Question asked by sam
dear pastors,
why did tamedran died…. its heart-breaking.. all our prayers are bounded by good motivations, why didnt it work?
is it because our motivation are selfish thts why it did not work?
in times of distressed, ive prayed for other things as well but my prayers were not answered.. i comtemplate… was it because my 'good motivation' wasnt good or honourable enough? or is it because i did not offer any offering to the holy beings… or the holy being are just to busy with other far more important things…
was i naive to turn things to the supernatural im i feel helpless….
im losing faith here… is there anything to recommend me to rekindled my faith on buddhsim? thankyou, much appreciated
Hi Sam,
Everyone dies. Tamendran is no exception.Death is not a surprise event, it is a certainty.
In Buddhism , we die when our lifespan is reached ( av human is abt 80-100 yrs )and /or if our merit runs out ( die early ).The above two factors depend on what karma we created in the past and now.Once karma ripens , our prayers cannot reverse it.High lamas’ pure prayers can only help the deceased to hv good rebirths or die peacefully with less suffering. The effectiveness of a lama’s blessings is also dependent on the faith of the person concerned.
You lose faith most likely because you did not take practice seriously or are committed to the path.Join a dharma centre, attend dharma class regularly and connect with spiritual friends. Best is to find a Guru.