Mar 7, 2010
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
Dear friends,
A few years ago, a group of students gathered at the old KH2* (now Kechara Discovery) to perform many wonderful pujas. Now we have our pujas done at the Puja House. Due to the kindness of the monks from Gaden Monastery who came to train up the puja team, Kechara House is now able to perform various types of pujas. They are exactly the same as those done at Gaden Monastery. We have highly trained Kecharians who have learned the traditional pujas including the making of tormas (ritual cakes). So the pujas will be effective for the well being of the patron. Besides Dukkar pujas we have heart sutra puja, Tara puja, Medicine Buddha puja, Manjushri Puja, Dzambala pujas, and so on…
One of the pujas that is done at the Puja House is Dukkar puja. Dukkar’s practice is very good if we encounter harmful spirits and black magic. She bestows upon us great blessings and protection. Below is an article about Dukkar extracted from kechara.com. She is very helpful for spirit disturbances, certain types of harms, supernatural disturbances, wrongful court cases and general well being. She is a powerful practice and powerful puja that all family should do from time to time. It is very important. This pujas restores harmony, protection and safety from supernatural interferences. Great safety and release from fear.
Read up the article below to know more about Dukkar… do you think you need her practice?
Tsem Rinpoche
*KH2 was the second premise we had for Kechara House. This was the premise before we moved to the new gompa!

Dukkar – her delicate beauty and charm belies her ferocity
Goddess of the White Umbrella
Dukkar or Sitatapatra is regarded as a female counterpart to Avalokitesvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion. Like him, Sitatapatra manifests in many elaborate forms: having a thousand faces, arms and legs, or simply as a feminine deity of great beauty.
Known foremost for her “white parasol”, Sitatapatra emerged from the crown protrusion of Shakyamuni Buddha’s head when he was in Trayastrimsa heaven. The white parasol represents the Buddha’s universal mantle of protective power. The Buddha announced her role to “cut asunder completely all malignant demons, to cut asunder all the spells of others…to turn aside all enemies and dangers and hatred.“ Her benign and beautiful form belies her ferocity as she is a “fierce, terrifying goddess, garlanded by flames, a pulverizer of enemies and demons.“ Her sutra and mantra emanate from the Buddha’s unisha (top most part of Buddha’s head), rather than through His speech.
Dukkar’s special activity is pacifying black spells. Her practice brings great blessings and protection. It cures illness and pacifies harmful don (evil spirits which cause harm to living beings) and black magic. It stops all evil forces, and is very effective for purifying the karma for being wrongly accused such as in arguments or legal cases. All these threats are eliminated by her power, which is like a diamond sword. Dukkar protects practitioners and helps them avoid obstacles. It is very good to print out a picture of Dukkar and have it consecrated to hang in your house, office or area of disturbance. Dukkar is a fully enlightened Buddha.
A Special Request Puja

Water bowl offerings to Dukkar at the old KH2
On the 7th of June 2009, Kechara House conducted a Dukkar Puja complete with 108 water bowl offerings for an anonymous benefactor.

Close up of the altar – note the water and sensory offerings and picture of our Lama (H. E. Tsem Rinpoche) on the left
The Puja group of Kechara House came in full support to complete the required mantra count of 110,000. Total number of Dukkar’s mantra achieved was 118,400.

Taking refuge in the Guru, Buddha, Dharma and Sangha

Madam Lim Han Nee, of the Kechara House Committee, was the Umze and tirelessly led the group through the prayer which lasted three hours
We dedicate all merits from the puja back to the sponsor so that all obstacles be removed quickly.

Puja Participants
Comments from Attendees
Kechara House pujas continue to command good attendance from old and new members. The benefits are clearly felt.
Alex Tan
“The Umze did a good job explaining the mental visualization part at the beginning. I will most definitely attend more pujas in future, especially when we conduct them on behalf of a benefactor, because it is a good way for us to practice compassion and selflessness when we focus on someone else while invoking the Buddhas to remove their obstacles. The collective energy could be felt during the puja which also benefits our own practice.”
“This is the first time I’ve attended a Kechara House puja, though I’ve done mantra recitation before. I found the whole experience very spiritual and uplifting. I could understand and follow the whole prayer. I feel very happy to be able to participate especially as it benefits the person requesting for the puja. I felt peace and solace while reciting the mantra. I’m happy to connect to Dukkar and am looking forward to attending another puja here.”

Dukkar can be in Her 1,000 armed form or simply in her one face and two armed form. Both are the same.
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DUKKAR (SITATAPATRA) or White Parasol is known for her powers to protect against sorcery, spirit harm, evil spells,malicious intents and so forth. She is white in colour because the principal means by which she accomplishes protection is the enlightened energy of pacification. She is a form of Tara and is well recognized throughout Tibet, India ,Nepal and the Himalayan region. Whoever practices her mantra will gain protection against supernatural danger and witchcraft.
All thanks to the kindness of the monks from Gaden Monastery Kecharians from Puja team have conducted a Dukkar Puja and learned the various traditional pujas as well.
Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful sharing.
Dukkar, Goddess of the white umbrella in Sanskrit is called Ushnisha-sitatapatra. She is a powerful female deity of the Buddhist Vajrayana pantheon. Dukkar is a fully enlightened Buddha, a protector against supernatural danger in Buddhism . She is brilliant white in color, and full of love and compassion. It is therefore invoked to protect practitioners against calamities and malignant beings. Reciting Dukkar’s mantra averts evil influences ,dispelling interferences, quelling disasters, healing illness and purify defilements.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this post.
How to recite the dukkar mantra daily….wheather photo of dukkar can be kept in home and office? Can you share a good dukkar image…thanks.
Joined the first Dukkar Puja about 3 years ago when I was a volunteer for the Puja team. Agreed with Svujata, we may feel uplifting when we are focused to truly follow the prayer although it is in Tibetan words. I strongly believed that Dukkar practice may bring us great blessings and protection.
Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful sharing of Goddess of the White Umbrella,
We are fortunate to have a huge Dukkar statue in Kechara Forest Retreat and the accommodation in KFR is also name after her. Such a blessed and holy place for all of us when we visit KFR. Thank you Rinpoche for the above article.
when wandering around a shop selling Buddhist artefacts – 1000 armed Dukkar thangka “jumped” off the wall asking me to invite her home . . .
whilst in Shanghai I was encouraged to do Sitatapatra practise during Ghost month (Chinese lunar calendar 8th month)
I also had a Cundi/Chundi/Zhun Ti statue
& found her practise to be greatly beneficial too.
Beautiful Dukkar in her peaceful and wrathful form,also known as Goddess of the White Umbrella. Dukkar can be in Her 1,000 armed form or simply in her one face and two armed form. .Her practice brings great blessings and protection.Glad to know that the Puja group of Kechara House did completed a total of 118,400 Dukkar’s mantra for a sponsored back in 2009.A very clear explanation.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article
DUKKAR , Goddess of White Umbrella in many faces,thousand arms, legs caught me at first glance. I really like the statue. This write up did explain where Dukkar emerged from and the function of white parasol. I wish I can invite her home in future.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing.
With folded hands,
Praises to Sitatapatra:
I salute you, exalted one!
Only mother of all Buddhas, past, present, and future,
Your glory pervades the three worlds.
Homage to you, savioress from the evil influence of demons
and planets,
From untimely death and evil dreams,
From the dangers of poison, arms, fire, and water.
The mandala of your being is exceedingly vast.
You have a thousand heads full of innumerable mindstates,
A thousand hands holding flaming attributes.
Queen of all the mandalas of the three worlds…
Ever-present in the work of taming evil ones,
I salute you, goddess of magical spells, turning demons into dust!
Born from the crown protrusion of the Buddha, out of compassion,
You combat those who would harm the Buddhist teachings, the source
of happiness,
And bestow the fruit of well-being;
I praise and pay homage to you, Supremely blissful Sitatapatra.
Displaying many sacred gestures such as granting refuge;
Holding scepters, wheels, jewels, lotuses,
Swords, arrows, bows, and lassos,
I pay homage to you, with your thousand arms.
Your body is white, red, blue, yellow, and green;
You are graceful, heroic, and terrifying;
You appear tranquil, angry, and mirthful;
I pay homage to you, lady with a thousand heads.
On your multiform body, with your many heads and arms,
Your wide-open eyes look to the sides,
Flashing with lightening like anger.
Homage to you, lady with a hundred thousand million eyes.
Your body is unbreakable as diamond,
Flaming like a mountain of apocalyptic fire,
Destroying all obstacles, bestowing all miraculous powers,
I pay homage to you, blazing, indestructible.
Based on my understanding of karma, spiritual disturbances can something be due to our karmic debt from past lives. If we pray to Dukkar for protection from the spirits, wouldn’t it be that she is interfering with the law of the karma? Buddha did taught that our individual karma can only be undone by our own actions.
Not all spirit disturbances are due to karma. Even if it is due to karma, I believe that it is your good karma to meet Dukkar to purify your karma and hence with her help, the harms and spiritual disturbances may be eliminated. This is why it is very important to continuously practice the Dharma in order to help and benefit more sentient beings. In this way, we can accumulate good merits and karma.
Dukkar Prayer and mantra has multi benefits like all buddhas prayers and mantras. I recall a story of a business person who was being sued by his business partners and they were relentless, but this businessman was innocent of wrong doings, so with the help of Dukkar he was able to overcome the court case. How wonderful we have this buddha to help us in such tight spots. Thank you rinpoche for opening up another gateway for us to get help from this Buddha.
感恩仁波切分享殊胜的大白伞盖佛母法会, 众所皆知仁波切所传承的法会都很殊胜和神奇有效。不止可以帮我们消除障碍和烦恼,还可来利益与帮助一切有情众生。听说大白伞盖佛母法会特别对一些难搞的官司很有效。我也有听说其他道传师父有修大白伞盖佛母法会。
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this wonderful information on the Dukkar prayers. I like Dukkar a lot hence why I like the name Dukkar Apartments and I named one of my cats Dukkar before. Dukkar is great for protection against spirits!
I love Dukkar in her peaceful and wrathful form (her 1000 armed form reminds me of 1000 armed Avalokitesvara, now I know why). When I first visited Kechara Paradise 1U, I bought her chakra and recited her mantra as my company was suing another for payment. All the judgements had been favourable towards us and finally with Rinpoche’s teachings, I settled wt them out of court, rather than be vindictive and pursue for what was due + interests in full. Thanks Rinpoche for us to have the opportunity to learn of her and her powerful practises. _/\_
Thank you Rinpoche for having this powerful puja available for us to do. Prior to joining Kechara house I really do not no much about puja and also varieties of Buddha and their benefits of chanting their mantras after knowing all these puja I find it very useful during any emergency situation and it work.
祈愿我们的上师,尊贵的詹杜固仁波切长驻在世,常转法轮 🙂
I love White Umbrella so much!!! I live to chat her mantra : HUM MAMA HUM NE SOHA.
She is the buddha that calm my mind when i was stress. She help me to go through my hard time.
I would love to put one Dukkar Statue on my altar to protect the surrounding area.
Thanks Rinpoche for the sharing.
This is nice and meaningful, that I can knows more about White Umbrella, it can cures illness and pacifies harmful don (evil spirits which cause harm to living beings) and black magic.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this nice teachings.
I would like to add that Rinpoche has also often advised that if we feel like there are disturbances or any negative energies within our home / office etc, we can put up a Dukkar image on the wall or any room, behind our bed or over the front entrance of our home as very powerful protection. I know several people who did this (including me!) and felt quite instant respite, the disturbances lessen really very quickly.
Pictures can be downloaded here (any size is fine, whatever you are most comfortable with) : http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/category/downloads
Also, you can of course recite your own Dukkar prayers, which Rinpoche has kindly made available here: http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/prayers-and-sadhanas/sadhana-prayers.html#dukkar
And the mantra: OM SITA TA PA TRA HUM PHET
In more severe cases, I highly recommend (as many have already) sponsoring the dukkar pujas at Puja House, which are very effective for both spirit disturbances as well as legal cases. my family and I have experienced tremendous effects from these pujas, always with the most beneficial and peaceful outcomes.
Oh my.. That black and white picture of Dukkar is so beautiful…
The first time i joined in Dukkar puja, i remembered i felt happy and joy from the bottom of my heart. When i looked at Dukkar, i thought Dukkar is so special; she have an white umbrella! And She is so gentle.
I wish to thanks H.E Tsem Rinpoche, because of Guru, we have the “luck” to practice this beautiful puja. Not only Dukkar puja but other pujas like: Setrap, Tara, Medicine, Dzambala.
During the puja, we have the opportunity to dedicate the puja merits for our close and loves one, think about that, how many times in a week or a day we dedicate our good deeds to loves one? Well, at least in Kechara we have the opportunity to do so. To care for our loves one who maybe not with us 24 hours. Not only that, indirectly we learned to be compassion towards strangers, strangers who are suffering; when we dedicated the merits of the puja for them. How many of us will care for people who we not know but suffering, thus we learn to appreciate the compassion and care for others.
In Kechara, puja is not end up only chanting, but there are Dharma messages in the puja. This is the beauty of Puja in Kechara House’s puja. This is the beauty that H.E Tsem Tulku Rinpoche in teaching us the Dharma. Where i think no other places that i can found the wisdom and compassion is practicing together specially on puja.
Dukkar is so so life like, feels just awesome just looking at her picture. Buddhas manifest all kinds of different forms for the benefit of sentient beings.
Dukkar is not only to counter spirits, charms but also good for legal cases. If you are a lawyer, you do Dukkar. She will assist in your practice.
I was one of the lucky students who participated a few years ago at the old KH2 to perform the wonderful Pujas. Now we have the pujas done at “Puja House” by a well-trained group of Kecharians making up the Puja Team after having learned up the various types of Traditional Pujas, icluding the making of Tormas(ritual cakes) from the monks from Gaden Monastry. Speaking from experience, Dukkar Puja is actually extremely effective and powerful for purifying wrongful wrongful court cases, as well as eradicating disturbances from harmful spirits and blackmagic spells cast on anyone. I happened to be one of the victims directly involved in both the aforesaid purifications many years ago, when I first met our Rinpoche who made all the neccessary arrangements for the pujas to be done at the time when both the phenomena were in session. It was a very pleasant surprise when halfway through the court hearing of my legal case, the instituting party’s lawyer suddenly announced he was instructed by his client to withdraw the case and not to proceed any further. As for my constant disturbances from bad dreams and sudden-awakening from sleep in the odd hours of the night, those nightmares seemed gradually being stopped, and ultimately vanished completely till today. In fact an indian fortune teller and a talisman had at that time found a small drawn-picture of a few coffins being buried in the front garden of my house. If not for “Dukkar” or “Goddess of the white umbrella” I may not be able to be communicating with my fellow Kecharians and friends here today!
Hi rinpoche,
Thanks for so much informations on Dukkar. I would like to know is Dukkar the same as the Thousand Hands Kwan Yin? I was given this poster which i had framed for worship in my old house. That time i faced alot of horrible challenges in my life especially in my marriage.Many friends and relatives including me believes that the third party of my husband had done a number of black magics to him and to me.I placed the poster on my altar for worship.That time he had moved out.
One day, as I was reversing my car at the car porch (my sis-in-law was with me in the car), the poster (not hang on the wall but left slanting against the wall on the altar) suddenly fell off from the altar and the frame broke into pieces.My sis-inlaw told me that she is very sure that she saw a black ‘thing’ had flipped the poster down. She’s very sure it’s not a bat or bird but looked more like a flying soft black cloth.What does that meant, rinpoche?Is it a message from the buddha or something else?
Now, I had separated from my husband for about 2 years. Six months ago, he asked me about what I gonna do with the poster (still in the old house) as he is clearing up the place. All things are given away. I told him to send to the temple and he agreed to do so. But don’t know why, he send the poster back to me out of the blue instead to the temple.I’m so happy to see her again.A sense of comfort strike me when i looked at her.So, I hanged it on the wall now as decoration.The question now is, shall I hang it as decorative ornament or shall I worship her?And if i wanna worship her, what are the things I need to do to ‘activate’ the poster again?Do I need to change the new frame as the glasses had broken or leave it as it is?
Pls advise. Thank you.
Dear Pauline. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. If I may offer my thoughts, it is always good to make offerings to the three jewels, in this case, the picture you have is a representation of a Buddha image.
As a start, making a beautiful frame for the picture is a form of offering. You can also setup an altar to make more offerings such as candle, incense, water, flowers etc if you wish.
If you are in the area near Kechara House, you are more than welcomed to bring the picture and one of the pastors can bless it for you and also explain to you how to setup and altar.
You are more than welcomed to contact me at susan.lim@kechara.com
Great that we have Puja House to conduct such authentic pujas in Kechara House. Need not go far for such pujas!
It is truly a Blessing that the monks taught Kechara people the knowledge to do so many types of Pujas. We are lucky because we do not need to look far and wide for Pujas to be done. I was actually thinking of doing this Puja as I am being stuck in a court case.
Dukkar is very very powerful. Speaking from personal experience here =)
Not too long ago, the apartment I lived in Cheras had some disturbances. A few of my housemates were severely disturbed by this entity, to the point that one of them had physical wounds. They then approached a local ‘bomoh’ for solutions, but unfortunately it didn’t work. Later, seeing that I was staying comfortably in the house, they decided to tell me about it. Naturally, I asked for advice from one of my Dharma sister, Jamie gave me really good advice. She recommended me to place Dukkar images in the house among many other things.
So I went to Kechara’s website and printed 5 A4 sized images of beautiful Dukkar, got it laminated and placed the images in the hall and rooms. No more disturbances after that. I didn’t have to do anything else, only placed Dukkar’s image in the house.
I like Dukkar very much, be it the one face, two arm Dukkar or the thousand arm Dukkar. the first time i heard and see Dukkar, i like this Buddha straight away. It is very fortunate of us to have Dukkar Puja available in Kechara, and it able to benefit to help those who are in need of this special puja to clear the obstacles. Thank You Rinpoche.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you so much for everything. I was drawn to this article because some time back, I bought a Dukkar poster from Kechara Paradise Penang. Patsy Gooi was so kind to explain about the blessings and protection of Dukkar. At that time, there was dishormony in my Mum’s house. So I thought, why not hang it in the hall. I’m glad I did it because things are changing for the better now. I look forward to do the puja in the near future.
Thank you Rinpoche for your valuable teaching. I will share Dukkar picture to my friends.
We are extremely fortunate to have Rinpoche’s blessings to be able to perform Dukkar Puja and teachings on how spirits and buddhas exists.
Many people experiences spirit/ghost disturbances in their homes and are troubled and scared. Some spirits can be very harmful.
People can feel spirits around and experience the disturbances. Not one or two people claims of such experiences but multitudes throughout history. There are different types of being which exists. Human being who holds on to anger for example, create the cause to become spirits.
If beings can create the cause to become spirits, then human beings can also create the causes to become Enlightened Buddhas. Why not? It’s only logical. As Rinpoche taught, if we can feel spirits and know that they exists, why not Buddhas?!
At such, putting Dukkar images in the house helps. Doing Dukkar pujas and recite Dukkar mantras is very good.
It’s good to download the high resolution Dukkar pictures which Rinpoche has made available on this blog site. Do let me know if you need further assistance with puja arrangements or getting pictures/statues blessed for your home.
Do contact me at susan.lim@kechara.com
This old picture of Dukkar is just stunning, she’s so powerful – just her image alone is stunning. 1000 arms, 1000 heads and 1000 feet – there’s nothing that can get in the way of that!
She’s also known for being extremely efficacious in helping legal cases, especially for people who have been wrongly accused. I speak from experience, as close family members of mine, who have been involved in many legal cases for many years, have relied on Dukkar pujas and cleared many of these cases. Always, after doing a Dukkar puja, something will come up to provide more support for my family (e.g. a better lawyer, or new evidence to support their case). It’s so “coincidental” it’s uncanny. In every case, the court cases are delayed, to provide my family more time to build their defence or the court rules in their favour. It is completely undeniable how effective these pujas are.
In future, we will also be hopefully learning an even more powerful Dukkar ritual, called Dukkar Dundok… it’s a very elaborate ritual but if you consider how the “simplest” recitation puja we are doing now is so effective, imagine the power of the Dukkar Dundok!
Wow…Dukkar puja itself is already so powerful and there is even an extension of it called Dukkar Dundok.
Combining it will really be even more powerful then ever.
Thank you Rinpoche for bringing such a puja to our knowledge and for us to practice.
Thank you with folded hands
Dukkar is very powerful and so many people has benefit from Dukkar especially protection from harmful spirit!
If you face similar problems, please contact Kechara for a puja!!
I like Dukkar, Thousand armed form or Two arms form. The first mantra I know how to recite is her mantra OM SITA TA PA TREY HUM PHE. From my personal experience, she is very effective in clearing negative interferences. She is beneficial for those who travel often and who are exposed to risks and dangers daily as well.
Dear Rinpoche, thank you for your sharing. May I know what is the different between Dukkar mantra and Shurangama mantra or they are the same. Thank you with folded hand.
Dear Dr Lim,
Source – Wikipedia
{Regarding the Great White Canopy Sheetatapatra line of the Shurangama Mantra, Shakyamuni Buddha states: “If there are people who cannot put an end to their habits from the past, you should teach them to single-mindedly recite my ‘light atop the Buddha’s summit’ unsurpassed spiritual mantra, mwo he sa dan dwo bwo da la.”}
Therefore , it is quite clear that Dukkar or Sitatapatra comes from the Shurangama mantra which is longer, the specific function and efficacy of the Dukkar mantra is as what Lord Buddha had said.
Best regards,
Yoke Fui