Question asked by Lan
Hi Pastors,
I love buddhas , and dharma very much and have been interesting since i was 5 years old and have been practising since then and i'm 19 . But I also love sex and masterbation … i know this is very sinful and bad so my question is how to i stop this sexual misconduct quickly … i'm trying to get tantra and have also done many vajrasattvas but i see it as useless if i keep on sining . What do i do
Dear Lan
Be very thankful that you have created much merits in your previous life/s that you have such strong interest in the buddhas and dharma. Just as you are able to receive the dharma in this life because of past actions, same goes as to what you are creating in this life will be the result you experience in your next life.
Is there any difference between a human being who has no control over sexual desires compared to an animal who cannot control their sexual desires too?
Nothing wrong with masturbation or sex. But it is how much it controls us which makes it bad.
Be very aware what effects we are creating. We can have a human body but if the mind is of an animal, when we shed off this physical human body, do not be surprised if karma opens and we find ourselves as an animal. This is a teaching in the Lamrim by the great HH Pabongkha Rinpoche.
Ask yourself truthfully if it is truly you cannot control or you chose to indulge in physical pleasures.
Study the lamrim and meditate on death. WIthout studying and contemplation, it is very hard to transform our minds with mantra recitations alone.
You are born with the precious human life and the potential to achieve ultimate liberation. Meditate on how much you will destroy your opportunity for ultimate happiness if you continue to chose to be a slave to your desires.