Or did you start with something like Ganden Shartse's yigcha, and then work backwards to higher-level source texts? Sometimes I suspect these various commentarial strata of representing entirely different tenet systems, though this might be explained in terms of upaya. If not for the example of all the enlightened beings who have studied this material (now including you pastors, to whom I pay homage!) I would be tempted to just give up and read something easier. Thank you in advance for your guidance!
Dear Jan,
I will be very honest to say that pastors in Kechara are not Geshe bound scholars. As far as our studies are concerned we follow the instructions given by our spiritual guide which balances study with dharma work and serving society.
Our study curriculum centres around the Lamrim text , Liberation in the palm of your hand by H.H. Kyabje Pabongkha Rinpoche, the four preliminaries, 8 verses of mind transformation by Kadampa Langri Tangpa, Bodhicaryavatara by Pandita Shantideva and Wheel of Sharp Weapons by Yogi Dhamarakshita.
Dharma texts are much easier to understand if one put into practice what has been learnt. If you are fortunate to have a guru, it is best since the guru can actualise the dharma for us to see and follow without mistake.