Question asked by Iulian
I bow to you,
I need a mantra or a prayer [ or both] for my best friend's child. I want to pray for him because it seems to have some problems, something about black magic . I don't speak English to well so is not so easy for me to explain. The little boy have nightmares and he is waking up every night between 23:30 and 00:30 and hi is very scared and many times he start to cry. He is just 4 years old. His parent are Christians . I myself can not say that I am a Buddhist [only half Buddhist how I like to say 🙂 , because I didn't receive refuge in Buddhism. I pray in my own way, I have my own ritual with some prayers and some mantras. I hope someday I will meet my guru and I will receive refuge and initiation. But I am not important now . i want you to help me to do something for this kid and I don't want his parents know about because I don't know how much they understand. I want to do this in the morning when i do my daily prayers. His parents went with little boy to Christian church and I want to try to do something in my way. PLEASE !!! I don't know how's working this section so I will let my e-mail address here because I see the questions down here but not the answers : [ ] I humbly bow to you _/\_
Dear Lullian,
Sorry we cannot help when it is a request from persons other than the child’s parents.
I am sure the child’s parents and their church know what to do.We cannot help others much if others don’t need our help.It can be counter productive and may create more problems for them instead.