Question asked by james
what is the quickest way to eradicate negitive karma. currently i'm doing vajrasttva, 35 confession buddhas and Namah Sarva Tathagata Hridaya Anugatey Om Kurum Ghini Svaha . is there any other more effective mantras that i can do.
with these mantra i have done the correct visulization , reliance ,refuge,regret , refraining , reparation
Dear James,you already got the best purification mantras and practices there !
The effectiveness of any buddhist practice to make things happen depends on the quality of our mind not the quantity of mantras.
From what you write, you seem to have the knowledge of the 4 powers of purification etc.If you are doing it correctly you should definitely get results.If not, I suggest you learn more by attending dharma classes to fill in gaps in our knowledge base and to balance that with engaging in dharma work ( joining n helping in a budhdhist organisation in whatever you can on regular basis ). This will build up the merits to support fruition of our practices.